
Lesson video

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Hello, how are you doing? I hope you're well, I hope you're feeling good today.

My name's Ms. Afsal, and I'm feeling pretty good because we're going to be exploring a fantastic text.

It's an illustrated chapter book called, "The Wild Robot" And it's by Peter Brown.

He's both written and illustrated it, wow, what a talent.

So I'm gonna pause now while you go off and fetch your copy of the text.

Okay, you're back, great stuff.

You've got your copy of the text, what else have you got? Hopefully you've got some ideas.

Hopefully you've got some enthusiasm and you're raring to go.

Let's explore this text.

Let's find out lots more about it, and how we feel about it.

The outcome for today's lesson is, "I can discuss the main ideas of The Wild Robot." We have some keywords in our lesson today.

Let's go through them one at a time, my turn, your turn.

And after each word, I'll tell us a little bit about what each word means.


The way that a text can be presented.

Illustrated chapter book.

This is a longer fictional text with illustrations to support and develop understanding.

Artificial intelligence, or AI.

When computers or robots can do things that usually require human intelligence.



A big idea, topic or message that recurs within a story.

It was great to hear you sharing those words loud and clear, and now we know what they mean.

Let's go into our lesson and we'll be finding out more about these words as we go along.

So today's lesson is developing an understanding of The Wild Robot through rich discussions.

We will be exploring the story, exploring illustrated chapter books and exploring themes, lots of exploration.

Let's begin exploring this story.

The Wild Robot is written and illustrated by Peter Brown.

The text follows the unexpected arrival of Roz, a robot, on an uninhabited island after her crate is washed ashore during a storm.

The text is in the form of an illustrated chapter book, combining words and illustrations.

So we have some keywords there.

So form is the way that a text is presented, and an illustrated chapter book is a longer text with illustrations to help us support understanding.

And I would say for enjoyment too.

Roz encounters various animals on the island, including otters, beavers, and birds.

Initially met with suspicion and fear, she gradually earns their trust through acts of kindness and assistance.

The Wild Robot raises lots of questions about the environment and artificial intelligence, AI.

And now AI is one of our keywords, so artificial intelligence is when computers or robots can do things that usually require humans to do them.

Roz's arrival on the island disrupts their natural balance.

Through Ross's interactions with the wildlife and her efforts to join the island community, The Wild Robot highlights the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of looking after natural habitats in the face of environmental challenges like climate change.

So interconnectedness is the way that we are all connected.

Everything, one thing affects another thing, so we're all interconnected.

What we do has an impact on others.

The text may make readers think about the potential of AI to simulate human-like behaviour.

Is Roz able to think independently, feel emotions and form relationships? And we can see some images here on the screen.

So we've got an image of an island.

Looks very beautiful and enticing.

And an image of a robotic hand.

Looks interesting, isn't it? I wonder how that would move.

And now it's time for some questions.

I've got my first question for you here.

Why is this illustrated chapter book important to you? And what was your favourite part? So remember, an illustrated chapter book, it's a book with illustrations that help support our understanding.

So I'd like you to pause the video now, turn to someone nearby and share the your answers to these two questions, and I'll see you when you're finished.

Okay, I wonder, why is this important to you? What is your favourite part? Let's hear from Sam.

"I really enjoyed how the text explores the relationship between nature and technology.

As soon as she has switched on, Roz begins to learn about the world and how she can care for it.

The text is important because it made me think about what I can do to make a positive change." Thank you for that answer, Sam.

I really loved hearing about how you noticed that relationship between nature and technology in the text, and especially I love how it makes you think about making positive changes.

What can you do? We all have a part to play.

We can imagine if we all made positive changes in the world, what kind of planet would we be living on? I hope you enjoyed sharing your answers with someone nearby.

Check for understanding.

Which of the following creatures does Roz initially help by pulling out porcupine spines? And refer to chapter 23, page 54 for support.

Was it Crownpoint the deer, Fink the fox, Dart the weasel or Swooper the owl? Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you selected Fink the fox.

Fink was really having some trouble with those porcupine spines, so it was very lucky that Roz came to the rescue.

And now here's a brief summary of the text.

A storm occurs out at sea causing a ship to drop some of its cargo.

Of all the crates, only one survives.

Otters discover the crate and accidentally switch on the robot within.

She introduces herself as Roz.

Roz begins to explore the island and learns to adapt to its natural environment, discovering how to find food and shelter.

Roz finds an orphaned gosling, whom she adopts and names Brightbill.

She raises him as her own, forming a close bond with the young bird.

Despite initial distrust, Roz gradually earns the trust of the island's wildlife through acts of kindness and assistance, forming connections and building a sense of community.

So, so lovely, I love what Roz does and how everybody, how they all come together.

Check for understanding.

Put the following events from The Wild Robot in chronological order.

Use the text to support.

Roz supports the animals who are not hibernating in the cold winter months.

Roz faces conflicts with a family of bears who see her as a threat to their territory.

Roz encounters various animals on the island, including otters, beavers, and birds.

Some of them are initially wary of her presence.

New robots arrive on the island in an airship.

They are here to collect Roz.

So pause the video now while you place these events in chronological order.

That means the order in which they happened in the text, in the sequence in which they occurred.

I'll see you when you're finished.

Okay, good to be back with you.

Now, did you get the fact that Roz encounters various animals on the island as the first event? Next Roz faces conflicts with a family of bears.

After that, Ross supports the animals who are not hibernating in the cold winter months.

And finally, new robots arrive on the island in an airship to collect Roz.

Well done if you place the events in this sequence.

And now it's time for your first task.

Now that we've explored the story, we are going to discuss our own thoughts and feelings about the text.

I'll let you to answer the questions in the grid that's coming up with a partner.

Be honest about your thoughts and make sure you listen to your partner's opinion.

So here is our grid to help us explore the story.

I'm really interested to know all about your likes, dislikes, and puzzles.

So first of all, likes.

What caught your attention? What made you want to keep on reading, keep turning those pages? I really had that feeling with this book.

I was staying up late reading this one, just loved it.

And you may like to begin your sentences, "I enjoyed.

." Or, "My favourite part was.

." Next, any dislikes, or maybe anything that you didn't understand.

And you could begin your sentence with, "I was unsure about.

." Or, "I wanted to know more about.

." And finally, hmm, anything puzzling? Anything you found strange or surprising? And you could begin your sentence with, "I wondered.

." Or, "I noticed.

." So pause the video here and share with someone nearby your likes, your dislikes, and anything puzzling about the text.

And I will see you when you're finished.

It's great to be back with you.

I'm really curious about what did you like, what did you dislike, what were you puzzled by? Let me share with you some answers.


"My favourite part was seeing the relationship between Roz and Brightbill develop.

It made me feel happy and sad at different points in the text." A really rich relationship there.


"I didn't like when the RECO units arrived.

They took no care of Roz or the environment.

I wanted to know more about the mysterious location that Roz is off to." Puzzles.

"I wonder how Roz will be repaired.

I noticed at the end of the text that there are two sequels to the text.

Also, there is an animated film." It is always good to know there's more to come when you've really enjoyed a book.

And what fun, an animated film too.

And next, let's explore illustrated chapter books.

Illustrated chapter books are a great form of reading, particularly for readers who want to explore novels that have lots of interesting features.

Illustrated chapter books have frequent illustrations throughout the text.

The illustrations can support meaning in the words or create their own.

Illustrated chapter books can be in a range of different genres, including adventure, animal fiction, realistic, mystery, and fantasy.

Oh my goodness, which of these genres do you really enjoy reading, I wonder.

And pause the video here and tell someone nearby.

Which of those would you like to read? Adventure, animal fiction, realistic, mystery or fantasy? It's good to be back with you.

I hope you enjoyed sharing with each other which is your favourite kind of genre of illustrated chapter books.

Illustrated chapter books are accessible.

It means everybody has access to them, everyone can enjoy them, and they can support readers who are daunted, who may find it a little bit off-putting or may find it a bit overwhelming to have long sections of text.

Check for understanding.

What are the main features of illustrated chapter books? They have no illustrations.

They can only be written in the action/adventure genre.

They can be written in a range of different genres.

They include frequent illustrations throughout the text.

So pause video while you decide what are the main features of illustrated chapter books.

Well done if you selected that they can be written in a range of different genres.

We just looked at those, didn't we? Some really great genres there.

And also they include frequent illustrations throughout the text, hence being called illustrated chapter books.

Peter Brown is an author and illustrator of children's books.

His illustration style is characterised by its warmth, simplicity, and expressiveness.

Within the book, all the illustrations are in black and white.

Refer back to your copy of the text.

What is your favourite illustration and why? And you may like to begin your sentence, "My favourite illustration is.

It's really interesting because.

." For your justification.

So pause the video here and share your answers to these questions with someone nearby, and enjoy flicking through the book and looking at those illustrations.

Okay, great to be back with you.

So how did you get on with that discussion with looking through the illustrations? Which is your favourite and why? Let's take a look at some answers.

"My favourite illustration is on page 90.

It's really interesting because it shows how Roz is learning to care for other creatures.

She's cradling the gosling Brightbill in her arms as he sleeps." Oh, it's such a beautiful image.

"My favourite illustration is on page 174.

It shows Roz with her new foot trudging through the snow collecting firewood.

I can imagine how she might move as if it were an animation." Fantastic, ooh, and I love all that rich imagination where you can really see these things coming alive in your mind.

And now we will be exploring themes in The Wild Robot.

Here's one of our key words, theme.

A theme is a big idea, topic or message that recurs within a story.

Identifying themes within a text involves inference.

Themes are not explicitly stated within a text.

So the text won't say, "This book is about X, Y, Z theme." But there are a few ways to help us to identify themes.

Considering actions and characteristics of people within the text.

Identifying repetition, actions, emotions, traits that recur.

Searching for deeper meaning using inference.

Considering the overall message of the text.

One of the most prominent themes is identity.

Identity is who you are and what makes you unique.

It includes your interests and the things you believe in.

Oh, this is so interesting.

I'm really curious about identity, and I'm curious about your identity.

What is it that you are interested in? What is it that you believe in? What are some aspects of your identity? Pause the video and share with someone nearby.

It was great to hear you sharing about identity.

It's a really, really interesting theme and I think it's something that's worth us reflecting on again and again.

I hope you enjoyed sharing and hearing from others about their identities, important aspects of their identities as well.

Roz reflects on her identity as she questions her place in the world, despite being a robot surrounded by living creatures, what themes do you think are shown within the text? We'll pause the video here while you share with someone nearby.

So we've already heard about the theme of identity, but what other themes are shown within the text? It's good to be back with you.

Oh, I wonder what themes you came up with.

So some other themes in a wild robot might include nature versus technology.

Survival, friendship, inclusion, adaptation, parenting, growth and transformation.

What a rich, incredible text to have so many themes, such a range of themes.

There are many possible themes that can be drawn out from this text and readers may interpret themes and they're importance differently because we are all different, and we, thinking about that word, "Identity" All have our own personalities and our own personal reading identities.

Adaptation is the ability to adjust to new situations or environments and navigate challenges.

Inclusion is welcoming and accepting others into a group or community.

Come on in, come and be with us.


Nature versus technology is about the tension between the natural, wild environment and human-made technology.

Stories with this theme often show characters learning how to care for the environment and making the world a better place for all to live in.

Love that.

Check for understanding.

Match the theme with how it is conveyed in the text.

So here are our themes.

Adaptation, inclusion, nature versus technology, and how it could be conveyed in the text.

Roz is gradually accepted by the island's wildlife and becomes a part of their community.

Roz learns about the effect that humans are having on the natural world.

Roz learns to survive in the wild by learning new skills and behaviours to fit into her surroundings.

So pause the video here while you match up with each theme with how it could be conveyed in the text.

Okay, it's good to be back together.

Did you match adaptation with Roz learning how to survive in the wild, learning new skills? Inclusion is Roz gradually being accepted by the island's wildlife and becoming a part of their community.

So gorgeous.

Nature versus technology is how Roz learns about the effect that humans are having on the natural world.

Well done if you made these connections.

A takeaway idea within a text may link to themes that are explored and developed in it.

It may include a key message, insight, or perspective that the author has communicated to the reader.

And for your final task, I would like you to share, what are your takeaway ideas within The Wild Robot? So pause the video here, turn someone nearby and share, what are you taking away from this text? It's great to be back with you.

I'm so curious, what are you taking away? What are you taking from this beautiful text, The Wild Robot? Let's see.

"It's important to work together and support one another in times of crisis." Yeah, absolutely, I love that one.

So important that we come together.

We're not alone, we're interconnected, our lives are interwoven, so let's support each other.


What else? "We only have one planet, we need to take care of it." For sure.

We have one precious planet.

There's this whole enormous universe we live in, and the only place that has been found with life is this planet, Earth, so we need to take care of this beautiful planet.

Some further takeaway ideas you might have mentioned could be, friendship and community can rise above our differences.

Yes, for sure.

Let's come together, whether we're the same or different.

We can form meaningful connections by considering each other's perspectives and being empathetic.

Yeah, so important.

Such a great, really helpful skill to be able to take different, to understand different points of view.

We are all continually learning and developing as individuals.

Oh yes, that's the joy of life, just to keep on learning every day.

Does the ability to think independently, experience emotions and form relationships mean something is alive? Really, really great and curious idea there.

As our reading experiences are unique, your ideas will be too, and I really hope you enjoyed sharing them.

I loved hearing about them.

In our lesson, developing an understanding of The Wild Robot through rich discussions, we have covered the following.

The wild robot follows the unexpected arrival of Roz, a robot, on an uninhabited island after her crate is washed ashore during a storm.

Initially met with suspicion and fear, Roz gradually earns the trust of the island wildlife through acts of kindness and assistance.

The text is in the form of an illustrated chapter book, combining words and illustration.

One of the most prominent themes is identity.

Identity is who you are and what makes you unique.

A takeaway idea within a text may link to themes that are explored and developed in it.

It may include a key message, insight, or perspective that the author has communicated to the reader.

Well done everyone for joining in with this lesson.

I would like to communicate to you that I have loved your engagement, how you've been exploring this text, the ideas, the themes, identity, your own identities.

There's been a lot that we've covered and I loved that you are here for it.

I'll see it in next lesson.

Bye for now.