
Lesson video

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Hello everyone.

My name's Mrs. Riley and I'm here today to learn some new vocabulary with you.

In our lesson today, we're focusing on vocabulary associated with meals.

So we are going to be thinking of different ways of describing different types of meals.

These words have been grouped together because they can describe meals, but we'll see as the lesson progresses that they can be used in lots of other contexts as well.

So they're going to be really helpful words for us to have in our vocabulary toolkits.

Let's get started.

The outcome of today's lesson is to use the words meagre and hearty and other rich vocabulary associated with a meal.

These are our key words for today's lesson.

I'm going to say each one and I'd like you to repeat it back to me.

Are you ready? Noun, adjective, synonym, word pair.

Well done.

Let's go through what each one means.

A noun is a naming word for people, places or things.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

For example, a meal is a noun because it's a thing.

And we might say the delicious meal.

Delicious would be the adjective to describe the noun, the meal.

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

For example, delicious and scrumptious might be synonyms because they have a similar meaning.

Word pairs are words that often appear together.

For example, if you took the word delicious, it might often be paired with delicious ice cream, delicious pudding.

In our lesson today, we have three learning cycles.

In the first two learning cycles, we will be looking at a new meal word in quite a lot of detail.

And then in the third learning cycle, we will be looking at four more words, which will be grouped together.

So we'll be looking at six words in total.

So let's get started with our first new meal word.

What is happening in this picture? This is Yin.

How would you describe Yin here and how would you describe Yin's meal? Could you pause the video and either have some thinking time, or if someone is close by, you could describe with them what is happening in this picture.

Pause the video now.

Well done.

Well, Yin in this picture is looking.

Well, first of all, the meal on Yin's plate is just one single bean.

Actually, I think that's a kidney bean, which isn't a very big meal at all and that kind of matches with what's going on with Yin in general.

Yin looks like she's wearing quite tattered clothes with patches on them.

She's got some kind of crutch to help her stand up.

It looks like poor old Yin is having a bit of a bad time and doesn't have a lovely, delicious, huge meal and isn't sitting on a lovely comfortable chair with lovely fine clothes on.

So let's find out what this word is.


My turn, your turn.


Well done.

Meagre is an adjective.

It means small, limited or not enough, like a meal made up of a single bean.

These words are synonyms of meagre, not enough, limited, small.

The meagre portion of food wasn't nearly enough to fill up the poor starved cat.

These are word pairs of meagre, a meagre portion, a meagre meal, a meagre diet meagre resources.

If you were, for example, making a den and you were given meagre resources, your resources would be limited or small.

You wouldn't have many things to make your den with.

A meagre wage.

So a wage is a fixed regular payment, which you usually earn for doing work.

So if you had a meagre wage, it would be a small wage, you wouldn't be paid very much.

And meagre income, again, income is money that you receive through doing work.

So a meagre income would be a small income, it wouldn't be a lot of money.

Could you pause the video now and read these word pairs out loud? Well done.

Which of these words is a synonym for meagre? A, hungry, B, small, or C, greedy.

Could you pause the video while you think about your answer? Well done, the correct answer is B, small is a synonym for meagre.

It's now time for your first task.

I'd like you to look at this word map with the word meagre written in the middle.

Around the word meagre are either synonyms or word pairs for this word.

First I would like you to circle the synonyms, and then I'd like you to draw lines to the word pairs.

And as you do that, you could say them out loud 'cause that's going to help us to remember this word and how to use it appropriately.

Here's the word in a sentence to help you.

The meagre portion of food wasn't nearly enough to fill up the poor starved cat.

If you are unsure if a word is a synonym or a word pair, you could take out that word meagre and try and replace it with the word in the sentence.

If you can replace it, it is likely to be a synonym.

So there's a trick to help you.

Pause the video now while you complete this first mind map.

Well done, let's go through the answers.

The synonyms are not enough, limited and small.

The word pairs are meagre portion, meagre resources, meagre meal, meagre income, meagre diet and meagre wage.

We'll now look at our second new meal word.

Have a look what's happening in this picture.

This is Brick.

How would you describe him and how would you describe this meal that he's eating? Can you pause the video and have a think about that now? Well done.

Well in this picture here, Brick looks like he is about to tuck in to a lovely, delicious warming stew.

I can see that it's got, I think, some bits of meat, maybe some carrots and peas in there and he's got a hunk of bread to have with it.

He looks like he's got his napkin on, and I'm guessing that because he's got his little hat on, maybe it's quite a cold day.

So this is going to warm him up and he looks really excited to tuck in this meal.

Let's find out what the word is.


My turn, your turn.


Hearty is an adjective.

It means filling and wholesome like a healthy bowl of stew on a winter's day.

Completely opposite from the meagre meal we saw earlier on Yin's plates, that single bean, this is a lovely, hearty, hearty meal.

It's filling and wholesome.

We can also turn this into an adverb, heartily.

She greeted her old friend heartily, embracing him with a warm smile.

These words are synonyms of hearty, wholesome, substantial and filling.

On a cold winter's day, the chef's hearty stew is just what Brick needed to keep warm and healthy.

So we know we can use this word hearty as an adjective, meaning wholesome, substantial and filling, but we can also turn it into an adverb to describe an adjective or a verb, heartily.

He heartily laughed, he heartily smiled.

So these are word pairs of hearty, a hearty stew like we've got in that picture, a hearty meal, a hearty breakfast.

Have a think about what that might be.

Maybe a big bowl of porridge with banana and peanut butter and lots of yummy things in it.

Hearty soup, hearty appetite.

Could you pause the video and read those word pairs out loud? Well done.

We've got four more.

A hearty laugh, a hearty welcome, hearty applause and hearty congratulations.

So we can see that actually none of those word pairs are linked to meals or food, but they all can be described as hearty.

A hearty laugh or a hearty applause would be a full one.

It would make you feel warm inside in the same way that a big bowl of warm soup might make you feel.

So again, could you pause the video now and read those word pairs out loud? Well done.

So let's check what we've just learned.

Which of these words is a synonym for hearty? A, a laugh, B, a stew, or C, filling? Pause the video while you think about your answer.

Well done, the correct answer is C.

Filling is a synonym for hearty.

Laugh and stew are both actually word pairs.

Okay, so we've got another word map.

This time we've got hearty in the middle.

Could you first circle the synonyms and then draw lines to the word pairs? Here's the sentence to help you.

On a cold winter's day, the chef's hearty stew was just what Brick needed to keep warm and healthy.

Pause the video now.

Well done, let's go through the answers together.

The synonyms are wholesome, filling and substantial.

The word pairs are hearty stew, hearty meal, hearty breakfast, hearty laugh, hearty congratulations, hearty welcome, hearty appetite, hearty applause and hearty soup.

Now we're going to write a sentence using either the word meagre or hearty.

Use the word pairs to help you.

Here are the word pairs for meagre and here are the word pairs for hearty.

So first, pick the word that you are going to write your sentence about unless you want to try and include both words, and then pick your word pair.

For example, you might pick meagre wage and then you can think about your idea around that word pair.

The word pairs will help you to use these new two words correctly, and try to be really ambitious with your sentence.

Think about how you can exaggerate how meagre or how hearty something is by adding in extra detail.

So pause the video now while you have a go at writing your own sentence.

Well done, let's look at an example sentence together.

Does this sentence use hearty and meagre correctly? Brick had a hearty appetite, so the meagre portion wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger.

Well, I can see straight away that I've got the word pair appetite, a hearty appetite, and portion, a meagre portion.

So I know I've used these two words accurately or correctly.

Also I've exaggerated the fact that the portion was meagre because it didn't satisfy his hunger.

And again, I exaggerated that he has a hearty appetite because this meagre portion hasn't satisfied his hunger.

So these two words, even though they're opposite, have actually worked quite nicely in this sentence together.

Have a look at how effective your sentence is.

Perhaps you could even try to improve it, or maybe you might spot a mistake, like a spelling mistake or a piece of missing punctuation.

So just pause the video now and take a moment to read your sentence back and check to see if there's any errors or if you could improve it.

Well done.

We are now going to look at our third learning cycle, other new meal words.

So there's four more words we're going to look at.

First of all, have a look at the pictures.

Take a little bit of time looking at each one and describing what is happening.

You might even like to predict what each meal word might be.

Pause the video now.

Well done.

Well in the first picture on the left, we have got Stax and he is surrounded by food.

I can see a whole roast chicken.

I can see what looks like some kind of delicious pie.

I can see some chocolate pudding with strawberry on top.

I can see so much food that all looks like it's for him.

This word is lavish.

It's an adjective, meaning sumptuous and luxurious, like a huge banquet for just one person.

In the second picture, again, a bit like meagre and hearty were very opposite, this looks very opposite from lavish because here this person has just got what looks like a bowl of simple soup, but they look really pleased with it and happy with it.

This word is humble.

It's an adjective, meaning modest, plain and simple like a bowl of simple soup for dinner.

In the next picture, we've got Bogart, the fly, carrying a bag of shopping.

It looks all very healthy, doesn't it, the things that are in his bag? This word is wholesome.

It's an adjective, meaning healthy or good for you, like a bag of fresh fruit and vegetables.

And finally, Mrs. Wordsmith, again, looks a bit like in the picture with lavish.

She's got some fine food, looks like she's got some fine wine.

She's sitting on a very grand looking chair and she looks like she's quite dressed up for this lovely meal.

So let's find out what this word is.

Sumptuous, an adjective meaning lavish and luxurious, like a banquet made up of the finest food and drink.

So lavish means sumptuous and luxurious and sumptuous means lavish and luxurious.

So we can see that lavish and sumptuous both have a very similar meaning.

Let's just practise saying these words.

Are you ready? My turn, your turn.

Lavish, humble, wholesome, sumptuous.

So would you rather have a lavish, humble, wholesome or sumptuous meal? Shout out to me.

Oh, I heard lots of lavishes and lots of sumptuous.

Okay, let's check what we've just learned.

Could you match the adjective to the correct image? Take a look at the pictures carefully and see if you can remember which image represents which word.

Pause the video now.

Well done.

So humble is Bearnice with her humble, plain, simple, modest soup.

Lavish is that banquet, which is just for one person, Stax.

Sumptuous is that sumptuous feast that Mrs. Wordsmiths having.

And wholesome is that bag of wholesome healthy fruit and vegetables that Bogart is carrying.

Okay, so we've got four word maps now for you to complete.

The first one is wholesome.

Remember, this is going to be a little bit more challenging because we haven't gone through the synonyms and the word pairs.

So it's going to be up to you to have a look at each of these words and decide if you think it's a synonym of wholesome or a word pair.

Here's a sentence to help you.

Bogart prepared a wholesome meal with vegetables that he had grown himself.

So pause the video now while you complete this, well, it's this first word map in this learning cycle.

Off you go.

Well done, let's go through the synonyms. The synonyms are healthy, nutritious and balanced.

The word pairs are wholesome fruit, wholesome meal, wholesome activity, wholesome entertainment, wholesome diet, wholesome fun, wholesome life and wholesome ingredient.

So we can see that some of those word pairs are linked to food like an ingredient, fruit, meal, but we also have other word pairs, which might not be so obvious.

If you were going to have wholesome fun, it would be fun that felt like it was good for you.

For example, wholesome fun might be going for a jog outside in the fresh air or wholesome fun might be doing a jigsaw on a rainy day.

Wholesome entertainment would also be something that was perhaps good for you in some way.

Playing on a video game perhaps wouldn't necessarily be wholesome entertainment, but making a den outside might be.

Okay, the second word map is now for humble.

Here's the word in a sentence.

The humble monk lived a simple life, but he was very happy.

So again, start off by circling the synonyms and then draw lines to the word pairs.

Pause the video now.

Well done, the synonyms are modest, simple and plain.

The word pairs are humble background.

So perhaps there might be somebody who's become very rich and famous, but they maybe had a humble background, a simple or plain background.

A humble offering, something that you might offer to somebody.

A humble offering.

Humble soup, humble opinion.

Humble dwelling, where you live.

A humble apology.

A humble apology would be a sincere apology when you know that you've made a mistake or that you've done something wrong and you are just acknowledging your faults or errors.

A humble life, a simple or plain life, a humble meal and a humble home.

So well done if you manage to spot those synonyms and word pairs.

The next word map is for lavish.

Stax laid out a lavish banquet to impress his friends.

So again, could you pause the video, first, circle the synonyms, and then draw lines to the word pairs.

Well done.

So the synonyms are plentiful, luxurious and extravagant.

The word pairs are lavish gift, lavish banquet, a lavish party, lavish lifestyle, lavish dinner, lavish production.

Perhaps there might be somebody making a film and if it's a lavish production, there would be no cost spared.

There would be all kinds of extravagant things included in the production.

And a lavish wedding.

Again, they wouldn't have held back on anything.

There would be amazing food, perhaps amazing entertainment, perhaps amazing outfits.

All of these things would be involved in a lavish wedding.

So we've got our final word map for sumptuous.

Mrs. Wordsmith liked sumptuous meals with all the finest foods.

So for the last time, could you pause the video, circle the synonyms and draw lines to the word pairs.

Well done, so the synonyms are luxurious, grand and lavish.

The word pairs are sumptuous dinner, a sumptuous feast, sumptuous fabric.

Maybe that might be some sort of expensive silk.

Sumptuous surroundings, perhaps in a beautiful palace.

A sumptuous breakfast, a sumptuous room and a sumptuous buffet.

A buffet is where there's a spread of food and you can help yourself to all kinds of different things.

So well done for completing all of those word maps.

For the final task in today's lesson, I'm going to read some sentences to you.

In each sentence, there's a gap missing, and you need to decide which of these words, meagre, hearty, humble, wholesome, lavish or sumptuous fits best in each sentence.

For some of the sentences, there might be more than one option that works.

For example, we know lavish and sumptuous have a very similar meaning.

So it's just about which one you think fits best in each sentence.

Armie wanted a bit of, hmm, fun, so he made a den in the garden.

Plato was still hungry after a, hmm, lunch, so he ordered a hot dog for dessert.

Brick had a, hmm, laugh that everyone knew was genuine.

Bogart's, hmm, lifestyle cost a huge amount of money to maintain.

Bearnice prepared a, hmm, feast of all the finest foods.

"In my, hmm, opinion, it's chickenpox, but you know better," the patient told his doctor.

So have a think.

Pause the video and decide which word fits best in each sentence.

And if you are unsure, you can always leave one blank or leave one or two blank and go to the ones that you feel a bit more confident about, and then come back to the others.

And by then, you'll have less choices to choose from so it might be a bit easier.

So good luck with this activity, pause the video now.

Well done, let's go through the answers together.

So the first one, Armie wanted a bit of wholesome fun, so he made a den in the garden.

Plato was still hungry after a meagre lunch, so he ordered a hot dog for dessert.

Brick had a hearty laugh that everyone knew was genuine.

Bogart's lavish lifestyle cost a huge amount of money to maintain.

Bearnice prepared a sumptuous feast of all the finest foods.

"In my humble opinion, it's chickenpox, but you know better," the patient told his doctor.

The reason the patient describes his opinion as being a humble opinion is because he doesn't have any training as a doctor, as the doctor does.

So he's saying, "In my humble opinion," he's saying, "I'm accepting I don't know, I haven't got all the answers." It's very modest of him, but he's just saying, "That's what I just think it is," so that's what a humble opinion is.

It's not an arrogant one or an assuming one, it's just a modest or plain opinion.

Okay, so let's summarise what we've learned today.

We have learned six new words associated with a meal.

All of them are adjectives.

They're all describing words, all different words to describe meals.

But as we've seen, they can be used in other contexts as well.

For example, we could have a hearty stew, but we could also have a hearty applause.

We could have a humble bowl of soup, or we could have humble dwellings or a humble home.

We could have a wholesome meal, but we could also have some wholesome fun.

We could have a meagre portion, but we could also have a meagre wage.

So all of these words are really, really helpful and can be used in lots of contexts.

So let's just go through the definitions one more time.

Meagre means small, limited or not enough, like a meal made up of a single bean.

Hearty is filling and wholesome like a healthy bowl of stew on a winter's day.

Lavish means sumptuous and luxurious like a huge banquet for just one person.

Humble means modest, plain and simple like a bowl of simple soup for dinner.

Wholesome means healthy or good for you like a bag of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Sumptuous means lavish and luxurious like a banquet made up of the finest food and drink.

So I hope you've enjoyed learning these new words and I hope they'll be really helpful in your speaking and your writing.

Well done for all your hard work today and hopefully I'll see you for some more learning another time.
