
Lesson video

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Hi there, everyone, and welcome to our lesson today.

This is a little bit of a different lesson to usual.

I really hope you enjoy it.

I'm really looking forward to the learning we're going to do together today.

So let's get started.

In our lesson today, you will be able to present a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Here are some key words we will be using today.

Presenting, projection, diction, eye contact, body language.

Well done.

Presenting involves speaking in front of others and listening to others.

Projection is using our voice to speak powerfully and clearly.

Diction involves pronouncing words clearly.

Eye contact involves looking into the eyes of the people in our audience.

And body language refers to how we use our posture and gestures to communicate meaning and feelings.

In our lesson today, we will be presenting a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Firstly, we will be preparing to present and then we will be presenting a non-chronological report.

So let's get started.

Presenting can be an important final stage of the writing process.

Presenting can be a way of sharing information or showing a piece you have written to other people.

Presenting involves speaking in front of others and listening to others.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these, projection, diction, eye contact, body language, and pace.

Let's first of all start off by talking a little bit more about projection.

Projecting our voice involves speaking powerfully and clearly.

Projection is very important because our audience needs to be able to hear what we are saying.

When projecting our voices, we need to use deep breaths and use the muscles in our stomachs to help us speak.

This helps us project our voice around the room and speak at an appropriate volume so everyone in the audience can hear us.

Why don't we practise now, taking three deep breaths in through our nose and out through our mouth.

(breathe loudly) Well done.

By filling our lungs up with oxygen, when we breathe deeply, this helps us use our stomach muscles to send our voices around the room.

The voice comes from our stomach rather than our throats.

We are not shouting at people, we are just using our voice in a powerful, clear way so that everyone in the audience can hear us.

Projecting our voice is not the same as shouting.

Projecting involves.

Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you spotted that projecting involves using the stomach muscles when speaking and taking deep breaths before speaking.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these, and now we're going to focus on diction in a little bit more detail.

Diction involves pronouncing words clearly.

Diction is very important because our audience needs to be able to understand what we are saying.

So when we think about projection, we think about volume.

When we think about diction, we are thinking more about making sure our audience can clearly understand what we are saying.

We must make sure we are pronouncing our words clearly.

When speaking with clear diction, we take our time to pronounce our words carefully.

This might involve practising saying some tricky subject-specific vocabulary so we can pronounce it clearly in our presentation.

Spending some time practising saying tricky words will mean that it's much easier to pronounce them with clear diction when we are doing our presentation.

Tick which you think are correct.

Speaking with clear diction is important because.

A, it helps the audience understand the words we are saying.

B, it helps us slow down and pronounce tricky words correctly.

Or C, it helps keep the audience engaged in our presentation.

Pause the video while you decide.

Excellent work.

You are correct if you think that A, it helps the audience understand the words we are saying.

Also, it helps us slow down and pronounce tricky words correctly.

And it helps keep the audience engaged in our presentation.

All three of these show why speaking with clear diction is important.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these aspects, but now we are going to focus on eye contact.

Eye contact involves looking into the eyes of the people in our audience.

Eye contact is very important because it helps us connect with our audience and for them to feel connected to us.

When the audience feels connected to us, they find what we have to say more interesting.

We may need to speak more slowly so that we have time to make eye contact with the members of our audience.

It might feel a little bit strange to speak more slowly than usual, but if we take the time to slow down, we can focus on projecting our voice, speaking with clear diction so our audience understands the words we are saying and we also can take the time to make that eye contact with individual people in our audience so that they feel connected to us and more engaged with what we are saying.

True or false? Eye contact helps us connect with our audience.

Pause the video while you decide.

Well done, if you spotted that this is true.

Now justify your answer.

Pause the video while you decide how to justify your answer using A or B.

Excellent work, if you spotted the eye contact helps us connect with our audience because it involves looking people in the eye as we are speaking to them.

The reason the answer is not B is because eye contact involves looking into people's eyes.

It is not the same as looking around the room and scanning the room vaguely.

We connect more with our audience when we make proper eye contact with them.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these.

Now let's look in more detail at body language.

Body language refers to how we use our posture and gestures to communicate meaning and feelings.

Body language is very important because it helps us look confident.

Strong body language includes standing with our feet, shoulder-width apart, speaking with our chin up, and standing with our shoulders back, not hunched forward.

The interesting thing about body language is, if we use strong confident body language, it can make us feel more confident even if we feel a little bit nervous, so it's really worth our while spending some time learning about how we can use our body language to make us feel more confident.

Strong body language includes, A, speaking with our chin up, B, standing with our feet, shoulder-width apart, C, speaking in a loud, clear voice, or D, standing with our shoulders back.

Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you spotted that strong body language includes speaking with our chin up, standing with our feet, shoulder-width apart, and standing with our shoulders back.

Speaking in a loud clear voice is very important, but this is more to do with projection rather than body language.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these.

Now let's focus on pace.

Pace refers to the speed at which we speak.

If we speak too quickly, our audience may not be able to clearly hear what we are saying.

If we speak too slowly, our audience may lose interest in what we are saying.

Successful presenters speak at a slow, clear pace so that everyone can hear them.

Speaking at the correct pace will give us more time to project our voices, speak with clear diction, and make eye contact.

It might feel a little bit strange to speak more slowly than usual, but if we slow our pace of speaking down, it really helps us focus on the other elements of effective presenting, such as projection and diction.

Match the key aspects of successful presenting to their definitions for your task.

Pause the video while you do that.

Great work, everyone.

Well done if you spotted that projection means speaking powerfully, clearly, and at an appropriate volume.

Diction means pronouncing all our words clearly.

Eye contact means looking audience members in the eye.

Body language refers to our posture, stance, and gestures which help convey meaning and emotions.

And pace is the speed at which we speak.

What a fantastic start to our lesson, everyone.

Now we are going to move on to presenting our non-chronological report.

We are now familiar with the aspects of effective presenting.

Let's just remind ourselves, projection, diction, eye contact, body language, pace.

Great work.

Let's talk a little bit more now about diction.

Diction involves pronouncing words clearly.

This may involve practising saying some tricky vocabulary so we can pronounce it clearly in our presentation.

It's really worth our while to take our time to identify which words we will find trickier to say and practise them so that when it comes to our presentation, we feel more confident in saying them out loud.

Some subject-specific vocabulary might be tricky to say.

Some of these words might be polysyllabic, which means that they have several syllables.

They might be words we don't use very often.

If we identify which words are tricky to say in our report, we can practise saying them aloud.

This will help us develop clear diction when saying these words and help us prepare for successful presenting.

For the first part of your task, re-read your non-chronological report.

Then circle any words that you find tricky to pronounce and practise saying them aloud.

Pause the video while you do that.

Here is my non-chronological report.

Firstly, we're going to read it through together.

Then I'm going to share with you some of the words I would find tricky to say.

Then we can practise saying them together.


Aye-ayes are nocturnal, distinctive-looking primates that inhabit the tropical reforest of Madagascar, Africa.

These highly-adapted lemurs are regarded by many as bad omens and some people believe that if an aye-aye points its skeletal middle finger at you, you will be cursed.

Throughout this report, you will learn further detail about these mammals' fascinating adaptations, diet, and habitat.

What do aye-ayes' diets consist of? Aye-aye, which are omnivorous, eat a diet that features a mixture of plants and animals.

They primarily consume grubs, nectar, fruit, and nuts.

Due to the fact that these lemurs are nocturnal, they usually feed at nighttime.

Fascinatingly, aye-ayes' adaptations enable them to find and eat their food.

These adaptations are therefore vital to these creatures survival.

Now, in a moment, I'm going to reveal which words I find tricky to pronounce.

Let's look at them together and why not help me clap the syllables to break the words down and really practise pronouncing them.

The first one is distinctive-looking.


Up next, Madagascar.










Some of these words were really long.

They had lots of different syllables, so clapping out the syllables helped me to break down the word into smaller parts and pronounce it clearly.

Let's do the second section of my report.

Let's read it together.

How are aye-ayes adapted to survive? In addition to their intriguing diets, aye-ayes are highly-adapted creatures with a range of physical features that are vital for their survival.

One of the aye-aye's primary adaptations is its dark brown fur.

This enables the aye-aye to remain camouflaged, blended in with its surroundings, and protected from predators.

As well as this, the aye-aye's middle finger, which is noticeably long and slender, is used to pierce grubs and scoop them out from inside trees' nests.

Having this range of adaptations means that aye-ayes are highly-adapted and these features are essential to their survival.

Let's try some of these words.


Your turn.



Your turn.

Well done.


Your turn.


And finally, let's read my conclusion.


To conclude, it is evident that the aye-aye's feeding habits and unique adaptations make it a truly intriguing animal.

However, these incredible lemurs are currently facing mass deforestation of their natural habitat, Madagascar's rainforests.

As a result of this, aye-ayes, which are facing a rapidly declining population are classed as endangered.

In order to combat this loss of habitat, it is vital that humans raise awareness of the impact of mass deforestation and campaign for these creatures to be protected.

Here are some of my tricky to pronounce words.


Your turn.



Your turn.

Well done.


Your turn.


Now you are going to practise presenting your introduction.

Here's my introduction.

Aye-ayes are nocturnal, distinctive-looking primates that inhabit the tropical rainforests of Madagascar, Africa.

These highly-adapted lemurs are regarded by many as bad omens.

Throughout this report, you will learn further detail about these mammals' fascinating adaptations, diet, and habitat.

While I was reading, I really focused on slowing down my speech and making sure to speak with clear diction, which means pronouncing my words clearly.

Now it's your turn.

Practise presenting your introduction.

You could do this on your own or with a partner.

Make sure you use the checklist below.

Projection, diction, eye contact, body language, and pace.

Pause the video while you do that.

Well done, everyone.

Now we are going to begin our task.

We are going to present the introduction and first section of your non-chronological report.

Remember to use the presenting checklist.

Project your voice so all members of the audience can hear you.

Speak with clear diction so your audience can understand every word you say.

Make eye contact with audience members in order to form connections with them as you speak.

Use strong body language to convey the information confidently.

And speak at a slow, clear pace.

Pause the video while you do that.

Well done, everyone.

Did you remember to do everything on the checklist? How was your pace? Did you rush? Did you manage to slow down and speak with clear diction? Make sure to check in with yourself and assess where your strengths were and which areas you could continue to develop.

Part two of your task is now to present the second section and the conclusion of your non-chronological report.

Remember to use the presenting checklist and pause the video while you do that.

Brilliant work, everybody.

I hope you felt maybe more confident presenting the second section and the conclusion of your non-chronological report.

Did you remember to use everything on the checklist? Well done, everyone.

I've been so impressed with your learning today.

Today, we have been presenting a non-chronological report about aye-ayes.

Here is a summary of what we have learned.

Effective presenting involves projecting our voices, speaking with clear diction, making eye contact with the audience, and using strong body language when speaking.

Speaking at a calm slow pace helps us remember to use the above presenting techniques.

Some words are tricky to say.

By identifying these words and practising saying them beforehand, we make it easier to pronounce them with clear diction when it comes to presenting.

Absolutely excellent effort from everyone today.

Well done, and I hope you enjoyed presenting your non-chronological reports.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again very soon.