Hi everybody, Miss Gardener here.
Welcome to lesson 14 of our unit on writing non-chronological report about pandas.
This is our final lesson to do with that non-chronological report is the next lesson.
Lesson 15 is a reading for cash lesson.
So I really hope you've enjoyed this as much I have enjoyed teaching it and let's get started writing our final section.
In this lesson, you're going to need exercise books and paper, pencil or pen, and the writing from the previous lesson, all the writing you've done about your non-chronological report.
If you can, find a nice quiet space, which will be best place for you to concentrate.
If you need to, pause the video now, and you can go and get all this stuff together.
So on the agenda today, we're going to recap the features of a non-chronological report.
That was one of our first lessons in the unit, then we're going to research the threats of the panda and the future of the panda.
Then we are going to plan a conclusion before you go off and write your own conclusion.
So let's recap the features of a non-chronological report.
So what is a non-chronological report? What are those key features that we've been working on throughout the whole unit and try to make sure we are including? It's the type of nonfiction text, isn't it? It provides factual information about a subject, person or event.
We've been writing, creating, writing factual information about the pandas and all but so far, we've had three paragraphs filled with lots of information about the panda.
For more subject-specific language, in most lessons, we have been focusing on trying to find subject-specific language, not just generally about pandas, but also specific to that paragraph.
We've been trying to consistently keep our language formal and in the tone that you would expect to find in an information nonfiction text.
It is not written in time order.
We haven't started at the beginning of the life of panda all the way to the end, it's written in generic themes rather than in time chronological order.
So the structure of a non-chronological report.
We had our opening, then we had our appearance paragraph, then we had our diets and habitats paragraph, and now we're going to be doing our closing paragraph today.
What is the purpose of a closing paragraph? Also sometimes known as the concluding or a conclusion.
So it summarises everything, it wraps the text up.
It provides a bit more general information and it considers the future.
You can see that the picture of the present and the bow, which wraps the present together, just closes everything up so you can finish the text, summarising everything you need to know, the reason I need to know.
So now we're going to do some research of the threats 'cause these would be something that we'll want to talk about, the threats to the panda's future.
These are the things we want to talk about in our conclusion, in our closing paragraph.
So let's remind ourselves about our introduction 'cause there is a line in that, that we can look at that will help us with planning our conclusion.
I've highlighted in blue and it says that, "Despite banning the hunting of pandas "many years ago, they're still extremely rare, "therefore, it is vital that we try to protect "this endangered species." This is a really important part of our non-chronological reports and so it's something we're going to come back to now in our conclusion, as we're going to look at the threat, that's posted to pandas, their future and what humans can be doing about it.
So in a second, I'm going to ask you to pause the video.
I'm going to tell you some facts about the current situation and the threats that pandas face.
You can either jot them down as I'm saying them or you can pause the video and write them in your own pace.
Make sure you are doing it in note form for now 'cause this is more of just a plan and then you'll write in full sentences when you go onto writing a conclusion.
So pandas are considered vulnerable since they are approximately less than 2,000 pandas left in the wild.
The population in China has boomed over the last few decades causing lots of panda's habitat to be cleared for farming and building.
As a result, pandas have much less space in the wild to roam.
Farmers are harvesting more and more bamboo leaving the pandas with a shortage of food.
Tourism is booming in the mountainous regions.
When hotels and tourists destinations are being built, it destroys the panda's habitat.
Pause the video now if there's any facts you'd like to note down.
Okay, a couple more facts for you to listen to, and then you can pause and write them down if you need the time.
The hunting for panda's fur has become much less common since stricter laws have been introduced.
Poaching still occurs but this is much less common because of their protected status.
Pandas are considered endangered, so they need to be protected.
In China, there are now over 67 reserves created to protect pandas and allow them to live in peace.
Pause the video now if you need some time to get down some facts.
So now is the chance for you to plan your concluding paragraph.
If you'd like to, you could set out a plan in document just like we have done for the previous paragraphs in the report.
So the subheading is Conclusion, you could start with a summary sentence, that introduction sentence, something like these incredible species face a number of threats or this incredible species need to be protected due to, and so on, kind of summarising the fact that pandas are in danger of extinction.
Then you can go on and give some more facts, choose maybe two or three, the things you think were most interesting from the facts you just collected in the research slide.
Maybe you could talk about climate change or how poaching is threatening, or the fact that farming and tourism cause habitat loss, all of these facts are really interesting and important 'cause they tell you about the current situation and then a closing sentence, the final sentence of a non-chronological report.
Think about, maybe the implications for the future, what do humans need to do? What does the future of the panda look like? Something to really summarise and wrap up the whole report that you've written.
Pause the video now and you can start to create your own plan just like this.
Add any facts that you want from the previous slides so if you need to, you can go back and look at those previous slides.
So to help you with your writing your conclusion, we're going to another modelled write.
Remember a modelled write is when the teacher does an example of the kind of writing that she wants or he or she wants for me in that lesson.
So I have written a example of a conclusion that we're going to look at in detail and if there's anything you think I'd really like to use, maybe a sentence starter, maybe some key vocabulary, maybe an example of a relative clause or various complex sentences, now's your chance to get down some ideas.
So what should we include in our writing? I've done a success criteria for you that you can use and refer back to to help you be as successful as you can.
In this success criteria, the first thing is I've used subject-specific vocabulary.
We've had that in all of our success criteria in this report and it will continue in the conclusion.
I've used a range of sentence starters, again, just so you've got variety in your paragraph.
Not every sentence starts the same.
I've used a range of formal and, but and causal conjunctions.
I've referred to the noun in different ways and then I have an opening and closing sentence.
So as you can see, I've got the success criteria in the top left of my screen so I can keep referring back to it and then there below, is the overall image of the conclusion, but we're going to look at that in a little bit more detail, one sentence at a time.
So as you can see, I've started my paragraph with the subheading conclusion and I've underlined it.
My first sentence in the paragraph is going to have that indent, so it starts a bit further end from the margin I've started my first sentence as a general opening sentence to the rest of the paragraph, summarising basically what we're going to say in the rest of the paragraph.
Pandas are incredible mammals whose future is under threat.
Mammals is in bold because I have referred to the noun in different ways, so that's when I can take off in my success criteria.
There are a number of reasons why pandas are considered a vulnerable species: climate change, tourism, poaching and farming, all are contributing factors.
I've used another colon here, but a colon to introduce the list and you can see that I've put in bold the first letter of each word because you do not need capital letters after the colon, you don't need them after each comma either.
As tourism is booming in the mountainous regions of China, many hotels are being constructed, which destroys the panda's homes.
This is a good complex sentence for you.
I've used the conjunction, the subordinating conjunction, as, to start my sentence.
As tourism is booming in the mountainous regions of China and you need that comma at the end of the subordinate clause, capital letter for China because it is a proper noun, many hotels are been constructed and then I've got an extra subordinate clause 'cause I've got a relative clause, which destroys the panda's homes.
That's kind of the end of the sentence, which means it's not followed by another comma, it's finished by a full-stop and then apostrophe for possession after panda, the panda's homes.
However, the protection of pandas is now considered a priority and laws have been forced, which ensure the panda's land is protected.
However is in bold because it is a formal conjunction with a comma after it, a formal backed conjunction and then which is a relative pronoun, starts the relative clause and comes after a comma because it's the beginning of a relative clause.
It is essential that humans continue to take the threat of pandas seriously in order to protect this endangered species.
It is essential is in bold because it is set number two, the second row of this success criteria to use a range of sentence starters and then species in bold because it is referring to the noun in different ways.
So you can see how I've been using the success criteria to go back and check and see I've got everything I need.
So now it is your time to write your conclusion and this is the final paragraph of your non-chronological reports and make sure you put in 100% effort because it would be so great to conclude and wrap up this whole piece of writing in a really informative and ambitious way.
So can pause the video to complete your task, you can use the success criteria to help you if you want to be taking it mentally as you go along, that's a really good idea and then once you are finished, you can resume the video.
Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed writing your final paragraph of your non-chronological report.
The conclusion is always one of my favourite ones to write because it just sums up everything you've learned and researched and just gives a really nice finishing and satisfying feeling to the end of your writing.
So we today in this lesson, we recapped the features of non-chronological reports, we've researched the threats that pandas are facing, we planned our conclusion and then you went off and wrote it independently.
So congratulations, you have now finished your lesson.
If you'd like to, please do share your work with your parent or carer, I'm sure they'd love to see it and if you'd also like to share it on social media, you can ask the parent or carer to post it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter tagging @oaknational or #LearnwithOak.
It has been a pleasure teaching you this unit.
I really hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have and I hope you all know a lot about pandas and feel a lot more confident in writing non-chronological reports.
Well done, everybody, I hope you enjoyed the unit.