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Hello everyone, and welcome to our lesson.

Today's the last lesson of our unit on the essay for the Windrush.

In today's lesson, you will be using your research and understanding of this historical event to plan and write the conclusion of an essay.

Here are some keywords we're going to use.

Purpose, conclusion, summarise, general information, legacy.

Well done! The purpose is the aim of the text.

The conclusion is the closing paragraph of a non-fiction text.

To summarise is to sum up or conclude the main body of the text.

General information is the most basic and necessary information.

A legacy is something substantial left behind after a person's death, like a significant body of work.

Planning and writing the conclusion of an essay about the Windrush is the focus of our lesson today.

We're going to begin by planning the conclusion and then we're going to write it.

Essays often follow this structure and layout.

We begin with an essay title, which is framed as a question or a statement.

The introduction is the first paragraph that states the argument and introduces the reasons to be explored.

The sections contain paragraphs of information related to the particular reasons that support the argument, and the conclusion is the last paragraph that summarises the information from the text and restates the argument.

So far in our unit, we have written our introduction, our Section 1, which was all about why the Windrush Generation came to Britain.

Our Section 2 was all about the Windrush Generation's experiences of life in Britain at the time.

And finally, today we are writing our conclusion.

The purpose is the aim of the text and the purpose of the conclusion includes all of these.

We want to summarise the key information of the essay and give the reader summarising general information.

We can use this visual to help us and just like we did in our introduction, we want to keep our information general at this point in the essay.

What is the purpose of a conclusion? Pause the video while you decide.

Well done If you spotted it, the purpose of the conclusion is to give the reader general information and to summarise the key information of the text.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of a non-fiction text that summarises the key information of the text.

The conclusion follows a clear structure.

We have the introductory sentence, general information, and the concluding sentence.

The introductory sentence introduces the paragraph and summarises the key information.

The general information gives the reader some necessary information about the topic, and the concluding sentence ends the essay.

Match each section of a conclusion of an essay to its function, and pause the video while you do that at Well done if you spotted that the introductory sentence introduces the paragraph and summarises the key information.

The general information gives the reader some necessary information about the topic, and the concluding sentence ends the essay.

The purpose of a plan is to prepare ourselves for writing.

We're now going to move on to planning the conclusion of our essay.

If we give careful thought to the planning process, our writing outcomes will be more successful.

We can build on ideas from our plan during the writing process.

When we plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and they capture subject-specific vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking and they look like this.

What is in a plan? Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you spotted the inner plan, we have bullet points for notes, and subject-specific vocabulary.

We do not include unnecessary information and we don't write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

The only capital letters we would need to use in our plan are those for proper nouns.

Let's review the structure of the conclusion before we begin planning.

So we begin with our introductory sentence, which introduces the paragraph and summarises the key information.

Then, we move on to our general information sentences.

They give the reader some necessary information about the topic.

And finally, our concluding sentence ends the essay.

We are going to use the same structure in our planning document today.

This is so that when we come to write, our plan supports us to follow the appropriate structure.

Now it's time for the first part of your task.

You're going to write bullet points for key words and phrases you will use in your introductory sentence.

Remember, the visual there is to remind you to keep your information general in this section.

Use the sentence or the question prompts to help you.

So what will your sentence starter be? How will you open your first introductory sentence? And what was discussed about the Windrush Generation in your essay? Here's where you want to sum up what the key information of the sections was.

Pause the video now, while complete your task.

Well done, everyone.

Here is my plan.

Some of the information in my plan might be the same as what's on yours and you might have also included some other facts.

This is great because we like to have lots of variation in our writing.

In my plan, my introductory sentence is going to refer to the fact that 500,000 people or half a million people are known as the Windrush Generation.

When I come to writing, I think I'll expand and build on this a little bit more to explain exactly a little bit more about who the Windrush Generation were.

They were a much-needed boost to the labour force in Britain at the time, and they positively contributed to Britain and British society.

Take a moment to reread your plan for your introductory sentence.

Have you included what you wanted to? If you want to make any edits now you can.

Well done, everyone.

Now we're going to move on to our general information sentences.

Write bullet points for key words and phrases you will use in your general information sentences.

Remember, we're keeping the information here general, and we can also use this question prompt.

Have you written interesting, general facts? But remember at this point, we're not introducing brand-new points or arguments.

Pause the video now while you complete your task.

Well done, everybody.

Here is my example.

So I'm now summarising the key points of my main sections.

So here I've referred to the fact that the Windrush Generation faced many challenges, such as with jobs, accommodation, and financial exclusion.

At this point in my essay, I'm not going to go through and re-explain all of these challenges 'cause that's what I did in my Section 1.

Remember here we are just summarising and summing up the key information of the essay.

There were also societal challenges such as prejudice, racism, and these all culminated in and were illustrated by those race riots in 1958.

I've also made a reference to the ongoing modern Windrush scandal.

If this is something you would like to learn about in more detail, you could do your own research to find out a little bit more about the ongoing Windrush scandal in modern times.

Take a moment now to reread your planning for your general information sentences, and make sure you're happy with your summarising of the key information of the text.

Great work, everyone! And finally, we're now going to come on to writing some bullet points for keywords and phrases for our concluding sentence.

This is now where we want to use these prompts to consider.

How will we open the final sentence of our essay? And have we discussed the legacy and the lasting impact of the Windrush Generation and this immigration on Britain? Pause the video now while you complete your task.

Well done, everybody! Here's my planning for my concluding sentence.

So one positive impact of the Windrush Generation on Britain is that it has become more multi-cultural.

So this is illustrated, for example, through things such as the Notting Hill Carnival, which was established after the race riots, but also in more general terms such as celebrations of diversity and growing awareness of representation in different industries and schools, although there is still a lot of work to be done here.

Racism still exists in our society through overt racism, but also institutional racism, and these inequalities still remain.

It is, therefore, really important that awareness continues to be raised and education continues to be pushed around these racial issues, and active work is done on anti-racism.

Take a moment now to reread your planning for your final sentence.

Make sure you're happy with it before we move on.

What an excellent start, everybody! So now we've planned the conclusion of our essay, we're gonna move on to writing the conclusion.

Throughout this essay, we've learned to use a range of cohesive devices, fronted adverbials, subject-specific vocabulary, complex sentences, parenthesis in brackets.

Each of these cohesive devices enhances the texts flow, keeps the reader engaged, and helps achieve the text's purpose.

Match each cohesive device to its definition, and pause the video while you do that.

Well done if you spotted that a fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

Subject-specific vocabulary is vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.

A complex sentence is a sentence formed of a main clause and a subordinate clause.

Parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.

When we write like historians, we always try to do these things.

We use academic, subject-specific language, we use formal language choices.

We write in the appropriate tense, use neutral language, use fronted adverbials to establish coherence, and we check and improve our writing when we think we've finished.

This is the success criteria we're going to use to write today.

Let's take a moment to read through it together.

I have followed the appropriate structure for my conclusion.

I have summarised the key information in my essay.

I have referred to the lasting legacy and impact of the Windrush Generation on Britain.

I have used a range of cohesive devices to enhance text flow.

We want to make sure we're including all of these elements of our success criteria in our conclusion writing today.

I've written a model, and now you're going to help me assess whether it has met the success criteria.

So I've got my success criteria here down the side of my screen and here's my model.

Let's begin by reading through it together.

"To conclude, it is apparent that the Windrush Generation's immigration to the UK was much-needed during the post-war reconstruction of Britain and many immigrants made positive contributions to society.

However, many face challenges because of lack of housing and jobs as well as racism and prejudice.

Over the years, there have been positive changes, Britain is now a multi-cultural country, which celebrates diversity and interracial relationships.

Despite this, there is still work to be done to ensure people are educated on racial issues and actively oppose racism by being anti-racist." So now we've read through my whole model, let's have a think about whether it's met the success criteria.

So I have got an introductory sentence, general sentences, which summarise the key learnings of the sections of my essay, and I ended with a concluding sentence that looks ahead to the future.

So I have followed the appropriate structure for my conclusion.

I've also summarised the key information of my essay in this section.

So, "The Windrush Generation's immigration to the UK was much-needed during the post-war reconstruction of Britain and many immigrants made positive contributions to society." This is my summary of Section 1, which was about why the Windrush Generation came to Britain in the first place.

'However, many face challenges because of lack of housing and jobs as well as racism and prejudice." This is my summary of Section 2, which were some of the experiences of the Windrush Generation when they arrived in Britain.

So I've also met success criteria two.

Have I referred to the lasting legacy and the impact of the Windrush Generation on Britain? I've done it here.

So, "Britain is now a multi-cultural country, which celebrates diversity and interracial relationships." And however, "There is still work to be done to ensure people are educated on racial issues and actively oppose racism by being anti-racist." So I have referred to the lasting legacy on Britain and also looked ahead to the future of what needs to still be done.

And finally, a range of cohesive devices to enhance my text flow.

Well, I've got three examples of fronted adverbials, so, "To conclude," "However," and "Despite this." I also have some examples of subject-specific vocabulary to add credibility to my writing, and also avoid repetition so this enhances text flow.

And finally, I've also used different types of complex sentences.

So here, "However, many face challenges because of lack of housing and jobs, as well as racism and prejudice." This is an example of an adverbial subordinate clause.

The adverbial subordinate clause here, begins with the word, "Because," this forms an adverbial complex sentence.

I've also used this sentence, "Britain is now a multi-cultural country, which celebrates diversity and inter-racial relationships.

This is a which, relative subordinate clause, so it forms a relative complex sentence.

So I have used a range of different cohesive devices to enhance text flow.

You might also consider using some parenthesis within brackets, as an additional example of a cohesive device.

Now time for your task, Using your plan and success criteria, write the conclusion of your essay about the Windrush.

Pause the video while you complete your task.

Brilliant work, everyone! Read through your conclusion and check that it meets your success criteria.

And as you encounter where you've met your success criteria in your writing, make sure to tick it off.

Here is my example.

Let's read mine together.

"To conclude, it is apparent that the Windrush Generation's immigration to the UK was much-needed during the post-war reconstruction of Britain and many immigrants have made significant contributions to British society.

The 500,000 people who immigrated to Britain from the Caribbean between 1948 and 1971 faced many challenges due to lack of housing and jobs as well as racism and prejudice.

Unfortunately, many of these people are still facing difficulties due to the Windrush scandal.

A change in immigration law led to some people no longer being eligible for free healthcare or benefits and others were even sent to detention centres and faced deportation.

Over the years, there have been positive changes and Britain is now a multi-cultural country, which celebrates diversity and inter-racial relationships.

However, there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure everyone is educated on issues around racism and people actively oppose racism by being anti-racist." Take a moment to reread your concluding paragraph and check that you've met your success criteria.

When you've done that, you have completed your task, well done! That now brings us on to the end of our lesson where we've been planning and writing the conclusion of an essay about the Windrush.

Information in the conclusion of a non-fiction text should be kept general and should summarise the main points of the essay.

When planning, we should write in note form, using bullet points.

When writing, we can build on the ideas in our plan.

We should use our plan and success criteria to guide us when writing.

I hope you've really enjoyed our unit, where we've been writing our essay on the Windrush.

I have really, really enjoyed seeing how hard you've all been working.

Well done, everybody!.