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Hello everyone, and welcome to your lesson on using compound sentences to describe dystopian settings.

I'm Miss Sutherland, and I'll be teaching you today.

Our learning outcome for today is to be able to understand and use simple and compound sentences accurately.

Our keywords for today are compound sentence, conjunction, desperate, and inequality.

We're going to start off by learning a little bit about compound sentences.

Firstly, we're going to read this paragraph.

The clouds were grey with fury.

Darkness was all around.

The suburban buildings were dilapidated.

Their windows were smashed.

The people there did not have warmth.

They did not have comfort.

They were broken.

They kept going.

The buildings in the city sparkled.

The possibilities were endless.

There was luxury in excess.

The people there flourished.

I want you to have a think about how effective this description is.

Make sure to justify your answer.

Pause the video, have a go.

This description could be considered partially effective because it uses some good dystopian vocabulary, but it also uses mostly simple sentences, which limits its effectiveness.

How do you think we could change this dystopian description to make it more effective? Pause the video and have a think.

To make this description more effective, we could vary the sentence type to make it more sophisticated and interesting to read.

For example, we may add some compound sentences.

So, what are compound sentences? A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two subjects and two verbs linked by a conjunction.

An easy way to create a compound sentence is to join two simple sentences together with a conjunction.

For example, it was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13.

That is a compound sentence.

Let's break it down.

It is the first subject.

Was is the first verb.

And it was a bright cold day in April is the first simple sentence.

Clocks is the second subject.

Striking is the second verb.

And the clocks were striking 13 is the second simple sentence.

These two simple sentences are joined by a conjunction.

Therefore, this is a compound sentence.

What is a compound sentence? Pause the video and have a go.

Well done if you said a compound sentence is a sentence with at least two subjects and two verbs linked with a conjunction.

Which of the sentences below is a compound sentence? Pause the video and have a go.

Well done if you said they were desperate for food, so they hunted in forbidden areas.

That is a compound sentence.

We have two simple sentences joined by the conjunction so.

Now, I want you to rewrite the paragraph to make compound sentences using the conjunctions provided.

So you're going to improve that paragraph that's full of simple sentences by combining some of the sentences to make compound sentences.

Use the conjunction on the right to help you.

And pause the video.

Have a go.

Let's see what you could have written.

The clouds were grey with fury and darkness was all around.

The suburban buildings were dilapidated and their windows were smashed.

The people there did not have warmth, nor did they have comfort.

They were broken, yet they kept going.

The buildings in the city sparkled and the possibilities were endless.

There was luxury and excess so the people there flourished.

Well done on that task, everybody.

We are now going to be looking at how we can write dystopian compound sentences.

First of all, we need to recap dystopian conventions in order to help us write the best dystopian compound sentences.

Can you remember any of the dystopian conventions? Pause the video and have a think.

The first dystopian convention was suffering, the second, rebellion, the third, fearful citizens, the fourth, destruction of nature, the fifth, injustice, and the sixth, lack of freedom.

Let's try and bear these conventions in mind as we write our compound sentences.

Now, another thing that might help us write good dystopian compound sentences is knowing the purpose of each conjunction.

The conjunction and expresses addition.

The conjunction nor expresses a negative addition.

The conjunctions but and yet express difference.

And the conjunctions so and for express cause and effect.

So which conjunction do you think may help us describe injustice in a dystopian society? Have a look at the purpose of each conjunction and pause the video to answer that question.

Well done if you said but may help us describe injustice in dystopian society.

For example, there was plentiful food in the city, but it never reached the suburbs.

Injustice relates to inequality, and inequality is a huge difference between two groups of people.

Therefore, the conjunction but, which expresses difference, works well here.

Now I want you to think about which conjunctions may help us express that many different parts of nature have been destroyed.

Pause the video and have a go.

Well done if you said the conjunction and or nor may help us express that many different parts of nature have been destroyed.

For example, there were no trees nor were there any flowers and the air was thick and the land was barren.

So which conjunctions then may help us express that the citizens suffer in many different ways? Pause the video.

Have a go.

Well done if you said the conjunction and may help us express that citizens suffer in many different ways.

For example, their joints ached and their stomachs growled.

Lastly, which conjunctions may help us express the reason that citizens are fearful? Pause the video.

Have a go.

Well doneif you said the conjunction so or for explain the cause of something, therefore they may help us express why citizens are fearful.

For example, the citizens were constantly monitored, so they lived in fear.

Which of the compound sentences below best explains a reason for the destruction of nature? Their monstrous machines had polluted the earth, so the flowers and crops withered? Or their monstrous machines had polluted the earth and their flowers and crops withered? Or their monstrous machines had polluted the earth, but the flowers and crops withered? Pause the video and have a go answering that question.

Pay close attention to the conjunction in each sentence.

Well done if you said A, their monstrous machines had polluted the earth, so the flowers and crops withered.

That sentence best explains a reason for the destruction of nature because of the conjunction so, expressing cause and effect.

The flowers and crops withered because of the monstrous machines that polluted the earth.

Now let's take a look at how to use effective compound sentences to describe a dystopian setting.

Polluted air infiltrated every crevice of the city and rain fell incessantly.

Each drop rapped on the windows of the shimmering skyscrapers.

These towering spectacles with their opulent chrome facades belonged to the elite.

A few miles north, dilapidated shacks housed the rest of society.

These used to be houses with prospering families, hearty meals and contagious laughter, but now they were full of loneliness, hunger and despair.

Let's answer some questions to show we know why the model is successful.

What type of sentence is used here? Pause the video and have a think.

And what type of sentence is used here? Pause the video.

Have a think.

And what type of sentence is used here? Pause the video, have a think.

So the paragraph starts off with a compound sentence using the conjunction and.

The second sentence is a simple sentence.

And the final sentence of that paragraph is another compound sentence using the conjunction but.

So we can see already we've got a varied use of sentence structures in this paragraph.

But what's the effect of each sentence? Why has the conjunction and been used here? Pause the video.

Have a think.

And may have been used to show the different ways that nature has been harmed.

The air has been harmed and the weather has changed as well.

Why is but used in the last sentence instead of and? Pause the video.

Have a think.

But emphasises how the people's lives are now very different, which adds a sombre tone.

Well done if you said that.

We're now going to read the second paragraph of this answer.

These people were desperate for food, so they worked endlessly.

Their hands swelled and their joints ached through those long, monotonous hours, but the food never came.

They had to sneak out to hunt in the unholy hours or they would die.

Survival was not easy here.

If starvation didn't capture them in its wrenching grasp, the cameras would.

They were perched like sentinels on every corner, for the elite had to detect even the smallest act of defiance.

Why has the conjunction so been used in that first sentence? Pause the video.

Have a think.

Well done if you said it's because so reveals the reason that citizens work so hard.

It's because they are expecting reward.

Why has but been used here? Pause the video.

Have a think.

But expresses the contrast between how hard citizens work and the reward they receive.

It suggests disappointment, that they're not getting what they expected.

Therefore, you could argue they experience injustice.

Why has a simple sentence been used here, in survival was not easy here? Pause the video.

Have a think.

The simple sentence expresses a hard and brutal truth.

Aim to make the reader feel pity for the citizens.

Now I want you to match the separate clauses to make complete dystopian compound sentences.

So match each clause one to each clause two, paying close attention to the conjunction to help you make the most effective sentences.

Pause the video.

Have a go.

Let's go through the answers.

They were promised security and safety, but were met with threats and violence.

The stench of burning chemicals permeated the air, so breathing became a laborious task.

Their feet were swollen and their backs ached.

Well done if you got those right.

Now, I want you to put your knowledge into practise and write a description of a dystopian setting using the image as a prompt.

Ensure you use a combination of simple and compound sentences.

There are some sentence starters on there to help you.

The sun struggled to penetrate the smoke.

The relentless wind, the crumbling buildings.

Pause the video and have a go at that task.

I now want you to self-assess your work by identifying and labelling the following, at least two standalone simple sentences, at least four compound sentences and the purpose of each of your compound sentences.

Pause the video and self-assess.

Let's go through what we've learned today.

We've learned that we should vary our sentence types to create effective dystopian writing.

We've learned that a compound sentence is a sentence with at least two subjects and two verbs linked by a conjunction.

And we've learned that different conjunctions have different purposes, and we should choose the one that fits best with what we want to express.

Well done, everybody.