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Hi everyone, and welcome to your lesson on declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences from the unit Dystopian settings: descriptive writing.

I'm Miss Sutherland and I'll be teaching you today.

Our learning outcome for today is to be able to understand and use different sentence forms, declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.

Our keywords for today are, declarative.

A declarative sentence conveys facts, explanations, or information.


Exclamatory sentences express strong feelings in an explanation.


An interrogative sentence asks a question.


Resentment is feeling bitter after being treated unfairly.

And ruin.

If something is in a state of ruin, it has been severely damaged or destroyed.

We are going to start off by learning a little bit about declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

Declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are sentences that you already use every day.

Look at the conversation below.

What do you think a declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentence is? Laura says, "Did you see that incredible goal in the football last night?" Jacob said, "Yes! It was epic!" And Izzy says, "I think it was the best of the season." Pause the video and have a think.

Let's take a look.

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a question.

For example, "Did you see that incredible goal in the football last night?" An exclamatory sentence expresses emotion with an exclamation.

For example, "Yes! It was epic!" And a declarative sentence conveys facts, explanations, or information.

For example, "I think it was the best of the season." What is a declarative sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said a declarative sentence is a sentence that explains or informs. What is an exclamatory sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said an exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses intense emotion.

I now want you to match the sentences with the sentence type.

You need to decide whether each sentence is an exclamatory sentence, an interrogative sentence, or a declarative sentence.

Pause the video and have a go.

Let's go through the answers.

"The once vibrant city now lay in ruin," is a declarative sentence.

It conveys information about the city.

"Had it always been like this?" is an interrogative sentence since it poses a question.

"The houses were dilapidated and uninhabitable," is a declarative sentence.

Again, it conveys information about the houses.

"We will be silenced no longer!" is an exclamatory sentence because it conveys intense emotion.

Lastly, "How dare they strip us of our voices!" is an exclamatory sentence.

Again, it shows intense emotion, and in this example, it shows anger.

Each student below is using an exclamatory sentence to express awe for the sunset.

Who do you think was most in awe, and why do you think this is? Pause the video and have a think.

Let's go through some possible answers.

Now, Jun says, "The sunset is beautiful!" Andeep says, "As the colours develop, the sunset gets more beautiful!" And Alex says, "The sunset is beautiful, for the colours are amazing!" You may have said Jun was most in awe as he seems to be completely captivated by the sunset.

We can tell because he immediately expresses how beautiful it is without the need to explain or think about it, demonstrating the intensity of his awe.

I now want you to think about the sentence type each student has used.

Pause the video and have a think.

Jun uses a simple sentence, Alex uses a compound sentence, and Andeep uses a complex sentence.

Why do you think June's simple sentence was more effective at conveying emotion than Andeep or Alex's compound and complex sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

You may have said that simple sentences are concise and can therefore show a sudden burst of intense feeling.

Compound and complex sentences are often longer, which can reduce the immediacy and impact of the emotion.

Thus, effective exclamatory sentence are much more likely to be simple sentences.

Answer this question.

Effective exclamatory sentences are more likely to be.

Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said effective exclamatory sentences are more likely to be simple sentences.

The reason being that simple sentences allow a sudden burst of emotion to be conveyed, and do not reduce the immediacy of the emotion.

Well done if you got that right.

I now want you to think about, when we're writing our exclamatory sentences, which emotions are we likely to express for a dystopian piece of writing? Pause the video and have a think.

Here are some examples of emotions we may wish to express in our exclamatory sentences in our dystopian descriptions.

They are anger, fear, resentment, hopelessness and anxiety.

These are all emotions that the citizens may feel living in an unfair world in which they suffer.

We can use these emotions when we create effective exclamatory sentences typical of the dystopian genre, and I look forward to seeing you use those in your work later.

Which two emotions are likely to be expressed in a dystopian society? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said anger and fear are likely to be expressed in a dystopian society.

I now want you to match the exclamatory sentence with the emotion being conveyed.

You've got four sentences.

Decide which emotion is being conveyed in each one.

"The shrill sound of the bell startled me!" "It was no use! Escape was impossible!" "How dare they strip us of our voices!" And, "The cameras were pursuing me!" Pause the video and have a go at that task.

Let's go through some answers.

"The shrill sound of the bell startled me!" suggest fear.

"How dare they strip us of our voices!" suggests anger.

"It was no use! Escape was impossible!" suggests hopelessness.

And, "The cameras were pursuing me!" suggests anxiety because the person is worried about if they're being watched or followed.

I now want you to create an effective exclamatory sentence for each of the emotions below.

Your sentence should be typical of the dystopian genre.

Pause the video and have a go at that task.

Let's go through some possible sentences.

You could have written for anger, "They feed us disgusting lies!" For fear, "Footsteps bumped behind me!" For resentment, "You just ignore our suffering!" "You just ignore our suffering!" seems to suggest resentment as the person seems fed up of having their needs and their suffering ignored by the leaders.

For hopelessness, "We'll be shackled forever!" "We'll be shackled forever!" seems to suggest hopelessness as the person seems to believe that they will never be free.

And for anxiety, "I was going to be caught!" Well done on the sentences that you've created.

Of course, your sentences won't be exactly the same, but as long as you conveyed the emotion asked of you, well done.

We are now going to move on to varying sentence type in our writing.

Let's have a read of this model answer and pick out where they've used different types of sentences and why they've been used.

"His city was in ruin.

The air was thick with acrid haze and the buildings loomed above like the skeletal remnants of a nightmare.

Abandoned cars line the streets, their windows shattered and their tyres deflated.

The defiant graffiti, sprawled boldly on the walls, was the only thing of colour.

Inconspicuous cameras hovered everywhere, sharp like hawks.

Had breathing always been so difficult? Had this place always been so bleak? Had we never been free? he questioned.

A shrill alarm sounded which instantaneously erased his mind of these questions and speculations, though small remnants of suspicion remained.

This 'mind-wiping' happened daily.

He was beginning to despair.

It was impossible! He would never find out the truth!" I want you to discuss what type of sentence is being used here.

"Had breathing always been so difficult? Had this place always been so bleak? Had we never been free?" And why do you think that sentence type has been used? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said that interrogative sentence are being used here to probably show confusion in the character.

I now want you to discuss which sentences tell you the character is becoming hopeless.

Pause the video and have a look.

You may have picked up the phrases, "He was beginning to despair.

It was impossible." Well done.

I now want you to find a declarative sentence.

How does it fit into the dystopian genre? Pause the video and have a go.

One declarative sentence that fits the dystopian genre that you could have picked out is, "Inconspicuous cameras hovered everywhere, sharp like hawks." This is a declarative sentence because it gives information about the surroundings, and it also fits the dystopian genre because it refers to the characters having lack of freedom.

Well done on that task, everybody.

In a dystopian description, declarative sentences work best too.

Pause the video and complete the sentence.

Well done if you said, in a dystopian description, declarative sentences work best to describe the bleak surroundings in greater detail.

I now want you to have a go.

Write two paragraphs describing a dystopian setting.

Start by describing the surroundings in detail.

Then, begin to introduce a character and their reflections on society.

You must use declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.

Use simple, compound, and complex sentences, and use dystopian vocabulary.

There's a dystopian word bank on the right of the screen there with all the words we've been learning throughout the unit.

Pause the video and have a go at that task.

Good luck.

Well on on that task, everybody.

It's now time to self-assess.

Re-read your work and identify where you have done the following, use declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences, use simple, compound, and complex sentences, and use dystopian vocabulary.

Pause the video and self-assess your work.

Great job everyone.

Here's what we've learned today.

Declarative sentences convey facts, explanations, and information.

Interrogative sentences pose questions.

Exclamatory sentences express emotions with an exclamation.

Effective exclamatory sentences are usually simple sentences, and you should use a range of sentence types in your writing.

Well done on all your hard work in today's lesson.

I look forward to seeing you next time.