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Hello everyone and welcome to your lesson on using sophisticated punctuation, I'm Miss Sutherland and I'll be teaching you today.

Our learning outcome for today is to be able to use a range of sophisticated punctuation to create deliberate effects and our key words for today are dingy.

A dingy place is one that is dark and often dirty.

A colon is a punctuation mark that goes before a list or explanation.

A semicolon is a punctuation mark that indicates a pause between two independent but related clauses.

A dash is a punctuation mark that interrupts a sentence to give extra information.

I hope we'll be able to successfully use these in our writing today.

We're going to start off by learning a little bit about what is sophisticated punctuation? So which punctuation types do you know and use on a daily basis? Pause the video and have a think.

There are actually 14 different types of punctuation and today we will learn some more sophisticated punctuation types.

For example, a colon, a colon gradually reveal things to the reader by elaborating or clarifying information from the first clause.

For example, the leaders had a secret weapon: an intricate web of surveillance.

Notice how the colon there reveals what the secret weapon is and the citizens longed for two things: a decent meal and a warm home.

The colon there introduces a list and therefore reveals what the citizens are lacking and therefore desire.

A colon can gradually reveal things to the reader by elaborating or clarifying information from the first clause.

By creating a pause before information is revealed, what feelings do colons build within the reader? Pause the video and have a think.

Colons can help to build suspense and intrigue within the reader by pausing before important information is revealed.

A semicolon can join two independent clauses that link together.

Semicolons can often take the place of a conjunction.

For example, the city's once vibrant streets were deserted and the signs that once lit up were shattered.

Where could the semicolon go in the sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

The semicolon could go after the word deserted.

For example, the sentence could read the city's once vibrant streets were deserted; the signs that once lit up were shattered.

Now why does the colon go there? Pause the video and have a think.

The colon goes there because the city's once vibrant streets were deserted is the first independent clause.

There is a second independent clause in the signs that once lit up were shattered.

Remember, semicolons joined two independent clauses together so the semicolon replaces the conjunction and to join those two clauses.

Well done if you said that.

Dashes, dashes can mark our extra information embedded into a sentence, the sentence still makes sense without the information inside the dashes.

For example, Hattie - a strikingly gaunt woman - trudged onwards through the dingy streets.

What is the purpose of the dashes in this particular sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

The dashes emphasise the appearance of the character, which is particularly important in a dystopian story to highlight the suffering they endure.

Notice how the sentence still makes sense without the phrase and the dashes.

It would read Hattie trudged onwards through the dingy streets.

The purpose of adding a strikingly gaunt women inside the dashes is to emphasise something about that character.

Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly? Pause the video and have a think The houses were dilapidated; they provided no comfort or warmth uses a semicolon correctly.

The first independent clause is the houses were dilapidated.

The second independent clause is they provided no comfort or warmth.

Those two clauses link together, therefore a semicolon can join them.

Treading to work; they move like robots does not make sense.

We can't use a semicolon after the clause's trudging to work because it doesn't make sense on its own.

You should use a comma there instead.

Again in the sentence, the building was dilapidated; a sagging roof, shattered windows and rotting walls.

We can't use a semicolon after the clause the building was dilapidated because the things that follow afterwards do not make sense on their own.

They are items in a list, therefore we should have used a colon there instead.

Well done if you said that.

Which sentence uses a colon correctly? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done, if you said the first sentence uses a colon correctly, they were ghosts of their old selves: hollow eyes, scarred hearts and pallid skin.

The colon is used correctly there because it is used to reveal or explain information related to the first clause.

Everything after the colon tells us exactly how these people will ghost of their old selves.

Option B is incorrect because the the colon itself replaces words such as with or such as, option C is also incorrect because the colon has no place in that sentence.

They should have used a semicolon instead to separate the relentless rain fell and the bleak sky darkened 'cause those two phrases make sense on their own and are related, therefore, they could have been joined by a semicolon, not a colon.

Well done if you said that.

And lastly, which sentence uses dashes correctly? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done, if you said the clouds grey and angry scoured down at the citizens uses the dashes correctly.

This is because the phrase inside the dashes is used to add extra information about the clouds, but the sentence would still make sense without the information inside the dashes.

For example, the clouds scowled down at the citizens, that makes perfect sense.

The cloud's grey and angry scowled down at citizens just contains a bit more information about the clouds.

Sentence A uses dashes incorrectly because remember the sentence should make sense without the phrase inside of the dashes.

So for example, Hector towards work does not make sense.

Therefore, the dashes are have not been used to insert extra information in the middle of that sentence.

They've been used to insert necessary information.

Therefore, that path sentence should not have gone in dashes.

Again, sentence C is incorrect because the sentence doesn't make sense without the phrase inside the dashes.

Well done if you've got that right.

I now want you to rewrite the sentences below so they include either dashes or colon or a semicolon in the correct place.

Your first sentence is, the eerie silence was shattered by a deafening roar and approaching army of cloaked robots, their intent unknown.

Your second sentence to punctuate is their faces were etched with pain and their lungs were choked with toxic air.

The third sentence, within the abandoned research facility, a sinister experiment was underway, an ugly fusion of human and machine.

Fourth, the citizens resided in dingy and sanitary streets, they longed for the comfort of their old homes.

And finally, Jasmine, a girl of only eight was forced to work long hours in the factory.

Pause the video and have a go at that task.

Let's go through the answers.

Number one, the eerie silence was shattered by a deafening roar: an approaching army of cloaked robots, their intent unknown.

The colon goes after the word roar because everything that comes after the colon explains what the deafening roar was.

Sentence number two, their faces were etched with pain; their lungs were choked with toxic air.

The semicolon goes after the word pain because their faces were etched with pain is the first independent clause and their lungs were choked with toxic air is the second independent clause.

Those two phrases linked together, therefore, a semicolon can join them instead of the word and.

Number three, within the abandoned research facility, a sinister experiment was underway: an ugly fusion of human and machine.

Again, everything that comes after the colon reveals what the experiment was about.

Number four, the citizens resided in dingy, unsanitary streets; they longed for the comfort of their old homes.

Again, you see two independent clauses there and they link together, therefore, the semicolon can join them together.

Lastly, Jasmine - a girl of eight - was forced to work long hours in the factory.

The phrase inside the dashes adds extra information about Jasmine, but the sentence does make sense without that phrase.

Well done if you've got those right.

We are now going to move on to looking at how we can use sophisticated punctuation in our own writing? Let's read this extract and comment on the use of sophisticated punctuation.

The once vibrant city now lay in ruins: the air was stick with toxic fumes, the houses were reduced to rubble and the citizens were ghosts of their former selves.

Donna - an emaciated hunched woman peered out of the window of the skyscraper in which she worked.

She watched as people wandered aimlessly through the dingy, desolate streets.

What happened to the city she knew and loved? Whilst trapped in her reverie, she caught sight of a battered billboard; it pictured a red penetrating eye, graffiti sprawled over it now bold, unruly, defiant.

With this realisation, Donna smiled to herself.

Perhaps there was a way out of this nightmare.

Quickly, she concealed her smile and resumed her work.

Let's analyse the use of sophisticated punctuation in this extract.

What is the purpose of the colon here? What does it reveal? Pause the video and have a think.

The colon here reveals exactly how the city is in ruins.

The city is in ruins because the air is thick and toxic, which suggests the city has been polluted heavily.

The city is also in ruins because the houses are not complete structures anymore.

They are just dust and rubble.

And finally, the city is in ruins because the citizens aren't themselves.

The citizens are shadows and ghosts of who they used to be.

They have no energy left in them or life left in them.

Therefore, the colon reveals all of that rich information about why the city is in ruins.

Next question, what do the dashes do here? Pause the video and have a think.

The dashes give information about the character and how she suffers in a dystopian world.

It gives us a clue about the harsh conditions in which she lives.

With the dashes, we learn that Donna is emaciated and hunched.

She looks physically unwell due to the harsh conditions in which she lives.

And without the phrase in the dashes there, we'd simply have a sentence that read, Donna peered out of the window of the skyscraper in which she worked, which falls flat compared to the sentence with the dashes, where we learn something about Donna and we learn what kind of life she lives and we probably learn a little bit about how she's feeling too.

What does the semicolon do here? Pause the video and have a think.

The semicolon joins the two complete sentences that are related.

The first explains there was a billboard.

The second tells us what was on it, revealing to us that the billboard symbolises surveillance.

Now we know the billboard symbolises surveillance because it pictures an eye and an eye is a symbol of being watched.

Not only is this billboard symbolising surveillance, but perhaps also we learn that the surveillance is quite harsh because look at that phrase, red penetrating eye and all of that information, again, is revealed by a semicolon.

What is the purpose of the colon here and why can't we use a semicolon? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said, the colon here introduces a list that reveals to us exactly what the graffiti was like.

We learn the graffiti symbolises rebellion because it's bold, unruly, and defiant.

We cannot use a semicolon here because bold, unruly, defiant is not a complete sentence on its own.

Well done if you got that right.

The streets were insufferable; dingy, narrow, and crowded.

Why can't a semicolon be used in this sentence? Pause the video and have a think.

A semicolon cannot be used in that sentence because the second clause does not make sense on its own.

The first clause makes sense on its own, the streets were insufferable.

However, dingy, narrow and crowded does not make sense on its own.

Therefore, we cannot use a semicolon.

A co-launch should have been used instead.

I now want you to write the second paragraph to the dystopian description by using the sophisticated punctuation you've learned today, you must use a colon, a semicolon, dashes, an interrogative or exclamatory sentence and dystopian vocabulary.

Here's some dystopian vocabulary on the right here that we've been learning to help you with this.

Good luck everyone.

Pause the video and start the task.

I now want you to self-assess your work.

Where have you used the following? A colon, a semicolon, dashes, an interrogative or exclamatory sentence and dystopian vocabulary.

Pause the video and self-assess.

Well done on your hard work today everyone.

Great job.

Let's go through what we've learned today.

A colon can introduce a list or explanation.

A colon can build suspense or intrigue by making the reader pause before information is revealed.

A semicolon separates two independent clauses that are related in meaning, dashes can add extra information to a sentence in order to highlight something interesting about a noun.

And lastly, you should vary your punctuation use and use different types of punctuation for effect.

Great job everyone, see you next time.