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Hello everyone and welcome to a lesson on, "Becoming a detective like Sherlock Holmes".

I'm Miss Sutherland and I'll be teaching you today.

Our learning outcome for today is to be able to make predictions based on clues in a text.

And our keywords for today are, ferocious.

A ferocious act is one that is violent and cruel.

Speckles, to have speckles is to have many small spots or patches of colour.

A casefile is a document kept with all the details of an investigation.

Mystery, a mystery is something that is difficult to understand or explain.

And suspicious, if an incident is suspicious, then there is reason to mistrust or feel doubt towards it.

These words are going to be really helpful in our learning today.

So in today's lesson, we are going to firstly read about the case.

We're going to find out why Helen Stoner has come to Sherlock Holmes.

And then we are going to be making predictions about the case, why we think the events of the case occurred.

So let's start with reading about the case.

Remember, Helen Stoner has come to Holmes in a pitiable state of agitation.

Let's read and find out why she has approached Holmes.

"I have no one to turn to, none, save only one, who cares for me and he, poor fellow, can be of little aid.

I've heard of you Mr. Holmes.

I've heard of you from Mrs. Farintosh, whom you helped in the hour of her sore need.

It was from her that I had your address.

Oh sir, do you not think you could help me too, and at least throw a little light through the dense darkness which surrounds me? At present, it is outta my power to reward you for your services.

But in a month or six weeks, I should be married with the control of my own income.

And then at least you shall not find me ungrateful".

"My name is Helen Stoner, and I'm living with my stepfather, who is the last survivor of one of the oldest Saxon families in England, the Roylotts of Stoke Moran, on the western border of Surrey".

"The family was at one time among the richest in England.

In the last century, however, four successive heirs were of a dissolute and wasteful disposition, and their family ruin was eventually completed by a gambler in the days of the Regency.

Nothing was left save a few acres of ground and the 200 year old house, which is itself crushed under a heavy mortgage".

Now, dissolute means overindulgent.

So what Helen's saying is that members of the Roylott family were overindulgent and wasteful, perhaps with money.

The family essentially had no money left in the days of the Regency.

So just before the Victorian era that fam, the Roylott family lost their wealth essentially.

True or false, the Roylott family are currently a rich family.

Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said false.

We've learned that the Roylott family are not currently rich.

Why is that? Pause the video and answer that question.

Well done if you said it's because they lost all of their wealth.

We learned in the reading that they actually were one of the richest families in England, however, due to them being overindulgent and wasteful, they lost all of their wealth in the Regency era.

Therefore, they were not always poor.

They're not rich at the moment and that's because they lost all of their wealth.

Let's continue reading.

"The last squire dragged out his existence there, living the horrible life of an aristocratic pauper, but his only son, my stepfather, seeing that he must adapt himself to the new conditions, obtained an advance from a relative, which enabled him to take a medical degree and went out to Calcutta, where, by his professional skill and his force of character, he established a large practise.

In a fit of anger, however, caused by some robberies which had been perpetrated in the house, he beat his native butler to death and narrowly escaped a capital sentence.

As it was, he suffered a long term of imprisonment and afterwards returned to England a morose and disappointed man".

True or false? Helen's stepfather was a well-mannered gentleman.

Was Dr.

Roylott a well-mannered gentleman? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said false.

Helen's stepfather, Dr.

Roylott was not a well-mannered gentleman.

Justify your answer.

Is that because he trained as a doctor or is that because he beat his butler to death? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said, we know he was not well-mannered because he beat his butler to death.

And that is a very aggressive, brutal act.

Not that of a well-mannered gentleman.

Let's continue reading.

"When Dr.

Roylott was in India, he married my mother, Mrs. Stoner, the young widow of Major-General Stoner, of the Bengal artillery.

My sister Julia and I were twins and we were only two years old at the time of my mother's remarriage.

She had a considerable sum of money, not less than a 1000 pounds a year.

And this she bequeathed to Dr.

Roylott entirely while we were resided with him, with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage".

So essentially, Dr.

Roylott's wife, Helen and Julia Stoner's mother left Dr.

Roylott money when she died and the girls would be allowed some of that money, in the event of their marriage.

Let's continue.

"Shortly after our return to England, my mother died.


Roylott then abandoned his attempts to establish himself in practise in London and took us to live with him in the old ancestral house at Stoke Moran.

The money which my mother left was enough for all our wants and there seemed to be no obstacle to our happiness, but a terrible change came over our stepfather about this time.

He shut himself up in his house and seldom came out save to indulge in ferocious quarrels with whoever might cross his path".

So Helen's saying that when the girls and their stepfather came back to Stoke Moran, her stepfather hardly ever came out of the house.

And when he did come out it was to engage in vicious, fierce arguments with whoever crossed his path.

What happened to the money that Helen and Julia's mother gave to Roylott? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said the girls and their stepfather lived off the money together.

We know that because the text said that the money was enough for all their wants and they were happy.

We have no evidence that Dr.

Roylott used it for his own selfish desires.

Helen hasn't told us that and we also have no evidence that he locked it away for an unknown cause.

It seems to be that they comfortably lived off of that money thus far.

Let's continue reading.

"A series of disgraceful brawls took place, two of which end in the police court, until at last he became the terror of the village, and the folks would fly at his approach, for he is a man of immense strength and absolutely uncontrollable in his anger.

Last week, he hurled the local blacksmith over a parapet into a stream and it was only by paying over all the money, which I could gather together that I was able to avert another public exposure.

He had no friends at all save the wandering gipsies, and he would give these vagabonds leave to encamp upon the few acres of bramble covered land, which represent the family estate, and would accept in return the hospitality of their tents, wandering away with them sometimes for weeks on end".

"He has a passion also for Indian animals which are sent over to him by a correspondent and he has at this moment a cheetah and a baboon, which wander freely over his grounds and are feared by the villagers almost as much as their master.

You can imagine from what I say, that my poor sister, Julia and I had no great pleasure in our lives.

No servant would stay with us and for a long time we did all of the work of the house.

She was about 30 at the time of her death and yet her hair had already begun to whiten, even as mine has." Answer this question to show your understanding of the text.

How do the villagers react to Dr.

Roylott and his animals? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said the villagers fear both the doctor and the animals, I now want you to do some independent reading.

I want you to read from your sister is dead then, to perhaps he hardly knows his own strength.

As you read, I want you to consider the following questions.

What happened to Julia Stoner within weeks of the day she had set for her wedding? What did Julia Stoner report hearing in the lead up to her death? What did Julia Stoner say to her sister as she arrived in pain? How does Helen Stoner think her sister died? What is Helen Stoner planning to do in the spring? What is peculiar about what Helen heard the night before visiting Holmes? And what does Holmes mean when he says to Helen, "you have been cruelly used"? Pause the video, begin reading and answer those questions.

Let's share our ideas to the reading questions.

Julia Stoner died within two weeks of the date she had set for her wedding.

In the lead up to her death, Julia Stoner reported hearing a whistle at night.

Number three, Julia Stoner said to her sister, "it was the band, the speckled band", as she writhed in pain.

Number four, Helen Stoner thinks her sister died of pure fear and nervous shock.

Number five, Helen Stoner is planning to get married in the spring, just like her sister was planning.

The night before visiting Holmes, Helen heard a whistle like her sister heard before she died.

Holmes suggests that Helen's stepfather has been violent towards her when he says, "you have been cruelly used".

Well done on the reading and answering those questions.

Let's move on.

We are going to now make predictions about the case.

We're going to give our own educated guess about why these events have occurred and how they may have come to play.

So discuss with a partner, what's the relevant clues to consider in the mysterious death of Julia Stoner? When you are discussing, I want you to consider the events leading up to Julia's death.

What she spoke to Helen about on the night of her death.

What Julia said and did as she died.

And the peculiar events now happening to Helen.

What are all the clues and evidence that Sherlock might want to gather, might want to write down to help him solve this mysterious case.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Let's share our ideas.

Here are the relevant clues to consider in the death of Julia Stoner.

Julia Stoner was due to be married.

The night she died, Julia told Helen about hearing a whistle for several nights in a row.

That could be an important clue, 'cause she also heard it on the night of her death too.

Julia said it was the band, the speckled band, and writhed in pain as she died.

She also pointed at her stepfather's room.

That could give us a clue about who was involved in her death or who is to blame.

Last clue that you may have considered is Helen has been moved to the room in which Julia died and she now also has heard the whistle.

These things might be very important for Holmes to consider in solving the case.

They might get him closer to the answer of why she died.

Which clue does Julia Stoner give to her sister as she dies? Pause the video and have a think.

Well done if you said, Julia Stoner says to her sister as she dies, "it was the speckled band".

And that is a really huge clue for Sherlock Holmes.

She's essentially giving the cause of her death.

All Holmes need to do is work out what that means.

I now want you to create a casefile of any clues relevant to Julia Stoner's death, to help Sherlock Holmes solve the mystery.

Make sure you add detail about what they could suggest.

So here's the casefile.

It's titled, "The Death of Julia Stoner".

On the left I want you to put the clues.

They could be the ones we've just discussed.

I then want you to use your inference skills to have a think about what you think that clue could lead to.

What could we gather from that clue? Pause the video and complete the casefile.

Let's go through some possible clues and what they could suggest.

So we have the first clue that Julia died just before she was due to be married.

And that could suggest the person involved or responsible for her death did not want her to marry.

And that's also supported by the fact that Helen has now started to hear the suspicious sound and she's also due to be married.

Could someone be against both the girls getting married? The second clue is that Julia yelled, it was the band, the speckled band as she died.

That could suggest that the cheetah could be involved in the death as cheetahs are speckled or perhaps something that has speckles could be involved.

Last clue, she pointed to her stepfather's room as she died.

That could suggest that her stepfather may know something about her death.

And since he was known to be violent, could he be involved? Well done on this task.

Let's go through what we've learned today.

Firstly, Julia Stoner has died in a suspicious manner.

There does not seem to be an obvious way in which Julia Stoner died.

Thirdly, there are a range of peculiar events and clues which Holmes must piece together to solve the case, and you have helped him do that.

Lastly, based on recent events, Helen may now face the same danger as her sister.

Great work on today's lesson everyone.

I look forward to seeing you in the next one.