
Content guidance

Contains conflict or violence.

Adult supervision suggested


Lesson video

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I'm Miss Howell.

Welcome to today's English lesson.

All you will need is a pen and a piece of paper, so take a moment, clear yourself of any distractions, and make sure that you have everything you need at hand for our learning today.

Our lesson today will focus on "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," and in particular, we are going to build on our skills of learning how to analyse language.

Please take a moment to get down your title, "Learning how to analyse language in Dr.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Pausing here to allow you to do that now.

Now, please write down your key word for the lesson, which is brutality and the definition.

Pausing here to do that now.

Remember, before you can successfully analyse language in any text, you need to first ensure that you have understood what you have read.

We will, therefore carefully read the next extract from Dr.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

We are about to read out extract for today's lesson.

The extract has been split into four sections first/ next/ then/ finally.

Prompt questions are provided to help you think about what is happening in each section of texts that we read.

I would like you to answer those questions on your lined paper in full sentences, and using quotations from the extract to support your answer.

You will also need a different coloured pen or a pencil to self assess and check your progress.

The text we are about to read, contains reference to violence and death.

For some people, this will be a sensitive topic.

If that applies to you, you may want to do the rest of the lesson with a trusted adult nearby who can support.

In the extract that we are going to read today, The maid recognises Mr. Hyde as he erupts into a great rage, beating and murdering the old man.

"Presently her eye wandered to the other, and she was surprised to recognise in him a certain Mr. Hyde, who had once visited her master and for whom she had conceived a dislike.

He had in his hand a heavy cane, with which he was trifling; but he answered never a word, and seemed to listen with an ill-contained impatience." Pause here to answer the question.

"And then all of a sudden he broke out in a great flame of anger, stamping with his foot, brandishing the cane, and carrying on.

like a madman.

The old gentleman took a step back, with the air of one very much surprised and trifle hurt; and at that Mr. Hyde broke out of all bounds and clubbed him to the earth.

And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trumpeting his victim under foot and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway." Pause here to answer the question.

"At the horror of these sights and sounds, the maid fainted.

It was two o'clock when she came to herself and called for the police.

The murderer was gone long ago; but there lay his victim in the middle of the lane, incredibly mangled.

The stick with which the deed had been done, although it was of some rare and very tough and heavy wood, had broken in the middle.

Under the stress of this insensate cruelty; and one splintered half had rolled in the neighbouring gutter-the other, without doubt, had been carried away by the murderer." Pause here to answer the question.

"A purse and gold watch were found upon the victim: but no cards or papers, except a sealed and stamped envelope, which he had been probably carrying to the post, and which bore the name and address of Mr. Utterson.

This was brought to the lawyer the next morning, before he was out of bed; and he had no sooner seen it, and had been told the circumstances, than he shot out a solemn lip.

"I shall say nothing till I've seen the body," said he;" this made me very serious.

Have the kindness to wait while I dress." Pause here to answer the question and see if you could also answer the challenge question as well.

Now, we will review your answers.

In your different coloured pen, just check in your own responses that you have done during that task.

That number one, you have answered in detailed, full sentences.

And number two, that you have supported your response with embedded quotations from the text.

This is going to be modelled to you in the answers.

So just edit, refine your own work.

As we go through the model responses, posing the video as the way you need to, to allow yourself to take down feedback.

So in excerpt number one, the maid appears to think Mr. Hyde is unpleasant.

She recognises him from him previously visiting her master and she "conceived a disliked" to him then.

The maid watches Mr. Hyde as he "seemed to listen with an ill-contained impatience." The reader can infer the maid is critical with Mr. Hyde's quickness to temper.

For number two, Mr. Hyde is presented as animalistic in his actions towards the old man.

The description of his "ape-like fury" presents him as having a furious rage similar to a threatening ape.

The fact that Mr. Hyde was "trampling" on the victim after beating him and clubbed him with his cane presents him as showing no mercy towards the old man.

For number three, the maid fainted as a result of the murder.

The man's body was left in the middle of the lane in a "incredibly mangled" state after the murder took place.

By the time she had called the police, the stick that had been used to murder the old man "had broken in the middle under the stress of this insensate cruelty" suggesting how brutal the event was.

And for number four.

The murder case "was brought to the lawyer the next morning, before he was out of bed" allowing readers to infer the investigation surrounding it was urgent.

Well done if you were able to answer the challenge question and the answer is the after the murder, the narrator describes how "a purse and gold watch was found on the victim." This suggest the matter was not a mugging because the old man's valuable possessions were not taken from him.

So now that we understand what is happening in the extract, we can start to analyse language.

Let's take a quick recap with the steps that we need to take when we analyse language.

So that first step is to understand the text that you're analysing, which we've just done.

Then we need to read the question carefully underlining the key focus.

Then we select the best quotations that answers the question.

Then we need to make sure that we identify techniques used by the writer remembering that these can be overall techniques such as similes, metaphors, hyperbole, as well as individual word choices that the writer has specifically used.

So adjectives, verbs, et cetera.

Then in that step five, we need to explain what the impact of the choices by the writer are and how this links to the question you're being asked.

See if you can challenge yourself and identify multiple techniques used by the writer in the long quotation.

Specifically, what you might try and do is look at an overall technique, such as a simile or a metaphor and then drill down on a really specific use of a key word within that quotation as well.

So top tips for you when analysing language.

The first one is that when you're exploring effective technique, you should try and ensure that you do not repeat your ideas.

Repetition is not building on our analysis.

And then the second top tip is to think really carefully and thoughtfully about the connotations of key words and techniques the writer has used.

So take your time, pause, give yourself that space to really think about what the potential synonyms and connotations, these techniques and key words bring to mind.

We will now work through each of those steps to successfully analyse language.

Remember we've already achieved step one.

So, your second step is to write down the question and highlight the focus.

Pause here to complete that now.

Now, for step three.

Reread the section of text on the slide that you will use to answer the question and you now need to select your quotations.

Make sure these are the best quotations you could use to answer the question.

Pause here to complete that now.

Now to step four.

You need to identify the techniques and the individual key words that you're going to focus on using your subject terminology accurately.

If you're completing the challenge, try and pick out more than one technique the writer has used or think about an overall technique and then drilling down on a specific key word within that as well.

Pause here to complete that now.

Finally, step five.

Explain what the impact of these choices by the writer are and what this tells us about how the narrator about what hides action towards the old man are.

Really consider here about not repeating any ideas.

You want to try and say something different about Hyde's actions towards the old man and you need to be thinking and taking that time to really reflect on potential connotations of these specific language choices that the writer has used.

Pause here to complete that now.

Now, we will review your answers.

So taking your different colour pen, this is your opportunity to add and build to the task that you just did independently.

While she may not have chosen the same quotations that I am going to take you through that I selected from this section of text, I do think it would be useful for you to write down the quotations so that A, you then have an example, a good example to use when you come to write up your response which we'll do later in the lesson, and the B, is really helpful.

So that you've got a model of good quotation plan for analysis.

So looking at the quotations I have used, he broke out in a great flame of anger and like a madman.

So if you need to pause the video to get those down please do so now.

Then the key techniques I'm going to focus on within that first quotation is the verb phrase broke out and the metaphor great flame of anger.

And then this is the simile so, this is what I'm going to focus on within that quotation.

Now for the step five in the effects.

So remember these should be detailed, carefully thought through so that you're reconsidering the impact and the connotation, that particular technique choice and how it links to the question.

The verb phrase depicts how Hyde had a ferocious outburst, and he became unstoppable in the cruelty that he inflicted on him.

Remember to pause the video if you are getting down any of this feedback to add to your own work.

This is also a metaphor.

So we have this metaphorical comparison of Hyde to a great flame which emphasises how his anger had consumed him and how dangerous and indestructible he became.

This could resemble the sudden beginnings of an untameable fire, ready to burn everything in its path indicating the brutal fury of Hyde.

So, please note here how I am still looking at the same quotation but analysing a different technique.

But when I discussed the impact and the effect, I am not repeating what I've already said.

And that's really important when we're analysing because we want to actually analyse not just repeat ourselves.

So again, pause the video if you need to to allow yourself to take down any of those ideas.

Then we're looking at the simile.

This alludes to Hyde's uncontrollable violent behaviour towards the old man.

And then when we zoom in on that particular choice of "madman", it suggest that he has lost all ability to think rationally and he was in a crazed state.

This has those connotations of Hyde as psychotic, and as such, the peril he is to the society given the lack of self-control and senseless violence this leads to.

So again, just pause if you should you need to, if you are taking down any of that feedback.

Now you are going to answer the question writing up your analysis into a complete paragraph.

Shift your need to, there are sentence starters on this slide and this slide that are there to support you with that right up which you can choose to use if you would like to.

Pause here to complete the task and we will review your answers.

So, the key things to check within your own work as I take you through the model is number one.

How well have you explained your quotation? Have you been really detailed and thoughtful in your explanation of what these quotations show about Hyde? And make sure as you are checking your response, that you have not repeated any of your ideas that you've actually deepened your assets.

And then the last thing I want you to check is have you managed to complete the challenge and have you as the model would show you, looked at various different techniques and especially looking at overall technique like similes for example, and then drilling down on a key word within there.

So you are absolutely talking about everything you can within that quotation.

Pause the video as and them when you need to, to allow yourself to reflect on your work compared to the model and how the model achieves that success criteria I've just gone through with you.

So looking at the module, Hyde inflict unexpected brutal violence on the old man.

The verb phrase "broke out" depicts how all of a sudden Hyde launched into ferocious outbursts towards the old man and that he became unstoppable in the cruelty that he inflicted on him.

The metaphorical comparison of Hyde to a "great flame" emphasises how his anger had consumed him and how dangerous and indestructible he became.

The outburst he demonstrated resembled the sudden beginnings of an untameable fire, ready to burn everything in its path indicating the brutal fury of Hyde.

Furthermore, the simile "like a madman" highlights Hyde actions as uncontrollably violent towards the old man.

The noun "madman" used to describe Hyde as he commits murder, suggest that he has lost any ability to think or behave rationally unleashing his crazed mental state on the victim.

Therefore Hyde's actions could be deemed as psychotic and unstoppable.

So as you can see here I asked the question followed by exploring more than one quotation, several techniques, zooming in on key words.

My affect is thoughtful, carefully thought through, and I've not repeated myself at any point.

So once you have reflected on your own work and you have compared that with the model and made any tweaks or adaptations that you need to, we have reached the end of our lesson.

So thank you for your focus.

And I hope you've enjoyed our learning today.