
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

My name is Miss Browne and I'm very excited to be teaching you this unit on London and the United Kingdom.

And we are going to be learning loads of new facts.

So it's really important that our brains are ready to go.

Can you give them a little massage? That's really helped my brain to wake up.

Grow yourselves taller and taller and your brains are going to get bigger and bigger.

Are you excited to get learning all of this new information? Well, let's get started.

So our learning objective today, or our leading question is.

What is the United Kingdom? That's a very long word.

Can you say it with me? United Kingdom.

United Kingdom.

Well done.

So, in this lesson, you will need, an exercise book or paper.

A pencil, and your brain, we've just woken on those up.

So they are ready to go.

If you don't have any of those things, pause the video now and go and get them.

Great, let's get started.

Now here's what we're going to be doing today.

We're going to start with an introduction to Geography.

Geography is the subject that we are studying, and we're going to start with an introduction to it.

Then we're going to learn about continents and then UK countries.

And then we're going to have a look at the UK on the map.

And you're going to be given a little bit of a drawing tasks.

So you need to have your pencil ready for that bit.

And then we're going to look at the seas that go around the outside of the United Kingdom.

So, to begin with, we are geographers.

Everybody, get your hat put on your geographer hat.

Great, geographers are types of scientists who study the earth, land and people, just like you and me.

So, say that with me, geographers are types of scientists who study the earth, land and people.

Great job.

So we now know what geographers are and we are geographers.

What are you? You're a? Geographer, good job, me too.

Let's get started.

So here are our star words for today.

Star words! Continent, continent.

Europe, Europe.

United Kingdom.

United Kingdom.

And we're going to learn what those words mean as we go through our lesson.

So, to start with, do you know what this is? This is our earth, isn't it? This is our world, our earth.

And we know that it is a sphere, okay.

So it's a globe, it's a sphere shape.

So this is the earth and we're going to start with a really big picture of the earth and then in today's lesson, we're going to get smaller and smaller and smaller until we're focused on the United Kingdom.

So, the earth is divided up.

The land on the earth is divided up into seven continents, into seven? And continents, are countries grouped together, okay.

We have seven continents.

The first continent is Antarctica.

Your turn, great Antarctica.

And Antarctica is the blue one at the bottom, and it's good that it's a blue one because it's really cold, okay.

So Antarctica, great.

The next one we're going to look at, is this green one you can see, and that is North America.

North America.

And North America contains countries like the United States and Canada.

Remember a continent is a collection of countries.

So we've got Antarctica, North America, and we've also got South America, your turn, South America.

And South America contains countries like Brazil and Peru, okay.

There are lots of other countries.

It's not just those two, but two of them are Brazil and Peru.

So you've got three continents and we know that there are, seven, good job.

Next one is Australia.


And those are the purple countries and the island down here on our map.

So we've got four now and we've got seven in total.

So let's keep going.

The next one we've got is Africa.


Africa is a continent made up of lots and lots of different countries.

Two examples would be Kenya and Ethiopia, okay.

So Africa is a very large continent and it's made of lots of different countries.

Sometimes children can make a mistake and think that Africa is a country.

It's not, it's a continent made up of lots of different countries.

Next one is Asia, Asia.

Asia, and you can tell from the map, is also a very large continent and it contains the countries of China and India, okay.

So it has lots of countries, but two of the countries are China and India.

Okay, so let's go back from the beginning.

We've got at the bottom, Antarctica, but that's very cold.

We've got North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and then Europe.

Now Europe is the continent that has the United Kingdom in it, but it also contains countries like France and Germany.

Okay, so that is you.

So you can now see on the map, we've gone through all seven continents.

There are, how many continents? Seven, good job.

And we live in the continent called Europe.

So United Kingdom.

And when I say we, you might not be in Europe.

You might be on a different continent, but if you're in the United Kingdom, you are in Europe, okay.

And this is the picture of Europe on our screen.

Let's go back just to check.

So you can see all the continents and we're going to zone into the dark red one just here and there is zoned in.

Now, what you can see here, is lots of lines dividing up the different countries.

If you can see my pointer, this is France over here, and this is the United kingdom, okay.

So, we're now looking at Europe.

So we have the world and that's divided into seven different continents and we're looking at Europe and then we're going to go in even further.

And we're going to look at the United Kingdom.

But before I show you, I just gave you a little hint.

Can you point to the United Kingdom on your screen? Maybe I'll give you a clue.

The United Kingdom is an Island.

Or actually, it's two islands.

Let's have a look.

There it is, is that where you pointed to? Well done, and when I said to silly , there's actually lots of islands in this part of the United Kingdom.

But the key thing is it's not linked to mainland Europe, which is this big blue bit of lots of countries joined together.

So that is the United Kingdom.

Have a look.

Point to the United Kingdom.

There it is, you get it right? Try again, point to the United Kingdom.

Well done, and that is the, you know, and it is part of the continent called, Europe, great job.

facts already.

We've learned that there are how many continents? Great, and the United Kingdom is in which continent? Europe, well done.

So, now we're going to look at the United Kingdom and I've zoned in again, do you remember? We're zooming in each time with our big geographer lens.

And this is a picture of the United Kingdom.

But you could also see that there's a green part here, and that is not part of the United Kingdom.

That is the Republic of Ireland.

So all of the red part is the United Kingdom.

And the green part is the Republic of Ireland.

I always think The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Look a little bit like a koala bear.

Can you see it? Holding onto a tree with an ear and an eye.

I hope you can.

That helps me to remember.

The koala bear part of it is the United Kingdom, and part of it is the Republic of Ireland.

Okay, now, we're going to learn the United Kingdom is made up of four different countries.

How many different countries? four different countries.

And we're going to learn their names now.

So, the first one is England and that is the red country.

And you will know, maybe you live in England.

I live in England.

I live in London.

And so I live in England.

London is in England.

Then we've got the one above England to the North of England.

Do you know What that one's called? I can tell that some of you live there, you're right.

It's called Scotland.

Great job.

Then we've got this blue country here, okay.

Actually, this is a country which my grandma came from.

I wonder, does anyone know what this country is called? Some of you do, that one is Wales, okay.

So we've got, England is the red one.

Point England for me.

Great job.

Point to Scotland, that's the one up North.

That's the one at the top.

And now point to Wales.

That's the little bit attached to England, on the West coast.

And we've got one more.

We've got the little face of the koala bear and that is Northern Ireland, your turn.

Northern Ireland, your turn.

Great, okay we're going to go back 'cause I'm going to give you a little task.

Can you point to England? That's the red one here.

Can you point to Wales? That's the blue one over here.

Can you point to Northern Ireland? That's the dark blue bit here.

Can you point to Scotland? That's the light red one over here.

And now, can you point to the Republic of Ireland which is the country not in the United Kingdom? Did you point to the green one? You're doing so well.

Lets have a look.

We've got England.

We've got Scotland.

We've got Wales and we've got Northern Ireland.

Well done.

Okay, let's Keep going.

And then we've got the Republic of Ireland.

Can you point to that one too? So, we've now got this image and we know that there are four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

Can you tell your screen what they are? Hopefully you said England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Could you now point to Wales on a map.

On the map, point to Scotland on the map.

Point to England on the map.

Point to Northern Ireland on the map.

Well done and finally points to that country, that's not in the United Kingdom.

Point to the Republic of Ireland.

Well done.

Now I've got an activity for you to do okay.

So you need to have your pencil and your piece of paper ready.

What I would like you to do is draw, as best you can, a diagram of the outline of England, okay.

So you need to make sure that you've got Northern Ireland and you notice that it's not attached to the United Kingdom, okay.

And then I want you to make sure that you draw that northern part of Scotland, which is Scotland with all the little islands and make sure you get this bit here, which is Wales, and then the rest of England with that long pointy bit that goes into the ocean.

Pause the video now and try and draw this image of the United Kingdom.

Great, well done.

Now what we're going to do is we are going to label it, okay.

So we are going to label it.

So we're going to go back to our previous drawing.

And now what I need to do is draw lines to divide your United Kingdom up into Scotland, the England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

So pause the video now and draw those lines to split up the United Kingdom into the four different countries.

Well done.

And now we're going to label it, okay.

So I've got the labels on the screen for you.

Remember this map will help you to work out which one's, Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Have a go now at labelling those parts of your map.

off you go pause the video now.

Amazing job, well done to you.

Now, I said at the beginning, we're going to learn the names of the countries in the United Kingdom, but also, we are going to learn the name of seas around the outside.

So, there are some more things to learn, but we've got such big brains.

I think we're ready for it.

So the first one we've got is the North Sea.

Your turn, the North Sea and you can see the North Sea is on the eastern side of the United Kingdom.

This is the North Sea.

Can you label the North Sea on your map.

Pause the video.

Great job.

Then, we've got the English Channel.

Your turn, the English Channel.

Now the English Channel divides us from France, okay.

So it's a little bit in the middle and divides us from France, that is the English Channel, your turn.

And you can see it comes along the bottom and sort of the lower Eastern side to the South Eastern part of the United Kingdom.

Can you label the English Channel? Well done team, we've got one more to do.

And the final one is, the Irish Sea, your turn.

The Irish Sea, your turn And the Irish Sea, as you can probably work out is the little bit of Sea that divides England, Scotland and Wales from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

That is called the Irish Sea.

So you need to draw it in between Scotland and England over here and Northern Ireland over here.

Pause the video now and label the Irish Sea.

Well done.

Team you are done.

We would all at Oak National Academy love to see your work.

So if you'd like to share it, please ask your parent or carer to share your picture of your map with the labels on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and with the #LearnwithOak.

Thank you so much team.

It has been such a pleasure to teach you today and I'm really excited to see you next time, bye.