Hello, everyone.
I'm Miss Harris and welcome to today's geography lesson.
We are going to be answering this question.
How deep is the ocean? Hmm.
I'm not sure.
Can you help me find out? You can, great, thank you so much.
So today we are going to be recapping the five oceans, ordering the oceans by size.
I'm going to show you a quick video how to set up our sheet today because we're going to do a different type of lesson today, the way we set out our work.
Then we're going to look at the five layers of the ocean diving deep down into the water to see how deep it is.
And then we've got our end of lesson quiz where you can show off all your wonderful knowledge.
Now we are geographers in this unit of work.
Can you remember what a geographer is? Can you remember? So a geographer is a type of scientist who studies the earth, the land, and the people.
Can you join me in doing those actions? So a geographer, geographers are types of scientists who study the earth, draw a circle, the land and the people, well done.
So today you will need a sheet of paper.
Now, if you have an exercise book, you can ask a grownup to maybe pull a sheet out of your exercise book, because you're going to need that for today's task.
A pencil, a coloured pen or pencil, so you can do some marking.
And of course your brain, the most important part.
Now here are our star words.
We're going to be saying these words a lot, this lesson.
So we need to practise saying them.
Are you ready? So my turn, then your turn.
So I want you to talk to your screen.
Do you think you do that? Great, so, layers, sunlight, deep, midnight.
continent, abyss, trench.
Well done.
So we have looked at this definition before.
An ocean is a huge body of salt water.
Can you take your finger? Can you follow along the words as I read it? Are you ready? Now, you might want to challenge yourself and read it with me.
Ready? An ocean is a huge body of salt water.
Should we do that one more time? Can you read along with me if you didn't last time? An ocean is a huge body of salt water.
Well done.
Now I would like you to order the oceans from smallest to largest.
So you can see on my screen, I've left a gap for where I would like you to write the name of the ocean.
So at the bottom there, I've given you one already, because we know already the largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean.
Can you pause the video and have a go at that now? Well done.
Okay, pick up your coloured pen or pencil.
We are going to tick or fix.
Remember, we're going to tick if we got it right.
And if we didn't get it right, we're going to fix it.
And don't worry, we're just going to put a nice, neat line through it and write it on the top.
So first we have got the Arctic Ocean, which is the smallest ocean.
Then we have got the Southern Ocean.
Remember to give yourself a tick or put a line through it and write it above.
Then we've got the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
If you got any of those wrong, don't worry, that's okay.
Pause the video and mark your answers, fix them.
Last lesson, we had a look at what a sea is.
Now seas are smaller than oceans, and they are usually located where the land meets the ocean.
So, it's normally in the middle, as you can see here from my picture.
Now sometimes seas are enclosed by land.
That means that there's land around them, and no ocean.
And that's okay.
But when you go to the seaside, maybe you go to the beach.
Your mom and dad or carer might say, "We're going to the seaside today.
"Would you like to go in the sea?" That means that you've gone from the land, from the beach, into the sea.
And then if you got on a boat and went further out, you would end up in the ocean.
So let's have a look at the boat.
Watch it move, so it goes from the land to the sea to the ocean.
Just like that.
Now here we have got a map of our continents, which is a large area of land.
And then we have got our oceans on the map.
Our oceans are made up of five layers.
So layers, there's lots of different parts, which all have different temperatures.
Different amounts of light can get to them.
So some places are darker than others.
And each layer has got different creatures that live within them.
So we are going to take a look at those different layers.
First, I am going to show you how to set up your piece of paper so that you can do some writing in today's lesson.
So you will need a piece of paper, and I'm going to show you how to do it now.
I'm going to show you how to set up your sheet of paper so we can start writing about the layers of the ocean.
You're going to need a sheet of paper, like so.
And what we're going to do is we are going to fold up from the bottom where your sheet is roughly about this size.
You're going to fold it down like so.
Then what we're going to do is we are going to fold up again and make a fold.
You might need an adult to help you.
And then fold up again, and just keep going 'til you get right to the end.
Once you've done that, open it up and you will have one, two, three, four, five boxes so that we can begin writing.
So the first layer of our ocean at the top, where you see the waves, that's called the sunlight zone.
What's it called, the? Good, now, I don't want you to write anything down yet.
I just want you to watch the screen and listen really carefully.
Have you got your ears open? Good, now, the sunlight zone is below the surface of the ocean.
So like I said, at the top.
The sunlight can reach this layer, making it warmer than the deeper parts of the ocean, where it's much colder.
And lots of plants like seaweed can live here.
And both humans, us, and fish can swim around and explore this area of the ocean.
So let's have a look at the key parts of this zone.
Sunlight can reach this layer.
You can see from my picture, can you see the sun up here? You can see that the sun can reach this layer.
The water is warmer because the sun can reach this layer.
The sun warms up this part of the water.
You can swim here.
And dolphins, turtles, jellyfish, and corals can also be found in this layer.
So you may have seen dolphins jumping in the water.
That's in the sunlight zone.
Now I'm going to show you how to set up your piece of paper using this information now.
Now we're going to write about the sunlight zone.
So on this side of my sheet, I am going to write the sunlight zone.
I'm going to label what part of my sheet this is.
This is all about the sunlight zone.
Okay, then on this side, I'm going to write all the facts about the sunlight zone.
So in the sunlight zone, I know that the sun reaches this layer.
So I'm going to draw a picture of the sun.
And I can write, The sun reaches this layer.
Okay, that's the first point.
I then make sure my sun's a bit more like a sun.
Then I could write the water is warm.
The water is warm.
I know that I can go swimming here.
So I might write you can swim.
You can swim here.
And lastly, dolphins, turtles, jellyfish, and coral live here.
So what I could do is I could draw some pictures.
So I might draw a little picture of a turtle.
Remember that Miss Harris is not the best at drawings.
She's going to try.
There's my little turtle.
I know that dolphins live there and jellyfish, so I might draw a picture of a jellyfish, too.
So I know that jellyfish live here.
And some coral live here.
Corals, all the different shapes and sizes.
So that's how you can set up each layer of your sheets.
So each layer will be written down similar to this one.
So here you can see a picture of someone swimming in the sunlight zone.
And you can see the white part at the top.
That's where the sun is shining down on the water in the sunlight zone.
Now zone number two is called the twilight zone.
And this sometimes has very little sun.
So no sunlight really reaches here.
Creatures which live in this zone have big eyes, they're really large eyes, so that they can see in the water because there's not as much light.
So when you go to bed at night and you switch the light off and it's dark, we can't see in the dark because there's no light.
Whereas in the daytime, when the sun is shining, we've got lots of light and we can see.
Whereas in the ocean, if there's no light, it's really dark.
So these creatures have bigger eyes so they can see.
Animals like shrimps, swordfish, and octopuses live here.
And we have already read about some swordfish, haven't we? And lastly, no plants really live here in the twilight zone because there isn't really a lot of sunlight to help them grow.
And we know that plants need lots of sunlight in order to grow really tall and really beautifully.
So in your books, I would like, on your sheets of paper, I would like you to write down two facts about the twilight zone.
So you can choose two.
And then I would like you to draw a picture of either a shrimp, a swordfish, or an octopus so that you know that this creature lives in this zone.
Pause the video, have a go at that now.
Great job, now the next zone, it's called the midnight zone.
No sunlight reaches here.
It's very dark.
So we're starting to go deeper down into the ocean.
Many creatures here make their own light so that they can hunt.
This means that they are bioluminescent.
Should we say that word again, can you say it with me? Bio, lumi, nescent, bioluminescent.
That means that those creatures have special parts of their body to help them create their own light.
How interesting is that? And animals like whales, squid and blobfish, which are really funny looking fish.
They live here because they've got lots of space above them so that they can swim around because they are huge creatures, whales, so they need lots of space.
I would like you now to pause the video and write down two facts about the midnight zone, and you can draw a picture of what I've said here.
Either a whale, a squid, or blobfish.
Pause the video, have a go at that now.
Now animals, as I've already mentioned, are called, the term bioluminescent refers to an animal that has the ability to produce it's own light.
It's really fascinating to look at.
So here are some animals that we could see that make their own light.
So we've got a picture here of an anglerfish.
You can see its little light at the top of its head.
Then we've got a type of jellyfish.
And then we've got some other jellyfish that you can see here, that create that own light.
Because it's really dark in the water there, so they need to create their own light in order to see.
So now we've done the sunlight zone.
We've done the twilight zone.
We've done the midnight zone.
Now we're moving on to this zone, called the abyss.
What's it called, the? Good, now in the abyss, it's very dark, very dark, no light.
It's freezing cold because it's even further away from the sun.
Whereas we know in the sunlight zone, the water's warmer.
Whereas the deeper we go, the colder it gets.
Very few creatures here.
Those that live here are usually transparent.
That means you can see through them.
I'm going to show you a picture of those animals in a moment, but I would like you to write down two facts about the zone abyss.
Pause the video, have a go at that now.
Great job.
So here we can see some of the strange looking creatures that live in the abyss.
And you can see here, they do look really strange, don't they? The other side looks a bit like jellyfish and they live in the deeper parts of the ocean too.
Now we are moving on to the bottom of the ocean called the trench.
What's it called, the? In the trench is also known as the ocean floor.
The floor of the ocean all the way down the bottom to the floor.
Now, humans, we can't swim into the trench.
It's too deep.
So sometimes they have special scientific machines, which can reach deep down into the ocean because we wouldn't be able to get that far with our machines and swim down there because it's so far down, take you a really long time.
So we have special machines that can do that for us and explore the trench zone.
And it's nearly freezing in the trench zone.
Now I would like you to write down two facts or maybe all of the facts here, because they're quite short, on the trench.
Pause the video, have a go at that now.
Well done, now, having a look here at my table, it's now full.
We know all the names of the different parts of the ocean or the layers.
If you would like to, you could colour yours in like this, each layer of your sheet.
You could use different colours blue to represent the colour of the water, and then maybe a brown for the trench at the bottom.
You can do this by pushing, if you've only got one colour blue, you can just colour in really lightly, not pushing too hard on the paper.
And then when you get further down, you can push a little bit harder.
You might need an adult to help you to show you how to do that.
But otherwise you don't have to colour it in if you don't want to.
But it might help you remember the different zones and you also might want to draw the sun.
You have worked so hard today.
You should be really, really proud of yourself.
Should we do a rainbow cheer? Great, so hold your hands out like this.
And I'd like you to go to this, make a rainbow with your hands, are you ready? Three, two, one.
Well done.
If you would like to share your work with us, you can ask your parent or carer to send a picture on Twitter using the tag @OakNational and the hashtag #LearnWithOak.