
Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome back to geography.

I'm Mr. Hutchinson.

We've be learning all about settlements.

We have been looking at different types of settlements like villages and towns and cities.

And recently we've been focused on our own settlement.

Over the last few lessons, you've drawn a map of your settlement, your local settlement, your local area, maybe your street, or maybe a bit of a bigger area.

And added some symbols and a key to show all the different things in your local area.

And in today's lesson, we're going to be thinking about how we can use directions to allow people to navigate the local area with that map to get from one place to another.

That's one reason that maps are really, really helpful because they can allow people to get from one place to another and for you to give people directions.

So in today's lesson, we're going to be answering this question, how do I describe where things are in my settlement? And you'll need your map to be able to do that.

So this is what our lesson looks like.

These are the different things that we're going to be doing.

First of all, we're going to learn about compass points.

These can be really helpful to allow us to give very precise accurate directions.

We'll then have a look at a basic map and use those new compass points, those directions, to help us to tell people how to get from one place to another.

After that, you'll use those compass directions on your own map.

So you'll add compass directions to your map.

So you can add some directions to tell people how to get from one place to another in your local settlement.

And we'll finish with our end of lesson quiz as usual.

So compass points.

First of all, what are compass points? Well, you might have seen on a map, this symbol here.

It's got an N and an E and an S and a W.

And these often appear on maps.

They're called compass points, there is a compass.

And you can have a compass as well.

You can buy a compass.

Compass points and compasses are useful because if we look at the world, there is a top of the world and a bottom of the world.

Now this map here, somebody has made it flat.

Because it's useful to have a flat map.

But that's not what the world is really like.

The world is kind of like a ball.

It's a sphere.

It's not quite a sphere, it's actually a bit squished on the top and on the bottom, but it's kind of like a ball.

Now, at the very top of the world we have the North Pole.

It's called the North pole at the very top of the world.

At the bottom of the world we have the South Pole.

And these compass points point to the North Pole and the South Pole.

And if you have a compass, if you own a compass and you have a compass, the needle will always point to the North Pole.

So compasses are very clever.

Wherever you are in the world they will point to The North Pole.

And they do that because the world has a magnetic field.

The world actually has a magnetic field, which means if you have a magnet, then the needle will always point to the top of the world, or the North Pole.

So we have a compass here with the different compass points.

And we know that we can always point to North, to the top of the world.

And you have a compass, then it will also the needle point to North as well.

So here's the more simple compass here, the different compass points.

And the different compass points wherever we are in the world there's one pointing to the top of the world, to the North Pole.

And so we call that North.

To the side there's East and then pointing down to the bottom of the world, there is South point pointing towards the South Pole.

And then to the other side, there is West depending on where we are in the world.

And we can remember this compass point in different ways.

So to remember the different compass points of North, East, South, West, we imagine it's a bit like a clock and we're going around like a clock goes around clockwise.

And we might say instead of North East, South West, we could remember, never eat shredded wheat.

N-E-S-W to remind us of the different compass points North, East, South, West.

So we have North, East, South, West.

And remember those we could say, never go around like a clock eat shredded wheat and that's a fun way that will help it to stick in your head the different compass points so that you can always draw the different compass points.

There's another way that we can remember it.

We could also remember it by saying, never eat slimy worms. Never eat slimy worms. Whichever way works for you is fine just remind you of the different compass points because it's useful to add that to a map.

North, East, South, West.

And that helps us to give directions because North never changes.

The top of the world is always in the same place.

It's at the top of the world.

And if we've got a compass with a needle pointing the top of the world, then using these different points we can give people directions.

So your first task for today is to have a go drawing a compass.

I'd like you to draw a compass.

So you will need the needle going up and down.

And one going side to side.

You might draw a like to draw a circle around it as well because this can be helpful to give even more accurate directions.

So draw your compass like this with the different needles, and then add in North, South, East and West.

Pause the video and have a go at that now and restart the video when you're ready to check your answers.

Great work I'm sure that your compass looks fantastic.

Let's see if you are right.

I'm going to show you the different compass points.

So at the top pointing to the top of the world to the North Pole is North.

Never eat, never eat.

So eat is like East.

So East is over to the right if we're looking up at North and to the right hand side is East.

South, the opposite of North of course the bottom of the world.

Never eat shredded, what was this last one, wheat we we West.

To the left, if we're looking up at North, the left is West.

North, East, South, West.

So now we know how to now we know the different compass directions.

We can use them, the different compass points, we can use them to give directions.

Let's have a go at that now.

So I've got a basic map here and I've drawn the compass points there for you to remind you.

And if this is a map, looking down at a particular settlement, I might have my house over over here.

And the school I'm trying to get to over here.

If I was to give somebody directions of where to go, I can use my compass points.

I could say, well, if you want to get to the school, then the first thing you need to do is take one step, two steps, East because I'm going in this direction; East direction.

And then I'm not quite there yet.

I also need to go this direction.

What was this direction if I'm going up? Well done, North, I need to go one, two steps North.

So I've gone one, two steps East and one two steps North.

So my directions would be take two steps to the East and take two steps North.

Let's see if you can have a go at giving some directions.

This time my house is here and my school is here.

Using your directions of North, East, South and West.

And using these squares to show how many different steps or jumps we need to make, write down the directions for the house to the school.

Pause the video and write down directions using your compass points just like I did here.

Let's see if you are right.

So this time, we need to take two steps to the East again.

But we're just going one step and we're going up so we're going North again.

So my directions here are two steps to the East and one step North.

Let's try a different one.

This time, my house is here and my school is here.

So which compass points would I need to use if I'm giving directions from my house to the school? Pause the video and see if you can give some directions using North, East, South or West to get from the house to the school on this map.

Excellent work.

Let's see if you are right.

So we need to go this time we go one, two, three steps and we're going down.

So we're going South.

Three steps South and then I'm going to go two steps.

And this time I'm going to the West.

So two steps West.

So my directions this time are three steps South and two steps West.

Hold on a second.

Hold on a second.

You might be saying, Mr. Hutchinson, that's not the only way to get from school, from my home to the school.

There's a different direction that you can take.

There's a different route that you can take.

You're absolutely right.

Of course there is a different route.

So you might have actually drawing it like this.

You might have said, "Well, first, you can go one, two steps, West and then you go one, two, three steps South." So you're still going three steps South and two steps West, but you're just doing it in a different order.

And it gets you to the same location, but you're still going two steps to the West and three steps South whichever way you do it.

Let's have another go.

Here is another.

Here's another one for you to look at.

This time my house is here and my school is here.

How could you get from your house to school using your compass directions here? Super work.

Hopefully you've written down your directions there.

Remember to write them out nice and neatly.

That will help to lock it in your head.

So you here could have said well I'm going to go one, two steps.

I'm going East if I'm looking at my compass directions.

And just one step South.

So I've gone two steps to the East and one step south.

Or you might have taken a different route.

You might have said, "Well, no, I'm going to do the one step South first and then I will go two steps to the East." So if you said that then that's fine and that's correct, as well.

Oh, oh, what's happened here.

This time, when I'm trying to get my house to the school, there is a river in the way.

It's a long, wide deep river and there's no boats or bridges.

So I'm going to have to go around the river.

So this time to make a little bit trickier.

I put a river in the way.

What I'd like you to do is to get from your home to the school, avoiding the river, you're going to have to go around it.

Making a bit trickier because I know how clever you are.

So see if you can write your compass directions to get from home to school avoiding the river.

Pause the video and write down your directions.

Let's see if your directions are the same as my directions.

So this time to avoid the river I can't just go directly from my home to school because I would go into the river and I get my shoes all wet.

So I'm going to go one step to the South, first of all, then I can go one, two, three steps East and then I'll go one step North.

So this time my directions look like this.

One step South, three steps East, one step North.

Oh, no, now, what's happened? This time, there are some mountains in the way between my home and the school.

I can't climb over the mountains to get to my school, I'm going to have to go around them.

There's no tunnel going through them.

So I'm going to have to go around the mountains.

It would take too long and I'd be too tired to try and climb over those mountains.

So this time my home is here and my school is here.

I need to go around the mountains.

How would you get to school? Pause the video and write out your directions.

Excellent work, well done.

So this time I would go one, two, three steps to the West because I can't go through the mountains.

And then I need to go one, two steps North.

So my directions this time are three steps West and two steps North.

You might have taken this route around the mountains, but I think that that's a little bit longer.

So I'm going to try and take this route to get to school as quickly as possible because I love school so much.

So now we've learned a little bit about compass directions, how they can be helped us on a map to give directions.

Those compass points can help us to give directions and tell people where two things are in relation to each other on a map.

Let's have a go adding the compass directions, the compass points, to our maps.

So I'm going to show you now.

I'm going to take my map from our last lesson and I'm going to add those compass points in.

So that I can give directions to different places in my local settlement.

Here is my map for our last lesson.

You remember I drew a map of my local community with the physical and the human features.

And I added in some symbols to represent some of the different things and a key.

So now I'm going to add in something else.

I'm going to add in my compass points.

So I'm going to draw a compass and I'm going to draw that by first of all doing a line up and down with arrows showing North and South and then from side to side arrows, which will show you East and West.

And sometimes with a compass it's helpful to draw a circle.

And that can be helpful if you want to be a little bit more detailed.

Because you can actually say exactly where on the circle, but we'll leave that for another day.

So now I've got my compass points, I can actually use that to start to give some directions.

So if I want to go from my house to the post office, I can say that I need to go down.

So what compass direction is that? I need to go down.

In fact, I have to go down here on my road.

I need to go down South.

So my first direction will be to go South, I'd needs to cross the road.

I need to go South and then which direction do I need to go North, East, South or West? If I want to get to the post office.

Well done, after that I would need to walk along the pavement and I would need to go West.

And I can even give some distance.

I think that that is probably, this first bit is probably about 20 metres.

So the first bit is I need to walk, the first part of my direction as I used to walk 20 metres South And then this part here is about 60 metres.

That's what I'm estimating.

A football field is about 100 metres and I think it's about half a football field.

So I think it's about 60 metres a bit more than half.

So after I walk 20 metres I need to walk 60 metres North, East, South, West, walk 60 metres West.

And there we go.

I've given some compass directions to get from one place in the local community to another place, from my house to the post office.

And I can give directions from my house to the train station using my compass directions.

I can give directions from my house to the school using my compass directions.

I could go from the train station to the school.

Maybe if you were at this school and you had a visitor coming from the train station.

You'd give them directions and you could say you need to walk West for about 50 metres.

And then you need to walk North for about 100 metres to get to the school.

So directions, these compass points can be really really helpful, because they help people know where they need to get to.

Maybe you can add some directions to your map.

If you add in your compass points to your map then you'll be able to draw all sorts of different directions and give lots of different routes for your local community.

So now we have got a map of our local community, our local local settlement, we have added some symbols in, and we can even add in some compass points to help us to give directions.

And you could write down some different directions.

Now there are so many that you can do.

It depends on what's in your local settlement, your local community or local area.

That will depend on what the different directions that you can make.

And you could maybe challenge a parent or a carer, to write out different directions or to give you two different places in your local settlement for you to write out the directions.

So the first thing you need to do is add your compass points to your map.

And then you will be able to write the directions there.

So pause the video and add a compass to your map.

And then write down different directions based on your settlement.

Pause the video and do that task.

And I'll see you after it.

Super, super work.

The great thing with this geography work is that you can do as much of it as you like.

You can always add more detail and give more directions.

I'm sure that you already did a great job of adding your compass points and showing where different things in your settlement are in relation to each other using North and South and East and West.

And I'm really proud of you for working so hard and having a great understanding of the geography of your area and mapping that out in the way that you have.

Well done, amazing work.

I'd love to see all the different geography work that you've done over the course of this unit.

Having a really good understanding of settlements around the world, different settlement types, how they emerge, how they are created, how they develop, the differences and similarities between them and your own settlement.

What your settlement is like and how to get around it.

If you'd like to share that work, then you can.

You just need to use the social media of Oak National @OakNational and ask your parent or carer to take a photo and submit your work.

And I would really, really love to see all of your amazing works because I know how hard you've been working on it.

So please do ask them to take a photo and share that and I look forward to seeing it.

Well done for working so hard.

It's been a pleasure and an honour and I'll see you next time.