
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison, I'm so excited to meet you.

Today's lesson is Jobs in Arusha, Tanzania.

This lesson is part of a wider unit called Contrasting Locality, what it's like to live in Tanzania.

In this lesson, we are going to be using role play to investigate some of the jobs that people do in and around Arusha in Tanzania.

But before we can begin this, we need to define a few of the keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The key words we'll be using in this lesson are job, community, safari, charity, and hot seat.

Job, a job is regular work, which is usually paid.

Community, a community is a group of people who all have something in common.

Safari, a safari is a journey on land to watch, photograph, or hunt wild animals.

Charity, charity is offering actions or money to help someone or something in need.

Hot seat, being in the hot seat means being the person to answer questions being asked by the group.


Now, we've managed to define these keywords, we can begin to start answering our key learning aims. Our first key learning aim in this lesson is, what jobs do people do in and around Arusha in Tanzania? Why do people even work, what jobs do people even do? I would like you to pause here for a second and speak to the person that you're with to discuss why do people work and what jobs do people do.

Use the images below to help you press Play when you're ready to continue.


So there are many reasons why people decide to work.

Laura says, "People have jobs so that they can earn money." Andeep says, "People need money to pay for different things like food and somewhere to live." Jun says, "People might have jobs to help with their community, country, or even the world." Izzy says, "People might have a job doing something they love or are good at." Did you get any of these ideas? Well done.

Now let's see what types of jobs people could do.

A teacher, a plumber, a nurse, a hotel manager, a hairdresser, a farmer, a shop assistant, a police officer.

Did you think of any of these jobs? Let's pause here whilst you try and name some jobs that aren't listed so far.

Press Play when ready to continue.

Fantastic, very well done.

Now, earning money is the only reason why people have jobs.

True or false? Pause here whilst you decide and press Play when you're ready to check your answer.

Excellent, it is false.

Earning money is not the only reason why people have jobs, but can you explain why? Pause here whilst you write an answer as to why earning money is not the only reason why people have jobs and press Play to continue.


It is because there are many different reasons why people have jobs.

People might have jobs to help their community, country, or the world, or they might do something that they love or that they're really, really good at.

Well done, we've done brilliantly so far.

People living in Arusha do lots of different jobs.

We're gonna meet a number of different people living in and around Arusha to find out some more about the types of jobs that people do that.

The first one is a coffee plantation work.

Remember, a plantation is where there is one particular crop that has grown.

So in this instance, it'll be coffee.

The climate here is good for growing coffee.

Although we aren't far from the equator, the land here is quite high up.

This means that it doesn't get us hot as other parts of Tanzania.

Picking coffee is hard work.

We have to work very long hours and we don't get paid very much.

Now let's meet the teacher.

The teacher says, "Many children in Tanzania go to primary school, but some children just aren't able to.

They have to work or help out at home.

I teach children different subjects like Kiswahili, English, Maths, and science.

There are 45 children in my class, so it can be very, very difficult to help everyone." Safari guide.

Many tourists visit Arusha each year to go on safari.

There are several national parks in northern Tanzania.

One of the most popular ones is a Serengeti National Park.

Tanzania has many different types of wildlife in Tanzania, including elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards, and giraffes.

Many of these animals are now endangered because of hunting, so the safari's guide job is to make sure he educates the tourists so they don't do anything that could put the animals at risk of becoming extinct.

The farmer.

The farmer says Him and his family grow many different crops, including bananas, cabbage, corn, peppers, and tomatoes.

They don't have much land, but most of what they grow, they are gonna eat themselves.

Sometimes if they have any crops left over, they might be able to sell it at the nearby market.

Now, let's test ourselves.

How many children in Tanzania go to primary school? Is it A, all children? Is it B, many children, but not all? Or is it C, no children at all? Pause here whilst you have a think and press Play when you're ready to check your answers.

Fantastic, the amount of children in Tanzania that go to primary school is many children, but not all.

As the teacher said, some students aren't able to go to primary school as they either have to go to work or they have to help out at home.

Now, let's meet some more workers.

This is the supermarket worker.

They say there are lots of different types of shops in Arusha, selling clothes, electronic items, furniture, cars, and many, many other things.

There are also many cafes and restaurants here.

The supermarket worker really likes to go to the cinema at the weekend.

They say they've lived in Arusha all their life.

The city is changing fast and getting bigger and bigger.

The dala dala driver.

A dala dala is a mini bus that takes people from one place to another.

Lots of people in Tanzania use them to get around.

The dala dala can get very, very crowded.

As you can see, it's not very big.

People often have to share seats so everybody can fit in.

Arusha is a very busy place and there can be lots and lots of traffic on the roads.

Charity worker.

Remember, charity is when somebody is doing something to help someone or something that is in need.

There are many different charities working in Arusha.

The charity I work for tries to make sure everyone has clean and safe water, which is really, really important if you want to live a long and healthy life.

Some people living in villages around Arusha don't have piped water in their homes, and because of this, they have to walk really, really long distances to collect it.

Some homes and schools don't have toilets either, so they do a really, really important job helping local communities make sure they have toilets and safe drinking water.

The hotel manager, lots of tourists visit Arusha each year.

There are several different tourist activities.

Many tourists decide to go on safari to one of the national parks in northern Tanzania.

Some tourists also like to climb Mount Meru or Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Tanzania and Africa.

Now let's test ourselves what we remember about these workers that were in and around Arusha.

What is a dala dala? Is it an animal? Is it B, a type of food? Is it C, a mini bus? Pause here whilst you decide which one a dala dala is and then press Play when you're ready to check your answers.

Fantastic, a dala dala is a mini bus, well done.

As you can remember, the dala dala drivers are really, really in demand in Arusha.

They drive lots of people around and they get very overcrowded, so lots of people have to share seats.

Now, what I would like you to do is work in pairs or small groups.

One person at a time will be in the hot seat.

Remember, the hot seat is when someone sits in a seat and is asked lots of questions about something.

In particular, that person in the hot seat needs to imagine that they're one of the people that we've just studied working in Arusha.

That person will need to be able to introduce themself and tell everyone what they do and what Arusha is like.

Andeep has a top tip for you.

He says that you should use the information you have about all of the jobs and anything else that you have learned about Arusha or Tanzania to help you think of what you are going to say.

I'm going to ask you to pause here whilst each of you individually learn about a particular job that you would like to do in Arusha.

I would like you to become an expert in it, and then when you're done and you're ready to begin the next task, click Play and we can continue.

Fantastic, right? You now all should be experts on a particular job that is found in and around Arusha.

Now what we are gonna do is either in your pairs or in your groups.

One person is going to be the person in the hot seat and they're going to be receiving questions from everybody else to find out more about what that person's job is and what a rooster is like.

You are all going to take turns being in the hot seat and asking questions.

When everyone is had a turn being in the hot seat and having questions asked, then click Play to continue.

Excellent work.

I hope you really enjoyed that task.

Learning a bit more about the different jobs and taking on role play to better understand what life is like for people who are working in Arusha.

I'm gonna show you an example role play.

Jun says, "What job do you do?" Izzy says, "I work as a safari guide." Jun says, "What animals might people see on safari Tanzania?" And Izzy has said elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards, and many other animals.

This is great.

Izzy's been able to identify the particular job she's doing and she's been able to give specific information which relates to Tanzania about what her job is.

Well done to all of you completing the role play task.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Now we've spent some time learning about what jobs people do in Arusha.

We now need to think about what we have found out about Arusha.

Talking to people is another way geographers can learn more about what places are like.

Izzy has reminded us that using different sources of information really helps us to get a better idea of what places are like.

The more information we have, the better we understand something, so it's really important that we always keep asking questions and explore all of the avenues that we can so we know as much as we possibly can about a place before we form judgements about something.

Andeep has also reminded us that it's really important to check whether information is true by seeing if several sources of information agree on something.

Often we might hear or read something that isn't necessarily true, but it is out on the internet or in a book, and that might have been published for a particular reason, but that's why it's really important that we can continuously check out information with reliable sources to make sure that information we have is accurate and true.

Everything we read or hear is true, true or false.

Pause here whilst you answer this question and press Play when you're ready to continue.

Fantastic, the answer is false.

Everything we read or hear is not true.

Can you explain why? Pause and then click Play when you're ready to continue.


The reason why everything we read or hear is not true is because sometimes the things people tell us or we read online might not be true.

There is a number of different reasons why there is false information out in the world, but that's why it's important.

As geographies, we always go and get as much information as possible so we can fact check everything that we are learning to make sure we are forming proper and accurate judgements.

Now, let's think about what you have learned about Arusha by meeting all the people who work and live in and around there.

I would like you also now to take this time to think, to talk to someone about what you think you have learned in today's lesson.

Pause here and press Play when you're ready to share your answers.

Fantastic, let's check to see what we've all learned about Arusha.

Laura said that she found that she learned that Arusha is a very, very busy city.

The dala dala driver also expressed the exact same thing.

He said that because it's such a busy city, there's often lots of traffic jams. He also mentioned that people often have to share a seat when they're in his dala dala.

Andeep said that he learned that some children in Tanzania aren't able to go to school.

We know this is true because the teacher said to us, all children are allowed to go to school in Tanzania, but some children unfortunately either have to work or they have to help out at home.

Jun has said that he learned that many tourists visit Arusha and Northern Tanzania.

We know this is true because the Safari guide and the hotel manager both said tourism was a really big industry in Arusha and Tanzania.

They both said that a lot of the tourists like to go to Serengeti National Park to go in a safari to look at the lions, their elephants, the rhinos.

They also said that they like to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the tallest mountain in Tanzania and Africa.

Izzy said that she learned that coffee is one of the crops growing in Arusha.

We learned from the coffee plantation worker that this work has done up in the mountains.

Unfortunately, this work is really, really tough.

The workers work long hours and unfortunately don't get paid very much money.

We've all learned something really useful about what life is like in Arusha and what types of jobs are going on, so well done.

We've come to the end of our lesson of jobs in Arusha and Tanzania.

You've done fantastically and I'm extremely impressed with what you've achieved.

Let's summarise what we've learned so we can see how far we've come in this lesson.

We've learnt people around the world do different jobs and for different reasons to make money, to help save their community or their the world, whether they're doing something they love or that they're really, really good at.

We also learned that Arusha's climate and geographical features affect some of the jobs that people do there.

We know that the coffee plantation worker works up in the mountains.

The Safari guide works in Savannah showing people all the wildlife there, so that really does play a role in the jobs that people do.

We also learned that talking to people is one of the best ways finding out about a place and what people do there.

It's also really important to always use multiple sources of information to make sure that we have the most accurate understanding of what is going on and what we are investigating, but also to make sure that the information is true.

Well done.

You have done fantastically in today's lesson.

I'm so proud of you.

I can't wait to learn with you again very soon.