
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

We're going to have a fantastic lesson.

Today's lesson is called "Physical and Human Features in Tanzania." This lesson is part of a wider unit called "Contrasting Locality: What It's Like to Live in Tanzania." In today's lesson, we are going to be using aerial photographs and satellite images to investigate Tanzania's physical and human features.

By the end of the lesson, you'll be confident in using aerial photographs and satellite images to investigate any country's physical and human features.

Before we can begin our learning, we need to define a few keywords that we'll be using in today's lesson.

In today's lesson, our keywords that we'll be using are aerial photograph, satellite image, natural, 3D and globe.

Aerial photograph: an aerial photograph is a picture of an object or a place that has been taken from above.

Satellite image: a satellite image is a photograph taken from high above using a satellite.

Natural: natural is something that is natural, that is not being changed at all by humans.

3D: a three dimensional object is solid.

It's dimensions, height (top to bottom), width (side to side), and depth (front to back).

Globe: a globe is a map of earth on a sphere.


Now that we've been able to define those keywords, we can begin to start answering our key learning outcomes.

Our first learning outcome in this lesson is locating places in Tanzania.

We can use lots of different types of information to find out more about Tanzania.

Can you pause the video here and I would like you to think about all the different types of information that we could use in order to help us to find out more about Tanzania.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

These are some examples that you might have mentioned about types of information we could use in order to find out more about Tanzania.

Atlases, you may have used these in school or you may have one at home.

Books, globes, photographs, the internet, maps, other people, and satellite images.

It's really important that we use a variety of different types of information to make sure that we know that the information is true, to be able to tell any differences or similarities between places and within places.

So, using a variety of these really does help us to better understand places.

But in today's lesson, we are going to be focusing on two different types of information.

First one is aerial photographs.

We can use it to investigate what places are like.

Aerial photographs are taken by cameras from above.

These are often taken by cameras in planes or drones.

The image will look exactly like the one that you can see on the right of the screen.

We can also use satellite images to investigate what places are like.

These pictures are taken by satellites orbiting the Earth.

Bit like the image on the left, you can see a satellite is orbiting the Earth and taking photographs for us.

Google Earth uses both satellite images and aerial images.

It does also use other types of information to help show what the Earth is really, really like.

Andeep says, "Google Earth helps to represent the Earth as a globe." Remember, a globe is where the Earth is represented as a sphere, which is a shape, and it's 3D.

We can zoom in on Google Earth to locate different places.

For example, we can use Google Earth to locate where Africa is.

We can use Google Earth to zoom a bit closer in to even find out where Tanzania is.

And we can zoom in even closer to find different places in Tanzania.

So you can already see, it's really useful in helping us to understand where Tanzania is and what places are even in Tanzania before we begin to start looking at photographs.

Let's test our knowledge.

Which of these images best shows the location of Tanzania in Africa? Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look, and then press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

The image that best shows the location of Tanzania in Africa is B.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Now, I would like you to start exploring and using Google Earth.

I would like you to be able to locate Africa, Tanzania, and Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam is one of the two capital cities in Tanzania.

When you're locating them, what would be really helpful is if you took a screenshot of each of the stages when you find these places.

I would like you to challenge yourself a bit further and zoom in even closer into Tanzania.

I would like you to find Zanzibar, Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park.

But before you go off and complete this task, I'd really like to remind you that it's important that you look at the spelling of these words, and you carefully spell them when you are searching them as you might not find them or you might be sent somewhere completely different.


Pause the video.

Good luck being an explorer and press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

I'm gonna show you what I took screenshots of when I was searching for these places.

And hopefully, your pictures will look the exact same as mine.

I located Africa and I labelled it.

I located Tanzania, and again, I made sure there was a label.

And then, I took a much bigger screenshot and I labelled each of the places coming off this map.

I labelled Lake Victoria, Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar, and Dar es Salaam.

Does yours look like this? Well done.

That was super interesting to do.

Now, we've managed to locate different places in Tanzania and we're now a lot more confident in using Google Earth and understanding what satellite images are, and what aerial photographs are.

Now we're gonna answer our second learning outcome.

Tanzania's physical and human features.

Geographical features are things that make up the world around us.

We can sort these into physical or human features.

Things that are natural are physical features and things that are created by humans are human features.

So regardless where you live, there will always be physical features or human features.

Physical features, like I said, are natural things.

So for the context of Tanzania, it'd be things like mountains, seas.

There are many, many different physical features in Tanzania.

It's a country of great contrast.

As you can see, we've got mountains, we've got beaches, we've got savannas, much, much more in Tanzania.

We've also got human features, like I said, that are things made by people.

Bridges, buildings, roads, and railways.

What human features can you see in this photo of Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania? Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

Well done.

There are many different features in Tanzania.

And when we look at the photo of Dar es Salaam, you'll be able to see it's populated with loads and loads and loads of different manmade features, from flats to railways to bus networks to shopping malls.

It has lots of them.

Now, let's test our knowledge.

Which of these is not a physical feature? Remember, a physical feature is something that is natural and is not manmade.

Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and press play when you're ready to continue.


Well done.

The photograph that is not a physical feature is B.

As we can see, it's got big skyscrapers in there, so that's going to be a human feature.

We can also use Google Earth to zoom in and investigate Tanzania's physical and human features.

Let's zoom in to explore Mount Kilimanjaro.

This is the photograph of Tanzania, and we zoom in, that's Mount Kilimanjaro.

As you can see, the land looks like different colours.

At the top, it's very green, and around it is very, very brown.

Let's zoom in even closer to look down at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Based on these photographs, I would like you to pause here and I'd like you to look and see what you can see.

When you're ready to continue, press play.

Excellent work.

The top of the mountain is mostly covered in rocks, soil and snow.

There weren't many plants able to grow up this high because it's super, super cold.

Mountain Kilimanjaro is actually a dormant volcano.

Even more amazing.

We can also change to a 3D view on Google Earth to see what places look like from the sides, as well as at the top.

So, let's turn the image that we just looked at about Mount Kilimanjaro to 3D so we can see on its side.

We can see from this image that there are steep slopes of the mountain and what the surrounding landscape looks like.

I would like you to pause here and take a closer look, and see what you physical features you can pick out from this image about Mount Kilimanjaro.

Press play when you're ready to continue.


Well done.

Google Earth only tells us where places in the world are.

True or false.

Pause here whilst you decide if the statement is either true or false, and press play when you're ready to continue.


The answer to this question is false.

Google Earth does not only tell us where places in the world are.

Can you explain why? Pause here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Google Earth can also help us to investigate what places are like.

So, like we did in the previous task when we turned it to 3D, we were able to get a better view of what the mountain actually looks like and what the surrounding area looks like as well, which is really helpful in helping us to understand what physical and human features exist in Tanzania.

Now, I would like you to use Google Earth to zoom in from above on one place in Tanzania, any place you'd like.

I would like you to identify the physical and human features.

And then, I would like you to switch to a 3D view to look at the place from the side.

I would then like you to tell someone about something that you've seen or found out about Tanzania based on this task.

Pause here whilst you complete this task and press play when you're ready to continue.


Well done.

I really hope you enjoyed doing using Google Earth on that task and identifying physical and human features.

I'm gonna show you what I found on Google Earth.

So, we zoomed in on Dar es Salaam.

It's the largest city in Tanzania.

We were able to notice lots of different human and physical features.

So, Izzy said she was able to see lots of different buildings and roads.

They are human features.

And when she zoomed in even closer, she could see some container ships in the port.

Again, another human feature.

She was also able to see a busy city with lots of different human features like roads, houses, shops.

She also found out that Dar es Salaam is on the coast.

That is a physical feature.


We've had such a great lesson today.

I really enjoyed learning about the physical and human features of Tanzania with you.

Let's summarise what we've learned so we can see how far we've come in today's lesson.

Google Earth can be used to locate places in Tanzania.

We also know that Google Earth uses a mixture of satellite images and aerial photographs in order to help create information for us so we can learn more about places.

We also learn that we are able to use a 3D feature on Google Earth, so we're able to see places that we're investigating from their sites and look at the surrounding landscapes.

We were also able to see that there are many different human and physical features in Tanzania.

We looked at Mount Kilimanjaro.

We saw that Dar es Salaam has a coastline.

We were able to see the stark contrast between the human and the physical features in Tanzania.

We also were able to see that Google Earth is able to be used to investigate Tanzania's human and physical features, and we found it super useful.

I hope you really enjoyed using Google Earth, and I hope you continue to use it to explore other places around the world and see what human and physical features there are.

Thank you so much for learning with me today.

I look forward to learning with you again very soon.