
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

We're gonna have a great lesson.

Today's lesson is called "Similarities and Differences in Arusha and Tanzania." This lesson is part of a wider unit called contrasting locality: what it is like to live in Tanzania.

In today's lesson, we're going to be using a number of different photographs to help to identify similarities and differences between Arusha and Tanzania, and the place where we live.

But before we can begin to even explore this, we need to define a few keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson are similarities, differences, climate, physical feature, and city.

Similarities are the things that are the same when compared with others.


Differences are the things that are not the same when compared with others.


Climate is an average of weather conditions, for example, rain, sun, wind in a specific place and this will be taken over a long period of time, usually 30 years or more.

Physical feature.

A physical feature is natural and has not been formed or made by humans.

A city.

A city is a settlement that is usually larger than a town and has a local government.

Now that we've been able to define these keywords, we can begin to start answering some of our key learning outcomes.

Our first learning outcome in this lesson is how can we compare places? There are lots of similarities and differences between the places where people live.

There are similarities and differences between places in the same country, places in different countries.

Using these photos here, I would like you to pause and I would like you to think about the similarities between each of them and the differences between each of these photographs.

Then when you're ready, press play to continue.

Excellent work.

I hope you were able to spot some similarities and some differences between the places in those photographs.

There might be similarities and differences in the climate.

Some places are much hotter and some places are much colder.

Some places are much drier and some places are much wetter.

As you can see in the images on the screen, one is a desert and one is up in the mountains where it's very snowy.

What other words could be used to describe the climate? Pause here for a second and think about other words that we could use to describe the climate.

Press play to continue.


Very well done.

There might be also similarities and differences in the physical features and places.

Some people might live in the mountains and some people might live in the sea, like you can see on the images on the screen.

What other physical features might there be? Pause here for a second and think about what other physical features could there be where people live? And when you're ready, press play.


There might be similarities and differences in how big places are.

Some people live in really tiny villages with only a few houses, whilst other people live in really huge cities with lots of different human features.

These photographs are of two very different places in Tanzania.

You can see there's such a difference in the amount of buildings that they're there, the types of the buildings, the physical features that they're near, and the human features, like access to railways and roads.

Now, I would like to test your knowledge.

Every place in the world is completely different.

True or false? Pause here whilst you decide your answer and press play when you're ready to continue.


It is false.

Can you explain why? Brilliant.

Although there will be differences between places, there will also be lots of similarities between each place, which means some places will be quite similar and some will be quite different.

When we think about what similarities and differences there might be between the place where you live and other places, say in the UK or places around the world, I would like you to pause here for a few minutes and I would like you to speak with someone about the similarities and differences between the place where you live, other places in the UK and other places in the world.

And then when you're ready, press play to continue.


So let's share some answers.

Laura says that she lives in a town on the coast.

Other places in the UK are a long way away from the sea.

Izzy says that she lives in a small village in the countryside.

Other people in the UK live in very, very big cities like London.

Jun says, "We have warm summers and cold winters in the UK.

Some places in the world are very hot all year round!" Fantastic.

We've been able to compare places both within the UK and around the world.

Now we can begin on our second learning outcome.

What similarities are there? We can use maps and photographs to investigate the similarities and differences between places.

Tanzania is a country in the continent of Africa.

England is a country that is part of the UK in the continent of Europe.

England, Tanzania, they're very different continents.

I wonder what similarities there could be.

Arusha is a city in the north of Tanzania.

Sheffield is a city in the north of England.

Let's first look for any similarities.

We can use photographs to help investigate these similarities.

Look at these photographs of a market in Arusha and a market in Sheffield.

Pause here for a second, and I would like you to look at both images and discuss what similarities you can see in these images.

And then when you're ready, press play to continue.


The similarities between the markets in Arusha and Sheffield are there are stalls selling lots of different things.

The market stalls are both outside.

The market stalls have roofs, but they don't have walls.

Now, I would like you to look at these photographs from Arusha and Sheffield, and I'd like you to talk with someone about any similarities you can see between the two places.

And then I would like you to talk with someone about any similarities there are between Arusha and the place where you live.

These are the photographs of Arusha and these are the photographs of Sheffield.

I would like you to go in between these photographs and identify any similarities between both Arusha and Sheffield.

And then I would like you to identify any similarities between Arusha and the place where you live.

Pause here and flick between the two images and press play when you're ready to continue.


I hope you were able to identify some similarities between Arusha and Sheffield, and Arusha and the place where you live.

Let's discuss some of the similarities between the two places.

Laura said, "It looks like both cities have countryside nearby." Izzy said, "There are some big buildings in Arusha and Sheffield." And Jun said, "There are roads for people to move around." Now I'd like you to think and discuss the differences that you found between Arusha and the place where you live.

Some examples are as follows.

Laura says, "There is a market in the place where I live too." Izzy said, "There are some hills near where I live, though they don't look as high as the mountain near Arusha." And Jun says, "People use buses to travel around in Arusha and where we live." I hope you managed to get some similarities that are the same.


Well done.

We've now managed to complete our second learning outcome.

What similarities are there? We're able to compare Arusha with Sheffield, and we're also able to compare Arusha with where we lived and we're able to see clear similarities between the two places.

Now we're coming onto our third learning outcome.

What differences are there? Look at the photographs of a market in Arusha and again, a market in Sheffield.

I would like you to identify what you can see the differences are.

Pause here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Let's share our answers.

The differences between the markets in Arusha and Sheffield are some of the things being sold are very different in each image.

There are more stalls in Arusha than there are in Sheffield.

The things being sold are all on the table in the Sheffield market.

There is writing on the stalls in the Sheffield market as well.

Did you spot all of these differences and did you get any more? Well done for your work.

Now, I would like you to look again at these other photographs from Arusha and Sheffield, and I would like you to discuss with someone about any of the differences you can see between the two places.

I would then also like you to talk about any differences that you see between Arusha and the place where you live.

These are the images that I would like you to look at, photographs of Arusha, and then of Sheffield.

Pause here and flick between the slides to identify the differences between Arusha and Sheffield, and then Arusha and where you live.

Press play when you're ready to continue.


Let's see what differences you were able to spot.

Laura said, "There is a tram in Sheffield, but I couldn't see one in these photographs of Arusha." Izzy said, "Some of the buildings in Sheffield have chimneys.

It doesn't look like the houses in Arusha do." Jun said, "Some of the roads look the same but some of them look very different." Laura, Izzy and Jun were clearly able to identify really good differences between Arusha and Sheffield.

Were you able to identify these differences? Now, let's try and identify some differences between Arusha and the place where you live.

Here are some examples.

Laura says, "I live in a small town.

rusha is a city." Izzy says, "I live by the sea.

Arusha is located inland." And Jun says, "There aren't any tall buildings where I live." Fantastic.

They were able to identify these differences between Arusha and where they lived.

Did you get anything similar? Well done.


We've now come to the end of our lesson of similarities and differences in Arusha in Tanzania.

We've learned a lot in today's lesson.

Let's try and see if we can summarise what we've learned so we can see the progress that we've made from the beginning of the lesson to the end of the lesson.

There are similarities and differences between the different places where people live.

This could be within the same country or in different countries.

We were specifically looking at Arusha and Sheffield, and we then compared the differences and similarities between Arusha and where we lived.

Photographs can be used to investigate and compare different places.

It was really useful looking at different photographs because it showed us different parts of each city.

There are similarities between Arusha and the place where I live.

We were able to clearly identify these from the photographs.

You've done fantastically in today's lesson.

Very well done and I really look forward to learning with you again very soon.