
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so looking forward to learning with you today.

We're gonna have a great lesson.

Today's lesson is called Tanzania's climate and landscape.

This is part of a wider unit called Contrasting locality: what it is like to live in Tanzania.

In today's lesson, we'll be using photographs to find out about the climate and landscapes of Tanzania.

But before we can begin this learning, we need to define a few keywords that we'll be using throughout our lesson.

The keywords we'll be using today are photograph, climate, and landscape.


A photograph is a picture that you take with a camera or mobile phone.


Climate is an average of weather conditions, for example, sun, rain, wind, in a specific place, and it's usually taken over a long period of time, usually 30 years or more.


A landscape is an area and its land forms and features that can be seen when viewed from another place.


Now we've defined these keywords.

We can begin to answer some of our key learning outcomes.

Our first learning outcome of this lesson is, what can photographs tell us about Tanzania? We're learning more about Tanzania, one of the countries in East Africa.

Where is Tanzania on this map? Pause the video here and try and locate where Tanzania is on this map.

Press play to continue.


Were you able to correctly identify it? How could we find out more information about Tanzania? What could we start to use? Photographs are one of the sources of information that we could use to find out about Tanzania.

People take photographs for a variety of different reasons.

Why do people take photographs of places? Have you ever taken a photograph, and what with? Camera or on a mobile phone? I'd like you to pause here, and discuss, and think why do people take photographs of places, and if you've ever taken a photograph, and what did you take it with? When you're ready, press play to continue.


Laura has said, "Some people might take photographs to show what a place is like.

Andeep said, "You might take photographs at different times to show how a place has changed over time.

Juan says, "I have taken photographs on holiday to help me remember what it was like." And Izzy said, "Some people might take pictures for their job." I wonder if you got some of the same answers here.

Here is a photograph of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

Do you ever think everywhere in Tanzania is going to look exactly like this? Well, Tanzania is actually a very, very diverse country.

This means it has a wide variety of different climates and landscapes.

Using lots of different photographs helps us to get a better picture of what a place is really like.

As you can see from the picture that I just showed you of Dar es Salaam, I've shown you another two photographs of Tanzania, and they're very, very different.

So it's really important that we use lots of different photographs so we get a really good understanding about the different climates and the different landscapes that might be located in one country.

Let's test our knowledge.

Using a range of photographs, can it help us to get a better understanding of what a place is like? True or false? Pause the video here whilst you think and press play when you're ready to continue.


The answer to this is true.

Using a range of photographs is really, really useful to get a better understanding of what a place is like.

But are you able to explain why this statement is true? Pause the video here, try and answer this question, and press play when you're ready to continue.

Places might have a range of climates, landscapes, and features.

Looking at lots of different pictures helps us to understand what a place is really like.

Well done on this task.

I would now like you to look at this photograph and I just want you to think, what can you see, what might you hear if you were there, and how do you think you might feel? Pause here whilst you think about those questions and then press play when you're ready to continue.


Well done.

Now, what I would like you to do is I would like you to fill this grid in.

Using that photograph, answer these questions as best as you possibly can.

You can write as many answers as you'd like.

The more answers, the better.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Really well done.

Now, I would like you to do the exact same for as many of these images as possible.

Remember, you're writing down what you can see, what you might hear, and how you might feel.

Try and do as many of these photographs as possible.

It'll really help us to get a better understanding, a better feel, for what life is like in Tanzania.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Now, let's feedback on our answers.

So for what you can see, I put down mountains in the distance, lots and lots of open space, no people whatsoever.

The next question, I put what might you hear if you were there.

I said birds, wind, and other animal noises.

But how do you think you might feel if you were there? I put peaceful, as it doesn't seem to be that many people there, a little bit scared.

The unknown of what animals could pop up and creep up on me terrifies me slightly.

So we've now been able to accomplish a lot about learning about Tanzania through photographs.

Now, we need to find out what have we actually learned about Tanzania.

Photographs can tell us about the geography of a place.

They can give us clues about the climate, the landscape, the lives of the people who live there, and how this place is similar or different to other places.

What I'd like you to do is to tell me, what do these photographs tell us about what the climate of Tanzania is like? Pause here whilst you discuss and press play to continue.

Well done.

Let's share some of our answers.

Laura says it looks like there are some places that are much, much hotter and some that are much, much colder.

As we saw in those photographs, there are some with snow and some with really, really hot deserts.

Juan says, "It looks like there are some places that have a really dry climate." Andeep said, "Some places are really, really green.

Perhaps it might rain a lot there." Izzy said she thinks Tanzania has a range of different climates based on the images that she looked at.

I wonder, did you get some of the similar answers? Now, I would like you to look at the photographs below and tell and think about what they tell us about the landscapes of Tanzania.

Pause here whilst you take a closer look and press play when you're ready to discuss.


Let's share our answers.

Laura says there are mountains in Tanzania.

She saw snow on top of them, so she thinks they must be really, really tall.

Andeep said, "I can see a beach and a large body of water.

It looks like it's near an ocean." Juan says, "It looks like Tanzania has some large cities." And Izzy said she thinks Tanzania has a range of different landscapes based on the images that she looked at.

Did you get some of these answers? Well done for your work on this task.


Let's now test our knowledge.

What does this photograph tell you about Tanzania? You must select two options.

A, that some places in Tanzania get cold.

B, that some places in Tanzania have a very long coastline.

And c, that there are some mountains in Tanzania.

Pause here whilst you try and answer the question, what does this photograph tell you about Tanzania? Press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

It is a, that some places in Tanzania get cold, and c, that there are mountains in Tanzania.

Well done if you've got this question correct.

Tanzania is a large country in Eastern Africa.

It borders with eight countries and the Indian Ocean.

Tanzania is also bordered by three of the largest lakes in Africa, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Nyasa.

As you can see, they're located on the map clearly for you.

Tanzania is almost four times the size of the UK, which is incredible.

How far a place is from the equator really does affect the climate.

So Tanzania, if we look at it, is very near to the equator, and so it's going to have a much warmer climate.

Tanzania's climate varies in different parts of the country.

Higher places have a much cooler temperature than places lower down.

It usually only rains for parts of the year.

Some places get more rain than others.

Some places inland are often drier than places by the sea.

There are often droughts in some parts of Tanzania when it doesn't rain for a very long time.

This really does make it difficult for some people to grow food and find water.

Let's test our knowledge.

which ocean borders Tanzania? Is it a, the Atlantic Ocean, b, Indian Ocean, or c, Pacific Ocean.

Pause the video here and press play to continue.


The ocean that borders Tanzania is the Indian Ocean.

Well done if you got that one correct.

Tanzania has two capital cities, Dodoma and Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam is the largest city in East Africa.

Dar es Salaam is also on the coast and has a really, really important port.

Many things arrive and leave by ship each day.

More than 5 million people live in Dar es Salaam.

That's more than the population of Wales.

So you can see, this city is really, really important in Tanzania.

It's a port, but also, a lot of the people live there, which means it's going to have a really, really, really important economy for Tanzania.

Tanzania also has a long coastline.

There are also some islands off the coast that are part of the country.

One of these islands, Izzy recalls, is called Zanzibar, or Unguya.

Many tourists visit this island's beautiful beaches each year.

As you can see on the picture, the waters look crystal clear.

Absolutely stunning.

And I'm sure if you went snorkelling there, you would see some amazing sea creatures.

Let's test our knowledge again.

Which is the name of the largest city in Tanzania? Is it a, Cairo, b, Dar es Salaam, or c, Nairobi? Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue.

It is b, Dar es Salaam.

Well done.

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the north of Tanzania.

It is the highest mountain in Africa.

As you can see, there's lots of snow on the top of it because it goes so, so high that actually the temperature gets really cold up there.

Mount Kilimanjaro used to be an active volcano.

It is now a dormant volcano.

There are many different types of wildlife in Tanzania, including elephants, rhinos, leopards, and giraffes.

Serengeti National Park is a large park in the north of Tanzania.

If you were to go to the Serengeti National Park, you'd usually have a tour guide who would take you around in a car, and you'd be able to see the elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards, and giraffes in the wild, and how they would naturally behave compared to how they would be like in a zoo.

What is the name of the highest mountain in Tanzania? It's also the highest mountain in Africa.

Is it a, Mont Blanc, b, Mount Everest, or c, Mount Kilimanjaro? Pause the video here whilst you have a think and press play when you're ready to continue.


The highest mountain in Tanzania and also Africa is c, Mount Kilimanjaro.

Very well done if you got that correct.

Now, I would like you to add label to this map to show the location of the Indian Ocean, Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Mount Kilimanjaro, Lake Victoria, and Zanzibar.

I then would also like you to tell someone a fact that you have learned about Tanzania today.

Pause the video here whilst you add your labels to the map and then tell someone your fact that you've learned about Tanzania.

When you're ready, press play to continue.

Excellent work.

I'm sure your maps look amazing.

So I've just done a labelled map so you can compare as well.

Lake Victoria.

Mount Kilimanjaro is where the star is.

Dodoma is where one of the red dots are, which is a symbol for a capital city.

The Indian Ocean.

Zanzibar, which is the island off of Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam, which is the other capital city and the largest city in Tanzania.

Now, I would like you to tell your fact that you've learned about Tanzania to somebody else.

I'm gonna show you a few facts that you could have shared with someone.

Laura said that she learned that Tanzania has two capital cities, Dodoma and Dar es Salaam.

The UK has four capital cities.

Andeep learned that there are many different animals in Tanzania, some of which are endangered, like the rhino.

Juan learned that the highest mountain in Africa is in Tanzania.

He would one day love to go and climb it.

And Izzy learned the climate is different in different parts of Tanzania.

Were you surprised by anything that you've learned today? Pause the video here whilst you think about anything that you were surprised about and then press play to continue.


We've done absolutely brilliantly on this task.

Well done.

So we've now come to the end of our lesson.

Our lesson was all about Tanzania's climate and its landscapes.

You've done fantastically in this lesson.

We've learned so much, and you've really taken it in your stride with you.

Let's now begin to summarise what we've learned today so we can see the progress we made from the beginning of the lesson all the way to the end of the lesson.

We learned that photographs can be used to investigate the geography of Tanzania.

It helped us to learn the different climates and the different landscapes.

We also learned that Tanzania has a warm climate that varies across the country.

We know it can get really, really hot in some parts, really, really cold, but it can also be really wet in other parts whilst being really dry in others.

There are a range of landscapes in Tanzania.

There's mountains, there's deserts, there's cities, there's coastlines.

Tanzania really is a country of stark contrasts.

We also learned today that Tanzania has two capital cities, Dodoma and Dar es Salaam.

It also borders eight different countries and borders again three of the largest lakes in Africa.


You've done brilliantly today.

I'm really happy that we got to learn together.

And I look forward to learn again with you very soon.