
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

We're gonna have a fantastic time.

Today's lesson is called "Location of Africa and its UK Connections." This is part of a wider unit called "Contrasting Locality: What it is like to live in Tanzania." In today's lesson, we're going to be locating Africa and the UK on a map, and we're then going to begin to learn how to describe the location of some African countries, and then we'll look at the different ways in which we could travel there.

But before we can begin this learning, we'll need to define the keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson are: continent, transport, route, and ocean.


A continent is a large land mass on Earth and there are seven: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania.


Transport is a way of travelling between places and methods of transport include cars, buses, trains, bicycles and aeroplanes.


A route shows the starting point and endpoint of a journey.

Sometimes there'll be stops in between.


An ocean is a very big area of saltwater between the different continents.


Now we've been able to define these keywords, we can begin answering some of our key learning outcomes.

Our first key learning outcome in this lesson is: Where is Africa? As we know, we're going to be learning a lot about the continent of Africa, but we need to make sure we are able to locate where the continent of Africa is on a map.

Pause the video here whilst you try and identify where Africa is on this map.

Press play when you're ready to continue.


You might have been able to locate Africa.

Africa is to the south of Europe, to the east of South America, southwest of Asia, and north of Antarctica.

Can you remember which continent the UK is in? Pause here whilst you have a think and press play to check your answer.

Well done.

The UK is located in the continent of Europe.

Now, we need to think about what we already know because this will help us to learn new things.

I would like you to think, do you already know anything about Africa? And I want you to also think, how do you know this information? I want you to talk with someone near you about all the things that you might already know about Africa and how you found the information out.

So it could have been from a TV show, it could have been from a lesson, it could have been from a book that you've read.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Laura says that she knows that there are elephants in Africa.

She saw this on a television programme about it.

Jun said he knows that the Sahara is a huge hot desert in Africa, and he learned about some of the world's hot places earlier in the year.

Andeep says that he knows that the Nile flows through Africa and is the longest river in the world.

He read about this in a book.

Izzy said she knows that Nigeria is a country in Africa because her grandparents live in Abuja, Nigeria's capital city.


I wonder if you managed to get any of the similar ones as Laura, Andeep, Jun, and Izzy.

When learning about something, is it best to forget anything that we already know about it? Pause here whilst you think if this statement is true or false.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Well done.

The answer to this statement, when learning about something, is it best to forget anything we already know about it, true or false, it is false.

Can you explain why this statement is false? Pause here and press play when you're ready to continue.

Well done.

The reason why that statement was false is because thinking about what we already know can help us to learn new things and to actually extend our knowledge even more.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

It covers about 1/5 of the total land mass surface of our planet.

Africa is also about three times the size of Europe.

On a map, Africa doesn't look like it is gonna be like that, but it is absolutely massive.

And because it's so big, there are more than 50 different countries in Africa.

Do you know any of the names of countries in Africa? Maybe you've watched it on a TV programme, read about them in a book, or maybe you've been looking at an atlas or a map.

Pause here whilst you think of any names of countries in Africa and press play when you're ready to continue.


Right, before we can start locating places, we need to make sure that we know our compass directions.

Pause the video here whilst you try and complete the compass rose with all the different compass directions and then press play when you're ready to continue.

Great stuff.

The compass directions on our compass rose are north, east, south, and west.

A really good way of helping us to remember these compass directions is naughty elephant squirt water.

Naughty, north.

Elephants, east.

Squirt, south.

Water, west.

Well done.

When we're looking at this map, we're able to locate some of the countries.

As you can see, I've already been able to locate that Algeria is Northern Africa.

Sierra Leone is in western Africa.

Tanzania is in eastern Africa.

and Lesotho is in southern Africa.

Now, let's test our knowledge that we've just gained.

Add the four missing compass directions to this compass rose.

Pause here and press play when you're ready to check your answers.


It should be labelled north, east, south, and west.

And remember, the easy way to remember these compass directions is naughty elephants squirt water.

Now, which countries are labelled here? Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue.

Fantastic work.

I know that was a really, really tough one, but I'm glad you gave it a go.

Let's check if you've got them correct.

So Algeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Lesotho.

Well done for trying.

Africa has different climates.

Some places are very, very hot and some places are much, much cooler.

Some places in Africa are really, really wet and some are really, really dry.

Both of these photographs show different places in Africa, which shows it covers a wide variety of different climates.

Africa also has many different landscapes.

There is countryside as well as huge cities.

Some places are by the sea and some places are inland.

There are high places and there are low places.

Different places have different types of plants and animals as well.

As you can see below in the four images, there's a wide variety of different landscapes.

We've got waterfalls, we've got beaches, we've got savannas, we've got cities.

It is a continent of huge contrast.

Now, let's answer this question here.

Everywhere in Africa is the same.

True or false? Pause the video here whilst you attempt to answer this question and press play when you're ready to continue.

Well done.

The answer to this statement, everywhere in Africa is the same, is false.

Are you able to explain why everywhere in Africa is not the same? Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to continue Excellent work.

Africa is a very, very large continent.

It has different climates, countries, and landscapes.

So nowhere in Africa is ever going to be the exact same.

I would like you to use the map of Africa to complete the table below.

I would like you to try to find two countries for each row.

So what you'll be doing is finding two countries, two examples of countries for each section on the table.

So two countries for northern Africa, two countries for eastern Africa, two countries southern Africa, and two countries for western Africa.

Pause the video here whilst you complete this and press play when you're ready to continue.


Let's check our answers.

So these are possible examples.

You might have different ones, but these are just some examples that I found on the map when I was doing this earlier.

So for northern Africa, my examples are Tunisia and Libya.

For eastern Africa, my examples are Kenya and Somalia.

For southern Africa, my examples are Botswana and South Africa.

It's really important here to make sure that you understand South Africa is a country.

Southern Africa is a region.

Western Africa, I wrote Liberia and Senegal.

Well done.

I hope you found that quite interesting, searching for the different countries in different parts of Africa.

Now that we've learned where Africa is and we've been able to locate a few countries, we now need to be able to describe how you would even get to Tanzania.

Tanzania is a country in eastern Africa.

Do you know anything about Tanzania already? Pause here whilst you have a think and press play to continue.

Excellent, excellent.

Let's imagine we're going to make the journey from the UK to Tanzania.

So the UK is up in Europe and Tanzania is in Africa.

It's around 7,500 kilometres from the UK to Tanzania.

That is about 14 times the distance between London and Edinburgh.

So we're going for a very, very, very long journey here.

We need to begin to think, how are we even gonna get to Tanzania? What types of transport are we going to use? Pause here for a second and discuss what types of transport could we use to get to Tanzania.

Press play when you're ready to continue.


We could use a number of different types of transport.

We could use a train, we could use a car, an aeroplane, a bus, a boat, or a bicycle.

Which one are we going to use? So different types of transports will have different advantages, good things, and disadvantages, bad things.

They might be better or worse for the environment.

Cost more or less.

Take more time or less time.

What might affect the types of transport someone might choose to get from the UK to Tanzania? Pause here whilst you have a think and press play when you're ready to continue.


It could be the environment, it could be the cost, it could be the time.

Our route from the UK to Tanzania will depend on which type or types of transport we choose.

We don't just have to stick with one type of transport.

We can use multiple if we need to.

Our route might need to follow roads or railways.

Our route might need to follow a flight path or where a ferry goes.

How could we find out all the information that we need in order to decide whether we need to use a road, a railway, a flight, or a ferry? Pause here whilst you discuss and press play when you're ready to continue.


Well done.

We might use a number of different bits of information.

Now, what if this was the route that we took, straight from United Kingdom all the way down to Tanzania? I want you to try and identify which continents, countries, and seas would we need to travel through or over.

Pause here whilst you look closely at the map and press play when you're ready to continue.


I would now like you to locate the UK and Tanzania on a map.

I would like you to draw a line between the two countries.

I would like you to name one sea we would cross in this route.

List four countries we will travel through or over on this route.

And then I would like you to explain what type or types of transport would you like to take if you were travelling from the UK to Tanzania.

When you've stated what types of transport you'd like to use, you need to explain exactly why it would be useful to use this type of transport.

Pause here whilst you complete this task and press play when you're ready to continue.


You might have written down, we would travel over the English Channel and the Mediterranean Sea.

You might have written down that we would cross France, Libya, Chad, and Sudan.

You might have also written that you might like to go by train.

Although it might take longer than flying, it would be better for the environment and you might get to see more of the different landscapes that you're travelling through.


We've made it to the end of the lesson.

The lesson was "The Location of Africa and UK Connections." We've done brilliantly.

You've worked really, really hard.

Let's summarise what we've learned so we can see how far we've come in today's lesson.

Africa is a very, very large continent with different climates, countries, and landscapes.

In fact, Africa has more than 50 countries.

The compass directions north, south, west, and east can be used to describe the location of places in Africa.

We could take different routes and types of transport to get to Tanzania from the UK.

You also were able to identify the advantages, the good things, and the disadvantages, the bad things, of using particular transport methods.

Well done.

You've done brilliantly.

Thank you so much for learning with me today.

I look forward to learning with you again soon.