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In today's lesson, we are going to be using all of our geographical knowledge to prepare for and describe a holiday in Jamaica.

Before we can begin this learning, we need to define a few keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The keywords that we'll be using in today's lesson are holiday, tourist, destination and activity.


A holiday is a planned break from work or school.

Tourist, a tourist is someone who travels to a different place from where they live for a holiday.


A destination is a place that someone or something travels or is sent to.


An activity is something that you do.

Fantastic, now we've defined these keywords.

We can begin to start answering some of our learning outcomes.

Our first learning outcome in today's lesson is, what would you pack for a holiday in Jamaica? When we are thinking about what we would like to pack for holiday in Jamaica, we first need to understand why do people even go on holiday.

I would like you to talk with someone about why you think people like to go on holiday.

I've got some images here to help you with your discussion.

Pause the video here and when you're ready to continue, press play.


Let's see what ideas we came up with for why people go on holiday.

People might go on holiday to rest and relax.

They might go on holiday to try different sporting activities like skiing.

They might go on a holiday to learn about the culture and the history of a different place.

They might go somewhere warmer or even colder.

They might visit famous landmarks and they might want to spend some time in nature, but whatever the reason for going on holiday, people can either decide to go on holiday in the country where they live, or they can go on holiday to a country they've never been to before.

I would like you to pause here for a second and think of a few reasons as to why you would like to go on holiday at the moment.

Press play when you're ready to continue.


So people who visit a place on holiday are called tourists.

Tourists are usually going to be taking a suitcase, a bag or a rucksack with them and they're going to fill this with all the clothes and other things that they will need while they are away.

Let's test our knowledge.

Which one of these are reasons why someone might want to go on holiday? You must choose two.

Is it A, to rest and relax? B, to visit famous landmarks, C to work.

So remember, we're identifying two answers as to why someone might want to go on holiday.

Pause here whilst you decide and press play when you're ready to continue.


It's A, to rest and relax and B, to visit famous landmarks.

Well done.

Now I would like you to imagine you are going on a holiday to Jamaica.

You need to fill the suitcase with all the words and pictures to show the things that you would like to take with you.

I would then like you to share your ideas with somebody else.

You're going to need to explain why you've taken each item with you, so make sure it's only essentials.

Whilst you're thinking about what you wanna take with you, think about what we have learned so far about the climate and the features of Jamaica.

Pause the video here whilst you decide what you are going to pack with you on holiday to Jamaica and press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

Let's see what we would've packed.

Here are some things that you might have decided that you want to take with you.

Sun cream, so you don't get burnt.

Sunglasses to protect your eyes against the rays of the sun.

A sun hat to keep you nice and cool.

Flip flops for when you're going in and out to the sea.

A swimming costume so you can go in the sea.

T-shirts, so you stay cool when you're going out and about.

Shorts, so again, you stay cool.

A camera so you can take pictures of all the amazing different sceneries that you get to see.

Now let's have a little think what we would give the reasons for why we chose things.

So Jun said he would take with him a sun hat and sun cream, because Jamaica has a hot and sunny climate.

He said he might even take an umbrella as well if he was to go in the rainy season.

Did you get this idea? Izzy says, "Jamaica is an island with lots and lots of beautiful beaches." She would definitely want to take a swimming costume with her so she could maybe go snorkelling and see all the fish and wildlife in the sea.


Did you get the same answers? Well done.

You've done brilliantly.

Fantastic, now that we've answered our first learning outcome, what would you pack for a holiday in Jamaica.

We can begin to answer our second learning outcome.

What do tourists do in Jamaica? Jamaica is a very, very populous tourist destination.

People are often going to Jamaica on holiday, because of its warm and sunny climate, but there are also many different places to visit in Jamaica and loads and loads of different tourist activities.

As you can see in the images below, Jamaica looks really, really appealing.

Beautiful beaches, amazing jungles, somewhere everyone would like to visit at least once in their lifetime.

Jamaica is an island with lots and lots of beautiful beaches and because of this, tourists love to go swimming in the sea or they want to try something a bit different and go kayaking, sailing and snorkelling.

These are some of the pictures of beaches.

Some tourists, visit Jamaica and other Caribbean islands on a cruise ship, like you can see in the image.

Cruise ships have places for people to sleep, eat and do different holiday day activities.

They might stop off at a different Caribbean island for a day or so so people can go and explore the island.

Laura says that cruise ships are enormous, and as you can see, they are pretty, pretty big.

There are many human features for tourists in Jamaica, such as hotels, resorts and restaurants, and many people in Jamaica have jobs that are connected with tourism, whether they work in a hotel, whether they operate a sporting activity, whether they're a cleaner for the hotels or restaurants, whatever it is, they are involved in some type of job that is linked to tourism.

Tourism helps to bring money to Jamaica and that can be used to help run the country.

So if more people are employed, those people can then spend their money in Jamaica, which means the money will continue to help Jamaica to grow.

What tourism jobs might people do? Pause here whilst do you have a think and then press play to continue.


Many tourists are going to visit Kingston, which is the capital of Jamaica.

They might go to the museums to learn more about the history of Jamaica and what life is like.

Jamaica's also really, really well known for its food and music.

Andeep says, "Bob Marley is a famous singer and songwriter from Jamaica." As you can see in the image on the side, there is a drawing of Bob Marley made into the stone.

"You guys might have even heard his music." Jamaica also has mountains, waterfalls, rivers and forests that many tourists visit.

Here are just a few photographs of some of the amazing waterfalls, rivers and forests that you can visit when you're in Jamaica.

Because of their amazing physical environment, there are many different plants and animals in Jamaica.

Some of these plants and animals are found nowhere else in the world.

Pretty cool.

Although tourism helps to bring in money and jobs to Jamaica, it also causes a lot of problems. Some places get very, very busy and overcrowded.

Tourism can also cause waste and pollution, like you can see in the image on the side, there's a lot of rubbish that's being left at a beach.

This causes a lot of problems for the plants and wildlife.

I would like you to pause here and I would like you to think about some things that tourists could do to make sure that there is less waste and pollution occurring when they are on holiday.

Pause here whilst do you have a think and press play to continue.


I would like you now to test your knowledge.

Which of these are possible activities that a tourist might do in Jamaica? You need to choose two answers.

Is it a go skiing in the snow? Is it B, go to the beach? Is it C? Go, walking in the mountains.

You must select two answers of possible activities that a tourist might want to do in Jamaica.

Pause here and press play when you're ready to continue.


Some possible activities that a tourist might want to do in Jamaica are, B, go to the beach and C, go walking in the mountains.

Which of these are possible problems that tourism might cause? You need to choose two answers.

Is it A, overcrowding, where someone gets really, really busy with lots of people? B, provides lots of jobs and C, waste and pollution.

Pause here whilst you decide what two answers show possible problems that tourism might cause.

Excellent work.

Two possible problems that tourism might cause are A, overcrowding when it gets super, super busy, and C, waste and pollution and we know that's a problem, because it causes harm to plants and animals and as we know, some plants and animals will be found nowhere else in the world, so it's really important that the waste and pollution is reduced.

Now, I would like you to imagine that you've gone on a holiday to Jamaica.

You're on the beach.

You can see the blue skies.

You really want to send a postcard to someone at home.

It might be a friend or it might be someone in your family.

I would like you to draw a picture on the front of your postcard and then I would like you to write a message on the back to describe the place that you have visited in Jamaica and the activities that you've been doing.

If you've forgotten or you feel unsure, go back through the slides and check what we've been learning and look at some of the pictures of the amazing landscapes, whether it's the beaches, the mountains, the waterfalls or the rivers to help you with your drawings.

Pause here.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Amazing work.

I'm so excited to see what your postcards look like.

Here is an example of the front of a postcard.

Pause here, take a closer look and then press play.

Fantastic, Jun wants you to think about "What do you think this tourist might have been doing on their holiday?" Pause here and have a think about what this tourist, based on what they have put on the front of their postcard has done on their holiday in Jamaica.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

This tourist might have gone to the beach.

They might have got involved in some water sports such as kayaking, windsurfing or even snorkelling.

The postcard says, "Dear Andeep, I'm on a holiday in Jamaica at the moment.

We are staying in an amazing hotel by a beautiful beach.

The other day we went to Kingston, the capital of Jamaica.

It's very hot and sunny here.

I'm glad that I packed a hat and sun cream.

Tomorrow we are going to the Blue Mountains.

They are the largest mountain range in Jamaica.

I'm taking a lot of photos to show you when I get back.

Love Izzy." This postcard is brilliant because it explains exactly what they've done.

They've been staying by the beach.

They went to Kingston.

He told us their plans for the future, that they were going to go to the Blue Mountains, but it also told us a bit about the weather and what they packed to make sure that it was okay for them.

I wonder, does your postcard sound a bit like this? Excellent work.

We have learned in today's lesson that people go on holiday for a variety of different reasons, whether it's to rest and relax, whether it's to get involved in an extreme sporting activity, whether it's to learn about the history or visit famous landmarks.

We also learn that people can go on holiday in their own country or they can go on holiday to a different country.

We also learn that tourists visit Jamaica for its climate and geographical features like its rivers, mountains, beaches.

We also learned tourism can affect places in different ways.

Some of these effects can be really good.

For example, providing lots of jobs, helping a country to grow and we've also learned that it can be quite bad.

It can cause overcrowding and it can cause lots of waste and pollution, which can be harmful to the plants and animals within Jamaica.

You've done brilliantly today.

Very well done.

I look forward to landing again with you very soon.