
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

We're going to have a fantastic lesson.

This lesson is called Key Physical and Human Features of Jamaica.

This is part of a wider unit called Contrasting Locality: What it is like to live in Jamaica.

By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to use aerial photographs and satellite images to find out about Jamaica's physical and human features.

But before we can begin, we need to define a few key words that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The key words that we'll be using in today's lesson are natural, aerial photograph, satellite and local.


Natural is something that has not been changed by humans.

Aerial photograph.

An aerial photograph is a picture of an object or place that has been taken from above.


A satellite is an object in space that orbits or circles around a bigger object in space.

These can be natural like the moon or artificial like ones the International Space Station.


Local means an area which the people who live within are familiar with, and encounter in their everyday lives.


Now that we've defined those keywords, we can begin to start answering some of our key learning questions.

Our first learning question is what are Jamaica's human and physical features? Geographical features are the things that make up the world around us.

We can sort these into physical or human features.

Physical features are things like hills, rivers, and seas, like we can see in the images below.

There are many different types of physical features that can be found in Jamaica.

The images are just a few examples.

Human features are things that have been made by people like bridges, buildings, roads and railways.

And again, there are many different human features in Jamaica.

Let's test our knowledge, which one of these is not a physical feature? Pause here whilst you decide which image do you think is not a physical feature.

Remember, a physical feature is a feature that has not been changed by humans, and then press Play when you're ready to check your answer.


It is C.

C is not a physical feature as this is a train on a railway track, so this human feature.

We can use lots of different types of information to find out about Jamaica.

Can you remember any of the different types that we might use in order to find out about Jamaica? Pause the video here whilst you discuss and press Play when you're ready to check your answers.


We can use things like atlases, books, globes, photographs, the internet, maps, other people and satellite images.

In this lesson, we're going to focusing on aerial photographs.

We can use aerial photographs to find out about both the physical and human features in Jamaica.

Aerial photographs are taken by cameras from above.

They're often taken by cameras that are in drones or planes.

Here are a few examples of images that have been taken by cameras that are in either planes or drones, and they're called aerial photographs.

Let's take a look at this aerial photograph of Ocho Rios in Jamaica.

What physical features can you see? Add different coloured labels to show the different features either being physical or human.

Remember, physical features are natural and human features have been made by people.

Pause the video here whilst you attempt to identify the physical and human features you can see in the image below and then press Play to check your answers.


You might have spotted a number of different physical and human features.

I wonder if we got some of the same features.

Hills is a physical feature, clouds, another physical feature, beach, a physical feature, sea, a physical feature, pier, a human feature, road, a human feature, buildings, a human feature.

Now fantastic.

We've managed to correctly identify all the key physical and human features in Jamaica.

We now need to begin to think about how different images tell us different things about Jamaica.

We can use satellite images to find out more about what places are like.

Satellite images take photos whilst orbiting the earth.

We can zoom in and out of satellite images and aerial photographs to find out more about different places.

I wonder, can you pause this video in a second once I've shown you some images and discuss what you think these images might tell us about Jamaica.

So we have a global view, a country view, and a local view.

Pause here and discuss what you think these images will tell us about Jamaica and press Play to check your answers.


These images tell us lots and lots of different things.

They can tell us where the Caribbean is located in the world, they can tell us where Jamaica is located in the Caribbean, and it can also tell us what different places in Jamaica there are.

But we can zoom in even further to investigate places in more detail.

Can you spot any physical and human features in this aerial photograph? Pause the video here whilst you try and identify some physical and human features and press Play to continue.


Now let's test our knowledge on this question.

What does this aerial photograph tell us about Jamaica? You may choose one answer.

A, some of the physical and human features in Jamaica, B, where Jamaica is, C, where the Caribbean is.

Pause the video here whilst you decide which statement correctly describes what this photograph can tell us and press Play to check your answer.


It is A, it can tell us some of the physical and human features in Jamaica.

Now we can zoom in even further on this aerial photograph.

We need to find out what physical features we can see.

You should pause the video here and try and identify all the physical and human features you can find in this image.

Press Play when you're ready to continue.

Fantastic, excellent work.

We've been able to identify a beach, sea, buildings, roads, car park, pier, swimming pools.

Now I wonder, did you spot any of these physical and human features and were you able to sort them out into physical and human features? Excellent work.

Let's zoom in even closer.

Can you spot any more physical and human features in the more zoomed-in version? What do you think that this place is and why might people go here? Pause the video here to complete this task and press Play when you're ready to continue.


Let's now zoom in somewhere else on this map.

Can you spot any physical and human features in this one.

And would you like to visit this place? Pause here whilst you complete this task.

Excellent work.

Let's test our knowledge.

Which physical features are shown in this aerial photograph? You have to choose two.

It's A, a beach, B, a hill, C, river, D, the sea.

Pause here and press Play to check your answer.


It is A, a beach, and D, a sea.

Now, which human features are shown in this aerial photograph? Again, remember, you must choose two, A, photograph B, pier, C, railway station, D, swimming pool.

Pause here and press Play when you're ready to discuss.

Fantastic, excellent work.

It is B, the pier, and D, the swimming pool.

Now what I would like you to do is I would like you to match each of the photos below with the correct features labelled.

You must also sort these pictures and words into human and physical features.

And then I would like you to challenge yourself into thinking what do these images tell us about what Jamaica is like? Pause the video here and attempt this task and press Play when you're ready to discuss.

Excellent work.

Let's sort the features and label them first.

Human, we've got the airport and the pier.

And for the physical features we have the river and the lake.

I hope you're able to correctly identify those features and sort them into the human and physical sections.

Now let's tell us, let's find out what different images tell us about Jamaica.

Laura said that, "There are many different human and physical features in Jamaica." Izzy said, "Some of these features look like they've been built for tourists.

Perhaps lots of people go to Jamaica on holiday." Laura also said that she thinks there might be some big towns and cities in Jamaica.

"Human features like airports and railway stations are usually only found in bigger settlements." Izzy thinks that Jamaica might also have some rural areas.

"Some of the physical features like the river and the lake look like they are in the countryside." Fantastic.

If you were able to identify any of these different points about what those images told us, you've done exceptionally well, well done.

We've now come to the end of our lesson.

It's been a joy to learn with you today and we've accomplished so much.

Let's summarise what we've learned about the key physical and human features of Jamaica.

Human features are things that are made by people and physical features are occur naturally.

Aerial photographs and satellite images are useful for finding out about Jamaica.

We also know that aerial photographs and satellite images can be used to label different physical and human features.

Fantastic, I look forward to learning with you again soon.