
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome.

My name is Ms. Harrison.

I'm so excited to be learning today with you.

We're going to have a fantastic lesson.

Today's lesson is called Similarities and Differences in Kingston, Jamaica.

This lesson is part of a wider unit called Contrasting Locality.

What is it like to live in Jamaica? In today's lesson, we are going to be using digital maps and aerial photographs to investigate Kingston in Jamaica.

But before we can begin to this learning, we need to define a few of the keywords that we'll be using throughout this lesson.

The keywords that we'll be using in this lesson are capital city, digital map, aerial photograph, settlement.

A capital city, a capital city is the place in a country where the government sits and it has its centre of power.

So in the UK, the capital city is London.

Digital map, a digital map is a map that you view and you use on a computer.

Aerial photograph, an aerial photograph is a picture of an object or place that has been taken from above.

Settlement, settlements are places where groups of people live and work.

Fantastic, now we've defined these keywords.

We can begin to answer some of our key learning outcomes.

Our first learning outcome in today's lesson is what can we find out about Kingston? Kingston is the capital city of Jamaica.

What are the capital cities of the country in the UK? I would like you to pause this video here and think about the countries that make up the UK, so England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, and I'd like you to think what the capital cities are.

Press play when you're ready to discuss.

Brilliant, let's check our answers.

Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland.

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.

And London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom.

Now we know where the capital city is.

Let's look a bit closer as to where Kingston is.

Kingston is one of the biggest cities in Jamaica.

Many people are going to be living in this city.

Where do we think Kingston is located in Jamaica? Using the map on the screen, I would like you to identify where Kingston is in Jamaica.

Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look at the map and then press play when you're ready to discuss.

Excellent work.

Kingston is located south of Jamaica, well done.

Let's now test our knowledge.

What is the capital of Jamaica? Is it A, Belfast, B, Kingston, C, Paris? Pause the video here.

Identify correctly what is the capital city of Jamaica, and then press play when you're ready to continue.

Lots of human features in Kingston.

I wonder, can you think about what human features you might find here? I would like you to talk to someone else about your ideas, Some things to help you to think about what human features you might find here.

Laura says for you to remember that Kingston is a large city and many people live there.

Andeep says that you should think about anything that you have learned about cities in the UK or other parts of the world.

And Jun says that you should think about the things that people might need to live and to work in Kingston.

Pause the video here and press play when you're ready to discuss.

Brilliant work.

Some of the things that we might need that are human features in Kingston are, Laura says that there might be lots of homes as people are going to be living there.

Andeep says that you might find lots of restaurants and hotels for tourists.

Izzy says that Kingston is by the coast and perhaps there's going to be a port where ships come and go.

And Jun says there'll also need to be shops, schools, and hospitals, because people do still live there.

As much as it might be very touristy, people are going to be living there, so they need access to things like shops, hospitals, schools, bus stations, and much, much more.

Let's test our knowledge.

True or false? Kingston is a small place with only a few people living there.

Pause the video here whilst you think if this statement is true or false and press play to continue.

Fantastic, it is false.

Kingston is not a small place with only a few people living there.

Let's see if you can explain why.

Pause the video here whilst you explain why Kingston is not a small place with only a few people living there and press play to continue.


Kingston is the largest city in Jamaica.

Many people live there and as we know, Kingston is the capital city, so this is where the government and the power is going to be lying in Jamaica.

We can use a lot of different types of information in order to investigate human features around the world.

When we're looking at Kingston, we're going to be using a digital map.

I would like you to take a look at this digital map and I'd like you to have a look at the map and any of the words on it and try and see if you can figure out what human feature this is.

Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and press play to continue.

Well done.

When we're looking at digital maps, we might want to get a different viewpoint so we can switch to an aerial photograph and this will better help us to identify different features.

In order to switch from a digital map to an aerial photograph, we need to press this icon.

And now we have the aerial photograph of the same area that you saw in the digital map at first.

Is it now easier to identify this human feature? Discuss with the person next to you and pause and press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent work.

This is the port in Kingston.

Different things are grown and made in Jamaica and therefore they're going to be shipped from here to other countries around the world.

Some things also come by boat to Jamaica from other parts of the world, so this port is really, really important in order for Kingston and Jamaica to thrive.

Can you spot the rows of the containers in this image? Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and see if you can spot the containers.

Press play to continue.

Well done.

This is a digital map and an aerial photograph showing a different area of Kingston now.

What do you think this human feature is? Remember to pause the video here, but look really closely.

Look out for keywords, anything that might help you to identify what human feature this is.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Fantastic, this is Emancipation Park, a large park in the centre of Kingston.

The park has lots of fountains and statues and so people like to go to the park to go for a walk, relax, have barbecues, lots of, I wonder, are there any other human features that you're able to spot in this image? Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and press play to continue.

Excellent, well done.

Now let's test our knowledge.

Which of these buttons do you press to switch from a digital map to an aerial photograph? Press play when you're ready to check your answers.


It is A, we press the button A to change it from a digital map to an aerial map.

Which of these aerial photographs shows the port in Kingston? Pause the video here whilst you take a closer look and press play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent, it is C.

C is the aerial photograph of the port that we looked at in Kingston.

Now I would like you to explore a digital map and of an area in Kingston, and I would also like you to switch to an aerial photograph and locate three different human features.

Remember, when you're looking at a digital map and an aerial photograph, I would like you to look for keywords that might help you to identify what these human features are.

Press pause here, have a closer look, and press play so we can share our answers.

Excellent work.

Here are some examples of human features that you might have found as well.

I found the market.

On the digital map, I was able to identify the Coronation Market Jamaica, and then when I switched to the aerial photograph, I was able to see this much clearer.

As you can see, there's a big white building where the market is being housed and looks like a very popular area.

Here are some other examples that you also might have found.

Hospitals and an airport.

Well done.

I wonder, did you find any more than I did? Now, we've managed to find out a bit more about Kingston.

We now need to learn a bit more about what the settlements are like In Jamaica.

Settlements are places where groups of people live and work.

Settlements come in all different shapes and sizes.

Some settlements are very big and some are very small.

As you can see on the images below, this settlement looks to be a smaller settlement.

There's not that many buildings, but this settlement seems to be a very, very big and busy settlement.

Kingston is a city.

Cities are very large settlements.

As we can see in the image, there's lots of buildings and not much green space around.

Lots of people are going to be living here and working in the city, so there are going to be lots of buildings and other human features.

What human features did you locate on those maps In Kingston? Brilliant work.

Cities are usually going to be having lots of houses and other types of homes, many other types of buildings such as shops, offices, schools, hospitals and sports facilities.

Features to help people move around, so things like roads, railways, and airports.

They're going to be very well-connected, as we know lots of people want to gain access there.

We also know that Kingston has a port.

Do you think everyone in Jamaica is going to be living in the city? Pause here whilst you have a little think and press play to continue.


Not everybody is going to be living in cities.

There are also towns and villages in Jamaica.

Villages are small settlements.

There might be some houses, a few shops, maybe one school and some other buildings.

Villages are often surrounded by countryside and farmland.

Nine Mile is a village in Jamaica.

There are also towns.

Towns are larger settlements than villages, but they're not as big as cities.

There'll be some more homes than there are in villages, shops and more schools.

There might be other buildings such as a doctor surgery, a railway station and cinema.

Negril is a town in Jamaica.

What type of settlement do you live in? Pause here whilst you have a think if you live in either a village, a town, or a city, and then press play when you're ready to continue.

Which of these photographs shows a village? Take a really close look and see which one is a village.

Pause here and press play to check your answer.

Brilliant work.

It is A.

A is a photograph of a village in Jamaica.

I would like you now to think about what similarities and differences there are between Kingston and the settlement where you live.

I would like you to share your idea with somebody else, but whilst you're sharing your idea with somebody else, I would like to challenge you to make sure that you're using geographical words in your answers.

To help you with this task, I would like you to think about the following.

Think about the type of settlement you're in.

Is it a village, is it a city, is it a town? Think about the human features that there are in Kingston and the place where you live.

Pause the video here whilst you figure out what the similarities and differences are between Kingston and the settlement where you live, and then make sure you share the answer and challenge yourself to use as many geographical words as you can when explaining this.

Press play when you're ready to continue.

Let's share some of our answers.

Laura said that she lives in a small town, whereas Kingston is a very, very large city.

That was a difference between Laura's settlement and Kingston.

Andeep says Kingston is located on the coast, but Andeep lives by the coast, but there is no port there.

He's been able to identify a difference between Kingston and his settlement.

Jun has said that he lives in a city.

It's a very, very busy place with lots of different human features just like Kingston.

Jun has been able to identify a similarity between his settlement and Kingston.

And Izzy says Kingston has an airport and there are several airports near the city where she lives.

She's also been able to identify a similarity between her settlement and Kingston.

Very well done.

I wonder if you managed to get some of these similarities and differences.

Well done for today's lesson.

We've had a fantastic time learning about similarities and differences in Kingston and Jamaica.

Let's recap what we've learned today.

Digital maps and aerial photographs are useful for finding out about human features in Kingston.

We were able to identify how to use an aerial map when we're looking at a digital map as well.

There are different types of settlements in Jamaica, villages, towns, and cities, and we were also able to identify the different types of buildings that we might find in each settlement.

We were also able to explore similarities and differences between Kingston and the place where you live.

We were able to see that some people live near airports, just like Kingston has an airport, but some people live by a coast and don't have a port, whereas Kingston does have a port.

You've done brilliantly, very well done, and I look forward to learning with you again very soon.