
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Miss Gilyeat.

And I'm going to be your Geography teacher for today.

And we are going to be learning about visiting hot places all around the world.

You're gonna think about what you may need to bring with you, and where you'd like to go.

I'm very excited.

So our lesson outcome for today is that you can use your knowledge of hot places around the world to plan and pack for a trip to a hot place.

So you're going to have to be very creative today.

We've got four key words for today's lesson.

First of all, I'm going to say the key word and then I would like you to repeat it back to me to make sure that we're saying it correctly.

So first word is Journey.


Insect repellent.

And finally, holiday resort.

A journey is a trip from one place to another, and the transport used to get there.

Sunscreen is a cream that you rub onto your skin to protect it and stop it burning from the sun.

Insect repellent is a spray which stop insects such as mosquitoes from biting you.

And a holiday resort is a place where a lot of people decide to go on holiday.

You might have heard some of these words already.

Don't worry if you haven't.

Now, throughout the lesson they'll be highlighted in bold to remind you that these are keywords for today's lesson.

We've got two learning cycles for today.

The first learning cycle is we're gonna look at where people go on holiday in the UK, where they go to, and why people go on holiday (clears throat) to different parts of the world? We're then going to move on to the second learning cycle where we're starting to think what you would need for a holiday in a hot place.

So let's crack on with learning cycle one.

"Many people leave the UK to go on holiday to seek sunshine and warmth, especially during the winter months." Now, a lot of us will have experienced what it feels like to be in UK in the winter, and sometimes it can feel never ending.

It's often quite cold and there's a lot of rainfall.

After a while, this can get quite hard work.

So a lot of people decide to use their holiday and go away in the winter months rather than the summer months.

We've got a person here which is a bit fed up with the heavy rainfall.

Even her brolly doesn't look like it's working very well.

So I want you to have a think.

Where do you think people might decide to go on holiday outside of the UK? Have a chat with the person sat next to you.

Or if you're working on your own, write a few notes.

Well, the UK is lucky, really, because we're in close proximity to lots of amazing different countries.

Now, we're in the continent of Europe.

That means that most people that go on holiday outside of the UK but from the UK tend to go to Europe.

These are some of the top holiday destinations where people decide to go.

This was in 2022 data, but it does usually stay similar.

So number one was Spain with 16 million visitors from the UK.

That's a lot of people deciding to go on holiday in Spain.

Number two was France, 7 million people in 2022 went on holiday to France.

And the third destination is Greece.

4 million people went.

The fourth destination was Italy, another 4 million people visited there.

And in fifth place, Portugal with 3 million visitors.

Have you been to any of those destinations? I've been to Spain and France.

I'd love to go to the other ones, but I've not been yet.

So I want you to have a think.

Why do you think that people might decide to go to those holiday destinations? What do you think attracts them there? I'll have a look on the map of where they are, first of all.

So we have France, which is the closest.

Now, even though Spain is a little bit further away than France, it is actually more popular.


Italy and Greece.

Let's have a think, then.

<v ->I've got a picture of a holiday resort in Spain.

</v> I want you to have a think or talk to the person you're sat next to.

Why do you think people would like to go on holiday somewhere like there? Pause the video to talk to your partner.

Well the truth is, there are lots of different reasons why people would like to visit somewhere like there.

They can stay in the hotels.

Now often, a lot of people decide to get all inclusive holidays, and that means where they stay also provides all the food.

Now, that's great if you're going on holiday there because it means you don't have to do any food shopping, you don't have to any cooking.

It's all included in the cost of the holiday.

That makes holidays really relaxed and enjoyable.

People might decide because they'd like to swim in the sea.

That sea looks lovely and blue, doesn't it? Enjoy the sunny weather.

That's one of the biggest reasons why people go on holiday in the UK at winter because they're fed up of the cold and they're fed up of the rain.

Now, often in countries like Spain and France, it can actually be quite nice weather in the winter, it can be cold obviously, and it still can sometimes get quite a bit of rain.

But overall, the weather tends to be better the further south you go.

So destinations such as Malaga in southern Spain are really, really popular with UK people.

People might want to just go lie on the beach.

Often, people's work is quite stressful.

Now, a holiday like this where you can just lie on the beach, read your book, and swim in the sea, sounds absolutely lovely to me.

Another big part of the reason why people go to these places is because of the journey.

So, for example, in Spain, you can get there by plane.

You can get that by train, ferry and by car.

And the destination or the journey isn't too long.

If you're flying there, you could be there in a couple of hours.

As I've just said, the closer to the south you go, which is getting closer to the equator, the climate tends to be hotter and drier.

A big feature why people decide to go there on holiday.

But there are loads of other reasons as well.

People might want to go visit the tourist attractions.

Can you think of any reasons that I've not mentioned that why people would like to go on holiday in Spain? Well, here are some of them.

People want to go see the cities such as Barcelona.

Hike in the mountains.

So you've got an amazing mountain ranges, so what one's called the Pyrenees.

Visit amazing museums and enjoy the beaches.

So we've got a sunny beach in Spain.

There we've got a beautiful old town.

A lot of people quite go to Spain for rock climbing and adventurous activities.

This photograph was taken in El Chorro, where there's a gorge where people can walk down.

Now you have to be very careful not to fall down the gorge, and you actually have to wear a harness and clip in for some parts of it.

People like to go see the museums and the cities.

Let's check what we've learned so far.

Which of these is not a common holiday destination for people from the UK? Is it A.




Or C.


The answer is C.


That is not a common destination for people from the UK.

Mongolia is in the continent of Asia, so it's in between China and Russia.

Quite a long way to go.

We're going to move on to our first task for today's lesson.

I want you to give five reasons why people from the UK like to visit Spain on holiday.

You could think about or write some of the ones that you've heard about in this lesson.

But also, if you've got any others that we've not spoken about, that's also absolutely fine.

Pause the video and have a go.

The second task I'd like you to do for today's lesson is name a place you have been on holiday or somewhere you would like to visit.

And I want you to say why you liked the place or why you would like to visit.

Pause the video and have a go.

Here's five reasons I've got, but you may have come up with different reasons and that's absolutely fine.

So number one reason for me is it's hotter than the UK, especially in the winter.

Number two, you can get there easily by plane, train or ferry.

Number three, it has less rainfall than the UK.

Number four, there are lots of interesting places to visit.

And finally, there are lots of tourist resorts and hotels for people to stay in.

Did you come up with any different ones? Because there's definitely more than that.

I've put my example answer for this question.

I would really like to visit Italy because I've never been before.

So my answer here is "I would like to visit Italy because it's sunny and warm there.

I'd also like to swim in the sea.

I like Italian food so I'd like to eat lots of the pizza and ice cream that you can get in Italy." We're now moving on to our second learning cycle, which is thinking about what do you need to go if you were going on holiday in a hot place? Let's get going.

If you go on holiday to a hot place, you need to think about carefully what you're going to pack.

Many hot places have air conditioning in the buildings and the cars to keep them cool, but not all of them do.

On the slide here, I've got a picture of what an air conditioning unit looks like.

Now, they're really good because they do keep you at a decent temperature.

However, they use a lot of energy.

They're not that good for the environment.

However, not all everywhere will have air conditioning.

So if a place doesn't have air conditioning, you may need to think of other ways how you would keep cool.

Hot and wet places of the world often attract insects, so you may need to bring insect repellent.

This is a special spray that you put on yourself and it stops insects biting you.

Now there are lots of different insects that can bite you all around the world, but one of the most kind of common ones that people have to be wary of is mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are common biting insects.

Their bites can be quite itchy.

They can also call diseases and carry diseases called malaria.

So it is important to use repellent to stop them from biting you.

So not only can they be really, really itchy and annoying, but they can spread diseases.

So you do need to be careful if you go to a place with mosquitoes.

You also need to make sure that your skin doesn't burn.

Now, there's a few different ways of doing that really, but one of the main ones is to bring a sun hat that protects your face, okay? Now.

sunglasses are also a big one because they protect your eyes.

You will need to bring sunscreen.

That's a special cream that you put on yourself to stop it burning.

Now there are lots of different factor sun creams that you could get, a and I would recommend the highest one.

I always get factor 50 because it stops me burning, and I burn really, really easily.

The ones that go down to factor 10 or factor 15 aren't as effective.

So I would definitely recommend a higher factor.

As I said, you may want to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

A day in the sun can be really tiring for the eyes and not that good for them either.

You'd need to wear clothes that keep you cool, but also cover you up.

So often, if I'm going somewhere where I know I'm gonna be outside all day, I might wear a long sleeve top.

Now, that seems a bit counterintuitive 'cause you might think, "Oh, why not get too hot?" But actually, sometimes it's more important to wear the layers so your skin doesn't burn.

You can often get material which feels quite lightweight, so it doesn't keep you too warm, but also protects your skin.

Let's check about what we've learned so far.

In hot places, does A.

Air conditioning keep buildings and cars cool? Sunscreen protects your skin from the hot sun.

And you need clothes that will keep you warm.

Take the correct answer.


Air conditioning keeps buildings and cars cool.

And B.

Sunscreen protects your skin from the hot sun.

We're now onto task B.

Now, this is the kind of exciting part of the lesson.

You are going to plan a journey to a hot place anywhere in the world, totally up to you where you would decide to go.

Now, you need to think what you are going to bring on your trip and what you're going to do.

So these are the four stages that you're going to work through.

You need to one, plan where you are going to go.

Two, find out what the climate is like there.

Now remember, climate is the average weather for an area.

Now, you can find climate data for places around the world by just searching on the internet.

So for example, if I was planning a trip to Barcelona in Spain, if I typed in on the internet climate for Barcelona, it would tell me the average temperature for each month of the year, and also the average amount of rainfall that it receives.

Third, you need to decide what you're going to bring with you.

That's a big decision.

And four, choose three things that you would like to do on your visit.

Here's my answer and my example journey plan.

I would love to visit Brazil.

We've got an amazing photograph of Brazil there.

What I need to bring with me, sun cream, insect repellent, shorts and t-shirt, a Portuguese dictionary, so I can speak the language when I'm there.

Three places I would like to visit.

I would love to go walking in the Amazon rainforest, there's loads of amazing plants and animals that live there.

Visit Rio de Janeiro, which is one of the famous cities, and swim at the Atlantic Ocean.

Oh, this is really making me want to go to Brazil.

Have you been to Brazil or would you really like to go? What have you put for your answer? Could you add any detail from seeing what I've put? Here is a summary for today's lesson.

"Many people from the UK visit hot countries to seek sunshine and warmth, especially in the winter months.

The right clothes can protect you from very hot weather.

Many hot places have air conditioning in offices and homes.

This uses a lot of energy.

If you want to visit a hot place you may need to pack things such as sunscreen and insect repellent." They are very important.

That's it for today's lesson.

You've done a brilliant job and I've loved hearing about all of your exciting adventures all around the world.

Let's hope that one day you managed to go on your adventure to a hot place.

I hope you've enjoyed the lesson, I've loved teaching you.

I'll see you soon.
