
Lesson video

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Hi there.

Welcome to this geography lesson with me, Ms. Roberts.

I'm very excited because in today's lesson, together we are going to be planning a day out in the city of Cardiff.

So let's make a start.

By the end of the lesson today, you will be able to explain how to travel to Cardiff.

You'll be able to describe the landmarks that you want to visit when you are there, and you'll able to plan a route around them using maps and geographical vocabulary.

To begin with, we're going to look at some important keywords.

Keywords are words that you will hear a lot in this lesson, and they are words that you need to be able to use yourself to talk about planning a day out.

I'm going to go through each keyword one by one.

Our first keyword is a verb.

Verbs are doing words.

This verb is to "travel".

Can you say "travel"? Well done.

Our next word is a "travel guide".

Can you say "travel guide"? Lovely.

Our next key word is "route".

Can you say "route"? That's right, well done.

Our last key word is "flight".

Can you say "flight"? Well done.

Now don't worry if you're a little unsure what any of those mean.

I'm going to explain them to you now.

To "travel" is to make a journey from one place to another.

So getting from A to B is travelling.

A "travel guide" could be a book or an online resource, something that tells you all about visiting a place.

A "route" is something where you have a starting point and an ending point of a journey.

And sometimes, the stops in between can be shown as well.

The journey from start to finish is the route.

The last key word is "flight".

A "flight" is a journey on an aeroplane, so it's a very big journey across hundreds of miles.

This lesson has got two parts.

First, we're going to think about what we know about the city of Cardiff and what's there for us to see on our day out.

Then later, we'll plan our day out in Cardiff.

So are you ready? Let's go to Cardiff.

Cardiff is a popular tourist destination.

It has many attractions, they are things to do and places to see there.

Visitors from other countries travel to Cardiff, as well as people from the United Kingdom.

Visitors are called "tourists".

Because Cardiff is the capital city of Wales, there are lots of different ways that people can travel there from different places.

It is a very well connected city.

Some of the Oak Academy children are sharing what they know about how well connected the city of Cardiff is.

Aisha says that she visited Cardiff last summer and she went on a coach.

Have you ever been on a coach trip? Jacob says that his aunty visited Cardiff and she took an international flight.

So she went on a journey by plane.

Sam says that you can drive to Cardiff as well.

That's right.

Her friend's family drove to Cardiff by taking the M4 motorway and Andeep reminds us that we could catch a train to Cardiff, like his friends.

He says that his friend took a train all the way from Scotland to Cardiff Central Station.


Cardiff, there's so many ways that people can get there, aren't there? Now, people visit Cardiff for many different reasons.

When they get there, people want to see and do different things.

People may travel to Cardiff for entertainment.

They might be going to watch a performance or a concert perhaps in the Millennium Stadium.

People may want to know more about the history of Cardiff.

They may want to see important or historical buildings and landmarks, like Cardiff Castle.

Have you been listening closely to all the reasons that people want to travel to Cardiff and the different ways that they can get there? Let's check on our learning so far with a multiple choice question.

Here are three pictures of modes of transport.

I'd like you to identify which mode of transport you are most likely to take if you are visiting Cardiff from another country.

Have a think now and make your choice.

Have you decided? Good.

Now let's start in the middle, with bus.

I haven't chosen bus.

I haven't chosen train either.

Buses and trains both travel over land, and it would probably take quite a long time to get from another country, say Germany, like Jacob's aunty was travelling from.

So people are more likely to take the quicker route, which would be by plane.

Most international visitors, they're visitors from other countries, travel to Cardiff via the international airport.

Now let's try an activity about places that tourists like to visit in Cardiff.

There is a list of Cardiff tourist attractions in the table.

Your task is to decide if people visit them because they are historical, because they are natural places, because they are educational places or because they are sports attractions.


The attractions are Cardiff Castle, the Millennium Stadium, Bute Park, the National Museum, the Senedd building, and Queen Street.

If you are not sure what some of these places are, you can ask other people about them or you can look on the internet or in books to help you.

Pause the video now, whilst you can complete this activity.

All done? Good job, let's look at the answers together.

Okay, first of all, we have Cardiff Castle.

Cardiff Castle is one of the oldest parts of the city of Cardiff, so I think we can safely say that that is a historical attraction.

Now, the Millennium Stadium.

Stadiums are places where sports events take place.

The Millennium Stadium specifically was built for rugby matches.

So a stadium is a sports attraction.

It is also true that large concerts and other events are held in the Millennium Stadium as well, but we don't have entertainment or concerts as an option here.

Butte Park, parks are beautiful, natural green spaces found in cities.

So people visit Bute Park because it is natural.

Next, we have the National Museum.

Museums are places where we go to learn things.

Museums usually tell us more about the past or about a specific thing that the museum is dedicated to.

So I think we can definitely say that a museum is educational, and it would also be correct to say that museums are historical attractions, especially the ones that teach us about what people or places were like in the past.

The next attraction is the Senedd building.

The Senedd building is unique to Cardiff.

There isn't a Senedd building in any other city in the world.

This is a special building for the Welsh Parliament.

It's where they meet.

So I have ticked "education" because people can go there to learn about how the Welsh Parliament works.

The last attraction is the Taff Trail.

A trail is a path outdoors that you can walk along usually in a beautiful place.

So this is definitely a natural attraction.

The Taff Trail goes from Cardiff City Centre all the way to the Brecon Beacons.

It follows the course of the river Taff, you see.

Well done for looking at all of those different types of attractions.

Now let's go into the second half of our lesson and think about the things we need to do to plan a day out in a city like Cardiff.

Cardiff is a very busy city and there are so many things to see and do there.

To make the most of a day out in Cardiff, you need to plan your route around the city.

Remember "route" from our key words earlier? A "route" is a journey that has a starting point and an end point and then you can work out the stops in between.

There are lots of different travel tools like maps and travel guides that can help you to plan your route.

Yes, that's right, Alex has remembered this that we mentioned earlier.

Maps and travel guides can be online resources or books, they can be printed or digital, they may even be in a phone app.

The photograph here shows lots and lots of travel guides that are books.

Travel guides provide you with all the information you need about places to go and things to do in a specific location.

You can read a travel guide before you go somewhere and that helps you to make decisions about what you want to do during your visits.

Otherwise, you could spend a very long time wandering about, trying to figure out where you want to go.

Don't forget, as we have just said, travel guides can be books, leaflets, web pages, blogs, podcasts or apps.

So when you've finished reading your travel guide and you've made a list of all the things that you want to see and do, I bet you'll be feeling very excited.

That's when you need to think about making a route.

What you need to do is locate the places that you want to go to on a map.

That way you will get to see as many of the things that you want to as you possibly can during the time that you have there.

If you don't plan a route using a map, then you might waste a lot of time, especially if you don't know your way from one place to another.

Let's try a true or false activity relating to what we have just discussed about planning a day out.

Listen to this statement and then tell me if it is true or if it is false.

"Planning a route around the city is a good idea when visiting Cardiff." Is that true or is that false? Have you decided? Great.

Okay, so give me thumbs up if you think this is true, and give me thumbs down if you think this is false.

What are you choosing? Has anyone got thumbs up? Yes, I have thumbs up, do you? Perfect.

That's because this is true.

It's definitely a good idea when visiting Cardiff to plan a route around the city.

Now we are geographers, and when geographers make statements like we just have, it is very important that we can provide some explanation or some information to explain how we know what we are talking about.

So I'm going to tell you two sentences now, and I want you to pick which sentence is the most helpful to explain how we know what we are talking about in this situation.

Sentence A says that planning means you will know everything there is to know about Cardiff before you visit.

Sentence B says that planning saves time so you can do as much as possible in a day.

Which of those sentences is the most helpful explanation in this situation? Have you chosen one? Great.

Did you choose option B? Well done.

Option B is the most helpful here because option B explains why it is a good idea to plan a route.

Planning saves you time, and that means you can do as much as you possibly can within that day that you have in Cardiff.

Sentence A is a very helpful reason, but it's not why it's a good idea when you are visiting to plan a route.

Okay, now we have one final activity for you.

Here is the list of six visitor attractions that you saw earlier in Task A.

I now want you to choose two of these attractions that you would like to visit on your day out to Cardiff.

What do think a travel guide might say about them? Now, you already know some information from earlier about these places but remember you can also look in books or online or talk to other people to find out some more information if you want to.

Remember that travel guides are designed to help people to decide what they want to see and do when they visit a new place.

So they provide lots of facts and make places sound very exciting and attractive.

Pause the video now while you choose your retractions and complete the activity.

All done? Wonderful.

You've got some great ideas.

Laura from Oak Academy is very kindly going to share her ideas with us now.

She has chosen two places and they are Cardiff Castle and the National Museum.

She thinks about Cardiff Castle, a travel guide might say that this is a must see in Cardiff.

The site is 2000 years old and the castle is open to visitors every day.

Make sure to walk through the beautiful castle gardens on your visit.

For the National Museum, Laura says that a travel guide might say, " Discover all about Welsh history here.

It is free entry and there is a nice cafe too!" Mm, that sounds good to me.

I would also like to visit Cardiff Castle and the National Museum on a day out, would you? So here we are at the end of today's lesson about planning a day out in a city like Cardiff.

Let's have a quick review over everything we have covered today.

We know that people from around the world and from other parts of the United Kingdom choose to visit Cardiff.

They are tourists.

There are many different ways that people can travel to Cardiff.

For example, trains, buses and national or international flights.

There are lots of different types of attractions in Cardiff for people to visit.

We know that travel tools, like travel guides and maps, help people to decide what to see and do and help them to plan their best route around the places they want to visit.

So next time you are planning a day out with your family, you'll be able to tell everyone what to do to make the most out of their trip.

Join me next time for another exciting geography lesson.

Bye for now!.