
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Ms. Shaw.

I am so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be helping you with your geography lesson.

We're going to have such a great time learning together in this lesson.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from the Unit: The UK: What kind of place is it? This lesson is called Geographical features in Scotland, and you'll be learning to locate and name some of Scotland's geographical features using atlases, maps, photographs, and Google Earth.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

We are building on our previous learning of the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom.

We know that there are four countries and four capital cities in the United Kingdom.

I'm very excited to get started, I hope you are too.

The keywords we will be using today are mountains, island, lake, and coastline.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Mountain, your turn, mountain.

Island, your turn, island.

Lake, your turn, lake.

Coastline, your turn, coastline.

A mountain is a natural raised part of Earth surface that is higher than a hill.

An island is a piece of land, smaller than a continent, that is surrounded by water.

A lake is a large area of water, which is surrounded by land, and a coastline is the boundary between the land and the sea or ocean.

It's really important that we use these keywords throughout our lesson today as well.

Every time you and your partner uses a keyword, I want you to give yourself a thumbs up, like this.

These are the learning cycles we will be working through together in today's lesson.

First, we will be looking at where do people live in Scotland? And then we'll be learning about what physical features are in Scotland.

Are you ready to start your learning today? Amazing, let's start.

In the last lesson, we learned lots of new information about Scotland, and today you will be gaining even more knowledge about Scotland.

Scotland is located in the United Kingdom.

On the map, you can see that Scotland is the country in the colour orange.

It is located in the northern part of the United Kingdom.

Scotland is the second largest country in the United Kingdom.

Can you remember from last lesson what was the largest country in the United Kingdom? Pause the video here, and discuss with your partner or teacher.

What is the largest country in the United Kingdom? Yes, that's right, the largest country in the United Kingdom is England, but in Scotland there are 5.

5 million people living there.

How many people are living in Scotland? My turn, 5.

5 million.

Your turn, 5.

5 million.

Scotland is a mountainous country in the north and west.

The word mountainous means a place that has many mountains.

A mountain is a landform that is higher than the ground around it.

We will be learning more about mountains in more detail later on this lesson.

Scotland's land is flatter in the south and east, which means there are less mountainous areas in the south and east.

This map of the UK shows the height of the land in the UK.

When we are thinking about geographers, we know that geographers like to use maps to find out new information.

On a map, there is often a key, which geographers use to find out different things.

Some keys will show cities, towns, rivers, and roads, but this key shows the height of the land.

The key ranks which areas have the highest height of land to the lowest height of land.

The flatter areas are green and yellow.

You can see by the coast of Scotland there are a lot more yellow and green areas, where the land is generally more flatter, whereas the key shows the mountainous areas in the UK are orange or brown.

On the map of Scotland, you can see a lot more of Scotland's land is the colour orange and brown.

This shows that Scotland has mountainous regions.

We will be learning more about Scotland's features later on in this lesson.

In Scotland, there are both rural and urban areas.

Can you remember what rural and urban areas are from last lesson? Pause the video here and tell your partner or teacher what are rural and urban areas? Well done if you said a rural area are places located away from towns and cities.

Rural areas are referred to as the countryside, which have less buildings and people there.

There are more green spaces in rural areas.

Well done if you said an urban area is an area where many people live and work close together.

If you live in a town or city, these are urban areas.

Urban areas are very populated.

That means a lot of people live in one place.

Well done, you're working very hard today.

In Scotland, there are lots of people who live in cities and towns.

We learned that a city is a settlement that is usually larger than a town.

People who live in cities and towns will live on the flatter parts of Scotland.

You can see this on the map here.

Most of these places you can see on the map are located on the coast.

Remember on the key, the flatter areas are shown in green.

Why do you think more towns and cities are found in flatter parts of Scotland? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner, why do you think more towns and cities are found in flatter parts of Scotland? Did you say you think there are more towns and cities in flatter parts of Scotland because it is easier to build homes there? It's also easier to travel in flatter areas.

Well done if you did! In the last lesson, we learned that Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

Even though Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, the city of Glasgow has more people living there.

There are nearly 600,000 people living in Glasgow, whereas in Edinburgh, there are around 526,470.

Both cities have lots of entertainment and things to do.

Glasgow is the third most populated city in the United Kingdom.

Remember, the word populated means a lot of people were living in one place, so Glasgow is the third most populated city in the UK.

Do you remember what the most populated city in the UK is? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner, what is the most populated city in the UK? Well done if you said London is the most populated city.

Let's check your learning so far by answering this question together.

What is the most populated city in Scotland? Is it A, London, B, Edinburgh, or C, Glasgow? What do you think? Pause the video here and have a go at answering this question.

That's right, the most populated city in Scotland is Glasgow.

Some people think that Edinburgh is the most populated because it is the capital city, but it isn't.

Some people in Scotland also live in the countryside.

Let's remind ourself what the countryside is.

The countryside is another word for a rural area.

In a rural area, you would find green spaces, rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, and farmlands.

People who live in the countryside live in Scotland, and also the Scottish Islands.

Remember from our keywords that an island is a piece of land, which is smaller than a continent, that is surrounded by water.

In this image, you can see that this is a rural area of land that is far away from busy cities.

There are many islands off the coast of Scotland.

The Scottish island with the most people living there is Lewis and Harris.

You can see Lewis and Harris is located on the northwest side of Scotland.

There are 21,000 people living on this island.

The island of Lewis and Harris are part of the main island of the Outer Hebrides.

It has lots of white beaches and beautiful landscapes on this island.

98% of Scotland is rural, but more people live in cities than in the countryside in Scotland.

More people probably live in cities because there are jobs, which might be located within a city, and usually cities have better transport links, so it is easier to get from place to place.

Let's do another check here to see how much you've remembered.

Let's answer this question together.

What would you find in a rural area? Is it A, green spaces, B, skyscrapers, or C, rivers? There is more than one correct answer in this question.

Pause the video here and answer the question, what would you find in a rural area? Well done, did you say green spaces and rivers? Skyscrapers will be found in an urban area.

Skyscrapers are large buildings.

It's time for our first task now.

Here are some sentences with some words missing.

Let's read the sentences below, and you can figure out which words are missing.

Scotland is made up of, something, countryside.

Many people live in, something, and cities.

However, only some people live in the, something.

The countryside has farmland, forests, mountains, and, something.

Use the word bank below to fill in the missing words in these sentences, Pause the video here and write down the missing words.

Don't forget to spell the words correctly.

Well done for filling in the missing words in these sentences.

How many of these did you get correct? Scotland is made up of 98% countryside.

Many people live in towns and cities.

However, only some people live in the countryside.

The countryside has farmlands, forests, mountains, and lakes.

Now let's move on to our next learning cycle.

In this learning cycle, we will be learning what physical features are in Scotland.

When we are thinking like geographers, geographers like to learn about human and physical features.

Human features are made by people.

Human features are things such as houses, roads, and bridges.

On the picture on the left-hand side is a city, which has lots of human features.

You can see features such as houses, roads, and bridges.

Physical features are natural.

They would exist without people.

You can see on the image in the right-hand side that has lots of physical features in it, you can see a lake, which is surrounded by mountains.

Other physical features of things such as rivers, mountains, lakes, islands, and coastlines.

Here are some more physical features you'll find in Scotland.

There are many lakes in Scotland.

People refer to lakes as lochs in Scotland.

Other physical features include farmland, mountains, forests, coastlines, and islands.

Let's do another check here to see how much you've remembered.

Let's answer this question together.

Which two of these are physical features you can find in Scotland? Is it A, lakes, B, roads, C, farmland, or D, houses? There is more than one correct answer in this question.

Pause the video here and answer the question.

Which two of these are physical features you can find in Scotland? Well done, did you say A, lakes, and C, farmland? Remember, roads and houses are examples of human features because they are created by humans.

Here is a map of the UK, let's continue with our learning about physical features.

The northern part of Scotland is called the Scottish Highlands.

What is the northern part of Scotland called? My turn, Scottish Highlands.

Your turn, Scottish Highlands.

The Scottish Highlands are mountainous areas.

Many people love to visit the Highlands because of its beautiful physical features.

Many people enjoy walking and hiking around the Highlands.

It has many lakes, mountains, and hills.

Even though the Scottish Highlands is a rural area, it has 258 schools across the Highlands.

Mountains are landforms that rise above 600 metres and anything lower than 600 metres is known as a hill.

Mountains are more challenging to climb because of its steep slopes.

The word steep means something which is straight up and straight down.

How tall does a mountain have to be? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher, how tall does a mountain have to be? Did you say 600 metres? Well done if you did, and the pictures below are showing a mountain, which is over 600 metres, and a hill, which is anything below 600 metres.

In the UK, the highest mountain is located in Scotland.

The highest mountain in the UK is called Ben Nevis.

My turn, your turn, Ben Nevis.

Your turn, Ben Nevis.

Ben Nevis is situated in the Scottish Highlands.

It is located in the mountain range of the Grampian Mountains.

Many people enjoy visiting Ben Nevis and enjoy hiking to the top.

Hiking is another word for a long walk.

When hikers reach the top of the mountain, it is called a summit.

A summit is the highest point of a mountain.

When I say summit, you say top, summit, top, summit, top.

Ben Nevis rises to 1,345 metres at its summit.

It would be very tricky to climb the top of Ben Nevis, as it is 1,345 metres tall.

In the picture, you can see the summit is pointing to the top, or the highest point of the mountain.

Let's do another check here to see how much you've remembered.

Let's answer this question together.

What is the tallest mountain in Scotland? Is it A, Mount Everest, B, Loch Ness, or, C Ben Nevis? Pause the video here and answer the question.

What is the tallest mountain in Scotland? Did you say, C, Ben Nevis? Well done if you did! Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in Scotland.

Another physical feature in the Scottish Highlands are lakes.

Lakes are a large body of water that is surrounded by land.

These lakes are known as lochs.

Let's practise saying lochs.

My turn, lochs, your turn, lochs.

There is a famous lake in Scotland known as the Loch Ness.

The Loch Ness is located in the Scottish Highlands.

My turn, your turn, Loch Ness, your turn, Loch Ness.

Remember that loch is another word for lake.

Some people believe that there is a monster called the Loch Ness Monster that lives in the loch.

Some people even believe that they have seen the Loch Ness Monster.

Scotland has a huge coastline of around 11,800 kilometres.

Remember, that a coastline is where land meets water.

It would take many days to drive around the whole of Scotland's coastline.

Many people enjoy visiting the coastline to swim in the ocean or sea.

In the first lesson, we learn all about the United Kingdom being surrounded by oceans and seas.

Scotland's coastline is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Scotland.

To the southeast of Scotland is the Irish Sea, and to the east of Scotland there is the North Sea.

Well done if you remember that knowledge.

Scotland has many different types of beautiful coastlines.

It has a rocky coastline.

This means the coast has many rocks and cliffs there, but Scotland also has sandy beaches.

Which coastline would you prefer to visit? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner, what coastline would you prefer to visit? I'm sure you were having a great discussion about what coastline you would prefer to visit.

Here is the map of the United Kingdom.

You can see there are many islands found in Scotland.

We learned about the Island of Lewis and Harris earlier this lesson.

There are around 900 islands found in Scotland.

They are mainly not located to the north and east of Scotland.

Scottish islands come in many different sizes.

Some islands in Scotland are very large and some are very small, and don't have a lot of people living there.

Some islands have a lot of people living on them, and some have a small number of people living on them, and some don't have anybody living on them at all.

Let's do a little check here and answer this question together.

How many islands are found in Scotland? Is it A, around five, B, around 100, or C, around 900? Pause the video here and answer this question.

Did you say around 900? Well done if you did! There are around 900 islands in Scotland.

It's now time for Task B, which is your second task in today's lesson.

I would like you to use Google Earth to help you locate the following features and label them on this map.

The features I would like you to find are Ben Nevis, Loch Ness, and the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Google Earth will help you find these features on a map.

Make sure you label your map with capital letters at the beginning because these are names of places.

Pause the video here and have a go at this task.

Well done, for finding these features using Google Earth.

Did you locate Ben Nevis, which is the tallest mountain in the United Kingdom? Did you label Glasgow, which is a city in Scotland where the most amount of people live? Did you manage to locate the Loch Ness, which is in the Scottish Highlands? And did you label Edinburgh accurately? Edinburgh is located on the east coast of Scotland.

I am so impressed with you all today! You've been doing a great job! Let's go through a summary of the learning that we've completed together today.

We've learned that Scotland is mountainous in the north and west and flatter in the south and east.

We've also learned that most people in Scotland live in the bigger towns, and cities in the flatter areas.

Now we know that the countryside in Scotland has smaller towns and villages, farmland, forests, and lakes known as lochs, and finally, we've learned that Scotland has different types of coastline and many islands.

You've been fantastic today! Give yourself one last thumbs up, and well done for joining me today and sharing your learning with me! See you next time for some more geography lessons, bye!.