
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Ms. Shaw.

I am so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be helping you with your geography lesson.

We're going to have such a great time learning together in this lesson.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit The UK, What Kind of Place is It? This lesson is called Geographical Features in Wales and you will be learning to locate and name some of Wales's geographical features using atlases, maps, photographs, and Google Earth.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

We are building on our previous learning of the geographical features in England.

We know that there are many beautiful physical features in England and I'm really excited to get started with our learning today.

I hope you are too.

These are the keywords that we will be using in today's lesson.

The keywords are mountain, city, farmland, and coastline.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Mountain, your turn, mountain.

City, your turn, city.

Farmland, your turn, farmland.

Coastline, your turn, coastline.

A mountain is a natural raised part of Earth's surface that is higher than a hill.

A city is a settlement that is usually larger than a town that has a local government.

Farmland is land used for the growing and harvesting of crops or rearing animals for food and raw materials.

A coastline is the boundary between the land and the sea or ocean.

I'm really excited to hear you using our keywords in today's lesson.

Every time you and your partner uses a keyword, make sure you give yourself a thumbs up like this.

These are the learning cycles we will be working through in today's lesson.

First, we will be looking at where do people live in Wales and then we'll be learning about what physical features are in Wales.

Are you ready to get started with your learning? Me too, amazing, let's start.

In the last lesson, we learned lots of new information about England and today, you'll be gaining even more knowledge about Wales.

Wales is located in the United Kingdom.

On the map, you can see Wales is the country in the colour pink.

It is located on the west side of the United Kingdom.

Wales is the second smallest country in the United Kingdom.

Can you remember from our last lesson what was the largest country in the United Kingdom? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher.

What was the largest country in the United Kingdom? Yes, that's right, England is the largest country in the United Kingdom.

There are around 55 million people living in England whereas in Wales there are 3.

1 million people living there.

We have been using keys to find out areas in the UK which have higher height of land and lower height of land.

Wales is a very mountainous area.

Mountainous means an area that has lots of mountains.

As shown in the key, the flatter areas are in the east and at the coastline of Wales.

On the key, these areas are yellow and green.

However the rest of Wales is quite mountainous.

On the key, these areas are shown in orange and brown and here it's pointing to the mountainous areas.

We've learned lots about cities in this unit.

Remember cities are large settlements that have lots of buildings, shops, and roads.

Cities are urban areas.

They usually have office buildings, businesses, sports and leisure facilities.

Leisure facilities are places such as a sports hall, swimming pools, and places that you can do activities.

What can you remember about an urban area? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher what can you remember about an urban area? Well done, did you say an urban area are very populated and have lots of buildings, roads, railways, and bridges? Well done, you're already working hard today.

The countryside is a rural area and has green spaces, small towns, and villages and farmlands.

We've been learning lots about rural areas.

These are areas away from big cities.

They are small settlements.

Farmland is one of our new keywords that we are using today.

They are land used for growing and harvesting of crops or rearing animals for food or raw materials.

Harvesting crops means when you gather crops such as wheat and barley.

Rearing animals means helping animals grow and look after them, so farmlands are used to do both of these things.

Here is a map of Wales.

You can see on this map that the Irish Sea borders Wales.

There are lots of people in Wales who live in cities and towns.

These are found in the flatter parts, particularly around the south coast.

Do you remember from our earlier lesson what the capital city of Wales is? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher what is the capital city of Wales? Did you say Cardiff? Well done if you did.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.

The largest cities in Wales include Swansea and Newport in the south and the capital city, Cardiff.

Here you can see Cardiff on the map.

The countryside in Wales includes a lot of farmland, hills and mountains.

It is a popular place for tourists to visit.

People enjoy the fresh countryside air and walking through farmlands, hills, and mountains.

As Wales is very mountainous, its farmland is used for farming sheep rather than crops.

It's harder to harvest crops in mountainous regions due to the steep slopes.

Remember the word steep means to go up and down.

Let's check our learning so far.

This is a true or false question, so you have to think carefully about whether something is true or false.

In the countryside you would find farmland.

Is that true or false? Pause the video here and have a go at that question.

Great, let's look at this question together.

In the countryside you would find farmland.

That's true, now I want you to justify your answer.

That means you have to explain why.

There are two reasons here to find it out or tell it apart from each other.

A says farmland is used to grow crops and look after animals and B says farmland is needed for farmers to work in office blocks.

Think about which answer explains why it's true, that in the countryside you would find farmland.

Pause the video here and justify your answer.

Yes, that's right, farmland is used to grow crops and look after animals.

It isn't B because farmers don't work in office blocks.

Office blocks are usually found in urban areas.

It's now time for our first task.

Here are some sentences with some words missing.

Let's read the sentences below and you can figure out which words are missing.

Wales is on the something of the UK.

It has a lot of something and something in the countryside.

Most of the big something are in the something areas on the south coast.

Use the word bank below to fill in the missing words in these sentences.

Pause the video here and write down the missing words.

Don't forget to spell them correctly.

Well done for filling in the missing words in these sentences.

How many of them did you get correct? Wales is on the west of the UK.

It has a lot of mountains and farmland in the countryside.

Most of the big cities are in the flatter areas on the south coast.

Well done for filling in the missing words.

Now let's move on to our next learning cycle.

In this learning cycle, we will be learning what physical features are in Wales.

In the last two lessons, we learned about physical features.

Physical features are natural to our world.

They would exist without humans.

Physical features like seas, mountains, and rivers are natural.

They would exist if no people were around.

Here are some images of physical features in Wales.

Other physical features include rivers, farmland, mountains, forest, coastline, and islands.

We've seen lots of these physical features before.

My turn, your turn, let's say forests.

My turn, forests, your turn, forests.

Forests are areas which are covered by lots of trees.

They have a huge impact on the environment as trees are very important for humans to exist.

One of the highest mountains in Wales is known as Yr Wyddfa.

This used to be known as Mount Snowdon.

Yr Wyddfa is located in North Wales in the Eryri mountain range.

Its peak rises to 1,085 metres high.

Peak is another name for summit.

When I say peak, you say summit.

Peak, summit, peak, summit.

Remember the summit is the highest point of the mountain.

How tall is Yr Wyddfa? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher how tall is Yr Wyddfa? Well done, did you say 1,085 metres high? That's a tricky number to say.

Anglesey is an island of the northwest coast of Wales.

Let's say Anglesey, my turn, Anglesey, your turn, Anglesey.

It is known for its beaches and ancient sites.

Ancient is another word for old.

The island is connected to Wales by bridge.

Lots of people use the bridge to travel to Anglesey, from mainline Wales.

Anglesey, is surrounded by the Irish Sea and the largest town on the island is called Holyhead.

The island is not very populated.

Large parts of the island have beautiful coastlines and lots of them have been recognised as areas of outstanding beauty.

What have you learned about Anglesey? Pause the video here and discuss with your partner or teacher what have you learned about Anglesey? Did you say Anglesey is an island off the north coast of Wales and it's known for its beaches? Did you say that there's a large town on the island called Holyhead? Well done, you are working really hard today.

Here is an image of all the national parks in the United Kingdom.

Do you remember what a national park is from our last lesson? Our national park are parks which have big open spaces where people can relax, walk, and enjoy themselves.

They are places with natural beauty.

The Pembrokeshire Coast is the UK's smallest national park.

It is located in southwest Wales and has beautiful beaches that attract lots of tourists, the others being Brecon Beacons and Eryri.

The national park has very different landscapes and it has many rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and wild hills.

The total area of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is 629 kilometres squared.

How many kilometres squared is it? My turn, your turn, 629 kilometres squared.

Your turn, 629 kilometres squared.

Let's do a check here to see how much you've remembered.

Let's answer this question together.

What is the highest mountain in Wales? Is it A, Yr Wyddfa, B, Mount Kilimanjaro, or C, Ben Nevis? Pause the video here and answer the question.

What is the highest mountain in Wales? Well done If you said A, Yr Wyddfa.

Yr Wyddfa is the highest mountain in Wales.

It is also known as Mount Snowdon.

Remember that Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland and in the UK, so it can't be C.

It's now time for task B which is your second task in today's lesson.

I would like you to use Google Earth to help you locate the following features and label them on this map.

The features I would like you to find are Cardiff, Yr Wyddfa, Anglesey, and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.

Google Earth will help you find these features on a map.

Make sure you label your map with capital letters at the beginning because these are all names of places.

Pause the video here and have a go at Task B.

Well done for finding these features using Google Earth.

Did you locate Yr Wyddfa which is the tallest mountain in the, did you locate a Yr Wyddfa which is the tallest mountain in Wales and located in the Eryri National Park in Northern Wales? Did you label Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in Wales with lots of beautiful beaches? Did you locate Anglesey, an island off mainland Wales? You can travel there using a bridge from mainland Wales.

And finally, did you locate Cardiff which is the capital city of Wales? Let's go through a summary of the learning that we've completed together today.

We've learned that Wales is very mountainous.

Its highest mountain is Yr Wyddfa which is known as Snowdon in Northern Wales.

The biggest cities in Wales are in the south and finally, we've learned that the countryside in Wales has smaller towns and villages, farmland, forests, lakes, and moorland.

You've been fantastic today.

Give yourself one last thumbs up and well done for sharing your learning with me today.

See you next time for some more geography lessons, bye.