
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Miss.


I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be helping you with your geography lesson.

We are going to have such a great time learning together in this lesson.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, The UK, What Kind of Place is It? This lesson is called the Countries and Capital Cities of the UK, and you will be learning how to locate the UK's capital cities and find out some more information about cities.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I am here to help you.

We are building on our previous learning of the UK and its surrounding seas.

I'm very excited to get started, I hope you are too.

The key words we'll be using today are city, capital city, urban and rural and we will be learning more about them throughout our lesson.

Let's do my turn your turn.

City, city, capital city, capital city, urban, urban, rural, rural.

Let's go over what these key words mean.

A city is a settlement that is usually larger than a town and has a local government.

A capital city is the place in a country where the government sits and has its centre of power.

Urban means something to do with a city or town, and rural means something to do with the countryside.

Every time you and your partner uses a key word, I want you to give yourself a thumbs up like this.

These are the learning cycles we will be working through together in today's lesson.

First, we will be looking at, what is a settlement? Then we'll be learning about what are the capital cities in the United Kingdom.

Are you ready to get started with your learning today? Amazing, let's start.

A settlement is a place where people live and work.

Within a settlement, there are many types of houses and buildings in which people live and work in.

There are different types of settlements around the UK.

Some people live in villages.

Villages are small settlements.

In a village there are a number of small houses.

Most villages are found in the countryside and they might be surrounded by farms where food is produced and sold to people who are in towns and cities.

Some villages have shops and there might even be a place of worship.

For example, a church.

There will usually be a school in a village too.

Some people live in cities.

These are large settlements and often have millions of people living there.

All those people living in cities have to live somewhere, so you will find lots of different kinds of homes.

Some people live in houses, others live in flats or apartments.

Cities usually have a lot to offer.

For example, shops, restaurants, cinemas, museums and places of worship.

There are roads and pathways to connect cities and villages so people can get to a city and people who live in cities can easily get out to the countryside.

Pause the video here and discuss with your partner, what type of settlement do you live in? Well done, I'm sure you are having a great discussion about where you live.

In the UK, there are types of areas where people live and work.

One type of area is an urban area.

An urban area is an area where many people live and work close together.

If you live in a town or city, these are urban areas.

Urban areas are very populated.

That means a lot of people live in one place, so if you were to travel to an urban area, there would be a lot more people around you.

Urban areas tend to have more transport links, bridges, roads and houses.

Another type of area in the UK is a rural area.

Let's say rural, my turn, rural.

Your turn, rural.

Rural areas are in the countryside.

Sometimes people might call rural areas the countryside, rural areas are located away from towns and cities.

They are places with fewer people.

Fewer is another word for less.

Rural areas have smaller settlements.

This means there are less houses, apartments and buildings in these areas.

Most of the land in the United Kingdom is rural.

Rural areas tend to have a lot more green spaces such as parks and farms than urban areas.

You can spot that in this photograph.

Rural areas have less people living there.

Rural areas have less people living in them than urban areas.

In rural areas, there are still shops, schools and other local services such as libraries.

Sometimes people think that rural areas have no shops or people that live there, but in fact there are people living there, just less than bigger settlements such as cities.

Many people who live in cities like to go to rural areas to relax and have a holiday.

What would you find in a rural area? Pause the video here and tell your partner or teacher, what would you find in a rural area? Did you say some shops, schools or libraries? Well done if you did.

Now, let's check your learning so far by answering this question together.

What is a rural area? Is it a place with a high population, B, a place with lots of shops or C, a place that is located outside a city or town? What do you think? Pause the video here and have a go at answering the question.

That's right, a rural area is a place that is located outside a city or a town.

Well done if you got it correct and give yourself a pat on the back or a thumbs up.

It's now time for our first task.

Here are two pictures of two areas in the UK.

I want you to discuss or write down which image is a rural area, which image is an urban area, and why do you think this, use image A and B to discuss these questions, pause the video here and have a go at this task.

Well done, did you say that image A is a rural area and image B is an urban area? Did you discuss that you thought that image A is a rural area because it doesn't have many people there and there are a lot of green spaces.

Rural areas are less populated than urban areas as there are less people living there.

What about image B? Did you say that image B is an urban area because it has lots of buildings and landmarks? In image B, you can see that there are lots of buildings which are close together.

This tells you that image B is an urban area.

Well done, you are doing a fantastic job today.

Now let's move on to our next learning cycle.

In this learning cycle, we'll be learning about what are the capital cities in the United Kingdom.

Before we learn about the capital cities of the UK, we need to know what a city is.

A city is a type of settlement.

We learned about that when we were looking at settlements earlier this lesson.

Let's remind ourself what a settlement is.

A settlement is a place where people work and live.

There are many cities across the United Kingdom, but a capital city is where the government of a country is based.

That's where the government makes important decisions for the country.

The capital city of England and the United Kingdom is London.

London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom because this is where the government is based.

What is the capital city of England and the UK? My turn, London, your turn, London.

Here you can see an image of a landmark in London.

This landmark is called the Houses of Parliament.

This is where people who are part of a government will work and meet.

Many people like to visit the Houses of Parliament as this is a famous landmark in London.

Let's check your learning so far by answering this question together.

What is a capital city? Is it A, a place with a castle, B, where people in that country live? C, where the government of that country is based or D, the largest place in a country? What do you think? Pause the video and have a go at answering the question.

That's right, a capital city is where the government of that country is based.

Well done if you got it right, you can give yourself a pat on the back or a thumbs up.

Capital cities will often have large buildings, landmarks and many different types of buildings.

A landmark is usually a large object that is easy to see and can help a person find the way to a place near it.

Here are some human features in the UK below.

Edinburgh Castle is located in Edinburgh.

Cardiff Stadium is an entertainment venue located in Cardiff and Belfast Castle is a landmark in Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Now let's look at the capital city of England.

The capital city of England is London.

You can see that on the map, that London is located in the south of England.

Is London a rural or urban area? Pause the video here and discuss this with your partner or teacher.

Did you say urban area? Well done if you did.

London is an urban area as it has many people who live and work there.

Now let's look at the capital city of Wales.

The capital city of Wales is Cardiff.

Cardiff is located on the south coast of Wales which you can see here on the map.

Cardiff is also an urban area too as it has many people who live and work there.

What is the capital of Wales? Pause the video here and tell your partner or teacher what is the capital of Wales? Did you say Cardiff? Well done if you did.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.

Now the next country in the United Kingdom is Scotland.

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and it is located in southeast Scotland.

Edinburgh is the most northern capital in the United Kingdom.

What's the most northern capital city in the United Kingdom? My turn, Edinburgh, your turn, Edinburgh.

Finally, the capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Remember, Northern Ireland is located on the island of Ireland.

Belfast is located on the northeast coast of the island of Ireland.

Belfast is the largest city in Northern Ireland.

You'll learn more about Belfast later in this unit.

Let's check your learning so far by answering this question together.

What is the capital city of Scotland? Is it A, London, B, Edinburgh, C, Wales, or D, Belfast? What do you think? Pause the video here and have a go at answering the question.

That's right, the capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh.

Well done if you remembered that Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

Now we are ready to build on this knowledge for the next part of your learning.

In the country England, there is a river called the River Thames.

My turn, your turn, River Thames.

Your turn, River Thames.

The River Thames is a river which runs through the city of London.

It is the second longest river in the UK after the River Severn.

People will use the river to travel and transport different objects from different places.

Pause the video here and tell your partner what is the name of the river that runs through the city of London? Did you tell your partner that the River Thames is a river which runs through the city of London? Well done if you did.

You are doing a great job today.

Cardiff is the largest city in Wales.

It's also the capital city.

The population of Cardiff is 362,400 people.

Wow, that is quite a tricky number to say.

Let's practise, my turn, 362,400, your turn, 362,400.

Remember, we learned that the UK is in the continent of Europe.

Cardiff is one of the smallest capitals in Europe.

Edinburgh is located on the southeast of Scotland.

Edinburgh is the greenest city in the UK.

That means there are a lot of places with grass, plants, trees and parks.

Edinburgh has 112 parks and 750 trees.

I bet Edinburgh would be a beautiful city to visit.

Belfast is the second largest city on the island of Ireland and it is the largest city in Northern Ireland.

There is a river called the River Lagan, which runs through the city.

The River Lagan starts from the Slieve Croob Mountain and at the end of the river, runs into the Irish sea.

We learn all about the Irish Sea in our first lesson.

All these capital cities in the United Kingdom have special physical and human features and many people across the world enjoy visiting them.

It's now time for task B, which is your second task in today's lesson, I would like you to now locate and label the countries and the capital cities in the United Kingdom on the map.

Remember, there are four countries and four capital cities in the United Kingdom.

Make sure you use a capital letter for each of them as there are names of places.

Pause the video here and have a go at this task.

Well done for labelling the map with the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom.

Northern Ireland is one of the countries in the United Kingdom.

It is located on the island of Ireland.

Northern Ireland's capital city is Belfast and it is the largest city in Northern Ireland.

The next country in the United Kingdom is Wales.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.

You can see that on the map below.

The third country in the United Kingdom is Scotland.

Edinburgh is Scotland's capital city and you can find Edinburgh castle there and lots of green spaces.

Finally, England is the last country in the United Kingdom.

London is the capital city of England and it is also the capital city of the United Kingdom.

Good job, that was a lot of knowledge to remember.

Give yourself a pat on the back or a thumbs up.

Let's just go through a summary of the learning we've completed together today.

We've learned that the United Kingdom is made up of the country's Scotland, Northern Ireland, NI for short, Wales and England.

We've learnt that a capital city is the place in a country where the government sits and has its centre of power.

We now know that Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London are capital cities of Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England, and finally, we know that London is the capital city of the United Kingdom.

You've been fantastic today.

Give yourself one last thumbs up and well done for joining me today and sharing your learning with me.

See you next time for some more geography lessons, bye.