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Hello, my name is Ms. Chorekdjian.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be guiding you through our lesson.

We are going to do some great learning together.

Let's get started.

Welcome to today's lesson from our unit called "Climate zones: what are they and why do they matter?" This lesson is called "Climate change." Your learning outcome for today will be to recognise that sudden changes in climate have an effect on living things.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

This links back to previous learning you might have done about the relationship between lines of latitude, temperature, and climate zones, and you might have also explored climate graphs and thought about what they mean.

You might also be aware of the differences between climate zones and biomes.

And you might have also spent some time understanding the adaptations of plants and animals in different biomes and thinking about their interdependence.

I'm really excited to get started, I hope you are too.

Here are the key words that we will be using together throughout today's lesson.

Before we find out what they mean, let's practise saying these key words together.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases.

Climate change, climate change.

Drought, drought.

Heat wave, heat wave.

Good job everyone.

Let's find out the definitions of these keywords and think about what they mean.

Greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases are the gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat.

Climate change.

Climate change is a large scale and long-term change in the planet's climate, including weather patterns and average temperatures.


Drought is when there is a long time without enough rain and can cause a water shortage.

Heat wave.

A heat wave is a period of time in which the weather is a lot hotter than usual.

Let's look at the learning cycles we will be working through together in today's lesson.

First, we're going to think about what climate change is, and then we're going to be thinking about the effects of climate change.

Are you ready to start your learning? Fantastic, let's begin.

We live on and share a planet called Earth.

We need to protect the planet so that it can survive far into the future.

Here's a picture of our planet, and remember that we live on a planet called Earth.

Some human activities are causing harm to the planet.

Human activities, such as our use of fuels for heat and power, can cause pollution and emit greenhouse gases.

So you can see those factories there are emitting a lot of greenhouse gases.

It's human activities that contribute to pollution, which can cause harm to the planet.

It's time for a quick check here.

What is the main cause of greenhouse gases? A, natural processes emit them.

B, many greenhouse gases emit them.

Or C, human activities emit them.

Pause the video and complete that check.

How did you get on? Did you say that the main cause of greenhouse gases is human activity? That's correct, do you remember we saw that photo of the factories that were burning those fuels to make us energy and power? And that's what causes those gases to be released into the atmosphere.

Those harmful greenhouse gases.

Well done if you got that right.

Having too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is a problem.

Greenhouse gases cause the atmosphere to become warmer.

This is called the greenhouse effect, and it means that the planet is heating up.

This is known as global warming.

So think about that broken down now.

So all of the gases that are released from human activities cause the planet to heat up, and it's that heating up of the planet that is called global warming.

As the planet becomes warmer, this impacts the temperature and rainfall in climate zones all around the world.

This is contributing to climate change.

So remember we've talked about global warming and the Earth getting hotter because of all of those greenhouse gases that are emitted from human activities? Well all of that heat can affect the climate and temperature in climate zones around the world, and that is what leads to climate change.

Climate change is happening so quickly that many people are very worried about the future.

This is a climate crisis.

There is great danger that climates around the world are changing so fast that animals and plants will not be able to adapt to survive in the changing conditions.

Remember we've talked about animals and plants that have adapted to current weather and current climate conditions.

If the world's climates change too quickly, the plants and animals will not be able to keep up, and they won't be able to adapt, and that means that we will lose those plants and animals.

Humans are struggling to adapt to changing conditions as well.

It's now time for another check.

What does the greenhouse effect do? A, make plants grow bigger.

B, cause climate change.

Or C, create greenhouse gases.

What the greenhouse effect do? Pause the video and complete that check.

How did you get on? Did you say B, cause climate change? That's correct, greenhouse gases cause climate change.

Remember, the greenhouse gases cause our planet Earth to heat up, and that heating up of the Earth is called global warming.

And global warming means that climates, temperatures, and weather patterns are changing, which results in climate change.

Well done everyone.

Good job if you got that right.

It's now time to think about task A.

What I would like you to do is have a look at this table, and I'd like you to think about climate change.

Write the numbers one to six to show the correct sequence of events.

The first one has been identified for you.

Let's look at all of the different sentences and read them together.

The planet gets warmer because of the increased greenhouse effect.

Some human activities emit greenhouse gases, so we know that's the first thing that happens.

So there's a number one next to it already.

Temperature and rainfall patterns change around the world.

Greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere.

If animals and plants don't adapt quickly enough to climate change, they may not survive.

Climate change happens quickly and leads to a climate crisis.

Pause the video now and put these sentences in order to think about the correct sequences of events that lead to climate change.

Pause the video now and complete task A.

How did you get on with task A? Were you able to put these sentences in the correct order to help us think about climate change? Let's go through the correct order.

Some human activities emit greenhouse gases.

That's the first thing that happens.

And then greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere.

The third sentence is the planet gets warmer because of the increased greenhouse effect.

The fourth sentence is temperature and rainfall patterns change around the world as a result of the greenhouse effect.

And then number five is climate change happens quickly and leads to a climate crisis.

And then number six is if plants and animals don't adapt quickly enough to climate change, they may not survive.

So well done if you put those in the correct order.

If you've got a few of them in the wrong order, it's now time to quickly go back and check your learning to make sure that you've identified the correct order.

You can pause the video here, or you can move on if you've got them all right.

Now that we've learned about climate change, it's time to think about the effects of climate change.

As the greenhouse effect causes the planet to heat up, temperatures are getting warmer.

Have a look at this photograph here.

You can see a picture of some polar bears on ice.

Think about the statement that I just said.

The greenhouse effect causes the temperatures to get warmer.

What do you think will happen to the ice that those polar bears are resting on at the moment? Pause the video and think about that with a partner.

How did you get on? Did you say that the rising temperatures might cause problems like ice melting near the poles? Polar animals are losing their habitat, which is melting away.

So we can see the polar bears here from the arctic on this ice, which is melting.

That's their habitat.

And because the Earth is getting warmer, their habitat is melting away.

As animal habitats are lost, there are wider impacts.

The food supply for animals that eat other animals is reduced, which can threaten the survival of many animal species.

Remember we talked about interdependence, and that means that plants and animals rely on each other.

So as plant's habitats are lost, those animals are also lost, which means it can affect the survival of many other animals and plants that depend on that animal.

Yes, because animals are interdependent.

So changes don't just affect one animal, they affect lots of them.

Warmer temperatures affect many places.

Places that have mild summers like the UK have been experiencing heat waves.

A heat wave is a short period of higher than usual temperatures.

So usually places like the UK where we live have quite mild summers, but recently as a result of warmer temperatures caused by global warming and climate change, we've been experiencing really hot temperatures, and that's resulted in heat waves across the UK.

Heat waves, remember, are periods of time when there are higher than usual temperatures.

Heat waves can have severe short-term impacts.

They can cause water sources like rivers to dry up and green vegetation to wither and die.

So you can see there that there's a boat that's been stranded because part of this river has dried up.

You can also see lots of grasses and vegetation that look quite dull and brown and grey, not green like they're supposed to be.

During a heat wave, water supplies for humans can be limited, and restrictions can be put in place.

That means that you might not be allowed to use water to water your garden, and that means that you might have to reduce the amount of water that you use.

It's time for a true or false check now.

So that means you've got to think really carefully about whether or not this statement is true or false.

It says a heat wave happens when temperatures suddenly drop for a short period of time.

Is that true or false? Pause the video now and answer that check.

How did you get on? Did you say false? That's correct, this is false.

A heat wave happens when temperatures suddenly rise and get hotter for a short period of time.

Well done if you were able to say that the answer was false.

Good job everyone, you can give yourselves another thumbs up.

Increasing temperatures cause changes to rainfall patterns around the world.

So you can see there, there's a photograph of the ground being really dry and cracked, and that's a sign of drought.

Many places around the world have been experiencing drought.

Drought is when there is a long time without enough rain.

This has severe short-term and long-term impacts.

The main impact of a drought is water shortage for humans, animals, and plants, and that means that plants won't have enough water to drink and stay green and lush, and it means that animals will be very, very thirsty and might not survive.

For humans, it means that we might not be able to use water when we want to use water.

Take a moment to look at that photo again.

It's very dull.

There's no greenery, there's no colour.

You can see there the impact that drought has on this environment.

Droughts also mean that landscapes become very dry.

When wildfires happen, they spread more quickly and affect larger areas.

That's because fires catch quicker when the environment and trees and plants are dry.

There have been large wildfires in Australia and California in the USA.

There have also been some wildfires happening across Europe as well, and wildfires can have a huge impact on the environment.

Think about all of the plants and animals that live there.

Their habitats are being destroyed, so again, that affects the interdependence of the plants and animals that live in these areas that experience droughts and wildfires as a result.

It's now time for another true or false check.

A drought is the result of a long period of time with little or no rain.

Is that true or false? Pause the video now and complete that check.

How did you get on? Did you say true? That's correct, a drought is the result of a long period of time with little or no rain.

Good job everyone, well done if you got that right.

We can help the planet by changing our behaviour and stopping or reducing the activities that cause climate change.

Climate change is happening all around us, and it's happening as a result of human activities, so it's time we think about our behaviour and reducing some of those activities that contribute to climate change.

Everybody can make a difference and take part in taking action to reduce climate change.

If we all take part and do small actions together more locally, regionally, and then globally, all of those actions combined can have a huge impact to help reduce climate change.

Thinking about things that we can do, we can walk more and drive less, we can turn off lights and appliances at home to save energy, we can eat more plant-based food because the amount of resources that goes into rearing cattle and animals also contributes to climate change, we can reuse and recycle instead of throwing things away, and we can take showers, not baths, because that uses less water.

You could also use a timer to help you take shorter showers.

A timer will help you be conscious of how much water you use when showering.

If each of us do more of these things, we can each help reduce the impacts of climate change.

And it's really important that we not only do that for ourselves, but we encourage our friends, families, teachers, parents, everybody to do their bit to reduce the impact of climate change.

We've got to raise awareness of these actions to make sure that everybody is doing their bit because like I mentioned before, it's human activity that has the greatest impact, and it's the result of human activity that climate change is happening at an increased rate.

So we've got to be the ones that make a stand and try and change things for the better.

It's now time for task B.

What I would like you to do is to design your own poster to raise awareness of climate change.

You could create a slogan about the planet.

You could give information about the effects of climate change.

You can give advice about how people can help combat climate change.

And you can design your poster by hand or you can use a computer.

Pause the video now and complete task B.

How did you get on? Here are some examples of posters that pupils have thought about at Oak Primary School.

"My poster is about polar bears losing their homes." "My poster says, 'Climate change is not cool!'" "I've drawn a globe next to a flame because Earth is getting hotter." "My poster gives advice to try eating a plant-based meal once a week." These are some of the things that you could have done on your poster, and I'm sure you've been really creative and thought about clever slogans and powerful images to help raise awareness of climate change.

Well done everyone.

I hope this lesson has helped you think about all the changes that you can make to your life from now.

Thinking about walking more and driving less.

Thinking about taking showers instead of having baths.

And maybe eating a more plant-based diet.

These are all the things that you could do.

You could also turn off the lights and electrical appliances to make sure that you save energy.

Well done everyone, you've thought really hard there about climate change and the effects of climate change.

We have now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go through a quick summary of all the learning that we've completed together today.

Some human activities emit lots of greenhouse gases.

Too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect.

This means that planet Earth is heating up.

The greenhouse effect impacts temperatures and rainfall patterns all around the world, which is called climate change.

Climate change is causing a climate crisis.

People are worried the animals and plants can't adapt quick enough to the changing conditions.

Heat waves and droughts are happening more often because of climate change.

Well done everyone for all of your thinking in today's lesson.

The most important thing to take away from today is about raising awareness about the impacts of climate change.

So hopefully, you can use your posters around your school and around your local area to remind everyone about the impacts of climate change and things that we can all do to prevent that from getting worse.

You've done really well today.

You can give yourselves one last thumbs up.

Thank you for joining me today and for sharing your learning with me.

See you soon for more geography lessons.
