
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Miss Chorekdjian.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be guiding you through every step of our geography lesson today.

We're going to have a great time learning together.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from our unit called Around the World in 80 Days: What Have We Learned About Our World? This lesson is called Tourism: Oceania.

Your learning outcome will be to describe some tourist destinations in Oceania and discuss the positive and negative consequences of tourism.

Some of this learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

Here are the key words that we will use together today.

Let's practise saying them using my turn, your turn.

Tourist destination, tourist destination.

Tourism industry, tourism industry.

Economic benefit, economic benefit.

Amenities, amenities.

Let's find out what these key words mean.

Tourist destination.

A tourist destination is a place that people go to on holiday.

Tourism industry.

The tourism industry is a term for the services provided for people who are on holiday.

For example, hotels, restaurants, tour guides, entertainment and transport.

Economic benefit.

An economic benefit is something that is good for a place in terms of money or jobs.

Amenities, amenities are useful things or services such as local shops and parks.

Here are the learning cycles that we will work through together today.

First, we're going to look at some of Oceania's physical features, and then we're going to be thinking about what human features tourists visit in Oceania.

And then, finally, we'll be thinking about the consequences of tourism.

I'm really excited to get started today.

I hope you are too.

Let's begin our learning journey.

In this lesson, we're going to be exploring the continent of Oceania.

Where is Oceania? Pause the video and locate it on this map.

How did you get on? Did you say that the continent of Oceania is in the Southern Hemisphere, and it's all of that area that's coloured in red on the map.

Good job, well done if you did.

Here it is located on the map.

Do you know anything about this continent or its countries already? Where does your knowledge of Oceania come from? Share your ideas with someone else.

Pause the video now.

How did you get on? Did anyone mention the Sydney Opera House in Australia? You might have also talked about the landscape in New Zealand, and then some holiday destinations like some of the islands in Fiji.

Well done if you were able to share your knowledge of Oceania so far.

Let's have a look at what some pupils had to say.

Laura said, "I know Wellington "is the capital of New Zealand.

"My cousin lives there." Izzy said, "I know that it takes a long time "to travel there from the UK.

"You can see how far away Oceania is on the world map." Andeep said, "The Great Barrier Reef in Australia "is the largest coral reef in the world.

"I watched a documentary about it.

"I would love to go there one day." That's what these children shared about the knowledge they already have on Oceania.

Oceania is located almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Tropic of Capricorn passes through this continent.

There, you can see Oceania located on the map, and that it's mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, and you can see the Tropic of Capricorn runs through it.

Oceania is the smallest continent in the world by total land area.

Most of Oceania is surrounded by ocean.

The continent is made up of 14 countries and more than 10,000 islands.

Here's a closer look at Oceania.

Australia is the largest country in Oceania by land area and population.

Can you name any other countries in Oceania? Pause the video and have a discussion with your class.

How did you get on? Were you able to name some other countries in Oceania? You could have said countries like New Zealand, Papua New Guinea.

Maybe you mentioned the Solomon Islands or Fiji, and you could have also mentioned Vanuatu.

Good job if you were able to name some of the countries in Oceania.

Oceania spans several lines of latitude and has a range of climates.

The climate in Northern Australia is much warmer than that in the south of the country.

Papua New Guinea is near the equator and has a tropical climate.

It is warm and wet all year round.

So you can see the differences in climate there.

New Zealand is in the south of Oceania.

Most of the country has a temperate climate like the UK.

It's time for a true or false check here.

That means you've got to think really carefully about whether or not this statement is true or false.

Most of Oceania has a polar climate.

Is that true or false? Pause the video and answer that check.

Did you say false? That's correct, now let's think about justifying our answer.

A, most of Oceania has a tropical climate, or B, Oceania spans several lines of latitude and has a range of climates.

Pause the video now and justify the answer.

Did you say that Oceania spans several lines of latitude and has a range of climates? That's correct.

So that explains why this statement is false.

Oceania does not only have a polar climate, it spans many lines of latitude, and so that means there are a range of climates.

Good job, everyone.

You can give ourselves a big thumbs up.

Well done if got that right.

Oceania also has a range of physical features.

Many of these are very popular tourist destinations.

Here are some photos of some physical features in Oceania.

These photos represent areas that are popular tourist destinations.

Do you recognise any of these places? Pause the video now and tell your partner.

Let's go through some of these together.

<v ->Aoraki in New Zealand</v> is one of the highest mountains in Oceania.

New Zealand is home to many mountains, lakes and rivers.

There, you can see New Zealand located on that globe.

Tramping, which is another word for hiking, is a very popular activity in this country.

Uluru is a monolith, a massive sandstone rock formation in Australia.

It is a very special and sacred place for the Anangu, one of the groups of indigenous peoples in Australia.

There, you can see it located on the map.

Uluru is 348 metres high and around 550 million years old.

Fiji is a country of more than 300 islands in the Southern Pacific Ocean.

It is famous for its sandy beaches and coral reefs.

There, you can see it located on the globe.

The tourism industry is one of the most important industries in Fiji.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world.

It is home to hundreds of species of coral and thousands of species of fish.

There, it's located just off the coast of Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef is so big it can be seen from space.

That's impressive.

It's time for a quick check here.

In which country in Oceania would you find Aoraki? A, Australia, B, Fiji, C, New Zealand or D, Tonga.

Pause the video now and complete this check.

How did you get on? Did you say C, New Zealand? That's correct, well done.

You can give yourselves another big thumbs up.

It is now time for task A.

What I would like you to do is to research a physical feature in Oceania that is a popular tourist destination.

I'd like you to complete the table to show your findings.

So I'd like you to include the name of the feature, the country where it's located and some interesting facts about it.

Pause the video now and complete task A.

How did you get on with task A? Here is an example of a completed table.

So I decided to look at Mount Wilhelm in Papua New Guinea.

And some interesting facts about it are it's one of the highest mountains in Oceania with a height of 4,509 metres.

It is over four times the height of Scafell Pike, which is the tallest mountain in England.

Well done if you were able to complete similar tables on some physical features in Oceania.

You can give yourselves another big thumbs up.

Now we're going to look at human features that tourists can visit in Oceania.

The tourism industry is very important in Oceania.

Many of the human features in this continent are also popular tourist destinations.

What is this famous landmark called? Pause the video here and see if you know.

Did you say that this was the Sydney Opera House? Good job.

Sydney Opera House is in Sydney, the largest city in Australia and Oceania.

Good job, everyone.

Well done if you got that right.

You can give yourselves a big thumbs up.

Sydney is home to many other famous landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

It is one of the longest steel arch bridges in the world.

A popular tourist activity is to climb up to the top of the bridge's arch.

You've got to be quite brave to go up there.

Rapa Nui is an island in the Southern Pacific Ocean.

It is a dependency of Chile in South America, but it is located in Oceania more than 2,000 miles away.

Rapa Nui is famous for its gigantic stone statues called moai.

Some of these statues are more than 1,000 years old.

Queenstown is a large town in New Zealand.

Surrounded by mountains and lakes, it is known as one of the adventure capitals of the world.

Popular activities include hiking, kayaking, whitewater rafting and snowboarding, so it's quite an adventurous place.

It's time for a quick check here.

In which ocean is the island of Rapa Nui located.

A, Atlantic, B, Indian, C, Pacific or D, Southern.

Pause the video now and complete this check.

How did you get on? Did you say C, Pacific? That's correct.

The island of Rapa Nui is located in the Pacific Ocean.

Good job, everyone.

You can give yourselves another big thumbs up.

It's now time for task B.

What I would like you to do is to research a human feature in Oceania that is a popular tourist destination.

Complete the table to show your findings.

So again, I'd like you to name the feature, locate the country that it's in, and then write some interesting facts about it.

Pause the video now and complete task B.

Well, geographers, how did you get on with task B? Here's an example of a completed table.

I chose the human feature of the Sydney Opera House.

The country that it's located in is Australia.

And some interesting facts about it are it was designed by a Danish architect called Jorn Utzon.

Around 11 million people visit the Sydney Opera House every year.

That's about twice the population of Scotland.

Well done if you were able to complete similar tables about some human features that we've looked at in Oceania.

So you could have done Sydney Opera House, you could have done Sydney Harbour Bridge.

You might have talked about the moai statues on Rapa Nui or you might have talked about the adventure capital of Queenstown in New Zealand.

Well done, everyone, for completing task B.

That's fantastic learning for today.

Let's move on to the last part of our lesson.

We' re going to be thinking about the consequences of tourism.

Tourism is a major industry in Oceania.

Millions of tourists from around the world visit countries in this continent every year.

Can you think of any reasons why tourism might be a good thing for the country and its people? Pause the video now and answer this question.

Let's go through some of the benefits of tourism for a country.

The tourism industry has economic benefits for a country.

It helps to bring in money that can be used for things like schools and hospitals.

Amenities built for tourists such as roads and shopping centres can also be used by the people living there all the time.

Tourism can offer a way to see new people and places and to explore other parts of the world, near or far.

Many people depend on tourism for their job.

Tourism can be good for the environment.

Sustainable tourism is a type of tourism that aims to protect the environment and benefit the local people so that we can stop any consequences of tourism negatively impacting the environment and the people.

Although tourism has lots of benefits, it can also cause problems. Can you think of what any of these problems might be? Pause the video here and discuss that with a partner.

Good job, everyone.

Let's go through this together.

Tourists might only visit places for part of the year.

This can make it difficult for people working in the tourism industry as they might not have a job all year round.

So that's quite a negative impact of tourism.

Popular tourist destinations can get very overcrowded.

Again, that's something quite negative.

In some tourist destinations, many flats and houses are used as holiday homes.

This can make it difficult and expensive for local people to find somewhere to live.

So we've talked about some negative impacts of tourism there.

You can also see a photograph showing lots and lots of rubbish.

If areas and towns are overcrowded with tourists, they also bring lots of rubbish with them.

Tourism can involve travelling long distances.

Some forms of transport are major sources of greenhouse gases that cause climate change.

Tourism can cause waste and pollution, for example, by littering or air pollution from traffic.

So thinking about travelling to Oceania, we already spoke about it taking a very long time to get there.

Think about all of that air pollution from the aeroplanes needed to take tourists to Oceania.

All of that can cause an impact on the environment.

Let's have a true or false check here.

So you've got to think really carefully about whether or not this sentence is true or not.

Tourism doesn't bring any benefits to a country.

Is that true or false? Pause the video here and answer that check.

Did you say false? That's correct.

Even though there are some negative impacts of tourism, there are also many positive impacts as well.

Let's think about justifying our answer now.

Tourism is bad for the environment.

Tourism can have economic benefits, provide jobs and be a way for people to explore other parts of the world.

Pause the video here and justify the answer.

How did you get on? Did you say that tourism can have economic benefits, provide jobs and a way for people to explore other parts of the world? That's correct.

So those are the benefits that it can bring to a country.

You can give yourselves a big thumbs up there.

Well done, everyone.

It's now time for task C.

What I would like you to do is to sort these statements into positive consequences of tourism and negative consequences of tourism.

Once you've done that, you can also think of some others of your own.

The statements are, tourists may only visit for parts of the year, making it difficult for people in tourist destinations to make a living.

Popular tourist destinations and attractions can get overcrowded.

Sustainable tourism aims to protect the environment and help local people.

Tourism can cause waste from littering and air pollution from traffic.

Houses in tourist destinations may be used as holiday homes, rather than as homes for local people.

Tourism is a good way to see new places and explore the world.

Amenities built for tourists can be used by people living there all the time.

Tourists can bring lots of money and jobs to an area.

Pause the video here and complete task C.

How did you get on with task C? Here's how I sorted these statements into positive consequences of tourism and negative consequences of tourism.

Statements that illustrate positive consequences of tourism include sustainable tourism aims to protect the environment and help local people.

Tourism is a way to see new places and explore the world.

Amenities built for tourists can be used by people living there all the time.

And tourism can bring lots of money and jobs to an area.

The negative consequences of tourism include tourists may only visit for parts of the year, making it difficult for people in tourist destinations to make a living.

Popular tourist destinations and attractions can get overcrowded.

Houses in tourist destinations may be used as holiday homes, rather than as homes for local people.

And tourism can cause waste from littering and air pollution from traffic.

Well done, everyone.

You can give yourselves a big thumbs up.

And a special well done to everyone who wrote sentences of their own as well.

You've worked really hard today describing some tourist destinations in Oceania and discussing positive and negative consequences of tourism.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go through a quick summary of all the learning that we've completed together today.

Oceania has a range of physical features and landscapes.

Oceania has some globally important tourist destinations.

Tourism can provide many economic benefits, but can also cause environmental problems. Well done, everyone.

You've been fantastic today.

Thank you for joining me and for sharing your learning with me.

I'll see you soon for more geography lessons, bye.