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Lesson video

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Hi geographers.

My name is Mr. Lawledge and I'm looking forward to learning you today.

Today's lesson is a fantastic one.

It's called People and Earthquakes, Turkey 2023.

We're going to learn all about the Turkey earthquake, it's impact and how people responded.

This lesson is from our unit, Earthquakes: How do they change the world? Some of our learning today is going to be a bit tricky, but I'm here to help and we can learn together.

Let's get started with our lesson, shall we? By the end of the lesson, you'll be able to describe and explain what happened in the Turkey earthquake in 2023 and how people responded.

The key words we will be using today are response, aid organisation, DEC, which stands for the Disaster Emergency Committee, and aftershock.

Let's just go through those keywords.

A response is a reaction to something.

Aid organisations are charities that respond to support countries following earthquakes or the natural disasters and wars.

DEC, the Disaster Emergency Committee brings together charities to provide support for countries affected by earthquakes and other disasters.

And aftershock is a smaller earthquake following after an initial larger earthquake.

Our lesson today will be split into two parts.

The first part is what happened in the Turkey earthquake in 2023, and the second part is, what responses are needed after an earthquake? So let's begin with our first section.

What happened in the Turkey earthquake in 2023? On the 6th of February, 2023, a series of earthquakes hit southeast Turkey in the Kahramanmaras province near the border of Syria.

There's Europe, and here we have Turkey and Syria.

Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plate movement as they sit on top of the earth's melting and moving mantle, which is the layer beneath the crust.

The 2023 Turkey earthquakes were caused by plate movement between two tectonic plates.

The Arabian plate and the Anatolian plate.

The Anatolian plate is a smaller section of tectonic plate that broke away from the Eurasian plate.

As the Arabian tectonic plate moved northwards, it became stuck against the Anatolian tectonic plate.

Pressure continued to build as the Arabian plate continued to try and move northwards.

When the plates finally released, huge seismic waves of energy radiated out of its focus point, the point where the tectonic plates first slip.

So here we have the Arabian plate, moving northwards and the Anatolian plate.

Okay, we're onto our first check for understanding here.

What caused the earthquake in Turkey in 2023? Was it A, severe weather, B, tectonic plate movement between the Arabian plate and the Anatolian plate, or C, a random event? Pause the video now and see if you can answer that question with your partner.

Welcome back.

Did you answer correctly? The 2023 Turkey earthquake was caused by movement between the Arabian plates and the Anatolian plate.

B was the correct answer there.

Well done if you got that question correct.

The Moment Magnitude scale measured the strength or magnitude of an earthquake.

The scale ranges from one which is not felt by humans on the earth's crust to 10, which is complete damage and destruction.

The first two earthquakes measured between seven and 7.

9 on the Moment Magnitude scale.

A seven on the Moment Magnitude scale is classed as a major earthquake with loss of life and extensive damage.

The highest ever recorded earthquake is currently a 9.


and interestingly, the UK does have earthquakes, but they're often in the one to three range, which are not felt by people.

The 2023 Turkey earthquakes were then followed by a series of deadly aftershocks.

Aftershock is one of our keywords today, and aftershock is a smaller earthquake following after an initial larger earthquake.

There were many aftershocks in the 2023 Turkey earthquakes.

There were ranging with a magnitude from three to six.

That's from hardly being felt to a moderate earthquake with property damage.

So just look at the impact of the earthquakes and aftershocks to further understand its severity.

Over 55,000 people in Turkey and Syria were killed, and over 200,000 buildings were damaged, and over 37,066 buildings collapsed.

Okay, we're going to have a little pause and check our understanding again here.

How severe was the earthquake based on its Moment Magnitude scale? And that's talking about the initial earthquakes, not the aftershocks.

Was it A, light, B, moderate, or C major? Pause the video now and see if you can answer that question.

Okay, welcome back.

Did you answer C, correctly? The 2023 Turkey earthquake was a major earthquake based on the Moment Magnitude scale.

Well done if you got that answer correct.

Okay, we're now onto our first task.

You are a local news reporter in the Kahramanmaras Province.

You are recording a report the day after the first earthquake struck the region on the 6th of February, 2023.

What will you say in your report? Write it out and deliver it to your partner.

Pause the video now and complete that task.

Try and include all of the learning that you've learned so far.

Okay, welcome back.

Does your work include the following information? Speaking to you live from Turkey where yesterday an earthquake hit the Kahramanmaras province near the Syrian border.

The major earthquake was caused by tectonic plate movement between the Arabian plate and the Anatolian plate, and measured over seven on the Moment Magnitude scale.

All around me, you can see the scale of the destruction.

Over 37,066 buildings collapsed, and more than 55,000 people were killed.

This is Jack Oak reporting for Turkish TV.

Well done if your report included all that information.

That was quite a tricky task with lots of facts.

Okay, we're now on to the second part of our learning today.

What responses are needed after an earthquake? In the event of an earthquake, responses are considered short, medium, and long-term.

And just to remind you, responses are the reaction to something.

Short-term responses refer to what people and communities that are directly affected by an earthquake do as an immediate response to an earthquake.

Short-term or immediate responses mostly include search and rescue of victims that may be trapped inside buildings and providing first aid to those that are injured.

So that's the very initial reaction to an earthquake where working quickly and effectively is extremely important to reduce the number of overall casualties caused by an earthquake.

Medium-term responses refer to responses after the initial immediate shock of an earthquake and the weeks following.

Medium-term responses include providing shelter, food, water and blankets to those affected by an earthquake.

Long-term responses refer to responses occurring months or even years after an earthquake.

Long-term responses involve rebuilding damaged or destroyed houses, roads, railways, schools, hospitals, and supporting the local economy financially to enable them to do this.

Although wealthier nations can support here by providing financial support to help recover a nation after an earthquake.

Okay, we're going to stop here and check our understanding so far.

What happens in a short-term response? Is it A, search and rescue, first aid for those that require it? B, rebuilding homes, railways, damaged buildings, or C, supporting the local economy financially.

Pause the video now and see if you can answer that question with your partner.

Okay, so the correct answer is A.

In a short-term response, there is search and rescue and first aid to those that require it.

Well done if you've got that answer correct.

People who live in developing countries are often forced to build poorly built houses or buildings as they're cheaper to build.

As a result, the death toll during earthquakes will be much higher in these countries because the buildings cannot withstand the impact of earthquakes.

More modern buildings in wealthier countries that are prone to earthquakes sit on shock absorbers, which are like springs that absorb the shock of an earthquake.

Aid organisations are charities that help all countries in need with the effects of earthquakes.

The DEC, Disaster Emergency Committee bring together 15 aid organisations, including the British Red Cross and Red Crescent, and they provide short and long-term aid support to countries affected by earthquakes.

Okay, we've got another check for understanding here with a true or false question.

Long-term responses include rebuilding.

Pause the video now and decide if that statement is true or false.

Welcome back.

So that answer is true.

Long-term responses do include rebuilding, but can you justify your answer? Is it because A, long-term responses include rebuilding houses, buildings, schools, roads, and other infrastructure? Or is it B, because long-term responses include providing immediate first aid, search and rescue? Pause the video now and see if you can justify your answer.

Brilliant, so the answer to that one is A.

Long-term responses include rebuilding houses and also buildings, schools, roads, and other infrastructure.

Short-term responses include providing first aid, search and rescue.

Well done if you've got that question correct.

We are now on the second task for today.

Complete the information using the words first aid, tectonic plate, long-term, killed, damaged, people, Anatolian, short-term, buildings and rebuilding.

So, the 2023 Turkey, Syria earthquake was caused by hmm movement between the Arabian plates and the hmm plate.

Over 200,000 hmm were hmm and over 55,000 hmm were hmm.

Hmm responses included search and rescue and immediate hmm.

Hmm responses included hmm and providing financial support.

Pause the video now and let's see if you can fill in all those blanks.

There's some tricky bits there, so be careful to read the text really carefully.

Welcome back.

Does your work read like this? The 2023 Turkey, Syria earthquake was caused by tectonic plate movement between the Arabian plate and the Anatolian plate.

Over 200,000 buildings were damaged, and over 55,000 people were killed.

Short-term responses include search and rescue and immediate first aid.

Long-term responses included rebuilding and providing financial support.

That was really tricky, so well done if you filled in all those blanks correctly.

Okay, that brings us to the end of our lesson.

Let's quickly summarise our learning today.

We have learned that the scale of the earthquake in Turkey in 2023 was huge in terms of land area, settlements, and people affected.

Disaster responses occur in the short, medium, and long-term.

We've also learned that the DEC, the Disaster Emergency Committee, is an aid organisation that brings together charities like the British Red Cross and Red Crescent in order to support countries affected by an earthquake in the short and long-term.

Well done for your hard work and concentration today.

Some of that learning was really, really tricky.

I hope to see you again for some more fantastic geography.
