
Lesson video

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Hi there, everyone.

And welcome to a history lesson with me, Miss Emms. Let's see what we're going to be doing today.

So in today's lesson, this key question.

How has popular music changed over the last 60 years? And this is lesson one of two lessons.

And you are learning with me, Miss Emms. So, let's have a look at our agenda.

First things first, we're going to do our Star Words, so our important words that we need to have a good understanding of, to be able to do today's learning.

After that, we're going to go through a timeline.

So we're going to have a look at a timeline to help us think about the period of time we're going to be talking about.

And then we're going to have a look at cassettes and CDs.

So we're going to be thinking about how people listened to music before other technologies developed that you might be more familiar with.

After that, we're then going to move on to looking at and listening to some music from the 1960s to the 1980s.

So you're going to need your listening ears to do some listening later on in the lesson.

And then it's going to be the end of lesson quiz to see what you've been able to remember from today's learning.

So, you're going to need three things in this lesson.

Some paper or pencil and your brain.

Your brain, you've already got and I'm sure it's working really hard already.

So pause the video now to go and get your paper and your pencil.

Off you go.

Okay, well done.

You are ready.

So let's have a look at our Star Words.

My turn, your turn.

Star Words, Star Words, Star Words.


Music, your turn.

We are going to listen to some music today.

There are a lot of different types of genres of music.

I'm sure you enjoy listening to music sometimes too.

Today, we're going to think about music from the 1960s to the 1980s.


So we are going to be listening.

We're going to be using our listening ears to listen to some music.

Cassette tape, your turn.

We're going to have a look at a picture and we're going to have a look at what a cassette tape is later on in the lesson.

I don't want you to worry about that yet.

So the cassette tape, a CD, an MP3 player and a smart phone, so our next four Star Words are all examples of ways in which people listen to music in this time period that we're going to be looking at in lesson one and in lesson two.

And you will come to understand further what those things are.

Let's have a look at a timeline now.

So here is a timeline for us to have to help us think about the time period that we're looking at today.

So over here, you've got today, 2020.

And then you've got 2000.

This is when Miss Emms was born, roughly around here.

And my granny was born roughly around here.

And then this is 1900.

So this spans a century, 100 years.

And then we've got these 20 years between 2000 and 2020.

So, the last 60 years is a period of time that we could ask our grandparents, our parents or our caregivers about.

We can ask them about this time period.

And that's why we say that it's a time periods in living memory.

And we could ask our grandparents, parents or carers how they used to listen to music.

And that's something that you could do as this lesson goes on.

So the last 60 years beginning with 1960, I wonder if you can join in.

1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and then the year that we're in now, 2020.

So this is a period of 60 years.

Now, the ways in which we listened to music have changed over time.

As technology, your turn, rate has developed.

So we're going to be looking at the move from cassette to CDs and CDs stands for compact disc to MP3 players to smartphones.

We're going to have a look at the progression in these ways in which we listen to music.

In today's lesson in lesson one, we're going to be thinking about cassettes and CDs.

In lesson two, we'll then move on to MP3 players and smartphones.

And we're going to hit some examples of music from this time period.

As a quick recap question, I wonder if you can pause the video to complete this task.

Can you remember the names of the four main ways in which people have listened to music? So starting off with cassette, there's a little clue.

Then, then, and finally.

Have a think, see if you can remember, if you can't, don't worry.

We're going to go over it in a minute.

Pause the video now and complete your task.

Great, well done.

So hopefully you got cassette, CDs, MP3 players or MP3 smartphones right.

Well done.

So now we're not going to think too much about this period of time, but just to explain to you that before cassette, people used record players and gramophones, and you may not have even seen pictures of these two ways of playing music.

I just wanted to show you how much technology has developed, meaning that we can now play music in very advanced ways, but here is a picture of a record player and a gramophone.

Can you say those two key words? A record player and a gramophone.

So, here are awesome pictures of cassettes.

And these are what you would use to play music before technology advanced and before we moved on to CDs.

And you might be thinking about how would you play cassettes.

Cassettes came about in the early 1960s.

But let's have a think about when they came about, when they were invented before we think about how you play them.

The early 1960s, so all the way back at the beginning of the 60-year period.

And you would play cassettes in a cassette player.

So you'd put the cassette tape into the player and then you'd press play and you would be able to listen to the music on that cassette.

Okay, how were cassettes played? Cassettes were played using a, tell your screen, Right, cassettes were played using a cassette player like this.

Well done.

Okay, moving on to CDs and CD stands for compact disc.

Now you're much more likely to have heard about or seen CDs than you have cassette players.

These CDs are still used, but they're not as common as they were when people needed to use CDs to listen to music.

So compact discs, CDs came about in the early 1980s.

So if you look at our timeline, we had cassettes in the 1960s, remember? In the early 1960s here.

And then CDs in the early 1980s.

And that's when people started listening to CDs.

In the early? 1980s, right.

And CDs were played using CD players.

And there's two examples that look quite different on your screen now.

On the right hand side, there's an example of a Discman which meant that you'd be able to put the CD in and then put your headphones in so you'd be able to listen to that music on the move, walking around or travelling.

Whereas the one on the left-hand side, you would keep in the same place and perhaps listen to it in your home.

Okay, how were CDs played? CDs were played using a? Tell your screen.

CDs were played using a CD player.

Well done, everyone.

Now we're going to have a listen to some music from the 1960s to the 1980s.

This is the time period we're thinking about in today's lesson, in lesson one, the 1960s to the 1980s.

Now what we're going to do is we're going to listen to a piece of music that I have chosen from each of these decades.

We're going to start off with the 1960s and a band called the Beatles, which you may have heard of.

Can you nod if you've heard of the Beatles? Okay.

So the genre that the Beatles mostly played was rock music.

And they started in a city called Liverpool.

You might've heard of Liverpool as well.

So their genre is rock.

And we are going to listen to a song called, Hey Jude.

You need to have your listening ears.

You need to be ready to listen.

And then to share some of your thoughts about this song afterwards.

So listening is ready.

Off we go.

♪ Hey Jude, don't make it bad ♪ ♪ Take a sad song and make it better ♪ ♪ Remember to let her into your heart ♪ ♪ Then you can start to make it better ♪ ♪ Hey Jude ♪ Okay.

So that was Hey Jude from The Beatles.

Did you like listening to that song? It was just a part of the song from the Beatles.

And that's an example.

And obviously, there was lots of really, really popular music in the 1960s, but the Beatles was one of the most famous bands from the 1960s and they played rock music.

And that's an example.

Less than 30 seconds of one of their most famous songs.

If you'd like to, can you pause the video now and tell your screen what did you like about that piece of music? Right, well done, everyone.

Let's move on to the 1970s.

Oh, silly, my sense.

We've got another piece of music from the 1960s.

We'll get two pieces of music from each decade.

So another piece of music from the 1960s is by a musician called Shirley Bassey.

And she was a very famous singer as well from the 1960s.

And the genre that Shirley Bassey is known for singing is pop music.

We're going to listen to a short extract from a song called Diamonds are Forever.

So listening is on.

Are you ready? Let's go.

♪ Diamonds are forever ♪ ♪ Hold one up and then caress it ♪ ♪ Touch it, stroke it and undress it ♪ ♪ I can see every part, nothing hides in the heart ♪ ♪ To hurt me ♪ Okay.

So that was our piece of music by Shirley Bassey called Diamonds are Forever.

Did you like that piece of music? It sounded quite different to the other piece of music from The Beatles, also really popular in the 1960s.

As I said, this genre is pop.

So we had a piece of music from the rock genre and then a pop piece of music by Shirley Bassey.

It's time for us to move on to the 1970s now.

And we are going to hear a piece of music sung by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

It's called Ain't No Mountain High Enough.

Now this is a different genre of music.

This genre of music is soul and blues and sometimes, pop.

So Marvin Gaye was known for singing music.

It was sometimes soul blues with a mixture of pop as well.

And this is a really famous piece of music that was popular in the 1970s.

And it's called Ain't No Mountain High Enough.

So listening is ready.

See what you think.

♪ Listen, baby, ♪ ♪ Ain't no mountain high ♪ ♪ Ain't no valley low, ♪ ♪ Ain't no river wide enough, baby ♪ ♪ If you need me, call me ♪ ♪ No matter where you are ♪ ♪ No matter how far ♪ Okay.

So that was our piece of music for Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

I wonder, can you tell your screen or your Teddy talk partner, whoever you're telling your answers to, what did you think of this piece of music? Did you like it? What did you like about it? Right.

I wonder if you're already starting to think of a favourite so far.

You're doing a really good job of listening.

Well done.

It's time for us to move on to our next piece of music form the 1970s by a singer called Joni Mitchell.

And we are going to listen to an extract of one of her songs called Both Sides Now.

Now Joni Mitchell was very popular and she was known for not necessarily having a set genre of music.

She was known for perhaps defying genres and mixing genres together.

So people say that her genres were folk, jazz, pop and rock.

So she mixed these genres together and isn't known for sticking to one particular style of music.

But she was really, really popular and really famous nonetheless and has a really beautiful voice.

So listening is on.

Let's see what you think.

♪ Rows and flows of angel hair ♪ ♪ And ice cream castles in the air ♪ ♪ And feather canyons everywhere ♪ Okay.

So that was a part of the song, Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell.

I wonder what did you think of that piece of music? What did it make you feel? Maybe you can say it made me feel, tell your screen.

Great, well done.

It made me feel quite relaxed.

I wonder what it made you feel.

You're doing a really good job.

It's time for us to move on now to the 1980s.

And we are going to hear a piece of music, a song by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.

And the genre of music we're going to be listening to here is hip hop.

So again, you'll probably notice quite a big difference in the style of Joni Mitchell's music from the 1970s to this hip hop genre in the 1980s with Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five.

And this song is called The Message.

What's it called, the? Right, listening is ready.

♪ It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder ♪ ♪ How I keep from going under ♪ ♪ It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder ♪ ♪ How I keep from going under ♪ I wonder what you made, what you thought of that song.

Can you tell your screen whether you liked it or not? Right, well done.

And like I said, you would have noticed that that was quite a different feel to that piece of music, to that song as I was to for example, Joni Mitchell song in the 70s, Both Sides Now.

That song, as we said before, by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five is from the hiphop genre.

And lastly, it's time for us to have a listen to a song by Wham! And it's called Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.

And this is a really fun song.

This is a pop song.

So from the genre pop.

Listening is ready.

Let's have a listen.

♪ You put the boom-boom into my heart ♪ ♪ You send my soul sky-high ♪ ♪ When your lovin' starts ♪ Okay.

And that was our extract from Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.

You may have noticed that that song is filled with lots and lots of energy.

It makes me feel really happy.

Did you like the song? Great.

So we have had a listen to lots of different songs from the 1960s to the 1980s and we had two from each decade.

We also had a mixture of different genres.

I wonder if you, over the course of that part of the lesson has a favourite singer or group that you liked the most.

I wonder if you can remember which one it was, let's go over the singers or the groups that we listened to across the way.

So we listened to a song from The Beatles, from Shirley Bassey, from Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, and Joni Mitchell, from Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five, and finally, from Wham! Now, if you're struggling to remember the songs from those singers or groups, then what you can do is you can go back in the video and listen to the explanations and the songs again.

Then you're going to write down my favourite singer or group was, because.

So pause the video, maybe have a listen again, and then complete your task.

Off you go.

Great, well done.

Okay, everyone.

It's now going to be time for your end of lesson quiz.

So next, when the video ends, we're going to do your quiz to see what you can remember from today's learning.

You've done a really good job today.

You should feel really proud.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

And one on the other side.

Well done, everyone.

I will see you next time.


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