
Lesson video

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I'm Miss Harris, and welcome to our first history lesson where we are beginning our new unit which is called Explorers and Adventurers.

During this unit, we are going to be learning all about some really important people that have explored different parts of our planet.

And sometimes a few of the explorers we're going to be looking at have explored the moon and some parts of space.

I'm really, really excited for us to begin this unit.

Today, we are starting off by looking at what is an explorer and an adventurer? We're looking at the real foundations of this unit to start with, okay? But first, I'd like to start by celebrating some of your work from our previous unit where we looked at the seven continents of the world.

So I need your help.

Can you help me turn on the special gallery music please? You can? Perfect.

So we're going to do click, click, clap, and then it will start.

Do you think you're ready? You were ready? Fantastic.

Ready? So we're going to go like this, let's practise.

Click, click, clap.

Okay, are you ready? One, two, three, go.

Click, click, clap.

Ah, perfect.

Let's get started by looking at the gallery.

I love reading all of your work.

I see so many correct answers there.

That's why I love it when you use your coloured pencil to tick off your correct answers, because that means it's really clear to see how successful you have been during this lesson.

Now today, we are going to be looking at what makes a person important? What does that mean? What makes them important? We're going to be looking at why some people are important.

We're going to be looking at explorers and adventurers the qualities and attributes of an explorer.

That means what makes them a good explorer.

And lastly, we're going to look at what an explorer might need to take with them when they go on different adventures.

Okay, perfect.

Now, during this unit, we are going to be historians, let's practise that word.

Historian, historian.

A historian is what? What do you think a historian is? Take 10 seconds to have a think.

So a historian is a person who studies and writes about the past.

Let's practise that with those actions.

A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past.

Let's do it all altogether.

A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past.

Great job.

During this lesson, you are going to need your exercise book or a piece of paper, a pencil, a coloured pencil, and a teddy bear.

If you don't have a teddy bear with you can you pause the video and go and get one? Great job.

Hopefully you've gone and got that now.

Let's do our star words.

So I'd like you to stand up wherever you are to make sure that you've got lots of space and take your hands up like this, next to your face.

Ready? My turn then your turn.

Star words, star words, star words.

Your turn.

Explorer, explorer.

Important, your turn.

History, history.

Impact, significant, significant.

And lastly, adventurer.

Well done, sit back down.

Can you sit back down in three, two, one.

Did you sit down quick enough? Oh, very good.

Do you recognise any of these people that you can see in the picture? And is there someone that you don't recognise, you've not seen them before? Now hopefully, there's one person on here that you know I want you to take 10 seconds to think what makes these individual people important? What makes them, what is it about them that makes them so important to us? So firstly, we have got Queen Elizabeth can you take your crown and put it on your head like Queen Elizabeth? Queen Elizabeth II is the queen of the United Kingdom.

She is really, really important as she is our monarch.

And everyone looks up to the queen.

She's really, really important.

She rules our country.

That's what makes her really important.

She is a figure that we can all look up to, She's head of the Christian Church.

In the middle you can see there's a picture of someone.

Do you know who that is? It's Neil Armstrong.

My turn, your turn, Neil Armstrong.

Neil Armstrong is the first man to have ever walked on the moon.

He was the first person to put his foot down on the moon.

He's really important as that was a really historic part of ever.

A really historic part.

He has, no one has ever walked on the moon before and he walked on the moon for the first time.

That's what makes him really important.

He made history.

And then lastly, we have got a picture of Usain Bolt.

My turn, your turn, Usain Bolt.

Usain Bolt.

Now Usain Bolt is the fastest man on the planet across 100 metres.

So if you have a running track, that's just one side the straight part of a running track.

He's the fastest man.

He's got the world record for the fastest 100 metres and 200 metres I think as well.

He is really important, because he made history as being the fastest man in the world.

So think, these people that you can see here, are really significant and important, because they have made history.

But there are some other people that might be really important to you.

I'd like you to talk to your teddy or a family member if there's somewhere next to you, who is important in your life? What makes them important to you? I like you to pause the video and discuss that with your teddy or someone next to you, who is important in your life? Well done.

So I wonder why they are important to you? Now, my parents are someone who I think is really important to me.

I look up to them and admire them so much, because they helped me grow up into the person I am today.

And they took care of me for lots and lots of years before I was too grown up to live at home, so I moved out.

But they still look after me today which makes them really, really important people.

And I love them a lot.

You might have the same feelings about your parents or a family member that you live with, or even a friend.

That's what makes them really important.

Now, we're going to look at what makes someone significant? That means, what makes them a really important person? There are lots of reasons as to why someone can be really important.

We going to look at some of those reasons.

So the first one is that they could potentially have changed events at the time that they lived.

So Usain Bolt, he is the fastest man in the world but someone could be faster eventually.

But at the time that he ran that 100 metres he was the fastest man in the world.

Next, we've got people that have improved people's lives or made them worse, because sometimes people can be important by making people's lives better and sometimes making them worse.

It just depends on what reason they have.

Sometimes people change people's ideas.

So that might be someone who has helped you think about something really different.

That could be your teacher.

Maybe your teacher told you a story about plastic being in the ocean and that getting into the fishes tummies and making the fish really poorly that someone who has helped change your idea about recycling, reusing things.

So even your teacher could be someone who is really important and significant to you.

Everyone has got people who are different and significant to them.

They may have had a long-lasting impact.

So something that they believe and have instilled in us for a really long time and made us think, it may have lasted years and years and years.

Even when they have died they are past their courage and their attributes have continued throughout history up until now.

And lastly, they were or are a really good example, or sometimes they're a really bad example which can make them significant in history, because maybe they did something really bad in history.

But that means that they are significant, because lots of people know about the bad choices that they made.

And people are not going to make those choices again.

I'd like you to have a look here at these pictures of these famous people, these really important people.

I would like you to discuss with your teddy which group you think they may go in.

So for example, Neil Armstrong, he is a really good example of someone who is really courageous and determined.

He was the first man to put his foot down on the moon.

That shows a really good example, because maybe you want to be an astronaut one day.

I like you to talk to your teddy or someone next to you about which group these people are in.

And there isn't a wrong answer.

It's your opinion.

Pause the video, and have a go now.

Okay, well done.

Now, hopefully you've discussed what these people did.

So a key example here is we've got a picture of Greta.

She's the one next to Usain Bolt.

She's an environmental activist.

That means she speaks really openly about all the changes that are happening in our environment where we live.

She talks about how lots of the actions that we have like not recycling, buying plastic bottles which can't be recycled, driving lots of cars and heating up our planet.

She talks about the effects that they are having on our environment.

She helps to change people's ideas but she also is working towards improving people's lives, because she wants us to listen to her and change the way that we act and the things that we do, which could in turn, help us improve our lives and help our environment to grow and develop and not be hurt by some of the things that we might do.

So it's sometimes these people, these important people who can fit into different categories.

Now, what is an explorer? This is what we are learning about this term.

I would like to take 10 seconds and think what is an explorer? 10 seconds.

An explorer is someone who makes journeys to new or treacherous places.

And they make records of their travels.

That means they record and write down or maybe take pictures of what they have done and what they have seen.

Let's have a look at that definition.

Can you use your finger? And I would like to point to the words as I read them, are you ready? Use your finger.

An explorer is someone who makes journeys to new or treacherous places.

That means dangerous places.

They make records of their travels.

Let's do that one more time.

Can you read along this time? An explorer is someone who makes journeys to new or treacherous places.

They make records of their travels.

So these people, explorers don't just travel to places that are really safe.

Sometimes they might go to places that no one has ever been before.

And if no one's ever been there we don't know if they are safe and if they're not safe That makes them an explorer.

Which group do you think an explorer might fit into? Do you think explorers may change events in time? Do they improve people's lives? Maybe they're things that they have found.

Do they change people's ideas? Do they have a long-lasting impact? I've done a really good example.

Can you pause the video and have a think, where do explorers fit? So an explorer could fit into all of these groups, because it just depends what they find.

They could change events in time.

They could have found a serious discovery where they go.

They may improve people's lives because of what they found or what they've seen.

They're really good example, because I bet they are really courageous and really brave.

Now, sometimes when explorers go for an adventure they need to take some really important things with them, but it does depend where they go.

So I would like you to think about someone who is maybe visiting the rainforest or a jungle.

What might this explorer need for their adventure.

Can you pause the video and have a discussion with your teddy.

What do explorers need for an adventure in the rainforest or the jungle? Great job.

Did you do lots of thinking? You are working so hard, amazing.

Now, an explorer might need all of these things here.

We've got some binoculars.

Can you take your hands and make some binoculars? They need some binoculars to help them see where they are going, or maybe what's high up in the tree.

Maybe they've spotted something really far away.

They might need a hat to protect them from the rain or from the sun if it's really, really hot.

They might need a first-aid kit just in case they come into danger and hurt themselves.

They might need a knife.

Now this knife could be used to prepare food, maybe they've got an animal that they need to chop, or maybe they've got some fruits and vegetables that they've found in the rainforest that they need to eat.

Or maybe there are lots of really treacherous parts in the jungle, like long vines or big grasses and they need to chop their way through.

They need a compass.

Can you take your hand, look at your compass.

A compass tells you which direction you are going in.

So it's going to help the explorer to know which way they are heading, or which way they need to go.

And lastly, a bottle, because it's really important to stay hydrated when you go on an adventure, even when you go for a walk, it's really important you take some water with you.

I would like you, sorry.

I would like you to draw some things that you might need to take with you if you went on an adventure in the rainforest or the jungle.

Pause the video and have a go with that now.

Great job.

Now, an explorer is a really, really special person.

We can do some adjectives to describe what an explorer is like.

So, I would like you to keep these three men in your head.

We have got Neil Armstrong, Michael and Buzz Aldrin.

They are the three men that went to the moon for the first time.

We know that Neil was the first one to put his foot down.

But the other two men were there too.

What adjectives, describing words, could we use to describe what these three men are like? I'd like you to think, an explorer is someone who is.

Your turn.

An explorer is someone who is.

Good job.

Let's think, an explorer definitely needs to be brave.

They need to be really brave, because especially if you're going to the moon for the first time.

It can be quite scary and it's really quiet in space.

There are no sounds, so stepping onto the moon in your space suit, considering no one has ever been there before.

You need to be super-brave, really confident.

When you're really confident it shows that you're really looking forward to what you're doing and that you are proud and that you're excited, courageous.

So you're not scared.

You might be scared, but when you're courageous you fight that desire to feel scared.

You're really determined.

So these three men were really determined to get to the moon.

And I know it wasn't easy.

They had to go through lots of training, years of training to get to the moon.

So it would have taken them a lot of determination to get through that time, 'cause they didn't just go to the rocket and go straight to the moon.

There were lots of preparation before that.

They are really bold and lastly, really curious, because when you're an explorer, you don't go and explore things that maybe you already know about, you're going to look for new things that maybe people have not found out about before.

So they are really curious to new unexciting things.

I would like you to write a sentence to describe an explorer.

You can use the sentence stem at the bottom.

An explorer is someone who is um and um.

You might want to write a full sentence to describe why these three men are brave or courageous whichever word you would like to choose.

Pause the video and have a go at that now.

Well done.

Now lastly, I would like you to draw a picture yourself as an explorer.

Think about the clothes that you will need, what will you pack? What adjectives will you use to describe how you're feeling? I would like you to draw yourself in the middle and then draw some labels around you with the things that you would need and describe what you are like.

Are you brave? Are you courageous? If I was an explorer, I would definitely be brave.

I'd need to be really, really brave.

I think I might also be really courageous.

I would need to show lots of courage if going on an adventure.

I might be a little bit scared but I'm going to power through it and be really courageous.

I'm going to aspire to be the best explorer that I can be.

Pause the video, have a go at that now.

Well done.

You have worked so hard today Year 1.

I am so proud of you.

This is our first history lesson and you have done an incredible job.

If you would like to send me your work you can ask your parent or carer to send it to me on Twitter using the tag, @OakNational and using the hashtag, #ONAYear1.

If you would like me to use your work in my next lesson you could ask your parents to say, "I give permission." That way, I don't need to ask, but make sure you put your name in it so I can give you a shout-out when I show you your work.

Have a lovely rest and I will see you next time Year 1.
