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Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Tipping, and I'm really looking forward to learning with you today, all about significant rulers from the past.

And we're going to explore the question, what can those rulers, their stories, what can they tell us? So shall we get started? Let's go.

By the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to describe what Boudica did when the Romans tried to take her land.

Before we start, I would like to introduce you to some key words.

We'll be using these key keywords during this lesson, so it might be a good idea to write these words down.

The key words we'll be using today are tribe, rebel.

I'm going to say those again.

I would like You to repeat them after me.



Good job.

Now let's think in more detail about what these keywords mean.

Here are the definitions for each of these keywords.

A tribe is a group of people, families, or villages that share the same language, customs, and ancestors.

To rebel means to rise in opposition against an established government or leader.

Pause the video here to make a note of these keywords, and when you are ready to continue, press play.

These are the learning cycles that we'll be working through together in today's lesson.

Why did the Ancient Romans take the Iceni land? How did Boudica fight back? In the first learning cycle, we will explore why the Ancient Romans took the Iceni land.

In 59 CE, when King Prasutagus died, his kingdom did not get passed onto his wife Boudica.

Instead, the kingdom was divided between his two daughters and the Roman Emperor Nero.

So take a look there.

We can see where the Iceni kingdom was on the map.

It's that red area.

So that kingdom was supposed to be shared between the daughters and the Roman Emperor Nero.

However, Emperor Nero did not want to share the land with Boudica and her Iceni tribe.

So it didn't matter that when Prasutagus died and Boudica became queen, and that the kingdom was supposed to go to the daughters, Emperor Nero was not interested.

He wanted that land all for himself.

Nero sent the Ancient Romans to the lands of the Iceni to seize all of the land and take their property.

When Emperor Nero and the Ancient Romans arrived, they forced the Iceni to follow their rules directly.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

What two things did Emperor Nero take from the Iceni tribe? Their land, their property, their possessions? Pause the video here and have a discussion with your learning partner.

What two things did Emperor Nero take from the Iceni tribe, and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said that he took their land and their property, you are absolutely right, well done.

Now, the Ancient Romans and Emperor Nero, they were very cruel to Boudica and her daughters.

However, Boudica would not stand for it, and she decided to fight to take back her land.

Now, I wonder how she felt knowing that she would be going up against the Roman Emperor and the Ancient Romans.

Let's take a moment to pause here and check our understanding.

The Romans were kind to Boudica.

Is that true or false? What do you think? It is indeed false.

Now let's take a look at these two statements.

The Romans were cruel to Boudica and her daughters.

The Romans shared the land with Boudica and her daughters.

Which of these two statements would help to justify your answer? Pause the video here and have a discussion with your partner, and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said the Romans were cruel to Boudica and her daughters, you're absolutely right, well done.

This brings us to our first learning task.

Aisha and Izzy are describing Emperor Nero.

Who is describing him correctly? Aisha says, "Emperor Nero was cruel and did not want to share the Iceni land with Boudica." Izzy says, "Emperor Nero was kind and wanted to share the Iceni land with Boudica." Pause the video here, and give yourself enough time to have a think about who is describing Emperor Nero correctly, Aisha or Izzy, and press play when you are ready to continue.

How did you get on? Shall we take a look? Well, Aisha is correct.

Emperor Nero was cruel.

He took the land of the Iceni tribe, along with their property.

Well done if you were able to spot the correct description, and well done for completing that learning task.

We're now ready to move on to the second part of our lesson.

We're going to explore how Boudica fought back.

In around 60 CE, while the ancient Romans were fighting in North Wales, the Iceni tribe decided to rebel.

Can you remember what it means to rebel? That's right, it means to rise in opposition against an established government or leader.

So members of other tribes, they joined Boudica and the Iceni to help them fight against the Ancient Romans.

You could see in this illustration of Boudica here, she is ready to fight.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

Boudica was lucky when she decided to fight for her land, because.

Why was Boudica lucky? Pause the video here and give yourself a moment to think, and press play when you're ready to continue.

How did you get on? Well, Boudica was lucky when she decided to fight for her land, because the Romans were far away in Wales and other tribes joined her in the fight.

Well done if you were able to complete that sentence.

Now, the Roman army was far away in Wales, so Boudica was able to attack three large Roman towns.

You can see those three towns on the map there.

Let's take a moment to pause here.

How many Roman towns did Boudica attack? Two, three, or five.

Pause the video here, and have a quick discussion with your partner, and then press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said that she attacked three Roman towns, you are absolutely right, well done.

First, Boudica marched south with her rebel army to Colchester.

The Ancient Romans called this place Camulodunum, and it was the capital of Roman Britain.

Can you see it there on the map? So that's the ancient Roman name for what we now know as Colchester.

So Boudica and her rebel army, they killed many people, and destroyed anything symbolising Ancient Rome in Colchester.

In fact, she burnt it to the ground.

The rebel army then headed southwest to London, and the ancient Romans called this Londinium.

Can you see on the map how they've moved from the Iceni kingdom down to Colchester, then down to London.

And Boudica destroyed London.

And then she travelled north with the rebel army to a place called St Albans.

Now, the ancient Romans called St Albans Verulamium.

St Albans was the last of the three large Roman towns Boudica and her rebel army destroyed.

And although Boudica and her rebel army killed many ancient Romans and destroyed their towns, Boudica's luck was running out.

Can you match the three towns with their ancient Roman names? So we have Colchester, London, and St Albans.

That's what we know them as today.

What is their ancient Roman name? Camulodunum, Verulamium, Londinium.

Pause the video here and have a go at matching those three towns to their ancient Roman names, and press play when you're ready to continue.

What did you think? Shall we take a look at some answers? So Colchester is Camulodunum, London is Londinium, and St Albans is Verulamium Well done if you got those correct.

This brings us to our final learning task.

I'd like you to retell the events of Boudica's rebellion.

You could use these sentence starters to help you.

While the Romans were in Wales, other tribes, Boudica first attacked, then the rebel army.

So pause the video here, give yourself enough time, make sure that you have a pen and some paper to retell the events of Bud's rebellion, and press play when you are ready to continue.

How did that go? Shall we take a look at an example? So your answers may include, while the Romans were in Wales, the Iceni tribe decided to rebel.

Other tribes joined Boudica in the fight against the Romans.

Boudica first attacked the Roman capital city of Britain, Colchester.

Then the rebel army destroyed London and St Albans.

Well done if you were able to retell those events, and well done for completing that learning task.

Before we finish this lesson, let's summarise what we've learned about Boudica the warrior.

Emperor Nero sent the Ancient Romans to seize the lands of the Iceni tribe.

The Romans were very cruel to Boudica and her daughters, so Boudica decided to fight to take back her land.

While the Ancient Romans were fighting in North Wales, the Iceni tribe decided to rebel, and other tribes joined them.

Boudica and her rebel army attacked and destroyed three large Roman towns, London, Colchester, and St Albans.

Thank you for joining me in this lesson today.

I hope to see you in the next one.

See you next time.