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Hello, my name is Mrs. Tipping and I'm really looking forward to learning with you today all about significant rulers from the past.

And we're going to explore the question, what can those rulers, what can their stories tell us? So, shall we get started? Let's go.

By the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to explain why Nur Jahan became so powerful.

Before we start, I would like to introduce you to some keywords.

We'll be using these keywords during the lesson, so it might be a good idea to write these keywords down.

The keywords we'll be using today are responsibility, seal, minting, tomb.

I'm going to say those words again.

I'd like you to repeat them after me.





Good job.

Now let's think in more detail about what these keywords mean.

Let's take a look at each of the keyword definitions.

Responsibility is when someone has a duty to deal with something.

A seal is a piece of wax that is stamped onto papers.

Minting is the process of making coins.

A tomb is a large stone structure built to bury the dead.

Pause the video here to make a note of these keywords, and when you're ready to continue, press play.

These are the learning cycles that we'll be working through together in today's lesson.

How did Nur Jahan help Emperor Jahangir? How did Nur Jahan become ruler of Mughal India? In this first learning cycle, we'll look at how Nur Jahan helped Emperor Jahangir.

After becoming a widow, Nur Jahan was protected by the emperor and invited to his court.

In 1611, she married Emperor Jahangir and became his 20th wife.

Emperor Jahangir had many responsibilities as ruler of the Mughal Empire.

Responsibility is when someone has a duty to deal with something.

So these duties included trading with other countries and trying to make the empire rich.

Jahangir was also interested in art and buildings, so he was keen to protect these things.

He was also interested in health and medicine, and he made new laws which helped people to have free hospitals in the cities of his empire.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

Can you match the keyword to the correct definition? So we have the word responsibility.

When someone should tell someone what to do.

When someone has a duty to deal with something.

Pause the video here and have a quick discussion with your learning partner.

Which of these definitions is the correct one for this keyword? And press play when you're ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said, responsibility is when someone has a duty to deal with something, you're absolutely right.

Now, historians know a lot about how Nur Jahan helped Emperor Jahangir from reading his journals and diaries.

Emperor Jahangir was quite a sick man.

He was often ill and he relied on Nur Jahan to help look after him and help him with his work.

Jahangir's writing complimented Nur Jahan, saying that she made him feel better than any doctor did.

While Jahangir was ill, Nur Jahan helped with the emperor's responsibilities.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

Discuss this question with your learning partner.

Why did Nur Jahan help the emperor with his responsibilities? So pause the video here and have a quick discussion with your learning partner about this question and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said, Nur Jahan helped the emperor with his responsibilities because he was often ill, you are absolutely right.

Well done.

Emperor Jahangir admired the way Nur Jahan helped him, but he also wrote about how talented she was at many things.

From reading Emperor Jahangir's journal, we know that Nur Jahan was a skillful hunter.

She enjoyed hunting and often went on hunting tours with her husband.

She was known for her boldness in hunting ferocious tigers.

Jahangir writes that Nur Jahan managed to shoot a lion while sitting on an elephant.

You can see a portrait of Nur Jahan there as a skillful hunter.

When Nur Jahan helped Jahangir with his responsibilities, this proved her strength and abilities as a ruler herself.

You can see in this portrait of Nur Jahan here that she's holding an image of the Emperor Jahangir as well.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

Nur Jahan proved she could be a strong ruler.

Is that true or false? Hmm.

What do you think? That is true.

Now, looking at these two statements, which of these would help to justify your answer? Nur Jahan helped Jahangir with his responsibilities as emperor.

Nur Jahan took Jahangir's responsibilities as emperor away from him.

Pause the video here and have a discussion with your learning partner and decide which of these two statements would help to justify your answer and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said, Nur Jahan helped Jahangir with his responsibilities as emperor, you're absolutely right.

Well done.

This brings us to our first learning task.

I'd like you to have a go answering the following questions.

Why did Nur Jahan help Emperor Jahangir? How did Nur Jahan help Emperor Jahangir? And how did Emperor Jahangir feel about Nur Jahan? So pause the video here and give yourself enough time to have a go answering these questions and press play when you are ready to continue.

How did that go? Shall we take a look at some example answers? So, Nur Jahan helped the emperor because he was ill.

Nur Jahan helped the emperor with his responsibilities.

And Emperor Jahangir admired Nur Jahan and wrote about her talents.

Well done if you were able to answer those questions.

And well done for completing that learning task.

This brings us to the second part of our lesson.

We're going to explore how Nur Jahan became ruler of Mughal India.

Jahangir knew that he was not a strong ruler, so he decided to give Nur Jahan his imperial seal.

This was the highest symbol of power.

A seal is a piece of wax that is stamped onto papers as a symbol of the ruler.

Because Jahangir gave Nur Jahan his imperial seal, any decision about the empire had to be run past her before being accepted.

So although Jahangir was still the emperor, Nur Jahan was the true ruler of Mughal India.

She had the decision-making power.

So you can see that image there, a photo of a wax seal.

So the wax is the red bit on the paper and they'd use this stamp to press into the wax and it'd have an image or maybe some writing of the emperor's name.

And in this case, Nur Jahan would have had a special seal.

Now, those pieces of paper would have had decisions on them that would help make decisions about the empire.

So they were quite special and important pieces of paper.

And Nur Jahan was put in charge of checking these and accepting them.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

Match the keyword to the correct definition.

So we have seal.

A seal is a piece of wax that is stamped onto papers as a symbol of the ruler.

A seal is a piece of wood that is stamped onto papers as a symbol of the ruler.

Pause the video here and give yourself a moment to think and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said that a seal is a piece of wax that is stamped onto papers as a symbol of the ruler, you're absolutely right.

Now, with the imperial seal, Nur Jahan became very powerful.

She started minting her own coins.

Hmm, minting.

That's one of our keywords.

Can you remember what it means? That's right.

Minting is the process of making coins.

So it's when two pieces of metal are pressed together and there's a coin in the middle and it creates an imprint of a pattern.

So you can see an image there of a photo of a silver rupee.

Can you see all the markings on that coin, how that's been made during the minting process? And the coins were made with her name on.

So Nur Jahan had her name on her coins.

Nur Jahan also issued royal orders that everyone had to follow.

And this type of power was never normally given to wives of emperors.

And foreign visitors were not happy when they found out that Nur Jahan had power.

However, Jahangir did not mind his wife being powerful.

He welcomed her power and support.

Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

The imperial seal did not make Nur Jahan powerful.

Is this statement true or false? If you said that's false, you're absolutely right.

Now looking at these two statements, which of these would help to justify your answer? She was able to mint her own coins and issue royal orders.

She was able to ignore Jahangir.

Pause the video here and have a discussion with your learning partner.

Decide which of these two statements would help to justify your answer and press play when you are ready to continue.

What did you think? If you said, she was able to mint her own coins and issue royal orders, you're absolutely right.

Well done.

Now, during the last years of Jahangir's life, Nur Jahan used her power to build a huge tomb for her father in Agra.

The tomb is described as an architectural masterpiece that probably inspired another huge and impressive building called the Taj Mahal.

Take a look at that photo there of Nur Jahan's father's tomb.

It's rather wonderful.

Now, the tomb for her father was the first Mughal tomb to be built in white marble.

So that's a particular type of stone.

It took six years to build! It started in 1622 and finished in 1628.

What a beautiful thing to build for her father! Let's take a moment to pause and check our understanding.

What was the last thing Nur Jahan did with her power? Minted coins.

Built her father a tomb.

Issued orders.

Pause the video here and give yourself a moment to think and press play when you are ready to continue.

If you said, built her father a tomb, you're absolutely right.

That's the last thing Nur Jahan did with her power.

This brings us to our final learning task.

I'd like you to give one or two examples to explain the following.

Number one.

How did Jahangir give Nur Jahan power? Number two.

How did Nur Jahan use her power? You may want to include these words.



Imperial seal.




Pause the video here and give yourself enough time to have a go at giving one or two examples to explain these two questions and press play when you are ready to continue.

How did that go? Shall we take a look at an example? So firstly, how did Jahangir give Nur Jahan power? Jahangir knew he was not a strong ruler and he often became ill.

Nur Jahan helped him with his responsibilities.

So Jahangir decided to give Nur Jahan his imperial seal and this made her very powerful.

And secondly, how did Nur Jahan use her power? Your answer might look like this.

Nur Jahan made decisions about the empire by issuing royal orders for everyone to follow.

She also used her power to begin minting her own coins and to build her father a marble tomb.

Well done if you were able to give those examples.

And well done for completing that learning task.

Before we finish this lesson, let's summarise what we've learned about Nur Jahan, wielder of the imperial seal.

Nur Jahan helped Emperor Jahangir with his responsibilities because he was often ill.

Emperor Jahangir admired Nur Jahan and was grateful for her support.

Jahangir gave Nur Jahan the imperial seal and she became powerful.

She began minting her own coins and issuing royal orders for everyone to follow.

Nur Jahan even built her father a marble tomb.

Nur Jahan was the true ruler of Mughal India.

Thank you for joining me in this lesson today.

I hope to see you in the next one.

See you next time.