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Hello, and welcome to today's lesson where we'll be looking at a case study.

And for today, the focus of our case study is Huguenots.

Now this lesson forms part of a broader inquiry looking at how England was impacted by early modern migration, but for today we're just going to be focusing on the Huguenots.

And in order to do that, you're going to need a piece of paper and a pen.

If you don't have one, absolutely not to worry.

Just pause the video now, go and get everything you need and then come back and press play when you're ready to get started.

Now you've got everything you need, we'll have a look at lesson outcome.

And by the end of this lesson I'm hoping you'll be able to say that you can explain the reasons for Huguenot migration to England, as well as the experiences and impact of Huguenot Migrants.

And in order to do that, we're going to need some keywords.

And for today we've just got one, and that's naturalise.

And that means to be given the same rights as a citizen of a nation.

So now we've had a look at our one keyword for today, we can get started, and we're going to start off looking at the reasons for migration.

So the reasons why Huguenots migrated to England in the period 1500 to 1700, also known as the early modern period.

So the reformation began in Germany in the early 1500s and it went on to have profound effects across Europe, as increasing numbers of people converted to Protestantism, particularly in Catholic France and Spain the persecution of Protestants became increasingly relentless.

In the 1550s a small number of French Protestants known as Huguenots had migrated to England with Flemish and Walloon Weavers.

However, it was in 1685 that a much larger wave of Huguenots would settle in England.

This wave of migration was triggered by the French King Louis XIV when he revoked the Edict of Nantes.

The Edict of Nantes had been signed into law when King Henry the fourth of France was ruling over the country.

It enforced religious tolerance towards Huguenots and gave them legal protection in a predominantly Catholic nation.

It ensured that Huguenots could worship freely, so this meant that after 1685 when it was revoked this protection was completely lost and many Huguenots faced violent persecution.

And for most, their only option was to seek refuge in a more tolerant Protestant nation, and for tens of thousands of Huguenots this meant the Protestant nation of England.

Now, before we go on to put this into practise, we're just going to pause and check our understanding of the reasons why Huguenot Migrants chose to settle in England.

So first, I'd like you to tell me why the persecution of Protestants in Europe became increasingly relentless.

Was it because A, more people were converting to Protestantism and Catholic countries? B, more people were converting to Catholicism in Protestant countries, or C, there were no Protestant countries in Europe for Protestants to settle in.

Pause the video now, make a decision, and then come back and press play when you've got an answer for me.


I'm hoping that you said A, that more people were converting to Protestantism in Catholic countries, therefore increasing the persecution that they faced.

Secondly, I'd like you to tell me which of the following events triggered the violent persecution of Huguenots from 1685? Was it A, that Martin Luther pinned his 95 thesis to a church door? B, Henry the fourth sign the Edict of Nantes into law? Or C, King Louis the XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes? Pause the video now, make your decision and then come back and press play when you've got an answer for me.


The answer is C, that King Louis the XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes.

Now, to put all of this into practise, I'd like you to have a look at the five statements in the table below and tell me whether each of the statements is true or false.

If it's true, you put a T.

If it's false, you put an F.

I'll give you five minutes to complete this table, then come back and we'll have a look at what your completed table should have looked like.


So hopefully your table looks a little something like this.

For statement one, the reformation began in Germany in the 1500s and had a very limited effect across Europe.

We know that that's false, because the effect was far from limited.

Statement two, as increasing numbers of people converted to Protestantism, the persecution of Protestants increased.

We know that that's true.

The first group of Huguenots migrated to England in 1685.

We know that that's false, they were not the first group.

Huguenots migrated due to King Louis the XIV revoking the Edict of Nantes.

We know that that is indeed true.

And the final statement, Huguenots settled in England as it was the only Protestant nation in Europe.

We know that that is in fact false.

So what I'd now like you to do is take these three false statements and rewrite them as correct statements.

Give yourself five minutes to complete this task and then come back when you're done, please.

Really well done, hopefully your corrected answers look a little something like this.

The reformation began in the 1500s and had a profound effect across Europe.

That the first group of Huguenots migrated to England in the 1550s, that was with the Flemish and Walloon Weavers, was a small number though.

And finally, the Huguenots settled in England as it was known as a tolerant Protestant nation.

That's why they chose England over other Protestant nations.

Really, really well done.

Now in the second part of the lesson, we're going to be moving on to look at the experiences of Huguenot Migrants.

Now, by the 1680s between 40,000 and 50,000, Huguenots had settled in England.

But most of these migrants, they had a largely positive experience in England, especially after the glorious revolution placed William of Orange and his wife Mary on the English throne.

These Protestant Monarchs, William III and Mary II provided great protection and support to the Huguenot community.

They raised £39,000 to help resettle Huguenot refugees, which allowed many to set up successful businesses.

And we can see an illustration of them here.

£39,000 was a lot of money in the 1680s.

Now, beyond the financial support that they received, Huguenots also received increasing political protection.

By 1709, an act to naturalised all Protestant migrants was passed.

This gave many Huguenots the legal standing of an English citizen.

This came with much greater political freedom and legal protection.

Although this act was then revoked in 1711, around 2,000 Huguenots had been naturalised through this process.

So they received both financial and political protection from the monarchs, and therefore had largely positive experiences.

So just a couple of questions quickly.

Which one of the following statements explains how Monarchs financially supported Huguenot Migrants? A, that William III and Mary II raised £39,000 to help resettle Huguenot refugees, that in 1709 and act to naturalise all Protestant migrants was passed, or C, many Huguenots set up successful businesses.

Pause the video now, make a decision and come back when you've got an answer for me.


Hopefully you said A, that William III Marry II raised £39,000 to help settle Huguenot refugees.

Now I'd like you to tell me which one of the statements explains how monarchs politically supported Huguenot Migrants.

So A, in 1711 the act to naturalise all Protestant migrants was revoked.

In 1709, an act naturalise all Protestant migrants was passed.

Or C, many Huguenots set up successful businesses.


We know that it is B, that the political support is seen in the 1709 act to naturalise all Protestant migrants.

So in addition to the political and financial support that they received, many of these successful Huguenot migrants settled in large thriving cities, with London being the most popular destination.

Of the 40,000 Huguenots in London by 1700 most had settled in Spitalfield, Soho, and Leicester Fields.

As most of these Huguenots were part of a wealthy community in France, they were able to set up several successful businesses in England, especially as many maintained strong relationships in mainland Europe.

Many Huguenots worked in silk weaving, gold and silversmithing and other successful industries.

Here on the slide, we can see an illustration of a Huguenot silk weaver's home.

For the 1700s, you can assume they're doing pretty well for themselves.

Others also worked with finance, using their business connections in the Netherlands to continue to make valuable investments, which could then be used to fund major businesses and projects in England.

So Huguenots and those were hugely successful, largely because of the support of the Monarch, both financially and politically, but also because they often came from wealthy communities in France, and were therefore able to maintain their relationships with mainland Europe to set up successful businesses on arriving in England.

So I'd like you to have a look here at Laura's statement.

She says that successful Huguenot are migrants settled in large thriving cities.

Now Laura's is correct, but I'd like you to gimme two examples to support her statement.

So pause the video, jot down a couple of examples, and then come back and press play when you're done.


Hopefully you mentioned any two of the following, that London was the most popular destination for Huguenots, specifically Spitalfield, Soho and Leicester Fields.

They set up successful businesses on arriving as they're a part of a wealthy community from France.

Their businesses thrived as many maintained strong relationships with mainland Europe, particularly the Netherlands; and that many worked in silk, weaving, gold and silversmithing, and other successful industries.

If you were only able to get one, feel free to make a note now of another example.

So now to put what we've learned into practise, I'd like you to explain why Huguenots had a largely positive experience in England from 1500 to 1700, making sure to include the following details in your response; £39,000, naturalised, Soho, silk weaving, and the Netherlands.

Pause the video now, give yourself five to 10 minutes to complete this task and then come back when you're done.

So hopefully your answer looks a little something like this.

Huguenots and I had a largely positive experience in England as a result of the economic and political support given to them by the authorities.

As the glorious revolution have resulted in the Protestant rulers, William III and Mary II taking the English throne, the Huguenots received £39,000 to support their resettlement in England, because the new Protestant Monarchs were keen to help Protestant refugees.

This support allowed Huguenots to establish successful businesses, especially since most came from wealthy communities in France.

Political support came in 1709 when an act to naturalise all Protestant migrants was passed.

This gave many Huguenots the legal standing of an English citizen, and therefore greater political freedom and legal protection.

Despite the act being revoked in 1711, it still allowed 2,000 Huguenots to be naturalised.

With this economic and political support.

Many thriving Huguenot migrants were able to settle in places like Spitalfield and Soho in London.

Here they use their trading relationships with mainland Europe to become successful in several industries, including silk weaving.

Really, really well done.

Hopefully you got all those key details in your answer.

If there's anything you missed and you'd like to add, not to worry at all, just pause the video now and add it to your response.

So in the third and final part of our lesson, we're going to be looking at the impact of Huguenots in England.

Now, Huguenots had the greatest impact on the economy.

As they were from wealthy families and communities, they were able to invest in large businesses and projects.

The most famous of these was the investment of several Huguenots in the Bank of England.

In 1694, the Bank of England was set up with Huguenots sponsors giving £104,000 of the 1.

2 million used to open the Bank of England.

So that's a huge impact on the economy, because the Bank of England is just one of several examples of the contributions that they made.

But Huguenot I migrants also affected culture through language and fashion, as most Huguenots assimilated by changing their surnames and marrying English people.

Many English version of Huguenots names are still common across England today.

For example, as we can see here, Newhouse was previously la Newe maison.

And there are others, for example, Andrew, Baker and Forrester.

All are in some cases English versions of Huguenot Surnames.

As well as this, Huguenots brought their French fashion and silk weaving skills to England, which caught on quickly, as these fashions were often admired by the wealthy.

James Leman is just one example of a Huguenot I silk Weaver who became a famous figure in the textile industry, who made very fashionable new designs.

So we know that their greatest impact was on the economy, because they made huge contributions to things like the Bank of England, but they also impacted culture through language and fashion.

So before we go on to put what we've learned into practise, we're just gonna check for our understanding one last time.

So Andeep says that, "Huguenot migrants had a significant impact on the economy, as they invested in large businesses and projects." I'd like you to give me one example to support Andeep's statement.

So pause the video now, give yourself a few minutes to get down at least one example and then come back when you're done.


Hopefully you mentioned that in 1964 the Bank of England was set up with Huguenot sponsors giving £104,000 of the 1.

2 million used to open the bank.

Again, this is a hugely significant contribution, and it shows just how significant their impact on the economy was.

But also remember that their contribution to the Bank of England was one of several examples of the way in which Huguenot a migrant sponsored large investments and projects in England.

So now I'd like you to have a discussion.

So this is either with the person next to you, if you'll doing this lesson in the classroom or with someone else, or independently.

You can have a go at articulating a response out loud for me.

So I'd like you to discuss how did Huguenot Migrants impact English culture? So pause the video now, give yourself enough time to articulate response out loud, or for both of you to contribute to the discussion, and then come back and press play when you're done.

So hopefully your discussions included the following, that many English surnames today have Huguenot origins.

You might have mentioned Andrew, Baker, Forrester, or Newhouse as examples.

But also that Huguenots brought their French fashion and silk weaving skills with them, which often caught on quickly.

You might have used the example of James Leman, who was an example of a Huguenot silk weaver who became a famous figure in the textile industry.

If you remembered those key details, really, really well done.

So the last thing that I would like you to do for me today, for our final task, is to describe two ways that Huguenot migration impacted England from 1500 to 1700, making sure to include the following details in your response; Bank of England, French Fashion, and James Leman.

So give yourself five to 10 minutes to complete this task, and when you're done come back and press play.


So hopefully your final answer looks a little something like this.

One way in which Huguenot migration impacted England was through their economic contributions.

Huguenot migrants set up several successful businesses and used their wealth to invest in other large businesses and projects.

One of the most famous investments was the Bank of England, which was set up with £104,000 worth of investments from Huguenot sponsors.

This was a significant amount of the 1.

2 million used to open the bank.

Huguenot Migrants also made cultural contributions to England.

Not only do many English surnames today have Huguenot Origins, but Huguenots made a significant impact on popular fashion at the time, as they brought with them French fashion and silk weaving.

These trends and skills quickly caught on and became popular, particularly as the fashion was most admired by the wealthy.

One example of a migrant who made a significant impact on fashion was James Leman, a Huguenot silk weaver who became a famous figure in the textile industry.

Really, really well done.

Hopefully you got all those key details in there, looking at their impact on the economy and on culture.

If not, just pause the video now and add some of those details to your response.

Brilliant, you've done such great work today.

We are gonna finish off by just looking at a summary of what we've covered.

So first we learned that 10s of 1,000s of Huguenot migrants settled in England in the 1680s as a result of religious persecution in France triggered by the revoking of the Edict of Nantes, you'll remember that that was in 1685 by King Louis the XIV.

We also learned that most Huguenots had positive experiences, as they were wealthy migrants who received great protection from the monarch, especially as they were Protestant migrants.

Do you remember that a lot of that support was financial, with William III and Mary II raising £39,000 to support their resettlement, but also that around 2,000 Huguenots were naturalised between 1709 and 1711.

This is an example of the political protection that they received.

And then finally, we learned that Huguenot Migrants had the greatest impact on the English economy, although they also impacted English culture.

So we know that they contributed £104,000 to the Bank of England, one of several contributions to significant investments and projects in England.

But we also know that they impacted culture through not just language but also fashion, as they brought with them not only their French fashion but also their silk weaving skills; with examples of famous tailors in this period who are also Huguenot Migrants.

I'm so impressed with the work you've done today, you've done brilliantly and you should be impressed with your work too.

Really, really well done.

(mouse clicking).