Hello everybody, it's Miss Sidhu here with some more super maths for you today.
Before we start, as you know, I love doing art and I'm coloured in, and I made some super colourful jellyfish.
I love animals.
Maybe you might want to do some art too.
Today we're going to explore addition and subtraction using all of the strategies that we've already used.
I know that you can help me doing some super maths with me today and you are going to be helping.
This is lesson seven of the topic, addition and subtraction.
You will need a paper and pencil.
There are times when you will have to pause the video to have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Now let's get started.
We are going to be looking at the key vocabulary.
That means all of our special star words.
Identifying if the equation is addition, everyone show me addition or subtraction.
Choosing a strategy to solve the problem.
Working out the answer or missing number.
An independent task and answers, and finally a quiz to see what we have learned.
Star word, star words.
I'm going to say the star word first.
And then I want you to say after me.
Add, subtract, dienes, part, ones, whole, tens, equal, can you show me the sign for add? We can say plus as well.
Can you show me the sign for subtract, super.
Can you show me the sign for equal or equal to.
Well done now I think we're ready to start our super brain warmer.
Let's begin today's lesson with a brainteaser.
Here we have three addition expressions and three examples of strategies to work out the answers.
We need to match the expression to the representation.
So it might be dienes or a number line.
I want you to pause the video, and to think which expression matches to the representation.
And then I want you to tell the person next to you, then we'll go through the answers together.
Huh, how did you get on? Did you manage to match the expression to the representation? Okay, let's go through the answers.
Okay, let's begin with five plus 12.
Hmm, which one does it match to? Can you show me by pointing to the screen? Super work, it matches to the dienes five plus 12.
Hmm, how about the expression nine plus six.
You did so well with the first expression.
Can you point to the strategy for me please? Well, can you point again? Let's see if you're correct.
Well done, it's the number line at the bottom.
Everybody's doing super well today.
Let's do the last one, 11 plus three.
Which one does it belong to? Can you point? Well done, what a great start to today's lesson.
I think we are already warming up our brains to stop.
Oh, here we have another addition equation.
We need to know what objects or manipulatives we can use to represent this equation, and to make sure that it is correct.
Hmm, what could we use to see if it is correct? Oh, I had somebody say we could use a part whole model.
We know that the whole is 13.
That means we can place it in the 13 where the whole number goes.
Hmm, we also know that the two parts are seven and six.
Can you point to the parts, there we go, seven and six, but how do we know it is correct? What else could we do to check? Can you give me some ideas? Can you shout it out so I can hear? Ooh, I had some amazing ideas.
I like the idea of using our heads to count.
We could put seven in our heads and then count on to six.
Oh, what else did I hear? Oh, I had somebody say we could use a number line, and show the jumps.
Also I had somebody say we could use the dienes.
What a great thinking everybody.
I think we could use the number line.
Let's have a go at using some of the different strategies.
So here we have a number line.
What is the first thing I need to do? Who is going to help me? What's the first thing? Wow, I could hear lots of you say I need to circle the number seven.
Can everybody point to the number seven? Wow, you're so quick.
Now we need to start at the number seven.
Okay, now I need to do some jumps.
Let's say hello to Freddy, the frog, Frodo the frog.
So if we start with the number seven.
That means we need to do six jumps.
Do you agree? Super, let's start at six jumps.
Can you count with me? One, two, three, four, five, six.
Oh, what number have we landed on? Super, we've landed on the number 13.
What super counting everybody.
I think you're doing super well today.
Now let's see if you are up for a challenge today.
At the top of the screen is an equation, we've been working on seven plus six is equal to 13, but what about the equation below? Is it the same as the one above? Let's read it out together.
13 is equal to seven plus six.
I want you to think about what is the same, and what is different and is the equation still correct? I want you to pause the video, think and explain to the person next to you, what is the same or different, and is the equation still correct? How did you get on? What are your thoughts about the equation? Shall we use the bottom equation see if it's the same by placing the information in our part whole model.
Okay, let's do this together.
So what is the whole? Can everybody shout it out, super, 13.
We know this because when indeed is an addition equation, the whole comes after the equal sign.
But this time it's become before the equal sign.
So here we've got 13 is the whole, hmm, super.
Hmm, we still need to do the two parts.
Oh, what are the two parts? Well, could you say it nice and loud? Remember the two parts are the numbers we are adding together to make the whole, so we adding the two numbers together to make 13, super.
In this case it's seven and six, and we've put them in the boxes.
What do you think? Do you think it's the same now as well? Super, I agree.
It's just a different way of ordering the number sentence, but the information stays the same.
Ooh, let's see if you can help me with the next one.
What about now then? We have the same three numbers, but my cat, Mr. Cash mix up some of the numbers, and it doesn't seem right when you put them together.
Can you help me to make sure that it's correct? Can these numbers be moved around like this? I want you to pause the video, and see if you can find out what is wrong.
Ooh, have you had to go? How did you get on? I've been racking my brain, and I know that something is wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.
Can you help me? I hope you can.
Can you tell me what you think is wrong, and I'll try to listen to everybody carefully.
Hmm, a little bit louder.
Hmm, so you said that the answer cannot be seven because 13 plus six would be more than seven.
Huh, I think you might be right, but I think we should double check, and let's see if it is wrong or if it's correct.
Hmm, oh, I might use some dienes to help us to check.
Let's have a look.
Here we have the equation 13 plus six is equal to seven.
We are going to use our dienes to find out the answer.
Now let's represent the number 13.
I know the number 13 has one 10 and three ones.
Can you all point to the number 13 in dienes? Super, now we need to add six ones.
How many do we need to add? Super, can you help me to count the six ones? One, two, three, four, five, six.
Now I need to add them altogether to find the total.
I already know that we have the number 13 there.
So I know that I can count on from 13 to find the number altogether.
Let's count on from 13.
You can point at the screen to help as well.
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
The total is 19.
13 plus six is equal to 19.
Thank you for helping me.
Let's have a look what is next.
That means that the numbers can't be moved in anyway.
The parts always need to stay on one side of the equal to sign.
So seven and six are the two numbers that we add together, the parts stay on one side, and the whole, so everyone show me the whole needs to be on the other side of the equal to sign.
Otherwise we'd be making a right pickle, and our equations would all be wrong.
So here we've got seven plus six.
So those are our two parts.
And then we've got the whole after the equals to sign.
The next one we've got 13, which is the whole first.
Then we've got, it is equal to seven plus six.
And then the two parts come after.
Let's see if you can have a go at working out some of the other equations.
And I want you to remember, you need to double check if they are correct or not.
Also, you might be able to write the addition equation using our equal sign remembering the parts stay on one side, and the whole is on the other side.
You might even do one of the equations like we've done here.
13 is equal to seven plus six, and do the whole first.
So here is your task one.
Can you find all the possible addition equations to you represent these numbers? Remembering everything we have just learned.
Task two, can you find all the possible addition equations to represent these numbers? Now let's have a look at the answers, so you can use a number line to help you as well, or a part whole model.
Here are the answers for task one, remembering you've got the parts first, and then the whole after the equals to sign, or you can do the whole first and then the parts after the easy, equal to sign.
Here are the answers of task two.
How did you do? Did you get them all correct? Maybe you want to challenge yourself, and write some more using different numbers in a part whole model.
I Hope you had lots and lots of fun with maths today.
Now I want you to complete your end of lesson quiz to see everything that you remembered today, and I will see you tomorrow, bye.