
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

It's MRS. Power again.

Nice to be with you again we're going to start today's session by looking at the practise activity from the previous session.

So here's the practise activity that you were left with after your last session.

Now, it looks like there were some really big numbers on here, but I know that we've been working on for the last few sessions are really useful generalisation.

Do you think you can remember that one? We've used it a lot.

Haven't we? So we know that if we change the order of the addends, the sum remains the same.

And we haven't got to some on here.

Have we? We've just got number sentences that are equal to each other.

So we know we need to just change the order of the add-ons.

So let's have a look.

Let's have a look first at this one.

In this number sentence here, we have three ad four is complete on that side.

So what must our missing number here be? If we've got four, they matched don't they? So we need to have here.

That's right.

We need to have a three.

Well done.

So we're just going to use that role every time now.

So here we have our 30 and our 40 on our complete side and here we've got 40.

So here we need, well done.

We need 30.


Not drawn very well.


And on this last one down here, this time we've got 400 and we've got 300, wow.

Really big numbers, but we don't need to calculate.

We just need to find the pattern.

So which number is missing? Can you spot which one we've got? Good.

We've got the 400.

So we need in here to put the 300.

Let's see if I can write it that small.



So we've got them complete on this side.

Now on the other side here, we have our missing numbers in different places.

Did you spot that? Here they were all in the same place, here, there's someone missing here.

There's one missing here.

Can we still use our same generalisation? We can.

Can't we, it just has to be balanced.

It has to have the same value on each side.

So let's have a look.

So here on this complete side, we'll look here first.

It gives us more clues.

We have four add two equal.

So two add good, our missing number must be four.


Let's have a look at the next one.

Here is our missing number this time.

So I'm not going to look over here.

I'm going to look here first on our complete side.

We've got two plus 14 this time and over here, we've got a 14 already.

So what's our missing number? Has to balance with just changing the order of the addends.

So we need a two, good.

Well done.


And the last one down here.


The last one here on the complete side, we have to add 24.


So what's missing here is a two, well done everyone.

The missing number here is 24, two tens four, excellent.

So in this session, we're going to carry on thinking about our sum and our add-ons and that our add-ons can change order, and that our sum stays the same but we've got a special sum today.

We're concentrating on just one special sum.

Can you see what number it is that we might be able to concentrate on? Our friend on the screen might be able to help her.

Can you see it's number 10? Isn't it, from number blocks.

There's our number 10.

And today we are going to think really carefully about the sum 10.

So there are some other number blocks that have come to join us.

Now they're the same height as number 10.

Aren't they? They look different.

There's two blocks together sitting one on top of the other and they still are the same height as number 10.

So they are equal to 10, aren't they? But should we see what the addends would be to make our number 10, let's have a look.

One's jumping down, it's number one and number nine.

So we know that when the one was on the top, it was equal to 10.

So what can we tell, can you think of a number sentence in your head? 10 is equal to nine and one or one and nine.

It doesn't matter what the order of our add-ons are.

Let's look at that in another way.

Oh, here we go.

We've got a rhyme.


We're on the moon nine and one that was easy.

This is fun.

Now we've got a tens frame.

We're going to do exactly the same thing with our numbers on our tens frame.

So first of all, we want to put on nine on our tens frame.

Can you think of what that might look like on our tens frame? Can you picture it in your head? So first we've got five red counters but we need some more don't we? Five and four is equal to nine.

There we go.

Just got one little space left for our one.

Our other colour counter is one.

Can you have a think what the cherry model? might look like for this? There you go.

Our whole is 10 and our parts or our add-ons are one, sorry, one and nine.

So we've got number 10 again here.

There he is.

And we're going to see what blocks are going to come and help us this time.

There we go.

We've got two blocks that are equal to 10 there, again.

Should we see what happens when he jumps down? There we go.

Number two has jumped down and they've left us there with octa block number eight.

So we know that 10 is equal to eight and two or two and eight.

So we have a look at the rhyme.

We're on the moon eight and two.

How did we get here? Haven't a clue.

Now can you have a think about what the tens frame might look like? There's our empty tens frame five across and we'll need a few more to get eight, won't we? There's five and a few more, but we've got that space for two.

So eight and two is equal to 10.

It's filled up our tens frame.

Think about our cherry model.

What's our whole? Good, it's 10 and eight and two are our parts.

Well done.

Here's number 10 again.

I wonder if anybody can guess what our next blocks might be.

On our first slide, we had nine and one on the second one, we had eight and two.

I wonder if any of you can predict what's coming next.

Anybody know? I bet lots of you got that right.

So we've got block number three has jumped down and has left my favourite behind.

Don't tell the others.

Here we have number seven all the rainbow colours.

Number seven, and number three would equal to 10 when they were standing on top of each other.

So 10 is equal to seven and three, three and seven.

Were on the moon.

Seven and three.

We're so lucky.

Look at me.

Here's our tens frame.

Ready to fill it up? There we go.

Five and two more is seven.

And our space for the three yellow ones.


I bet you're really good now at guessing what the cherry model's going to look like.

You got it in your head.

There it is, well done.

And we could swap these over couldn't we, we could swap the seven and the three could be in different places.

It doesn't matter because when we changed the order of our addends, this sum remains the same.

Number tens back on the screen on his own.

Again some of you might be able to predict what's coming next.

We had nine and one, eight and two, seven and three.

Who have we got? We've got six and four haven't we? So 10 is equal to six and four, four and six.

We're on the moon.

Six and four.

We really couldn't ask for more is our tens frame.

What's the six going to look like, five and one more well done.

And we've got the space to fill up the four.

Our tens frame is full with six and four.

That's our cherry model.

So we've got one more combination of two numbers that are equal to 10.

Can you think of one we've missed out? It's the one that our hands helps with as well.

Can you guess? There we go.

We've got two that are the same, two number blocks that are the same.

What number must they be? That's right.

Five and five is equal to 10.

We're on the moon, five and five.

We should feel great to be alive.

And our tens frame is nice and easy.

We've got two rows of five.

So a row of red and a row of yellow.

And here's our cherry model.

Now of course we could change the order of our identity but actually we wouldn't be able to tell would we because they would all just be two fives.


So our hands are another really useful representation for looking at the number of 10 because we've got 10 digits.

I'm going to call them all fingers for today.

I know that these are thumbs, but it's easier to call them fingers.

So we can look at my hands.

We've got five and one more up.

They're the ones that I'm wiggling, they're the ones that are up in the picture.

And you might be able to see that I've got four down, three curls up on my thumb there, it's exactly the same as the picture.

So six up, how many would I have down then? We can either count them or you can think what goes with six to make it 10? It's four.

Isn't it? Well done.

So here's our cherry modal 10 is our whole, so our parts must be six, our fingers that are up and four, our fingers that are down.

And we can also look at it in a bar model.

There's 10.

Which side do you think is six? Well, done, there's more on that side.

Isn't there.

Six and four.

Six and four is equal to 10.

So we have our 10 fingers again to help us represent the number 10.

So let's have a look.

How many have we got up? We've got a whole hand, which is five.

And in this picture, we've got three more.

So how many are wiggling, five, and we can count on, eight fingers sticking up.

So how many have we got down? What goes with eight to make 10? Well done.

It's two.

Isn't it? Good.

Let's have a look at our cherry model then.

10 is our whole and our parts are eight and two.

And our bar model really shows us that 10 is equal to eight and two.

Now, before we go onto the next slide which is a different representation, maybe you can have a go with your fingers, holding up different amounts and have a think, or maybe even draw the cherry model and the bar model to go with it, or even ask another person in your house to hold up some fingers and see if you can work out what the number bond to 10 would be.

So here is one of my favourite representations for looking at the number 10.

It's nice and colourful, Isn't it? You might be familiar with these, they're pieces of newmacon.

We're going to look at what our whole is first.

You might be able to see that there are two rows of five.

Should we count just to make sure we know what there is.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10.

You're absolutely right.

Our whole is 10.

Now it's made up of two different colour pieces.

So we want to think about what our parts would be here.

Now, I think it's easiest to look at the small part first here because we can see it's nice and bright yellow and I bet you can see that it is three, well done.

Now we're getting to know our number bonds a bit better.

So you might know what goes with three to make 10 already.

Should we double check? You might know what the number is, but let's have a look.

I can see here.

Two rows of three, which remind me of the number six.

There's six, but there's one more.

So the number is seven.

We know that 10 is the whole and three and seven are the parts.

10 is equal to three plus seven.

Can you think of another way of writing that equation? We know that we can change the order of the addends and the sum remains the same.

Why not pause and try and write out the equation in a different order.

Have a quick go.

So we have another representation here in newmacon, just have a look and think what you can see.

What can you spot in this representation? I bet you've all spotted really quickly that our whole is 10 and it's quite easy to spot one of the parts here.

Isn't it? Can you see it? Well done? There's a one, isn't there? Now again, we're getting to know our number bonds quite well.

And you might know what goes with one to get to 10.

Well done.

It's nine.

Isn't it? Can you see that we've got a whole row of five on this side, but only four here.

So one less than 10.

We take that one away.

We've got one less than 10 is nine.

So we know that 10 is equal to one plus nine.

I know what you think I'm going to ask you to do next, don't you? Can you think of another way of writing the sum? Writing the equation? 10 is equal to one, add nine.

So it must be 10 is equal to, have a go at writing it down.


We've got a sort of little game here.

We can see that there are how many marbles? Have a look? How many in a row? Five and five is equal to 10.

Well done.

We're still working with the number 10.

So we have a whole lot of marbles here.

There are 10 all together.

So if we know that we have 10 marbles all together, there must be some hidden under the pot.

There are 10 marbles altogether.

How many marbles are hidden under the cup? Sorry, it's a cup.

So over on this side, we have five.

So our other part that goes with five to get to the whole is under here.

Do we know what that is now? Do we know what goes with five? We've got 10 digits on our hands.

10 fingers.

Should we try? So if there are five outside the cup, what must be under the cup? Do you think you know, if there's five outside of the cup, there must be five under the cup.

Well done.

Should we check? Were you correct? I bet you were, well done everyone.

So here we've got a different number of marbles outside of the cup.

So there must be a different number of marbles inside the cup.

Should we just check how many marbles we've got here? You have a count and then we'll check together.

I wonder how you sold them.

Did you maybe see three here and three here or maybe four here and two here.

Should we count main ones just to check one, two, three, four, five, six.

So we have six marbles outside of the cup.

How many are needed there to make 10, 10 is made of six.

And some of you might know, but we can also use our hands six and how many fingers I got here? Four.

Let's check, were you correct? Did you work out that there were four? Well done.

I bet you did.

This is a game that you could play with lots of objects at home.

You could play it with one penny pieces one penny coins, or with beads or bits of Lego or anything you want to, just make sure you start with 10 and you hide some under a cup, and then you could play the game with somebody in your house.

So now we're going to practise a chant that helps us to remember our number bonds to 10 or pairs of numbers that go together to make 10.

Now, this chart was taught to me by a teacher from Shanghai called Grace.

So thank you for this, Grace.

If you practise this at home, this will really help you to remember which numbers go together to make 10.

Are you ready? We start by clapping.

♪ 10 is made of 10 and zero, zero and 10.

♪ ♪ 10 is made of nine, nine one, one and nine.

♪ ♪ 10 is made of eight and two, two and eight.

♪ ♪ 10 is made of seven and three, three and seven.

♪ ♪ 10 is made of six and four, four and six.

♪ ♪ 10 is made of five and five.

♪ So as well as practising your chant, we've got another activity for you to do for practise after this session.

What we'd like you to do is get some pieces of paper and you're going to write the numbers zero to 10 on your piece of paper, you will need two cards with the number five on.

Then you're going to place all the cards down on the table so you can't see the number, face them down and then you've got to play pairs.


You're going to turn over two numbers and see if they are the numbers that go together to make 10.

If they are, you can put them together, if not turn them back over and have another go.

I hope you enjoy the activity.

See you soon.