Writing equations to show comparison, part two.
Hello everybody? My name is Miss Sidhu.
What's your name? And today I'm going to be doing some wonderful maths with you today.
And in this lesson, you will be writing equations to show the difference between numbers and objects.
Now let's get started.
In today's lesson, you will be writing equations using the add sign or the plus sign, and you be writing the equations using the minus sign.
There will be an independent task, and then at end of lesson quiz to see everything that we have learned.
You will need a pencil and a paper, and a number line to help you.
You may need some objects to help you to compare some of the equations to find out the answers.
Now, let's begin this lesson by finding out the answers to these equations.
I know you can do them super quick and you might use your fingers to help you.
I want you to pause the video, and have a go at answering the equations.
How did you do? So, four plus four is equal to eight, four plus six is equal to 10, and four plus five is equal to nine.
Super work, everybody.
Now, we have some lovely jubbly carrots, but they all don't have a partner.
Let's have a go at counting the rows.
So let's count the row at the top.
So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Now let's count the carrots in the bottom row.
One, two, three, four, five.
So we've got seven minus five.
Now let's use our fingers to help us to count.
Some of you might know it already, but let's check with our fingers.
So let's count seven.
So we've got five, six, seven, and now we need to take five down.
One, two, three, four, five.
How many are you left with, two.
Excellent work.
So seven minus five is equal to two.
If we wanted to represent this subtraction equation using cubes, how could we do that? What is it that we need? Can you shout out your answer, to how could we show this, or represent this subtraction equation? Wow, I had lots of great suggestions.
I particularly like the idea of using cubes or at home, or if you're somewhere else, you could use Lego bricks or pass the pieces.
Now let's count out seven cubes.
So we've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Now we need to represent the five.
So let's use some red cubes.
One, two, three, four, five.
So this is another way of showing this subtraction equation.
Instead of using carrots, we've used cubes and you might be using something else.
This time, I want you to use the objects that you've just used to count instead of the cubes to create this equation, and find out how many are missing.
So eight minus four.
So you remember show eight and show the four.
I want you to pause and have a go.
How did you get on? Here I've got my eight cubes and my four cubes, and I'm comparing them both to find out eight minus four is equal to four.
So we need four more yellow cubes to make it the same.
Did you get the same as me? Good job.
You did amazing at solving these problems. Now I think you're ready for today's independent task.
Here We have some cubes.
I want you to write two equations to match the cubes, addition equation and the subtraction equation.
Here we have some more cubes.
I want you to write two equations to match the cubes.
Pause the video to complete your task and resume once you're finished.
Here's the answers four plus two is equal to six, and six minus four is equal to two.
Here we've got six plus four is equal to 10, and 10 take away or minus six is equal to four.
How did you do? If you would like to share your work with Oak National, please ask your parents or carer, to share your work on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.
You did an amazing job with solving all of these problems by writing equations to show the comparison.
Good job everybody.
Now, I want you to complete the quiz to see everything that you have learned.
And now that's the end of the lesson, so bye.