To identify half, quarter and three quarter turns.
Hello everybody, it's Miss Sidhu here and we've got some wonderful maths to do with you today.
In this lesson, we will be exploring half, quarter and three quarter turns and we're going to be having lots and lots of fun.
I hope you're ready.
Welcome to today's lesson.
You will need a pencil and paper.
And the second thing that you will need is to make sure you have a lots and lots of space and it is safe for you to explore turns, like the man on the screen.
There are times when you will have to pause the video and have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Now, let's get started.
We are going to look at our key vocabulary, that means our star words.
Exploring half, quarter and three quarter turns, using clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, an independent task, and finally a quiz, to see everything that we have learnt.
Star words, star words.
My turn first, then your turn.
Three quarter.
And we will be using these star words throughout our lesson and there's pictures with the star words to help us to remember which direction we are going.
But first, before we start our lesson, I have a quick brainteaser, I've mixed up all of my shapes.
And some of my shapes have been split into half and others quarters.
I want you to help me identify which shapes are split in half and which shapes are split into quarters and how do you know? Pause and freeze, macaroni cheese.
Have a look at the shapes.
Did you get them correct? I could see lots of quarters and lots of shapes that are split into half as well.
So here, this shape is split into quarters and this one's been split into quarters and this circle has been split into quarters.
I know those shapes have been into quarters because it has been split into four equal parts.
Now here, we've got a square and it's been split into half.
And a triangle split into half.
And a circle that has two quarters, which is also the same as half.
I know these shapes have been split into half because they have two equal parts or two equal groups.
Now, I think we're ready for the main part of our lesson.
Today, we are exploring different turns.
That means we will be standing up and turning in the room we are in.
So, I want you to make sure you have lots and lots and lots of space, and it is safe for you to turn.
I want you to complete a whole turn.
Let's watch the man complete a whole turn.
So, here's our man and he's facing the door.
So you might do the same.
You might face a window or a door or a wall.
And I want you to watch the man carefully when he completes a whole turn.
What do you notice? How do you know that he has done a whole turn? Have a think.
So, he is now facing the same way as before.
So, I know he's in a whole turn because he's facing the same way.
He's gone all the way around.
Let's have a look again before you have a go.
You see he's going all the way around and facing the door again.
Now it's your turn.
Look at what is in front of you and complete a whole turn and make sure you're facing the same way again.
If you want to practise a few times, you can pause the video.
So, you can stand up and do a whole turn.
Now let's see which turn we have next.
A half turn? How could we do a half turn? Which way do you think we would be facing? Have a think.
Which way do you think the man's going to face when he has a half turn? Can you point to the screen which way you think is going to be turning? Well, let's have a look.
Let's watch the man complete a half turn.
Now I want you to think about what do you notice? So, now he's facing the door and now he's starting to turn his half turn.
Now he's completed his half turn.
So, remember he was facing the door.
What do you notice? How do you know he has done a half turn? Well, I know his back is where the front was and the front is where the back was.
He's now facing the opposite way to where he started.
Now, I want you to have a go.
You may want to pause the video to have a go at doing a half turn.
I know I've completed a half turn because my back is where my front was and my front is where my back was.
I am now facing the opposite way to where I started.
So, you can pause the video to have a go.
Well, this time I've got clockwise and you can see a clock on the screen.
We are going to go in the direction of how the clock goes.
If you've got a clock you might want to have a look at which way around the hands go around the clock.
And that's called clockwise.
Can you say after me, clockwise? Let's follow the man and see which direction he's turning.
So, clockwise he's going.
Going to turn all the way around the same way as the clock.
And now he's gone back to the beginning.
He's done a whole turn clockwise.
This time we've got anti-clockwise.
What do you think that might mean? Can you say it nice and loud? That's right, it's the opposite of clockwise.
Anti-clockwise is the opposite of clockwise.
So, this time anti-clockwise, we are going around the other way around of the clock.
Not the same way as the clock, but the other way around, the opposite way.
Let's have a look at the man going anti-clockwise.
So, a whole turn anti-clockwise.
Can you see, so he's turning the other way than how the clock normally turns.
So, he's done a whole turn anti-clockwise.
I want you to make a half turn clockwise or anti-clockwise.
You might want to take it in turns with another person.
You can face different places in the room.
Make sure you are safe when you are turning.
And I want you to think about what can you see before and after the turn? Maybe before the half term I am facing the book corner.
And then after the half turn, I am now facing the opposite direction.
You might want to say if you're going clockwise or anti-clockwise, but we're exploring a half turns.
I want you to pause the video, have a think, if you're going to go clockwise or anti-clockwise and then complete your half turn.
Now, pause and have a go.
I hope you had fun exploring our half turns by turning clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Here we have a circle split into quarters.
One quarter has been shaded red.
We want to do a quarter turn.
The man in the centre wants to move one quarter anti-clockwise and one quarter clockwise.
The arrows are showing anti-clockwise and clockwise.
I want you to put your hand in front of you and then turn your hand a quarter anti-clockwise.
Then I want you to put your hand in front of you and turn your head and hand in front of you, now turn a quarter clockwise.
Follow the same way as the arrows.
You might want to pause the video to have a go, or you might do it super quick.
Make sure you've got lots of space around you and make sure it is safe for you to turn.
Here we have a circle split into quarters.
I have one, two, three quarters have been shaded red, and we want to do a three quarter turn.
The man in the centre wants to move three quarters anti-clockwise and three quarters clockwise.
I want you to have a go.
You might want to pause the video and try out a three quarter turn anti-clockwise and clockwise.
Oh, I can see some of you turning three quarter turns anti-clockwise and clockwise.
If you want more time, you can pause the video.
Using all of our knowledge from today's lesson of anti-clockwise and clockwise and all of our turns, I need some help to guide turtle.
Can you see turtle at the bottom here? To guide turtle to Anansi the spider for dinner.
I'm going to use my star words to help me.
So I know the turtle needs to go one, two, three, four steps, so forward, four steps.
But now I need to turn, which way am I going to turn? Let's have a look.
Clockwise or anti-clockwise? Well the arrow is pointing this way, so I know I need to turn clockwise so I can go along the path there.
I need to go one, two, three, four, five.
So, turn clockwise forward five steps.
Now, I need to go this way.
So I need to turn anti-clockwise.
So turn anti-clockwise and forward, one, two steps.
This time I need to turn this way to go along the path.
And my arrow is pointing this way too.
So I need to turn anti-clockwise.
You might want to say turn anticlockwise a quarter turn or you can just say turn anti-clockwise and I need to go one step.
So, forward one step.
Now, I need to turn clockwise.
Turn clockwise, forward, one, two steps.
So turn clockwise forward, two steps.
Now I need to turn clockwise again so I can go along the path here and I'm going to go one, two, three, four, five, six steps forward.
So turn clockwise forward, six steps.
Now I need to turn the other way, I need to turn anti-clockwise.
So turn anti-clockwise and one, two, forward, two steps.
So now I've completed my instructions to guide turtle to a Anansi for dinner.
Good job, everybody.
I think you're ready for today's task.
For the task today, I want you to design and write instructions to guide turtle to Anansi for dinner.
We don't want him going hungry.
You can choose the path you want to take.
You may want to use the star words to help you, to give the directions.
There won't be any answers today, as I want you to explore using the star words, but make sure you have checked your work and use the star words to check.
I hope you have lots of fun writing the instructions to guide Turtle to Anansi for dinner.
You may want to share your work with Oak National.
Please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter tagging @OakNational and #learnwithOak.
You were amazing at exploring half, quarter and three quarter turns! And I hope you had fun with helping turtle and Anansi.
But don't forget to complete your end of lesson quiz thinking about all the things you have learnt today and bye.