Hello, everybody.
It's Miss Sidhu here with you today.
I hope you had fun yesterday learning all about money.
Let's sing the song, money, money, money, let's do it together.
Money, money, money.
Wow, we've got another exciting lesson, all about recognising the value of different coins.
So in today's lesson, we will learn to recognise the value of different coins.
That means we're going to recognise and name all of the different coins.
Maybe you had to go at some of the coins that you might have at home.
In today's lesson, it's lesson two of the topic of money.
You will need a paper and a pencil, and there are times when you will have to pause the video to have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Now let's get started.
In today's lesson, we are going to look at the key vocabulary.
That means our star words, identifying the values of different coins and answering questions about coins and their values, an independent task and answers, and finally a quiz to see what we have remembered.
Star words star words.
Remember my turn, your turn.
Pence, penny, pennies, value, worth, coin.
Remember, we're going to use all of these star words in our lesson today.
Let's see what we've got to warm up our brains.
In today's lesson, we're going to begin with a fun pattern to complete.
Take a look at the pattern and describe what coin would come next.
I want you to shout it out so I can hear.
Can you finish the pattern? Oh, I still can't hear you.
Can you shout it out? Let's have a look together.
In the pattern it goes one penny, then 10 pence, two pence.
One penny, 10 pence, two pence.
So the pattern is one penny, 10 pence two pence.
So the next coin in our pattern is going to be a can everyone tell me.
A 10 pence.
Now I think we are ready to start our lesson.
Here we have a one penny.
Can you say that, one penny.
And I've got one penny to the screen as well.
That's what it looks like in real life.
One penny.
This coin is worth one penny.
Good work.
This coin is a two pence.
From yesterday we remember a two pence is copper.
There's a two pence as well.
How many pennies do you think it will take to make a two pence? So how many pennies have the same value as a two pence coin? Oh can you shout it out? Let's see if you're correct.
We need to move the purple box to find the answer.
I need all of your magical powers to help me.
Abracadabra can you help me move the purple box? Let's say abracadabra together.
Are you ready? Abracadabra.
We need two pennies to make the same value as a two pence coin.
You're super duper with your magical powers.
Let's see the next coin.
Here we have a five pence.
The five pence is silver.
So how many pennies have the same value as a five pence coin? Can you shout it out to the screen? Oh, let's see.
We need our magical powers again.
Are you ready? Steady.
When I say go everyone to say abracadabra, knew we ready.
Steady go abracadabra.
We need five pennies to make the same value as a five pence coin.
Let's count our pennies.
One, two, three, four, five.
So five pennies are needed to make the same value as a five pence coin.
Wow, you're doing so great with this.
Let's see the next coin that we have.
Here we have a, can everyone shout out the name of this coin? A 10 pence coin.
It looks a little bit like the five pence 'cause it's silver and round, but it's bigger than the five pence.
How many pennies have the same value as a 10 pence coin? Can you shout out the answer to me? So how many pennies do you think I'll have to take to make the same value as a 10 pence coin? Oh, after three.
I want you all to say abracadabra and check if you are correct.
One, two, three.
There's no coins here.
I think we need to use our magic brain powers to make them appear and let's see how many there are.
Are you ready? Can you help me with, can you help me count them? Remembering we've got a 10 pence coin and we need to find the same value.
Are you ready? Can you count with me.
One penny, two pennies.
I love how all of our brains are using all the magical magical powers.
Three pennies, four pennies, five pennies, six pennies, seven pennies, eight pennies, nine pennies, 10 pennies.
Wow, great counting everyone.
So how many pennies have the same value as a 10 pence coin? 10 pennies have the same value.
I wonder if you can see the pattern.
Have you noticed it yet? We have done two pence and we needed two pennies.
A five p and we needed five pennies.
A 10p and we needed 10 pennies.
I wonder what we have next.
Here we've got a 20 pence coin.
There we go.
A 20 pence coin.
How many pennies will we need? Can you shout it out? Oh, did I hear someone say 20 pennies? I think you might be right, but let's double check.
I want you to count with me.
One penny, two pennies, three pennies, four pennies, five pennies.
Already we've got five pennies.
Six pennies, seven pennies, eight pennies, nine pennies, 10 pennies already.
What number comes next? 11 pennies, 12 pennies, 13 pennies, 14 pennies, 15 pennies, 16 pennies, 17 pennies, 18 pennies, 19 pennies, and finally 20 pennies.
That's a lot of penny coins.
So, 20 pence has the same amount as 20 pennies.
So I think we've cracked a pattern here.
Every coin we come across needs the same amount of pennies to match its value.
Let's say it again.
Every coin we come across needs the same amount of pennies to match its value.
Same same, matchy matchy.
Like 10p needs 10 pennies, 20p needs 20 pennies.
Therefore a 50p would need 50 pennies.
Great work, everyone.
Now let's see if we've remembered everything we have just learnt and help me with the next question.
Here we've got a question that says, is this true or false? That now we know the pattern and we know the value of the coins using one pennies I'm going to test you.
So look at the coins on the screen.
I want you to shout out if it's true or false.
Can you shout it a little bit louder? Show me with your thumbs.
True or false.
I can hear some of you counting the pennies to check your answer.
Should I tell one more time.
True or false? Super.
I think you're correct.
This is a five pence coin.
Remember with the five pence coin, we need five pennies.
So the answer is false.
'Cause we need five pennies to equal the same value as a five pence coin, but there were only four.
Super work everyone.
Let's see if you can help with the next question.
Here, we've got a 10 pence coin.
I want you to tell me if this is true or false.
Maybe you want to count the pennies to check your answer.
Do you think you could tell the person next to you if it's true or false? Oh can you say it one more time? Let's have a go together to see if you are correct.
Here we have a 10 pence coin.
So remember a 10 pence coin.
How many penny should there be? Ten.
Super, let's count if we've got 10 pennies, one, two, three.
Can you point to the screen whilst we're counting.
Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.
The answer is true.
There's no tricking any of you today.
You all got your maths brains with you today.
Now I think you're ready for our independent task today.
Now let's have a look.
We need some help.
Which coin has the greatest value? How do you know? So looking at those coins, you need to see which one has the greatest value.
Greatest remember means the biggest value.
Which coin has the least value.
How do you know? So which coin is the smallest value? The least value.
Oh, we've got another task because I know you've been doing super well with your maths today.
Can you place the coins in order from the greatest value to the least value.
You might want to use all of our maths knowledge we've learned today with counting how many pennies are the same.
So can you place the coins in order from the greatest value to the least value? Good luck with your counting.
Now let's have a look at the answers and see if you are correct.
The highest value coin is the 10 pence as it needs 10 pennies to make the same value to the coin with the greatest value.
The highest value is the 10 pence coin.
Well done if you got that correct.
The one pence is the least in value as its value is only one pence.
Did you get the same as me? Well done.
Let's have a look if you could order from the greatest to the least value.
So can you place the coins in order from the greatest value to the least value.
So the first one is 10 pence, then five pence, then two pence, then one pence.
Did you get it correct? Well done.
Give yourselves a thumbs up.
Super job.
I hope you've had lots of fun with our math today and all of our money knowledge that we've learned today and well done for all the learning and using your magical powers.
Now, I want you to complete your end of lesson quiz to see what you have remembered.