Hello everybody, I'm Miss Charlton, and I've just joined the Oak teachers to help you learn some maths.
I'm really excited about getting started.
First of all, I want to introduce you to somebody.
This is Hedwig.
Hedwig's my talk partner, when I need to practise my ideas and my mathematical thinking.
Maybe you've got someone in your house that can help you practise.
But, if not, you might have a toy like mine that you can use as your talk partner.
Now, the problem is that Hedwig loves to sleep.
She sleeps almost all day, so she often misses a lot of the learning.
So, at the end of the lesson, we're going to have to gently wake her up, and try and remind her what we've been learning all lesson.
Hopefully you can help me with that later.
Now, I've been told that you've been learning all about money, and that you're really, really good at it now.
So, I've got a super challenging lesson for us today.
Should we find out what we're going to do? Today, we're going to be using addition and subtraction in the context of money.
This is lesson six for the topic of 'Money', and you're going to need some paper and a pencil.
There are times when you're going to need to pause the video and have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Let's get started.
For today, we're going to go through our key vocabulary.
You're going to need to use your knowledge of the value of coins that you've been learning to explore some money puzzles.
You're going to need to apply your knowledge of number bonds as a strategy to solve the money puzzles, as well as your knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve the money puzzles.
Then, there'll be an independent task, and then you can check your answers.
First of all, let's go through our Star Words.
I like to punch them out, so we get our hands ready like this.
Are yours ready? We say, "Hands up, Star Words!" And we punch our Star Words out.
Value, can you do that? Add! Subtract! Column! Row! Really got great Star Words.
I don't know about you, but I need to warm up my brain a little bit.
So, let's start off with a brain teaser.
So, on my screen I can see Jenny and Charlie, and they've both got a purse with some money in it.
Jenny has got five pence in her purse, and Charlie has got two pence, and Charlie wants to know how much more he needs to have an equal amount as Jenny.
Can you have a little think about what equation you might use to work out the difference? Pause the video now if you need to and have a think.
Did you use the same equation as me? I started off with the biggest amount, that's Jenny's five pence, and I subtracted Charlie's two pence to find the difference.
Five pence subtract two pence is equal to three pence.
Did you get it? Now, I wonder if you're ready for an even bigger challenge.
If Charlie needs three pence, how many coins do I need to equal three pence? Which coins could I use? Because I know that there isn't a three pence coin, so which coins could I use? Have a little think.
That's right, I could use a two pence coin and a one pence coin to equal three pence.
That was fantastic warming up.
Now today, we are going to be detectives.
Can you see the detective in the corner? That's just like us.
We're going to be detectives to solve some money puzzles.
Now, in front of me, I can see a grid, and it's got some coins in, but there are empty boxes.
Our job today is to complete the boxes with the coins that are needed to complete the money puzzle.
Now, can you see the boxes going down? Those are called columns, can you say that? Columns.
Really good.
And the boxes going across are called rows.
Now, the numbers along the top of the columns and the down of the rows, those numbers are the total that the coins in that column or row need to add up to.
So, for example, in the first column, can you see that I've circled eight pence? Can you point to that? Good.
So, those boxes going down, the coins in them need to be equal, need to add up to eight pence.
Let's try our first one.
In the first column, I can see that I've already got a two pence and a five pence.
Now, I'll tell you a little trick.
When you're trying to work out the missing boxes, always start with the column or row that has the most coins in already, because then you've only got to figure out the missing ones.
So, I can see in my first column, I've got a two pence coin and a five pence coin.
But in the other columns and rows, I've only got one coin.
So, that will make it much harder for me to solve the equation.
So, what I need to do is I need to work out how much it needs to total.
I can see that eight pence is the value at the top, so eight pence is the whole.
Eight pence is the whole, can you say that? Great.
Now, I can work out one of my parts by adding up the coins that are already in the boxes.
I can see two pence.
Can you point to the two pence? And I can see five pence.
Point to the five pence.
If I add those two together, that will give me one of my parts.
Can you see how I've done that, in my number bond in the corner? The whole is eight pence, then I've added the coins together.
Five pence plus two pence is equal to seven pence.
That's one of my parts, and I've put it in my number bond.
Now, I need to work out what the other part is, because that will be the missing box.
Can you think of an equation that I could use to figure out that missing part? Pause the video now and tell your talk partner what equation you think you might do.
That's right! You need to subtract the part from the whole.
The whole is eight pence, subtract seven pence.
Eight subtract seven is equal to one pence.
So, the missing part is one pence.
And I can put that in my grid! Look, we've completed a whole column already using our knowledge of number bonds and addition and subtraction! I think we need a bit of a cheer.
Shall we give ourselves a rainbow clap? It goes like this.
Can you do that as well? Now, we need to think which one we'll work out next.
Have a look at the grid and see if you can choose the next column or row that you will work out.
Did you choose the same as me? I've chose the top row and the bottom row, because remember, we choose the column or row that has the most number of coins already filled in.
The top row has a two pence coin and a five pence coin, and the bottom row has a one pence coin and a two pence coin.
The next thing we need to do is work out the total value of that row or column.
So, here, on the top row, I know that those coins need to add up to be equal to nine pence.
And in the bottom row, the coins need to add up to be equal to four pence.
Should we have a go at solving the top one? So, I've got the whole, which is nine pence, and I know that I can figure out one of the parts by adding up the coins that I already have.
I can see I've got a two pence coin and a five pence coin.
Can you point to those for me? So, let's add those two together.
Two pence plus five pence is equal to? That's right, seven pence! So, I can put seven pence in one of my parts.
The whole is nine pence, one of the parts is seven pence.
Now, you know what equation you need to do to sort out, to find out the missing part.
You subtract one of the parts away from the whole.
Nine pence subtract seven pence is equal to two pence.
So, my missing part is two pence! Look! We've completed another row! Hmm, should we have a Hulk clap for our efforts, because we're working really hard? A Hulk clap goes like this.
Hulk! Can you do that? Now, it's time to try and figure out the bottom row.
Do you think you'd be able to try that by yourself for a bit? Pause the video now and have a go.
Remember to add the parts, and then subtract that part away from the whole.
Pause, and have a go.
Did you manage it? I can see that the whole is four pence, because that's the total value at the end of the row.
So, four pence is the whole.
I can see one pence and two pence.
If I add those together, one of my parts is three pence.
Four pence subtract three pence is equal to one pence.
Look, we've only got two boxes left now! We're doing really, really well.
The next two columns, let's have a look at the totals.
The second column, the total is six pence, and the last column, the total is seven pence.
Pause the video and see if you can figure out those missing boxes.
Let's check together.
So, in the first- in the second column, I can see that the whole is six pence.
So, my whole part model, I can see six pence.
I've got two pence and two pence already in that column.
Two pence plus two pence is equal to four pence.
So, four pence is one of the parts.
Now I can do my subtraction equation to fill in the missing part.
The whole is six pence subtract four pence is equal to two pence! In the third column along, the whole is seven pence.
I can see I've got a five pence coin and a one pence coin.
Five plus one is equal to six.
So, six pence is one of my parts.
Now I can do my subtraction equation.
Seven pence subtract six pence is equal to one pence! Look! We've completed the whole money puzzle! We are such fantastic mathematicians.
We need another celebration.
Hedwig's fallen asleep, so let's just do a quiet fairy clap, shall we, so that we don't wake her.
Ready? Really good.
Now, it's over to you to do your Independent Task.
I had a go at this myself, but I think I might have made a mistake.
I looked at the first column, and I identified that the column needed to total nine pence.
I saw that I already had one pence, in that column, and I saw that I had two pence in that column.
So, I knew that the missing part must be six pence.
So, I put in my coins.
Three pence and three pence.
But I think that there might have been a mistake there.
Do you think you can pause the video and tell your partner what mistake I have made? That's right, there isn't any such thing as a three pence coin, is there? I've got three pence and three pence, which is equal to six pence, but there's no such thing as a three pence coin, so I need to find a different way of making six pence.
Make sure you don't fall for that trick yourself when you do your independent task.
Now, here's the grid for you to work from.
You can either use the grid that's provided, the money puzzle that's provided, or you can carefully draw it out on a piece of paper.
You can draw the coins on, or, if you've got some coins at home, you can use those as well.
Take your time, have fun, and enjoy exploring.
Don't worry if you get stuck or you find it tricky, we'll check together afterwards.
Pause the video now and have a go.
How did you get on? These are my answers.
Pause the video, and you can compare your answers to these ones.
Phew, I had a wonderful time learning about money puzzles with you.
Now, Hedwig really needs waking up, so that we can tell her all about the learning that has taken place today.
Are you ready? Wakey-wakey, Hedwig! Now, I wonder if we can explain to her the things that we have learned.
Have a little think and see if you can decide what to tell her.
Hmm, what did we do today? Well, I used all of my knowledge that I'd learned about money over the past week about the value of money and how to recognise them.
I've learned how to use addition and subtraction in the context of money, and I used my knowledge of number bonds to help me work out those answers.
Do you think Hedwig understood? I think she understood, and I think she enjoyed the maths as much as I did.
I hope you did too.
See you again very soon.