Hello, everybody, it's Miss.
Sidhu here.
I hope you're having a good day.
Now, let's get started with our maths.
Today we are going to solve problems using repeated patterns.
In this lesson you will be exploring equal groups using shapes and becoming a detective to solve the problems. In today's lesson, it is Lesson Four of the topic of "Multiplication and Division".
You will need a paper and a pencil and there are times when you will have to pause the video to have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Now, let's get started.
Today we are going to be looking at our key vocabulary, our star words, finding equal groups using 2-D shapes with equal number of sides, connecting repeated addition and 2-D shapes, investigating combinations of shapes, an independent task and answers.
And finally, a quiz to see what we have learnt.
Star words! Star words! My turn first, then your turn.
Lots of, equal, sides, repeated addition.
Good job.
And we're going to be using all of these star words in our work today.
Oh, we have got a brain teaser to warm up our brains this morning.
Or maybe you're doing this in the afternoon.
But first we need to organise the cubes into equal groups.
You can decide the size of the groups.
But be ready to describe what you did.
So, we need to arrange the cubes into equal groups.
You may want to draw a square to represent the cubes or a circle, or you might have 12 objects to use for the cubes.
I have drawn my groups.
So, I've made three equal groups of three.
I used nine cube.
So, here I've drawn it using circles.
I want you to pause the video and have a go.
Pause and freeze, macaroni cheese.
Are you ready to describe your equal groups? How many cubes did you use in total? Can you shout them up to the screen? Wow, so many ideas.
I like that lots of you had drawn the shapes too.
Here are a few of your magical ideas that you've thought of.
Some of you had made four equal groups of two, and you used eight cubes.
Somebody else made three equal groups of three and used nine cubes.
I heard somebody else say that they made two equal groups of five, and they used 10 cubes.
And I heard somebody else say three equal groups of four, and they used 12 cubes.
Good job.
I think now our brains are warmed up nicely for today's learning.
Wow, give yourselves a "Wow!" Whoo, this is exciting.
Today you will be cracking a secret code.
I've got a secret code hidden in my envelope.
Can everyone see the Top Secret envelope? You're going to be helping me to find out the code that's hidden inside.
This code is made up of 2-D shapes.
And I will be giving you some clues, such as, the shapes in the code, might have 12 sides in total.
Okay, but first, what names of shapes do you remember? Can you say some of the 2-D shapes that you can see on the screen? I heard somebody say a triangle, a square, a rectangle.
Yeah, that's lots of our 2-D shapes.
What shapes do you think might be in the code? Hmm, then we will find out.
But before we crack the code, we need to remind ourselves about repeated addition.
Repeated addition, is when we add equal groups, or multiplication.
Now, how many sides does a square have? Can you shout out nice and loud? Super.
A square has four equal sides.
Now, how many sides do two squares have in total? So, one square has four sides, and the other square has four sides.
So, how many does it have in total? Did you get eight sides too? Well done.
Two squares have eight sides in total.
Oh, I can see a little bit of a pattern here.
Now, how many sides do three squares have in total? I think you're doing some super counting today.
And I think you can help me answer this question.
So, how many sides do three squares have in total? So, the one square has four sides, the second square has four sides, and then the third square has four sides.
So, how many sides in total? Can you shout it out to the screen? Good job.
I heard lots of you saying 12 sides.
Good job.
Let's see what we have next.
As each shape as equal sides of numbers, we can use, what was that word again? A star word.
Oh, I've forgotten it.
Let me remind myself.
So, one square has four sides, two squares have eight sides.
Three squares have 12 sides.
That must mean four squares have 16 sides.
So, what was this special thing that we were doing when we're adding equal groups? A star word.
Can you shout it out? It's repeated addition.
Good job.
Now, what would four squares look like as repeated addition equation.
I know with a repeated addition, it has to have that addition sign, add sign or plus.
Now I wonder what it might look like.
Have you got an idea? Can you shout it out? Let's have a look if you're correct.
Did you do it right? Good job, everybody.
The repeated addition equation would look like this.
Four plus four plus four plus four is equal to 16.
Did you get it right? Four, lots of four are equal to 16.
Four squares have 16 sides in total.
So, the four parts represent the four squares.
So, the number four in each part of the equation, represents the number of sides each square has.
I think you're ready for today's top task.
Let me get your super detective eyes.
Your top task today is to match the number of shapes to the correct part-whole model.
I want you to describe the number of sides as lots of.
For instance, there are three squares.
Each square has four sides.
In total, that's three, lots of four sides.
Can you match it to the correct part-whole model? I want you to pause the video, have a think, and then talk to the person next to you.
Which one shall we do first? Point to the shapes we'll do first.
Lots of you appointed to rectangles.
Some of you are pointing to squares, but most of you are pointing to triangles.
Let's look at the triangles.
How many triangles are there? One, two, three, four, five.
There are five triangles.
Each triangle has three sides.
In total, that's five lots three sides.
Can you point to the whole part model that has five parts? Which represent the five triangles? And each part is three because a triangle has three sides.
Well done.
What is the total? So, five, lots of three are equal to 15.
Now, let's have a look at what shape shall we do next? Everybody point.
What shape should we do next? Let's look at the squares next.
Each square has how many sides? Four sides.
In total, that's three, lots of four sides.
Can you point to the correct part-whole model? That's right.
Each square has four sides.
So three, lots of four are equal to 12.
Wow, you're doing such an amazing job today.
Now the rectangles.
Can you point to the correct part-whole model.
And finally, the four rectangles match to the part-whole model that has four lots of four sides.
Each rectangle has four sides, so four lots of four are equal to 16.
Well done, everybody.
I think you're doing an amazing job.
Now, I think that all of you are ready for our top secret code.
Remember, we have got our code in our envelope.
This is super exciting.
Now, the first code is made up of the same shape repeated in a sequence.
For example, it might have five squares, or three triangles.
Your task today is to use the clue to crack the code.
Can everybody tell me who's going to help me today? I love that.
Everyone is going to help me to crack the code.
So, your clue, the shapes have 12 sides in total.
All the shapes are the same.
What could the code be? How many triangles have 12 sides? How many rectangles have 12 sides or squares? You may need a pencil and a paper, so you might want to draw the shapes.
Or you can use objects to make a shape.
You might want to use sticks.
Or you might want to use straws.
You can cut up the straws to make the shapes.
Now I want you to pause the video and have a go at cracking code one.
Good luck.
Did you have a go cracking the code? Oh, I'm excited to see what you think the code might be.
Now, let's open the code to see if you are correct.
So here we've got our envelope.
Let's see if you are correct.
We've got our code one.
Were you correct? We have got three squares, three rectangles, or four triangles that have 12 sides in total.
Give yourselves a big whoosh, if you've got it correct.
Whoosh! Now, I think that you are ready for the next secret code to crack.
In your Independent Task today, you are going to crack code two.
And in code two, the shapes have 24 sides in total.
All the shapes are the same.
How many triangles have 24 sides? How many squares have 24 sides? How many rectangles have 24 sides? So, I want you to crack code two.
Good luck.
How did you get on me cracking code two? Here are the answers.
Did you get the same as me? Well done, you are super detectives today.
Now, I've got a challenge for you.
Here is code three.
There is a clue.
The shapes have 15 sides in total.
All the shapes are the same.
I want you to think about what could be the code.
How did you get on? For code three? The answers is made up.
The code is made up of five triangles.
Well done and for all of your hard detective work.
I hope you've had fun cracking the code.
And don't forget to complete your End of lesson quiz.