Hi everyone, It's Miss.
Molnar here again.
So, I heard that Mrs. Evans, in the last lesson, asked you to go away and make your own pence shop at home.
What did you buy with your pennies? How much did some of the items cost? I bet you were buying some really interesting things.
Well, we're going to recap our learning from last time by looking at the screen in front of you.
I want to know how many one penny coins there are? So, we can use the sentence.
There are one penny coins.
The total value is P.
Have a go and count how many, one pennies you can see.
Well done, there are four, one pennies.
So let's say the sentence stem together.
There are four one penny coins.
The total value is four P.
And we can tell that from our pre-money tokens are tokens here.
Show us there's one dot.
So, that means our one penny coins are worth one.
So, we've got four of them, our total value is four.
So, I brought a friend back today that we know Harold the hedgehog, say hi Harold.
So Harold coming today to help us learn about some new coins.
Harold was just telling me that last time with Mrs. Evans, you were asked to go away and find some other coins in your home.
We want to know what did you find? What did you notice about their colours or their shape or their size? You can tell us about it now.
Well, we're sure that you found lots of interesting coins and maybe we're going to talk about some of them today.
All right.
So, if you don't have your coin collection in front of you, pause this video now, and go grab them because you're going to need them.
All right, so Harold's going to go get my collection for me.
And we're going to start off with this coin here.
That's already up on the screen.
And I think that we already know it.
So, each of our coins has two faces.
So, this coin here, this would be the tail's face and this would be the head face of it.
Now I know we already know this is a one pence coin because we've been doing some practising with it, but I'm going to flip it over on the screen.
That would be the tail side or the face.
And I want you to see, take a look at your one pence coin.
Is this the same image that you've got or do you have a different image on your tail's face? Sometimes, they actually have different images on the tail's face.
And sometimes that's to commemorate a special event or something in history, but it doesn't change the value of the pence coin.
There's still a one pence coin, even though they've got different images on them.
All right, let's go into, our new coin that we're going to introduce today.
Harold has grabbed it for me.
And I'm wondering if you can grab it as well.
So, this would be the head side.
And this would be the tail side on my coin.
I'm wondering if you can find the same now, in your collection have a go and see if you can find that coin.
And while you're looking for it, I'm going to hold up both this coin and the one P coin, next to each other.
'Cause I want us to think about what is the same about them, and what's different? Tell your adult now what you notice about them.
So, Harold said, he noticed that this coin is much larger than the one P coin.
That's right, it is bigger, you're so right.
It's still the same colour though, since some of the things are the same.
Is that, it's got the same copper colour but what else is different is if we look at our token here, it's got two dots on our token.
So, that means that this coin has a value of two and it's called a two pence coin.
So, let's say the sentence stem together, right at the top.
This is a two pence coin.
It has a value of two P.
Well done everyone.
All right, so we've looked at the one P coin and the two P coin.
Okay, and so when we said that this has a value, even though it's one coin it means it's worth two pennies or two pence.
Okay, even though it's one coin.
We're going to take a look at another coin that you might have in your collection.
So, Harold has gone to grab for me this little tiny coin.
I'm not going to tell you what it is.
I'm going to hold it up for you.
So, that would be the tail side.
And that would be the head side.
I wonder if you can find this coin in your collection and tell your adult what you think it might be.
And while you're doing it I'm going to hold it up next to my two P coin.
And I'm going to hold it up next to my one P coin.
What's the same? And what's different? Well, we know it's the same because it's got two faces.
I mean we know it's a coin, but there's a lot of difference in this one, isn't there? We can see that it's silver.
Yeah, and we can see that it's much smaller.
Oh, Harold has just been telling me though, Harold thinks, that because this coin is very, very small.
He thinks it must be worth less than two P because it's so tiny.
What do you think? Do you agree with Harold? Can you tell your adult what you think? Wow, if you said Harold was wrong, you are right.
That's okay Harold.
Even though this coin is very tiny, it is worth a five P or five pence.
We can see on the token that there's five dots.
So, it's got a value of five.
So, it doesn't matter that it's a smaller size.
The value is worth more.
Okay, so let's say the sentence stem together.
This is a five pence coin.
It has a value of five P.
Did you have the same image on your tail side as I did? I've got another image of a lion on this one.
I wonder if you've got the same or different picture.
'Cause again, remember there's some different images.
Oh, I found one actually, that's got a different image.
This one here.
So, I wonder if yours had some of the same.
All right, so that's both sides of the five P coin, but Harold has told me that he's got another coin for us to look at.
So he's going to go grab it for us.
Ooh, this coin here.
All right, I'm going to hold it up for you.
So, this would be the head side that you can see on the screen.
And this would be what's on my tail side of this coin.
See if you can find this coin in your collection now.
And I'm going to hold it up next to my five pence.
So, you can see that it's a little bit different.
What's the same, what's different this time about it? And how much do you think it might be worth? All right, did you find it? So, I agree as well.
It is a much bigger coin, isn't it? But it's also silver and it's also around.
I wonder how much it might be worth.
If you said 10, that it's worth 10, you're right.
This is a 10 pence coin.
It has a value of 10 P let's say the sentence stem together.
This is a 10 pence coin.
It has a value of 10 P.
Well done, now it is much bigger than the five P coin, so it can help us remember it's worth more.
But remember that's not always true.
So that's the other side.
Did you have the same image on the other face or did you have a different one? All right, so now we've got up on the screen.
All of the four coins that we've been talking about today.
A one P, two P, five P and 10 P.
And you can see the head and the tail side, as well as the token that shows how much the coin is worth.
All right, now that we've gone over our four coins, Harold thinks that we should play a game.
Do you want to play a game with us? All right, so Harold is going to put our coins that we've been talking about in a bag.
Tie is on, I'm going to get them ready with him in a bag here.
Okay, so we can't see them inside the bag.
All right, so I'm going to pick one up from the bag and I'm going to look at it and I'm going to describe it to you.
And I want you to see if you can guess what the coin is.
Are you ready? Okay, I have a coin.
It's about the same size as a penny, but it's silver.
I've given you two clues.
It's about the size of a penny, but it's a silver coin.
Can you tell your adults or us what you think it is? If you said a five P coin, you are right, because it's both the same size as a penny, but it's silver.
Well done.
All right, shall we have another go? All right, let me see.
What can I grab here, from my fairy bag? Oh okay, I've got one.
All right, here's my clues.
Don't look Harold! All right.
I've got a coin.
It's the largest coin that we've spoke about.
But it's value is less than five.
Can you tell your adult what coin you think it might be? It's a large coin, but its value is less than five.
All right, what do you think Harold ? If you said the two P coin your right, it's the largest coin that we've spoken about today in terms of its size.
But it's value is only worth two P, well done.
All right, so you can pause this video now and you can have a go at this game at home.
If you want with an adult or a sibling or a friend, so, you can pick a coin out of a bag, keep it hidden, and can you describe it to your friend and see if they can guess.
Well, we hope you enjoyed that game and I bet you can even play it later on if you're feeling a little bit bored.
So, now what we're going to do, is, I want you to grab these four coins in front of you.
So, you need a two pence coin a one pence, five pence, and a 10 pence coin.
So, you need those four coins in front of you now.
All right, once you have them in front of you, I would like you to put the coins in order of size, from the largest coin to the smallest coin.
So, remember that means how big the coin is in terms of its size.
So, I'd like you to put them in order right now from the largest coin to the smallest coin.
Have a go at that.
All right, let's look at what the order should look like.
So, our two pence coin is the largest size, then we've got our 10 pence, then we have our one pence and our five pence coin, well done.
So, we can see it goes from largest to smallest and below it, this is the value of their token.
So, just because I've put them in order of size you can see, it doesn't mean, that it's worth more.
Our two P coin is the largest coin but its only got a value of two.
Whereas, our five pence coin is the smallest coin but it's got bigger value than two P.
Alright, are we ready for our next challenge? I want you to take the same four coins but now I want you to put them in order of value, from the greatest value to the least value.
So, that's how much the coin is worth.
What would have the biggest value, and what has the least value put them in order now? All right, let's see what we've got.
So, we've got our 10 pence coin, then our 5 pence, then our two pence and then our one pence, is that the same order you had? And then we've got our pre-money tokens underneath.
There we go.
So, we can see the order from the greatest amount to the smallest amount.
While we really enjoyed learning about some new coins with you today.
And we've got another practise activity for you to do at home, as well as the game that we've already played where you can guess the coin.
We want you to take all of your collection of one, two, five and 10 P coins and see if you can sort them into piles.
So, we want to know how many, one P coin you have, how many, two P coin and so on.
So, you need to sort all of the same coins into the same pile.
So, it should sort of look something like this.
Okay, so I've got all my 10 Ps together, my two Ps, my five Ps and my one Ps.
Okay, so we want you to go away and see how many you have of each.
Thanks for listening today, everyone.