Hello, everybody, It's miss Sidhu here to do some more maths with you today.
Today, we're going to be looking at patterns and I've got a pattern on my top.
It's dark red and it's white.
I've got a stripey pattern, but today we're going to be looking at number patterns.
Now let's get started.
Today we're going to identify that means look at patterns within the sequence of numbers, and we will be completing some patterns too.
In today's lesson, this lesson is lesson 10 for the topic of numbers 100 and beyond.
You will need a paper and a pencil.
There are times where you might need to pause the video or to think about a question to have a go some of the activities yourself.
Now let's get started.
Today we're going to look at some key vocabulary, that means our star words.
Identifying patterns within a sequence of numbers, completing number patterns, an independent task and answers, and finally a quiz to see what we have learned.
Let's do our star words, star word, star words.
I'm going to say the star word first and then I want you to say after.
Increase, Sequence, Decrease, Pattern, one of us star word is increase, that means when the numbers are getting bigger in a sequence and they're getting further away from zero.
Decrease is another word in our star words.
Decrease means when the numbers are getting smaller in a number sequence, and they're getting closer to zero.
Now let's have a look at some number patterns.
Here we have a pattern, so let's get our brains warmed up.
In this number sequence, there's lots of numbers.
I want you to tell me what's happening in this sequence.
What can you see? Can you tell me, I'm going to try and listen.
Oh, I'm hearing lots of thoughts about this number sequence.
I even heard someone say it's going up in tens, super, it's going up in tens.
And I heard somebody say the word pattern, that's one of our star words.
And I heard somebody say that it's getting bigger or increasing, great work everyone, super-duper.
Now, I'd like to see and look at the ones.
What do you notice about the ones in this number sequence? What can you tell me about them? Can you shout you out to the screen? Wow, I can hear some fabulous ideas.
Oh, I can hear even more ideas.
Good work.
Let me share some of our thoughts.
I heard someone say that they can see lots of zeros.
You're right.
All the ones are zero.
Now let's say the numbers together.
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
I know these numbers are increasing.
That means the numbers are getting bigger and they're increasing by 10.
So the pattern is increasing by 10.
Now, let's have a look at some other patterns.
Here I have another set of numbers.
Let's have a look.
Is the pattern increasing or decreasing? I think we should recap what increase and decreasing means.
I know you've heard these words before in our maths, but let's try and see if we can jog our memory and remember what it means.
I know increasing means when the numbers are getting bigger and the value is getting greater.
So that means when the numbers are getting smaller, it is called decreasing.
The value is smaller or less.
Great recapping everyone.
Now, let's look back at our number pattern.
Let's say the numbers.
16, 14, 12, 10, eight.
So are the numbers increasing or decreasing? After three I want you to shout out increasing or decreasing.
Are you ready? One, two, three.
Wow, I think you're right.
The number pattern is decreasing because the numbers are getting smaller.
Great work.
Let's see if we can spot another pattern using the same numbers.
Within each number pattern we always need to find out how many it is increasing or decreasing by each time it jumps to another number.
Just like on a number line.
Here I have the number sequence on the number line.
I know we've done some number line work recently.
All of the numbers are circled on our number line.
What do you notice? Can you see the pattern? I want you to take a moment and have a look at the number sequence and see if you see any patterns.
When I blink, I want you to think, are you ready? And go.
Okay, let's have a look together and see if you were correct.
Each time a number jumps backwards down the number line, it makes the same amount of jumps.
Can you help me to count them? So we go from 16 to 14, we have one, two, two jumps.
Let's count going backwards from 14 to 12, one, two jumps again.
12 to 10, one, two, that's two jumps.
And let's see if it's going to be two jumps again from 10 all the way to eight, one, two, super each time it jumps two, so it is decreasing by two.
Now, let's have a look using our dienes.
Here is the same number sequence.
You can see how it is decreasing.
Shout out your answers, if you think it's getting bigger or smaller.
Super it's getting smaller, that means it's decreasing and it's decreasing by how many each time? Super, is decreasing by two each time.
Well done, you're getting really confident at shouting out the answers to me so I can hear them all the way from here.
Let's stay together.
The pattern is decreasing by two each time.
Super, let's look at another number sequence and see if it is increasing or decreasing.
Here we've got the numbers 30, 25, 20, 15.
Is the pattern increasing or decreasing? After three I want you to shout out, one, two, three, super, it is increasing.
Hmm, increasing? Mhhh, let's check again, 30, 25, 20, 15.
Super it's decreasing because the numbers are getting smaller.
We have to make sure we check and look at the numbers to make sure if it's increasing or decreasing.
And it is decreasing.
Thank you everyone for helping me.
But there's also one number that's missing.
We need to find out that number.
Hmm, how can we find out the missing number? Well, there's two things that we need to do.
The first one you've already told me is finding out if it's increasing or decreasing.
And we found out it's decreasing.
Hmm, but what can we do to find out how many times it's increasing by? Hmm.
Well, what should we do if we don't have a number line? I know lots of you haven't got dienes at home or a beach drink, hmm.
What else could we use? Uuh, we could use our hands, we can use our fingers to count.
I know that we can all, show me your fingers.
We can all count with our fingers.
Are you ready, show me your fingers.
So are you ready to use our fingers to help us to count? We need to start one of the numbers first to help us to count.
And then we need to find out the difference between each number.
What number shall we start with first, Mhhh, 15, let's start with the number 15.
We need to find the difference between 15 and 20.
Then we will know the difference between each number.
Great, now let's get started.
What I want you to do is everybody get, put the number 15 inside your head.
Let me see everybody put 15 inside your head.
And now we need to count up to the number 20 using our fingers.
So we're going to start with 15 in our head and count all the way to 20 using our fingers.
So we've got 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
I have got five fingers, if you got five fingers as well, give me a high five, supa.
It has got the difference of five, because it's decreasing we've put takeaway five.
Great, now let's try another one just to check that we've got five each time.
Let's start with the number, mhhh and your numbers, can you shout any numbers out? Let's start with the number 25.
This time I want you to put 25 inside your head, and then we're going to count all the way to 30, counting with our fingers.
So we put 25 in our head.
So 25, then 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 super.
We've got five fingers again.
That means the difference between each number is five.
Give me a high five everybody.
Well done.
Now that means each time is five.
So we can find out what the missing number could be.
So if the difference is five, so between the missing number and the number 15 is five.
So we could do 15 takeaway or 15 minus five.
Can anyone help me? Let's put the number 15 in our heads and this time we're going to take away five.
So 15, are you ready? 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.
The answer must be 10.
Did you get the same as me? Super-duper, well done.
Let's have a look.
It is the number 10, we've done some super, super counting, well done.
Now let's see if we can do that with another number sequence.
Let's use our head and our fingers.
You have got another sequence.
Remember, before we find out about the sequence, we need to find out two things.
First, we need to find out if it is increasing or decreasing.
Let's have a look at the sequence and find out if it is increasing or decreasing.
I want you to look at the numbers and then I want you to pause and think about if it's decreasing or increasing.
What do you think? Are you ready? Pause and freeze macaroni cheese.
Great job, the numbers are increasing, I nearly said decreasing then that was just to trick you.
It is increasing, the numbers are getting bigger.
So we've got 22,32, 52 and 62.
The numbers are increasing each time.
Remember how we used our fingers to do our number sequence to finding the difference in our head.
We need to do the same again for the missing number.
So let's practise again.
We need to put one of the numbers in our head.
Hmm, which number could we put in our head? Maybe we could put the number 22 in our head.
Everybody, let's put 22 in our head, and we need to count all the way to 32 using our fingers to find the difference.
So everybody put 22 in our heads and let's count on to 32.
So 22, so here we've got 22 in our heads, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.
I have to stop there.
That's 10 fingers that I've got, so the difference is 10.
It's increasing by 10.
Now let us double check if that's correct.
Let's choose a different number to start from.
Mhhh, let's start from the number 52.
If we start from the number 52, then we can count all the way to 62, let's check.
So 52 in our heads, 53 54 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62.
That's 10 again.
So each time it's increasing by 10.
So now we know the sequence is increasing by 10.
We need to work out the missing number.
So let's start at 32 and count on 10.
Are you ready? Everyone show me your 10 fingers.
So we need to count 10.
So let's put 32 in our head and off we go.
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42.
That's our 10 fingers, 42 is the answer.
Did you get 42 as well? Let's see if it's correct.
Good job everybody.
We have found the answer to the missing number.
I love all your counting today.
I'm so proud of you.
Now let's see what an independent task is.
Here we need to find out the pattern and compete the missing numbers.
Make sure you read the numbers first.
You might have seen some of these patterns before.
You can use your fingers to help you like we did some counters or even dienes.
Even if you've got numbers square you could have a look at the numbers there as well to work out the pattern.
Good luck.
After you finished task one, we've got task two.
I want you to find the pattern and complete the missing numbers.
Make sure you read the numbers and check if it's increasing or decreasing.
You can use your fingers, counters or dienes, or even a number square to help you.
Great counting.
Let's see if we can look at the answers now.
Remember in task one, we had to complete and find the pattern for the missing numbers.
Here are the answers.
I hope you did a good job.
There is task two.
You need to find the pattern and complete the missing numbers.
I hope you did well.
Great counting everybody.
That's the end already.
That was super super quick maths.
I hope you had lots and lots of fun.
And remember, keep looking out for all of the patterns that you might see at home.
Now, I want you to complete your end of lesson quiz to see what you have learned.
Bye everybody.