Hello my wonderful mathematicians It's me Ms. Charlton and my talk partner Hedwig and we are a little bit sad, but a little bit excited.
This is our last lesson in this unit.
We've done so much learning about all of the numbers within twenty.
We've done so much with them.
And so this lesson is the last one on this unit.
Shall we find out what we are going to be doing? We are going to consolidate our learning.
That means to check through all of the things we have learned along the way and put it all together.
Don't worry if you've missed lessons along the way because we are just going to recap it all today anyway and you'll have a really fun time exploring.
So, are you ready to get started? We're going to go over some key skills for the numbers within twenty and we are going to explore a magic number.
Sounds a bit special doesn't it? And then you're going to do you independent task at the end.
You're going to need a pencil and some paper today.
Let's go through our star words.
These are the oens we've been using quiet a lot along the way, but we will definitely need them today.
Get your hands ready! Hands up Star words! Tens! Ones! Equal Unequal Greater Smaller Let's see how many times those words pop up in today's lesson So this is our first magic number.
Can you see it's in the sunshine.
It's making me feel very happy today.
This magic number is the number sixteen and I've written that number and I'm going to show you how we can represent it in so many different ways.
So watch carefully because you're going to be doing this with your own magic number later in the lesson.
So the number sixteen looks like that.
We can also write it like this.
So another way of writing it is sixteen.
There's the word sixteen.
How can we represent sixteen on this number line? Now some of the numbers are missing on this number line, so we have to have a little bit of an estimate.
So, we think oh whereabouts will sixteen be? When I know that sixteen has got one ten and six ones, so its' definitely above the ten and it's definitely less than twenty, so it's going to be around about here.
So, that's about where I would put my number sixteen.
What about if I wanted to find one more and one less? So, here's my number sixteen and one more would be seventeen and one less would be fifteen on my number line.
So now we've looked at it as a digit, we've looked at how we can write the number sixteen, we've represented it as an estimate on the number line and now we've identified one more and one less.
Now we can show it using our tens and ones, so here I've used cubes.
I've used a group of ten cubes and then six ones.
You could use a red stick to represent a ten like I have done before and some raisins to represent the ones, or you could use anything to count with that you want to, or you could draw out the cubes.
Sixteen has got one ten and six ones.
Let's practise saying that, that full sentence together to get you practising.
Let's use Hedwig, shall we? Can you tell your talk partner, sixteen has got one ten and six ones.
Did you tell you talk partner as well? I think Hedwig wants to go back to sleep.
Sorry Hedwig.
Now, we can use it to compare.
So we can look at the number sixteen and we can compare it.
That means looking at the things that are similar and the things that are different.
So I'm going to use these sentences, these sentence starters and stems to help me compare the number sixteen to other numbers.
For example, sixteen, eight and nineteen.
Sixteen is greater than eight because it has one ten and six ones.
Eight is smaller than sixteen because it has zero tens and eight ones.
I've compare those two numbers using those sentence starters.
is the greatest number of the three I've compared? Let me have a look at those numbers.
I've got eight sixteen and nineteen, which is the greatest? Well, I can see nineteen is the furthest up on the number line it's got one ten and nine ones.
Nineteen is the greatest number of the three I compared.
Eight is the smallest number of the three I've compared because it doesn't have any tens, it just has eight ones.
So, so far we have done a lot of exploring with that number, haven't we? Just with the number sixteen.
We've told a really good story about it, but there's more.
We could then go on and see if we could find half of that number.
Now, I know that finding half means sharing equally between two groups.
So, for example, when I've shared with Hedwig before there one two.
Two people representing two groups.
So, let's see if we can share the number sixteen equally.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
There are my sixteen that I've counted out.
Have I shared them equally? Well I think I have because it looks like there's an equal number in each of those groups on each side of the box.
But, let's count to double check.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
There's eight in one side.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
There are an equal number! That's an equal number, I've shared it equally between two.
I have found half.
Half of sixteen is eight.
Can you say that? Well done.
Half of sixteen is eight.
Now we can have a think about whether that is equal or unequal.
Now, we already did that quiet carefully when we were finding whether it had half or not.
So, here can we share it equally.
One, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, ten eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen sixteen.
There are my sixteen sweets.
Is the number sixteen equal or unequal? The number is equal.
Well done! Because you can share it equally between the two Just like when we were talking about finding half, finding half is the same as being able to say whether a number is equal or unequal.
Now, it's your turn.
You need to explore the number eighteen.
So, I've started you off by drawing a sunshine and putting the number eighteen in it.
Your job with the other sunshine is to write the number eighteen.
Now eighteen is a tricky one to spell so don't worry if you get the spelling wrong, we'll come back and check it afterwards.
So, you write it, then you need to identify it on a number line having a use of that language, make sure you are talking about it all the way through.
You could discuss it with your talk partner.
For example, you might say eighteen well I know that's greater than ten, so I know that needs to be quiet far towards the twenty on my number line, so I'm going to put it about here.
And then you could put it on.
Then you need to identify one more and one less using that number line underneath.
What's one more than eighteen and one less than eighteen? Then you need to compare these three numbers.
The number eighteen, the number nine and the number nineteen.
Remember to use those sentences to help you compare the numbers referring to the tens and the ones.
Then, you need to share equally, to find half and figure out if it is equal or unequal.
Pause the vide now, have a go at all of those activities exploring the number eighteen.
If you want to write things down you can, or if you want to go through the pictures you can use those instead.
And once you have finished it, come back and we'll check the answers together.
How did everybody get on? Let's have a look.
Now that tricky spelling of number eighteen.
It's like this e-I-g-h-teen.
That's a very funny spelling isn't it? Don't worry if you get it wrong, but have a look at it now.
Then we need to have a look at it on the number line.
I estimated that it was around here because it's high up towards the twenty.
Then I identified that one more than eighteen was nineteen and one less than eighteen was seventeen.
Then I compared the numbers nineteen is greater than eighteen because it has one ten and nine ones and eighteen only has eight ones.
Eighteen is smaller than nineteen because it has one ten and eight ones, so there are fewer ones.
Nineteen is the greatest number of the three that I compared.
You can see it on the number line, it's all the way up near the twenty.
Nine is the smallest number of the three that I compared.
Now I found this activity a little bit tricky because the number nine and the number eighteen confused me because eighteen has only got eight ones and nine has got nine ones.
But, then I thought to myself.
No, Ms. Charlton, eighteen has also got a ten and you must remember to count the ten as well.
So, I nearly got tricked there.
Then you had a look to see if you could find half and you found out that you could share it equally.
Shall we count? What's half of eighteen? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
There are nine in each group, which measn that it is an equal number.
Half of eighteen is equal to nine.
And that's and equal number.
Well done.
I really hope you enjoyed exploring that magic number with me today.
I've had a great time learning with you.
Shall we wake up Hedwig and tell her what we've done? Now, Hedwig you have been quiet helpful to me today with my talk work, so thank you so much for that.
But, just in case you missed some of the learning, let's have a think about what we did.
Well, we explored a magic number and we found that we could represent it in so many different ways.
Have a think, which ways did we represent it? Who can think? Can you shout them at the screen? Tell me all the different ways you used to explore that number.
I could hear, yep, we wrote in words.
Yes, numerals, that's right.
We wrote numerals for it.
And then we put it on a number line.
And using that number line we identified one more, Well done everybody.
And one less.
Good we identified that as well.
Then we compared it to other numbers to find the ones that were greater and the ones that were smaller, using our knowledge of tens and ones.
And the finally we had to check whether the number was equal or unequal, whether it was a fair or unfair number by seeing if we could find half and sharing equally between two groups.
Gosh that was a lot of learning Hedwig, wasn't it? Do you think that you would be able to explore a number in that many ways? [Squeaking and screeching Owl] She does! And she's nodding! She seems really happy with the learning.
You have done an incredibly job, let's finish off with a roller coaster clap.
Are you ready? Get your hands ready! Chicka chicka chicka chicka, woo woo woo! Well done everybody.
I've really enjoyed learning with you and I'll see you again very soon.
Bye Bye!.