Sequencing events in chronological order.
Hello, everybody, it's Miss Sidhu here.
And I'm going to be working with Mrs. Bramble to do some wonderful maths with you today.
Today we are learning to order different events, and these events might be things that we're doing all day long, such as brushing our teeth or eating our breakfast.
Now, let's get started.
In today's lesson, we are going to recap months of the year, order daily events, an independent task, and an end of lesson quiz to see what we have remembered.
You will need a pencil and a paper.
There are times in the video that you may need to pause the video to have a go at some of the activities yourself.
Now let's get started.
Naming the months of the year Let's see if we can recap all of the names of the months of the year.
Let's start with January and go all the way through to December.
Some of you might know a song that we might sing.
I'm going to sing it and you can sing the names of the months with me.
January, February, March and April, May, June, July and August, September, October, November, December.
These are the months of the year.
12 months, oh yeah.
Great work, everyone.
Here we have the months of the year.
Let's see if we can fix this problem.
Here are the months of the year, but for some reason they don't seem quite right.
Can you help me to fix them? I know that the first month of the year is January.
Then comes February.
You can do a thumbs up if you agree, and a thumbs down if you disagree.
Then next is March.
And then we have April.
What comes after April? Can you shout it out? May.
Oh dear, where is May? Can you help me to spot May on our page? Have you found it yet? It begins with a M sound, and it has the A sounds at the end.
Can you tell me it is? That's June, November.
Here we go.
M-ay, May.
Thank you for helping me.
Now let's put it in the right place.
There it is.
Okay, so now we've moved it.
Let's keep on going.
Now we've got May, next comes June, then it's July.
And you've got your thumbs up.
Then comes, what month comes next? August.
Then September.
Then we've got October, and then November, which is my favourite month, because that's when my birthday is.
And finally, the last month of the year is, can you shout it nice and loud? December.
Good work, everybody! Thank you for helping me.
Now, each day we have things that we need to do, such as brushing our teeth, eating our breakfast, and getting dressed, and lots of other things that we do.
But we tend to do lots of things in order.
For example, we don't brush our teeth before we get out of bed in the morning.
That means we have to do things in a certain order.
Can we say we need to do them in order.
Now I want you to think about what have you done today? You can tell the person next to you, or you can tell me to the screen.
I can hear lots of you say that you had breakfast this morning.
Lots of you said brushing your teeth.
I did the same too.
Now, what is a day? I want you to pause the video and have a think about what you think a day is.
Or how we can split the day up.
Pause the video, have a think.
What is a day, and how we can split it up, and tell the person next to you.
How did you get on? We can split the day up into three different sections.
We've got morning, afternoon, and evening.
You might have said some others.
Now let's think about all of the things that we do in the mornings.
I know in the mornings we brush our teeth.
Everybody show me brushing our teeth.
We get dressed.
Let's pretend we're getting dressed.
And we eat our breakfast.
Pretend we're eating our breakfast.
What do you do in the morning? Lots of you do the same as me.
For your talk task today, I'd like you to think about all of the things that you do in the afternoons.
So what do you do in the afternoons? I'll help you out.
Lots of us have lunch in the afternoons.
I want you to pause the video and talk to the person next to you.
All of the daily things you do in the afternoon.
So pause and think, and then tell the person next to you.
Let's have a look at the images on the screen.
Here we have Little Red Riding Hood.
Let's all wave at Little Red Riding Hood.
And she is doing some tasks, but she needs to do them in order.
We are going to have a go at describing these events in order, using some time adverbials or time opens you might call them.
Such as, first, then, next, and finally.
So first, Little Red Riding Hood says goodbye to her mum.
Then, she walks past the market.
After that, she talks to the woodcutter.
Can you see the woodcutter? He's telling her to beware of the wolf.
Next, she walks through the forest to her grandma's house, and finally, Little Red Riding Hood arrives at her grandma's house.
So we use all of those different time adverbials.
We use first, we use after that, we use then, we use next, and finally.
Now let's think about the routine that you would have when you go to school.
What is the first thing that you do out of all the above activities.
You've got assembly, a maths lesson, lunchtime, register, playtime, collecting coats and bags.
So what's the first thing you do? Then what would be the last thing you do in your morning routine? I want you to pause the video, and have a think about the routine you would have at school.
I want you to use the time adverbials first, next, then, after that, finally.
You might have some other time adverbials that you know.
How did you get on? Were you able to put them in order using our time adverbials? So which activity would you do first? I think you're right.
First would be the register.
Now what would be next? It might be different to what you might do in the mornings, but some schools next, have an assembly.
Then what would we do? Then playtime.
After that, a maths lesson just like this one.
And before you go to lunch, you need to get your coat and bag.
And finally, it's lunchtime.
Your routine might look a little bit different, but that's okay.
Now for your independent tasks today, you need to have a go at creating your own routine just like the one we've done together.
It could be part of your afternoon, or even your bedtime routine.
Now what routine are you going to draw? You can use these time adverbials to help you describe the events in chronological order.
And you can draw what the event is in these boxes.
You can pause the video to complete your task.
I want you to share your work with Oak National.
Please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging @OakNational, and #LearnwithOak.
You did a great job today with sequencing the events in order.
Now I want you to complete your quiz.
Even I had a go at completing mine.
I've got first, brushing my teeth, then next I get dressed.
I think yours would probably be better than mine.
Now, I want you to complete your quiz to think about everything that we've learned and now that's bye.