
Lesson video

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Hi there.

My name is Ms. Coe.

I am really excited to be learning with you today as we continue to think about addition and subtraction within 10.

If you are ready, let's get going.

So this lesson is within the unit Addition and Subtraction Facts Within 10.

And by the end of this lesson, you'll be able to say that you can solve problems using knowledge and strategies to add five and three and six and three.

If you're ready, let's get going.

Our keyword today is strategies.

I'm going to say it and I'd like you to say it back.

My turn, strategies.

Your turn.

Excellent work, well done.

I want you to listen really carefully and see if you can use that word in our lesson today.

Our lesson today is about solving problems to add five and three and six and three, and there are two parts to our learning today.

In the first part, we're going to be focusing on adding five and three, and in the second part, we're going to be focusing on adding six and three.

Let's get started with our first cycle.

In our lesson today, we're going to be joined by Sam and Jacob and they are going to be helping us out with our learning.

Sam and Jacob are in a PE lesson.

I like a PE lesson.

Do you enjoy PE? What do you like doing in your PE lesson? Well, Sam and Jacob are throwing some beanbags.

Sam throws five beanbags into the target box.

Jacob throws three into the box.

Sam and Jacob are looking at the ways they could work out how many beanbags they have thrown into that box altogether.

Let's see what they decide to do.

We know that we are solving the equation five plus three is equal to hmm.

One child threw five beanbags into the box, the next one threw three beanbags into the box and we need to know how many there are altogether.

Sam says that the problem is adding more than just one more, so it's not a consecutive number.

Jacob says that he agrees with that and he says that five is an odd number, but we are not adding two to the odd number, so we can't just think about the next odd number either.

Hmm, I wonder how they're going to work it out.

Jacob says they can't use a strategy that they've learned to use five plus three.

So Jacob and Sam don't know how they're going to solve this problem.

I wonder if you can help.

Oh, hang on.

Sam has just remembered something.

Sam says that she learned about five and a bit, so she can think about this number as five and three more.

Five and a bit.

Sam shows Jacob using her hands.

We have one part of five and we have a bit.

In this case, the bit is three, so we've got three more fingers.

We can also see that on a number frame.

So we've got here five and three.

You can see five on one side and three on the other.

Five and three is equal to eight.

Now to work that out, we could count on from five.

Six, seven, eight.

Five and three is equal to eight.

"That means," Sam says, "that they've scored eight points because together they got eight beanbags into the target box." Well done, you too.

Time to check your understanding.

Which of these representations accurately shows five plus three? So we have one representation here, another representation here, another one here, and one more here.

Which of these do you think accurately shows five plus three? Feel free to talk to a friend, pause the video here and come back when you're ready.

Welcome back.

What did you think? Which of these four representations shows five plus three accurately? Well, the first one, we can see one part of five and one part of three, and we can easily see that the whole is eight.

The ladybird also shows five plus three is equal to eight.

One side of its wing has three spots, the other side has five spots.

There are eight spots altogether.

Three and five are equal to eight.

Hmm, what about the other two? Well, the vase does not have a group of three flowers and a group of five flowers.

I can't easily see a group of three and a group of five.

And the 10-frame where I can see one part of five, hmm, that's a part of four and I was looking for a part of three.

So they do not show five plus three.

Well done if that's what you said.

Sam and Jacob are now trying to see how the strategies they've learned could be used to solve the problem.

So we're still thinking about five plus three.

Sam suggests that we could use adding two to an odd number to solve five plus three because we know that five plus two is equal to seven.

So if we know that five plus two is equal to seven, Sam's going to show that using her counters.

She's going to show five counters and then show two more.

We know that five plus two is equal to seven.

The first addends, five, are the same, but we want five plus three.

So that addend is one more and we know that if one of the addends is one more, then the sum's going to be one more as well.

One more than seven is eight, so five plus three is equal to eight.

Great thinking, Sam, a nice strategy to use.

We can see there that we now have eight counters.

We've added one more counter.

So Sam and Jacob think about other strategies.

Sam says that we could also use a near-double fact to solve five plus three.

We know that four plus four is equal to eight, or double four is equal to eight.

Now that's a fact that we know.

And so, she's again going to show this on her counters.

We've got four and four more, so we know that that's a fact.

Now in this example, the first addends, one of them is one more and one is one less.

Now as one addend is one more and one is one less, there are the same number of counters altogether.

So five plus three is equal to eight.

We can show that by changing the counters.

We can now see that we have a part of five and a part of three and that still makes eight counters.

Sam shows this new fact on a part-part-whole model.

Can you help us say the missing numbers? Let's have a look together at this first one.

The whole is eight, one part is five.

So the missing number is three.

Can you say that with me? The missing number is three.

Great work.

Well done, five plus three is equal to eight.

I'm gonna leave you to do that one on your own.

What is the missing number? Great work.

My turn, the missing number is three.

Your turn.

Well done.

What about this one? What's missing this time? My turn, the missing number is eight.

Your turn.

Great work, five plus three is equal to eight.

In this case, the whole was missing, which was eight.

What about this time? My turn, the missing number is five.

Your turn.

We know that three plus five is equal to eight.

Jacob thinks that using this part-whole model, we can see more than just five plus three is equal to eight.

So we can write more than one equation.

Let's see what Jacob thinks.

Jacob says that addition is commutative.

So we know that three plus five is also equal to eight.

Remember the addends can go in either order, so both of these are correct.

We can also subtract one of the parts from the whole.

So we can also say that eight subtract three is equal to five, and because three plus five is equal to eight, we can also say that eight subtract five is equal to three.

So we have two more equations.

There are four equations that we can write from just this one part-whole model.

Jacob has shown one of the equations using a number line.

Hmm, I wonder what the missing part is on this representation.

Can you see what number would go in the box? Sam says the step has started at eight and ended at three.

Can you see that on the number line? Sam knows that eight subtract five is equal to three.

So the missing part must be five.

Eight count back or subtract five is equal to three.

Time for your first task.

For question one, choose one of the equations and create your own representation to match.

So you could choose five plus three is equal to eight, three plus five is equal to eight, eight subtract three is equal to five or eight subtract five is equal to three.

You can use any of those equations and choose your own representation to match it.

We've put some ideas on the screen, but you might want to choose your own.

And then for question two, find the missing numbers.

So the first three are equations.

For example, five plus three is equal to hmm.

What is the missing number? The middle two are number lines.

So look really carefully at where it starts and ends and what is being added or subtracted.

And then finally, you have a word problem.

Sam saved up three pounds and got five pounds for her birthday.

How much money does she have altogether? Can you show that on a bar model? Pause the video here and have a go at those two tasks.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Let's have a look together.

So there are lots of ways you could have represented one of the equations, so don't worry if yours doesn't look like ours.

Sam decided to show eight subtract three is equal to five using a 10-frame and some stones.

She said she's going to put eight stones on the 10-frame and take away three because that represents eight subtract three is equal to five.

Jacob decided to show three plus five is equal to eight using cubes.

He used three blue cubes and five yellow cubes.

And he can say that this represents three plus five is equal to eight.

Remember, your representations might have looked different to that, but that's fine as long as you could explain it to a friend.

And let's look at the missing numbers.

For A, five plus three is equal eight.

For B, we had something is equal to eight subtract five.

Well, we know that three is the missing number there.

And then, we had eight subtract something is equal to five and the answer there was also three.

Well done if you got those.

For our first number line, we started at five and we did a step or a jump of three that would take us to eight.

And for E, we started at eight and we ended up on three.

So we did a jump of five, so minus five there.

And for F, Sam saved up three pounds and got five pounds for her birthday.

How much money does she have altogether? Well, our parts were three and five because this is how much money Sam got each time and the whole, the total amount of money is eight.

Well done if you got all of those.

Let's move on to our second cycle, which is adding six and three together.

Are you ready? Let's go.

The class get together for a snack.

Sam has six strawberries and Jacob has three strawberries.

They want to know how many strawberries they have altogether.

So Sam and Jacob are going to look at the ways that they can work out how many strawberries they have altogether.

They know that they are thinking about six plus three is equal to something.

Sam says this problem is adding more than one more.

Three is more than one, so it's not a consecutive number.

Jacob agrees.

And he also says that six is an even number, but it's not adding two.

So it can't just be the next even number.

Jacob doesn't think that they have a strategy for finding six plus three.

Hmm, I wonder if you can think of a strategy that you've learned.

Sam says they could use their knowledge of five and three to see it as one more.

So Sam knows that five plus three is equal to eight.

So six plus three is equal to nine.

Hmm, I wonder if you saw that.

Let's have a look at that on a representation.

Here we can see six plus three.

We can show it like this.

We have one part of six and one part of three.

Six plus three is equal to nine.

"And we had nine strawberries altogether," says Sam, "and they were delicious." Do you like strawberries? They're one of my favourite fruits.

Time to check your understanding.

Which of these representations show six and three? First one, there's another one and another and another.

So which of these representations show six and three? Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Well, I can see on the 10-frame, I can see six blue counters and three red counters.

I can see six and three.

Six plus three is equal to nine.

I can also see the bears.

I have six bears of one colour and three bears of another colour.

So that also shows three plus six is equal to nine.


Now if I look at my number shapes, I can see a part of four and a part of three.

That's not six and three.

So it shows four plus three is equal to seven.

And if I look at my domino, I can see one part of six and one part of four, not three.

So I can say that six plus four is equal to 10.

Sam and Jacob are now trying to see how the strategies that they've learned could be used to solve the problem six plus three is equal to hmm.

Sam says that she could use a number pair to 10 to solve six plus three because she knows that six and four make 10.

Six plus four is equal to 10.

So she's going to use her counters to show that problem.

She's going to put six counters and then add four more counters.

That shows six plus four is equal to 10.

The first addends are the same, but in our problem, six plus three, the addend is one less.

So if the addend is one less, then the sum has to be one less.

One less than 10 is nine.

So six plus three is equal to nine.

Sam shows this new fact on a part-part-whole model.

Can you help her say the missing numbers? Let's do this one together.

The whole is nine, one part is six.

So I can say the missing number is three.

I can see six and three make nine.

Six plus three is equal to nine.

I wonder if you can say the missing number.

That's right, the missing number is three.

My turn, the missing number is three.

Your turn.

Great job.

Next one, what's the missing number here? That's right, my turn, the missing number is nine.

Your turn.

Well done.

And finally, what is the missing number here? That's right, my turn, the missing number is six.

Your turn.

Jacob says that using this part-part-whole model, he can see more than just six plus three is equal to nine.

Wonder if you can see any other equations from this part-part-whole model.

Jacob knows that addition is commutative.

So he also knows that three plus six is equal to nine and he can write that one down.

And he also knows that you can subtract a part from the whole.

So if six plus three is equal to nine, then we can say that nine subtract three is equal to six.

And we can also say that if three plus six is equal to nine, nine subtract six is equal to three.

So we can write four equations for this part-part-whole model.

Jacob shows one of those equations on a number line.

Hmm, what's the missing part of this representation? Sam says that she can see that the stepper started at nine and ended at six and she knows that nine subtract three is equal to six.

So the missing parts must be three.

Nine subtract three is equal to six.

Time for your second task.

I would like you to choose one of the equations that you can see here and create your own representation to match.

So remember, you can use anything you like to show either six plus three is equal to nine, three plus six is equal to nine, nine subtract three is equal to six or nine subtract six is equal to three.

For task two, I'd like you to find the missing numbers.

So we have some equations, six plus three is equal to hmm.

Then you have some number lines.

So think really carefully about what is there and what is not there, what's missing.

And then finally, you have a word problem.

Jacob's team scored nine points altogether.

If he scored three points, how many points did his teammates score? Pause the video here and have a go at those two tasks.

And welcome back.

How did you get on? So remember that there are lots of different ways that you could have represented your fact.

Sam decided to use playdough balls to show nine subtract six is equal to three.

She made nine balls and then she squished six of them to show that nine subtract six is equal to three.

I like that idea a lot.

Jacob decided to draw a domino tile that showed six and three to show that six plus three is equal to nine.

Remember your answers might have looked different to this, but hopefully you represented two parts, one of three, one of six and the whole which was nine.

For question two, six plus three is equal to nine, the sum is nine.

In the second example, something is equal to nine subtract three.

The missing number there is six.

And then nine subtract hmm is equal to three.

The missing number was also six.

In our first number line, we started at three and we added on a six, which took us to nine.

So the missing number was nine.

And in E, we started at nine and the jump went back to three.

So we subtracted six.

And then for our word problem, we know that Jacob and his teammate scored nine points altogether, so our whole is nine.

Jacob scored three points, so his teammate must have scored six points because six and three make nine.

Six plus three is equal to nine.

Well done if you got all of those correct.

We've come to the end of our lesson, so hopefully you are more confident in solving problems, adding five and three and six and three.

Let's summarise our learning.

Addition and subtraction facts for the pairs five and three and six and three can be related to known facts and different strategies.

And remember, you have lots of different strategies for addition and subtraction.

Five and three can be calculated using a five and a bit context.

Six and three can be calculated by relating it to six plus four is equal to 10, which is a known fact.

Thank you so much for learning with me today.

I hope you've had as much fun as I have and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
