
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs. Cayley, and I'm going to help you with your learning today.

So in today's lesson, we're going to learn how to solve problems using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.

Here's the outcome of today's lesson.

I can solve problems using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

We've got four keywords today.

We've got whole, part, partition, and part-whole model.

Can you repeat them after me? My turn, whole.

Your turn.

My turn, part.

Your turn.

My turn, partition.

Your turn.

My turn, part-whole model.

Your turn.

Now, you might know what some of these words mean already.

First of all, we've got whole.

This means we've got a whole object or a whole group of objects.

We've got all of them, none of them are missing.

Then we've got part.

This means we've got part of the whole group or part of an object.

We haven't got it all.

Some of them are missing.

Then we've got partition.

That means we're going to split a whole into parts.

And then we've got part-whole model.

This is a representation or a diagram used to represent a whole partitioned into parts.

Let's start on the learning.

Here's today's lesson outline.

So we are going to solve problems using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

We're going to start the lesson by solving problems using a part-whole model, and then we'll think about some partitioning stories.

So let's start on the first part of the lesson.

Here are some children that are going to help us with today's lesson.

We've got Lucas, Sofia, and Jacob.

Let's start on the learning.

Lucas is putting some cakes on three plates for his friends.

Can you see his whole group of cakes there? I wonder how many cakes he's got in his whole group.

Should we count them together? Can you help me? One, two, three, four, five, six cakes.

There are six cakes in the whole group.

Lucas said my friends want the same amount each, so we're going to try to put the same amount of cakes on each plate.

How many cakes will be on the plates? Let's have a go at sharing out these cakes.

Let's count them as we partition them into the parts.

One, two, three, four, five, six cakes.

Lucas said I put two cakes on each plate.

Six is the whole, two is a part, two is a part, and two is a part.

Lucas said my friends have the same amount each.

Did you see that the parts were the same? We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Can you see how we've put the numbers to represent the cakes? We had six cakes in the whole group and we had two cakes in each part.

Lucas said the parts are the same.

He said the parts are smaller than the whole.

What does the six represent? So what does that six at the top of the part-whole model mean? What does it stand for? It represents six whole cakes.

That was the whole.

What does each two represent? Can you see the two in each of the parts on the part-whole model? What do the twos represent? What do they mean? They mean there's two cakes in each part.

Lucas is putting the cakes on three plates in a different way.

So do you remember we've got six cakes in the whole group? He's going to put 'em on the plates in a different way.

This time, Sofia said I would like three cakes and Jacob said I would like one cake.

How many cakes will be on the plates? Let's give Sofia three cakes.

Should we count them as we do it? One, two, three cakes, and Jacob wanted one cake.

So let's give one cake to Jacob.

How many cakes are going to be on the last plate? That's right.

We've got two cakes on the last plate.

Lucas said I put a different number of cakes on each plate.

Six is the whole, three is a part, two is a part, and one is a part.

We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Can you see the numbers have been put onto the part-whole model? We had six cakes in the whole and we split it up into parts.

Lucas said the parts are different.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

What does the six represent? Have a look at the six at the top of the part-whole model.

What does that stand for? What does that mean? The six represents six whole cakes.

That's how many cakes Lucas had to begin with.

What does the three represent? Can you see the three on the part-whole model? What does that mean? What does that represent? That three represents three cakes in one part, they were Sofia's cakes, do you remember? What does the two represent on the part-whole model? Can you see the two in the middle there? What does that mean? That means two cakes in one of the parts.

Do you remember? That was the plate in the middle? What does the one represent on the part-whole model? Can you see the one at the bottom there? What does that mean? That one represents one cake in one of the parts.

That was Jacob's cake, do you remember? Lucas is putting these nine cakes on three plates.

Lucas said my friends want the same amount each.

How many cakes will be on the plates? So we're going to partition the nine cakes into three parts and we want to try to make the parts the same.

Let's count the cakes as we do it.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine cakes.

Lucas said I put three cakes on each plate.

Nine is the whole, three is a part, three is apart, and three is a part.

Lucas said my friends have the same amount each.

We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Can you see how we've put the numbers to represent the cakes? Can you see we had nine cakes as the whole, and the nine has been partitioned into three parts? What does the nine represent? What does the nine mean on that part hole model? It means nine whole cakes.

That's how many cakes there were at the start.

What does each three represent on the part-whole model? Look at the parts that all have a three in them.

What does that three mean? The three represents three cakes in each part.

Lucas is asking is there another way it can be done? Is there a different way that nine can be partitioned into three parts? Yes.

Let's try.

Lucas is trying a different way to put his cakes on three plates.

So here we've got the nine cakes in the whole again.

We're going to try a different way to put them on the plates.

Let's count them as we put them on the plates.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Lucas said this time, I put five cakes on one plate, then I put two cakes on the other two plates.

We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Can you see the nine whole cakes at the top? And that's been partitioned into three parts.

This time, the parts aren't the same.

What does the nine represent? What does the nine mean in that part-whole model? It means nine whole cakes.

That's how many we had to begin with.

What does the five represent on the part-whole model? Can you see the five there in one of the parts? What does that mean? The five represents five cakes in one part.

What does each two represent on the part-whole model? Can you see, we've got two parts that have got the number two in? What does that mean? That means there are two cakes in two of the parts.

Lucas is asking is there another way it can be done? Is there a different way he could have partitioned nine cakes into three parts? Yes, the group can be split in many different ways.

Here's a different way it could have been done.

Nine has been partitioned into four, three, and two.

What does the nine represent in this part-whole model? It represents nine whole cakes.

What does the four represent in this part-whole model? The four represents four cakes in one of the parts.

What does the three represent? The three represents three cakes in one part.

What does the two represent? The two represents two cakes in one part.

Lucas is wondering is there another way it can be done? Yes, there are lots of ways this one can be done.

The group can be split in many ways.

Here's a different way it could be done.

Here, we've got nine whole cakes and it's been partitioned into three parts.

We've got seven cakes in one part, and one cake, and another one cake.

What does the nine represent in this part-whole model? The nine represents nine whole cakes.

What does the seven represent? What does the seven mean? That means seven cakes in one of the parts.

What does each of the ones represent in the part-whole model? They represent one cake in two of the parts.

Let's check your understanding.


we've got some cakes on a plate.

How many cakes are there in the whole? Should we count 'em together? One, two, three, four, five cakes.

Is Sofia correct? Sofia said I can put three cakes on one plate and three cakes on another plate.

Do you think she's right? Pause the video and think about this one.

Sofia thought she can put three cakes on one plate and three cakes on another plate.

Let's see if she's correct.

Let's put one, two, three, four, five cakes.

She has not got three cakes on each plate, has she? She was not correct.

Let's check your understanding again.

Here, we've got six cakes in the whole.

Is Jacob correct? Jacob said I can put three cakes on one plate and three cakes on another plate.

Pause the video and think about whether he's right.

What did you think about this one? Let's see if he can put three cakes on each plate.

One, two, three, four, five, six cakes.

Has he got three on each plate? Yes.

Jacob was correct.

We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Here's Jacob's cakes.

You can see six was the whole and it was partitioned into three cakes and another three cakes.

What does the six represent? It represents six whole cakes.

What does the three represent? The three represents three cakes in each part.

Let's check our understanding again.

Here, we've got six cakes in the whole group.

Is Lucas correct? Lucas said I can put two cakes on each plate.

Can you see he's got three plates this time? Pause the video and think about whether he's correct.

What did you think about this one? Can Lucas put two cakes on each plate? Let's try.

One, two, three, four, five, six cakes.

Yes, there are two cakes on each plate.

Lucas was correct.

We can represent the cakes on a part-whole model.

Here's Lucas' six cakes, that was the whole, and he partitioned his six cakes into two, two, and two.

What does the six represent? The six represent six whole cakes.

What does the two represent? The two represent two cakes in each part.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

The three friends, Lucas, Jacob, and Sofia, are putting five cakes onto three plates.

Can you show how they could do it? You could try this with real cakes or real objects, or you could write it down on a piece of paper.

See if you can partition five in different ways.

Pause the video and have a go.

How did you get on with your task? We ask you to partition five cakes into three parts in different ways.

You might have tried the same ways that I did.

I put three cakes in one part, one cake in one part, and one cake in one part, and then I tried it a different way.

I had my five cakes partitioned into two, two, and one.

How did you do it? Let's move on to the second part of the lesson.

We're going to be looking at some partitioning stories.

Lucas has three conkers in one pocket and two conkers in the other.

How many conkers does he have altogether? How many conkers are in each part? And how many conkers are in the whole? I can see we've got three conkers in one part and two conkers in one part.

How many conkers are in the whole? He has five conkers altogether, so that's the whole.

We can show the answers on a part-whole model.

Here we've got our parts, three conkers and two conkers.

Three is a part and two is a part.

I wonder what the hole's going to be.

Let's combine the parts to make the whole.

Three conkers and two conkers can be combined to make five conkers.

Five is the whole.

Let's look at a different story.

Jacob has six conkers.

Here are his six conkers.

If there are three conkers in one pocket, how many conkers are in the other pocket? So we know that six is the whole, and we're going to partition six into two parts.

One of the parts will have three conkers.

I wonder what the other part will have.

How many conkers are in the whole? That was six conkers.

How many conkers are in each part? There are three conkers in one pocket and three conkers in the other, so I'm going to split the whole into two parts, three and three.

We can show the answers on a part-whole model.

Can you see, six is the whole? We're going to partition it into two parts.

We're going to partition it into three and three.

Six is the whole, three is a part, and three is a part.

Here's another story.

Sofia, Jacob, and Lucas have five marbles.

How many marbles could they have each? We're going to partition the marbles into three parts and we're going to show the answers on a part-whole model.

Here's a part-whole model with one way of doing it.

Five can be partitioned into three, one, and one.

Lucas wants to know, is there another way we can do it? Yes, there is a different way we can do it.

We could partition five into two, two, and one.

Lucas wants to know if there's a different way we can do it.

I wonder if there is.

Let's check your understanding.

Can you spot the mistake here? Look at the part-whole model and look at the marbles that the children have got.

Can you see the mistake? Pause the video and think about this one.

So I can see that the three children have got two marbles each, and the whole is seven.

That's not right, is it? The hole should be six.

Let's check your understanding again.

Can you spot the mistake? Look carefully at the part-whole model and look at the marbles that the children have got.

Can you see the mistake? Pause the video and think about this one.

That's right, one of the parts should be one.

Lucas has only got one marble.

The whole should be five.

There are only five marbles in the whole group.

Let's check your understanding again.

Can you spot the mistake here? Can you see the part-whole model and the marbles that the children have got? Can you spot the mistake? Pause the video and think about this one.

That's right, the whole should be six.

There are only six marbles, not seven.

Let's have another story.

Lucas, Jacob, and Sam are making up a story.

Lucas said we had 10 marbles in the whole.

Lucas said I had four marbles in my part.

Jacob said I had two marbles in my part.

Sofia said I had four marbles in my part.

Does that make 10 in the whole group? Let's count them and check.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 marbles.

There are 10 marbles in the whole.

They have made a part-whole model to go with their story.

Can you see the 10 marbles in the whole group? That's at the top of the part-whole model.

Can you see Lucas' four marbles and Jacob's two marbles and Sofia's four marbles? They've been written in the parts.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you write a story to go with this part-whole model? I can see that we've got eight in the whole group, and we've got four, three, and one in the parts.

Have a go at writing a story to go with this part-whole model, and you could use counters or you could draw circles to represent your story.

Here's the second part of your task.

Can you use the part-whole models to write your own stories? You could use counters to represent your story.

So pause the video and have a go at your tasks.

So how did you get on with your task? We asked you to write a story to go with the part-whole model.

So Lucas, Jacob, and Sofia have written a story about cakes.

Lucas said we had eight cakes in the whole.

I had four cakes on my plate.

Sofia said I had one cake on my plate.

And Jacob said I had three cakes on my plate.

What story did you write to go with the part-whole model? Can you tell it to a friend? How did you get on on the second part of your task? I asked you to write some partitioning stories and to represent them on a part-whole model.

Did you use counters to help you? Can you tell your stories to a friend and show them your part- whole models? We've got to the end of our lesson.

Today, we were solving problems using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

This is what we found out.

A whole group can be partitioned into two or more parts.

The parts might look different or they might look the same.

Each part will be smaller than the whole group.

The parts can be combined to make the whole group.

A part-whole model can be used to represent a whole partitioned into two or more parts.

Problems can be solved using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into parts.

Well done, everyone.

See you next time.