Hello, I'm Mrs. Cayley and I'm going to help you with this lesson.
So in today's lesson we're going to explain what odd and even numbers are and the difference between them.
So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.
Here's the outcome of today's lesson.
I can explain what odd and even numbers are and the difference between them.
Here are the key words for today's lesson.
Can you repeat them after me? My turn, odd.
Your turn.
My turn, even.
Your turn.
Do you know what these words mean? So odd numbers cannot be made of pairs or groups of two.
They've got an extra one.
Odd numbers end in one, three, five, seven, or nine.
Even numbers can be made of pairs or groups of two, and even numbers end in two, four, six, eight or zero.
Here's today's lesson outline.
We're going to explain what odd and even numbers are and the difference between them.
We'll start off by looking at odd and even numbers and then we'll look at odd and even patterns.
So let's start on the learning.
Here are some children that are going to help us in today's lesson.
We've got Jacob and Laura.
Laura and Jacob have dropped the number shapes 1 to 10.
They need to put them back in order.
So let's see.
Laura said, "I will collect the odd number shapes." Jacob said, "I will collect the even number shapes." There we are, Laura has collected the odd number shapes and Jacob has collected the even number shapes.
Do you notice anything about the shapes? Laura said, "I'm going to make a pile of odd number shapes." So she's got nine, seven, five, three, and one.
Do you notice anything about those shapes? Jacob said, "I'm going to make a pile of even number shapes." So he's got 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2.
Do you notice anything about his shapes? Laura and Jacob have noticed something about the piles they have made.
Laura said, "The odd number shapes all have an extra one at the top." So the number one, three, five, seven, and nine all have an extra block at the top.
Jacob said, "The even number shapes all have a flat top." So I've put a box around the flat top.
Can you see? All of those numbers have got a flat top.
Jacob has noticed something about the even numbers.
He said, "I can use the 2 shape to make all the even numbers." So he's going to try to use the 2 shape to make the even numbers.
So first of all, we've got the number 10.
I wonder how many of the 2 shape he will need to make the number 10.
He's used 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 groups of two to make the number 10.
Now he's going to make the number eight.
He's going to use the 2 shape again.
I wonder how many he will need.
One, two, three, four groups of two.
Now he's going to make the six number shape outta groups of two.
Do you know how many he might need? Let's count them.
One, two.
Three groups of two.
Now he's going to make the number shape four out of groups of two.
How many groups of two do you think he will need? One, two.
Two groups of two.
He managed to make all of the even numbers using the 2 shape.
Can you see they've all got a flat top? Laura tries to make the odd numbers using the 2 shape.
Do you think she's going to be able to do it only using the 2 shape? She's going to try it for the number nine.
Let's see if she can manage it.
Hmm, didn't quite work, did it? Now she's going to try the number seven.
That didn't work either.
Now she's going to try the number five.
That didn't work.
Now she's going to try the number three and finally she's going to try the number one.
She said, "I cannot use the 2 shape to make the odd numbers." Jacob said, "The odd number shapes do not have a flat top like the two." Laura and Jacob noticed something about the piles they have made.
Laura said, "Numbers that cannot be made out of groups of two are odd." So these are the odd numbers.
Jacob said, "Numbers that can be made out of groups of two are even." So here we've got the even numbers.
Laura and Jacob can show this in a different way.
Can you see the sets of odd numbers and even numbers? We can use digits to represent the numbers.
So in the odd numbers we've got one, three, five, seven, and nine.
For the even numbers we've got 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
Let's check your understanding.
Have the numbers been sorted correctly? So here we've got a set of odd numbers and a set of even numbers.
Pause the video while you have a think.
So Laura has noticed that the number eight should not be in the odd set.
Eight is made of groups of two, so it is even.
So let's move it to the even set.
Did you spot any other mistakes? Laura said, "Seven is not made of groups of two.
So it is odd." So let's move seven into the odd set.
Is that correct now? Here's a task for you to have a go at.
Even numbers can be made from groups of two.
Use the groups of two to try and make the numbers and write them into the odd and even rings.
So here we've got odd numbers and even numbers.
Can you try to put the numbers in the correct set? Pause video while you have a go at your task.
How did you get on with your task? Did you sort the numbers into the correct set? So for odd numbers we've got one, three, five, seven and nine.
For the even numbers we've got 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
Did you try to make the numbers outta groups of two? Here's the number three.
It's an odd number.
You cannot make three from groups of two.
So three is an odd number.
Let's try to make it from groups of two.
One group of two.
Two groups of two.
That doesn't make the number three, does it? Here's an even number, six.
You can make six from groups of two.
Six is an even number.
So here's the groups of two.
One group, two groups, three groups of two.
It's got a flat top, hasn't it? Let's move on to the second part of the lesson.
We'll look at odd and even patterns.
Can you see the odd and even numbers on the number line? So we're going to put a circle round the odd numbers.
We've got one, three, five, seven, and nine.
They've all got an extra block on the top so they don't have a flat top.
They can't be made of groups of two.
I'm going to put a box around the even numbers.
They've all got a flat top 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
They're all even numbers.
They can be made of groups of two.
What patterns can you see? Laura has noticed there is an even number between the odd numbers.
So the number 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
They're all even numbers and they are between the odd numbers.
Jacob has noticed that there is an odd number between the even numbers.
So we've got one, three, five, seven, and nine.
They're all odd numbers and they come between the even numbers.
Have a look at the number line now, what number is missing? Will it be odd or even? Jacob thinks the missing number is odd.
It is between two even numbers.
It was the number five.
Laura said the missing number is five.
Let's check your understanding.
What number is missing here? And will it be odd or even? Pause the video while you have a look.
What number did you think is missing? Jacob said, "The missing number is even.
It is between two odd numbers." Do you agree? Laura thinks the missing number is eight.
So she's put eight on the number line.
What do you notice about these two numbers? So here we've got the number three and the number four.
What do you notice about them? Jacob has noticed that three is odd and four is even.
Four is one more than three.
Laura said, "One more than an odd number is an even number." One more than an odd number is an even number.
So here we've got the number five and the number six.
Six is one more than five.
Does that work every time? Laura said, "One more than five is six.
Five is odd and six is even." One more than an odd number is an even number.
Jacob said, "Look at the pattern.
I can see that one more than an odd number is always an even number." So one more than one is two.
One more than three is four.
One more than five is six.
One more than seven is 8 and one more than 9 is 10.
So all of the odd numbers with a circle round, if you add one more, you end up on an even number with a box around.
One more than an even number is an odd number.
Jacob said, "I can also see that one more than an even number is always an odd number." Laura said, "One more than six is seven.
Six is an even number and seven is odd." Jacob said, "Look at the pattern.
I can see that one more than an even number is always an odd number." So one more than two is three.
One more than four is five.
One more than six is seven and one more than eight is nine.
Let's check your understanding.
What number is missing here and will it be odd or even? Pause the video while you have a think.
Jacob thinks the missing number is even.
It is one more than an odd number.
Is that what you thought? Laura said, "The missing number is four.
Four is one more than three." Let's check your understanding again.
What number is missing this time? Will it be odd or even? Pause video while you have a look.
Jacob said, "The missing number is odd.
It is one more than an even number." So it's going to be one more than six.
Laura said, "The missing number is seven.
Seven is one more than six." Is that what you thought? Here's a task for you to have a go at.
Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences with the missing numbers and the words odd and even? So Laura said, "There is an even number between the odd numbers." And Jacob said, "There is an odd number between the even numbers." So look at the number line.
There are some numbers missing and I've put A, B, C, and D where the missing numbers are.
So for the missing number A, can you fill in the stem sentence? MM is an mm number.
It is between two mm numbers.
So you've got to fill in a number on the first line and then a word odd or even on the second and third line.
Then move on to the missing number where B would be.
And then C and D.
Here's the second part of your task.
Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences with the missing numbers and the word odd or even? Laura said, "One more than an even number is an odd number." And Jacob said, "One more than an odd number is an even number." So again, we've got some missing numbers and I've put A, B, C, and D where the missing numbers are.
See if you can work out what the missing numbers are and then work out whether they are an odd or an even number and think about how do you know and how could you check? Perhaps you could use cubes or number shapes to help you.
So pause the video and have a go at your tasks.
How did you get on with your tasks? Did you fill in the gaps in the sentences with the missing numbers and the words odd or even? So for A, the missing number was two.
Two is an even number.
It is between two odd numbers.
For B, the missing number was four.
Four is an even number.
It is between two odd numbers.
For C, the missing number was seven.
Seven is an odd number.
It is between two even numbers.
Finally, D is nine.
Nine is an odd number.
It is between two even numbers.
How did you get on with that one? Here's the second part of the task.
Again, you have to fill in the missing numbers and the missing words even or odd.
So for A, the missing number is three.
One more than an even number is an odd number.
For B, the missing number is five.
One more than an even number is an odd number.
For C, the missing number is eight.
One more than an odd number is an even number.
Finally, for D, the missing number is 10.
One more than an odd number is an even number.
How did you get on with your tasks? We've come to the end of our lesson.
Today, we were explaining what odd and even numbers are and the difference between them.
This is what we found out.
Odd and even numbers alternate when we count.
That means it goes from one to the other and back again.
Between two even numbers there is an odd number.
Between two odd numbers there is an even number.
One more than an odd number is an even number and one more than an even number is an odd number.
Well done everyone.
See you next time.