
Lesson video

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Hello everyone, I'm Mrs. Cayley and I'm going to help you with your learning today.

So in today's lesson, we're going to identify the whole and the parts of the numbers 6 to 10 using the five and a bit structure.

So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.

Here's the outcome of today's lesson.

I can identify the whole and the parts of the numbers 6 to 10 in a range of different representations using the five and a bit structure.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Can you repeat them after me? My turn, partition, your turn.

My turn, whole, your turn.

My turn, part, your turn.

My turn, part-part-whole model, your turn.

Have you heard of these words before? Do you know what the words mean? So partition means we're going to split a whole into parts, into pieces, into two or more parts.

You can partition a number into two or more parts.

Whole means you've got the whole thing, you've got all of it.

It's complete and none of it is missing.

Part means you've got a piece of the whole, you've only got a small part of it because some of it is missing.

Then we've got part-part-whole model, this is a representation, a picture showing the whole in the parts.

So let's have a look at today's lesson outline.

Here's the outline of today's lesson.

We're going to identify the whole and parts of the number 6 to 10 using the five and bit structure.

First of all, we'll look at five and a bit and then we will be using a part-part-whole model.

Let's start on the first part of the lesson.

Here's some children that are going to help us in today's lesson.

We have Sam and Lucas.

Have a look at these pictures, what do you notice? They're all representations of a number.

Lucas said there are five fingers on one hand.

Can you show five fingers on one hand? Sam said there are five spots on the dice.

Lucas said there are five beads on the string.

Sam said, I can see five each time.

Did you notice that they're all representing five? We can show five in different ways.

There's lots of different ways that we could show five.

Can you think of any other ways? Let's try using our fingers.

How many fingers can you see here? We've got five and one more.

Lucas said I can see five and a bit.

Sam said there are five fingers and one more, that makes six fingers.

Five and one that makes six.

What's the whole and what are the parts? Can you try to say the stem sentence with me? Mm Is the whole.

Mm is a part and mm is a part.

So what is the whole? It's six.

Six is the whole.

And what are the parts? Five is a part and one is a part.

So six has been partitioned into five and one.

Here's a different representation of a number.

How many beads are there? Lucas said I can see five and a bit.

Can you see the five red beads? Sam said there are five beads and one more, that makes six beads.

We can see the five and a bit.

Five and one more makes six.

Let's try saying the stem sentence.

Mm is the whole.

Mm is a part and mm is a part.

So let's put some numbers in.

Six is the whole and what's the parts? Five is a part and one is a part.

Here's a different representation of a number.

How many spots are on the dice? Lucas said I can see five and a bit.

Sam said there are five spots and one more that makes six spots.

So again, we've got five and a bit.

We've got five and one that makes six.

Let's try saying the stem sentence.

What is the whole? Six is the whole.

And what are the parts? Five is a part and one is a part.

So we've shown six in lots of different ways, haven't we? Here's a representation of a different number.

How many beads are there? Lucas said I can see five and a bit.

Sam said there are five and four more.

That makes nine beads.

So we've got five and a bit.

This is five and four more, that makes nine.

Here's our stem sentence.

Should we say it together? Mm is the whole.

Mm is a part and mm is a part.

Which numbers go on the lines? So what's the whole? That's right.

Nine is the whole.

And what are the parts? Five is a part and four is a part.

So nine has been partitioned into five and four.

Here's a representation of a different number.

How many fingers can you see? Lucas said, I can see five and a bit.

Sam said there are five fingers and two more.

That makes seven fingers.

Five and two more.

That makes seven fingers.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

Mm is the whole.

Mn is a part and mm is a part.

So what's the whole? Seven is the whole and what are the parts? Five is a part and two is a part.

So seven has been partitioned into five and two.

Here's a representation of a different number.

How many spots are on the dice? Lucas said I can see five and a bit.

Sam said there are five spots and three more that makes eight spots.

So five and a bit.

We've got five and three this time, that makes eight.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

Mm is the whole.

Mm is a part and mm is a part.

So what is the whole? It's eight.

Eight is the whole and what are the parts? Five is part and three is part.

So eight has been partitioned into five and three.

We've been trying to find five and a bit in these numbers.

Sam and Lucas are finding the five in these representations.

Have a look at the representations here.

We've got some fingers, cubes, beads, and dice.

Can you see the five in all of those representations? So on the cubes we've got five and one and I've put a ring around five of the cubes.

For the hands, we've got five and three.

I've put a ring round the five.

For the beads, we've got five and two, so I've put a ring around five of the beads.

And for the dice, we've got five and four and I've put a ring around five spots.

Sam has noticed they all have five and a bit and Lucas has noticed they all have a different bit.

So the bit was one for the cubes, two for the beads, three for the fingers, and four on the dice.

Let's check your understanding.

Can you show your fingers and say the sentence? So copy the fingers there.

We've got five and one more, that makes six.

Let's say the sentence together.

Six is the whole.

Five is a part and one is a part.

Now we've got seven fingers, can you show seven fingers? Can you say the stem sentence with me? Seven is the whole.

Five is a part and two is a part.

Let's show eight fingers.

Can you say the stem sentence with me? Eight is the whole.

Five is part and three is a part.

Can you show nine fingers? Can you say the stem sentence with me? Nine is the whole.

Five is a part and four is a part.

Can you show 10 fingers? Let's say the stem sentence together.

10 is the whole.

Five is a part and five is a part.

Well done.

All of the hands that we showed had five and a bit.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you find the five in each of these representations? Put a ring around the five in each representation and complete the stem sentence for each number.

The stem sentences are, mm, is the whole.

Five is a part and mm is a part.

So look at the three representations and see if you can find the five and the other part.

You could try this with fingers or with other objects, cubes or counters or beads to check your answers.

So pause the video and have a go at your task.

How did you get on with your task? Did you put a ring around the five in each representation and complete the stem sentence for each number? So in the first one, we had six fingers, so we've got five and one more.

I've put a ring around five fingers.

So six is the whole.

Five is a part and one is a part.

Let's look at the dice.

I can see we've got seven spots.

We've got five and two more.

So seven is the whole.

Five is a part and two is a part.

Then on the beads, I can see we've got eight beads.

We've got five and three more beads.

So eight is the whole.

Five is a part and three is a part.

Did you try this with some other objects? Let's move on to the second part of the lesson.

We'll be using a part-part-whole model.

Objects can be partitioned into two or more parts.

Here's a part-part-whole model showing the whole and two parts that it's been partitioned into.

Lucas is saying a stem sentence that we can use.

Mm is the whole.

Mm is a part and mm is a part.

Numbers can be partitioned into two or more parts.

This can be shown on a part-part-whole model.

So here we've got some fingers.

How many fingers are there? That's right, there are seven fingers.

Seven can be partitioned into five and two more.

So let's try it on a part-part-whole model.

Can you see the seven fingers in the whole? And then we partitioned it into five and two.

So seven fingers was the whole.

Five is a part and two is a part.

Let's try saying the stem sentence.

Seven is the whole.

Five is a part and two is a part.

So seven can be partitioned into five and two.

Here's a different representation of a number.

Numbers can be partitioned into two or more parts.

This can be shown on a part-part-whole model.

How many spots are on the dice? It's eight spots on the dice.

And I can see we've got five and three spots.

So we can partition eight into five and three.

And look at the part-part-whole model.

We can put the numbers in.

Eight can be partitioned into five and three.

Let's try saying the stem sentence.

Eight is the whole.

Five is a part and three is a part.

So eight can be partitioned into five and three.

Here's a different representation of a number.

This time, we've got some beads.

How many beads are there? That's right, we've got nine beads, I can see five red beads and four white beads.

Nine can be partitioned into five and four.

I can see on the part-part-whole model that we've got nine as the whole.

Five as a part and four as a part.

Let's try saying the stem sentence.

Nine is the whole.

Five is a part and four is a part.

So nine can be partitioned into five and four.

Let's check your understanding.

Which part-part-whole model represents the beads shown here? Pause the video while you think about it.

That's right, it was the last part-part-whole model.

We've got eight has been partitioned into five and three.

I can see five red beads and three white beads.

Let's check your understanding again.

Which image represents the part-part-whole model? Is it the fingers, the dice or the beads? Pause the video while you have a think.

That's right, it was the was the dice.

I can see seven has been partitioned into five and two.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you complete the part-part-whole models to match the numbers? So I can see we've got some cubes.

There are six cubes and we're going to partition them into five and a bit.

Then we've got some beads, we've got seven beads.

We're going to partition that into five and a bit.

Then we've got eight on the dice and we're going to partition that into five and a bit more.

And finally, we've got nine on the fingers and we're going to partition that into five and a bit.

Here's the second part of your task.

Can you complete this? So each has a picture, stem sentence and a part-part-whole model.

So I can see we've got some representations of numbers there and we're going to partition them into five and a bit.

On the last one, you need to draw your own representation for six and partition it into five and a bit.

You could try this with real objects as well or your fingers.

So pause the video and have a go at your tasks.

How did you get on with your tasks? Did you complete the part-part-whole models to match the numbers? So the first one we had some cubes.

Six has been partitioned into five and one.

The second one we had the beads.

Seven can be partitioned into five and two.

Then we had the dice.

Eight can be partitioned into five and three.

Finally, we had the fingers.

Nine can be partitioned into five and four.

How did you get on with that one? Here's the second part of your task.

Did you complete the stem sentences and the part-part-whole models? So first of all, we had seven.

Seven can be partitioned into five and two.

Then we had nine.

Nine can be partitioned into five and four.

And finally we had six.

Six can be partitioned into five and one.

What did you draw to show six? We come to the end of our lesson where we were identifying the whole and parts of the numbers 6 to 10 using the five and a bit structure.

This is what we found out.

Numbers can be partitioned into two or more parts.

The numbers 6 to 10 can be partitioned into five and a bit.

A part-part-whole model can be used to represent the five and a bit structure.

Well done everyone, see you next time.