
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Dr.

Shorrock and I'm really excited to be learning with you today.

We are gonna have great fun as we move through this learning together.

Welcome to today's lesson called, "Anything Can Be Counted".

This is part of our unit on counting, recognising and comparing numbers zero to 10.

And today we're gonna learn that we can count anything, including sounds and actions.

How can we count sounds and actions? Well, we will be exploring this together as we move through the learning today.

These are the words that we are going to use throughout our lesson today.

We've got count, we've got how many.

So my turn, count, your turn.

My turn, how many, your turn.


So listen out for those words as we move through the learning.

So today anything can be counted.

We're gonna think about counting objects, that's where we're gonna start our learning and then we will have a think about how do we count those sounds and action.

In this lesson, we will meet Lucas, Sam, Jacob, and Andeep.

These are the characters who are gonna help us with our learning today.

I'm sure you may already be aware that we can count objects.

I'm gonna show you an image here.

I wonder what you can count.

So what can you count? You may like to pause the video here to give yourself time to count.

Okay, shall we see what our characters counted? Let's have a look.

We've got Sam, I can count three cats.

Wonder if you can see where those three cats are.

That's right, there are three cats, there are three black cats.

And we've got Lucas.

Lucas counted dogs, I can count two dogs, 1, 2.

You see them there in white.

What about Andeep? What do you think he counted? Hmm.

Ah, Andeep counted five animals.

Should we have a look? So with animals, we need to count the cats and the dogs.

Let's have a look, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

There are five animals, and we have learned that the number I say at the end is the total number, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

There are five animals.

Well done if you answered three cats, two dogs, or five animals.

I'm going to show you another image now.

What can you count here? You might like to pause the video.

What did you count? Like Laura here I can count three dice.

Did you count those dice? 1, 2, 3.

There are three of them.

Jacob, ooh, I can count eight spots on the dice.

Can you see those eight spots? We've got four on the first dice.

We've got another one, that's four, five.

And then we can count on from five the other three dots.

5, 6, 7, 8.

So they're eight spots on the dice.

Well done if you got that correct.

So I'd just like to check your understanding now.

I've got you an image here and I'd like you to have a go at completing the sentences.

I can count mm dice.

I can count mm spots on the dice.

Pause the video and then press play when you are ready.

Okay, how did you get on? Shall we check your answers? Okay, I can count four dice, 1, 2, 3, 4.

I can count eight spots on the dice.

We've got four on the first one we can count on, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Eight spots on the dice.

Well done if you've got those correct.

Time for you to practise now.

Your first task here about counting objects, firstly I'd like to complete the sentences about the image that you can see.

I can count mm cats, I can count mm dogs and I can count mm animals.

That's your first task.

So for the second part of your task today, I would like to try this activity a few times with a partner.

I want you to label yourselves A and B.

So one of you in this case, Jacob is A.

And the second of you, is B.

Partner A, I want you to choose some objects.

So Jacob here is choosing some cubes.

Partner B, I want you to count them and tell partner A how many there are.

So Andeep has said 1, 2, 3, there are three cubes.

And then see if you agree with each other.

If you do, brilliant, well done.

If you've got a different number to each other, I want you both to have a go at counting the objects again.

Shall we see how you got on? Okay, for the first task, you had to complete the sentences.

So did you get this? I can count four cats.

There they are, four black cats, 1, 2, 3, 4.

And I can count two dogs, there they are in white, 1, 2, and then I can count six animals.

There are six animals in total.

You've got four cats and two dogs.

Four and two more, 4, 5, 6 animals in total.

And for your second activity, maybe you tried something like this.

We've got, Jacob has chosen some pens.

I chose some pens and Andeep counted them, 1, 2, 3, 4, got four pens.

They had a chat about it and they agreed.

Okay, let's progress our learning together.

Anything can be counted.

We've looked now at counting objects and we're gonna move on now to thinking about how do we count sounds and actions? Let's have a learn together, shall we? We can also count sounds.

I'm gonna play some claps, and I wonder how many claps you can count.

So how many claps do you hear? Let's listen together very carefully.

(hands clapping) Okay, I wonder if you can show me with your fingers how many claps you heard.

Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, show me.

Let's see if we agree.

Did you get six? Sam is saying I counted six claps.

Well done, if you've got six.

I wonder, how did you count those claps? Maybe pause the video and tell someone how you counted that sound.

Because it wasn't an object, it was a sound.

How did you count the claps? Did you say the number words in order, maybe out loud or in your head? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Or maybe you use your fingers to represent each clap, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I know I did, I was nodding, and that's how I helped count the claps.

I'm gonna play the claps again, and I wonder if you can either use your fingers or say those number words in your head, ready for to help you count the claps.

Are you ready? (hands clapping) There we go.

I used my fingers that time and I got six claps.

Okay, should we try with a different sound? Shall we see if we can hear and count how many coins are being dropped? So let's listen really carefully and see how many coins we can count being dropped.

You might like to use your fingers each time you hear the noise or you might like to say the number words in order in your head.

Are you ready? Let's hear them.

(coins clinking) I wonder how many you heard being dropped.

Maybe you could show me with your fingers.


Lucas agrees I counted four coins being dropped.

Well done.

Now we're gonna think about counting actions.

So physical actions, things that we can do.

So I could tap my head, and we could count how many taps of my head I do.

So I wonder if you can think of any physical actions that we could count.

You might like to pause the video and have a think, or tell somebody else an action that you could do that we could count.

Okay, I wonder what you thought about.

Maybe we could count these actions, we could tap our knees.

Maybe you could do that with me.

You can't see but I'm tapping my knees.

That's it.

Maybe we could nod our heads.

Could you nod your head with me? That's it, well done.

We could take giant steps around where we are and count how many steps we're doing.

I wonder if you thought of any of those, or if you've thought of any other actions that we could count.

Shall we have a go? Okay, I'm going to nod my head like this.

And I want you to have a go at counting how many times I nod my head.

So when we were counting sounds, we had to listen to the number of noises that we heard.

Now you're going to have to look to see how many times I do the action.

So this time it's going to be me nodding my head.

Okay, are you ready? Let's go.


How many times did I nod my head? Can you show me with your fingers? That's it.

I nodded my head eight times.

Now we didn't hear any noises then, so we couldn't count the sounds and we had no objects that we could move or point to.

So I wonder how you counted my head nodding, how many times my head nodded.


Maybe as I nodded, you said the number words in order, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Or maybe you used your fingers.

Okay, so we've got two strategies that we could use there to help us count actions.

Shall we have another go? Okay, this time I'm going to tap my head, and I wonder if you can tell me how many times I'm tapping my head.

So remember, maybe each time I tap you could say a number word in order for 1, 2, 3, you could say those number words in order or you could raise a finger each time I tap my head, so.

And at the end, if you've got three fingers up, you know I have tapped three times.

'Cause remember the last number we say when we're counting is to tell us is how many.

Okay, are you ready? I'm going to tap my head, and I want you to look very carefully and be able to tell me how many times I have tapped my head.

Are you ready? Okay, here we go.

How many times was that? I wonder if you can show me with your fingers.

Yes, fantastic.

I tapped my head seven times, well done.

Should we do it once more? What should we do this time? I know, this time I am going to tap my nose.

Okay? So get ready to count how many taps I do, remember, each tap you could put a finger up or you could say the number words aloud or in your head.

Are you ready? Here we go.

Okay, did you get that? I tell you what, shall we check your answer by doing it again? Are you ready to check and see if you get the same number? Here we go.

Okay, are you ready to show me with your fingers how many taps of my nose that I did? Okay, show me.

That's right, fantastic.

I tapped my nose five times.

So you can see that we can count actions as well as counting sounds and objects.

So it's time to have a check now and check that you have remembered how we can count the number of coins we hear being dropped.

Are you ready to listen? And remember, either use your fingers or say the number words in order in your head.

(coins clinking) Okay, this time I wonder if you can go and find someone and say this sentence to them, I counted mm drops.

So pause the video and tell someone how many drops of those coins you heard.

Okay, shall we check? I counted nine drops.

Well done if you counted nine drops.


Okay, time for you to have a practise now and I have an activity that I'd like you to share and try with a partner.

So I would like one of you to call yourselves person A and the other one, person B.

So Laura here is person A, and we've got Jacob, who is person B.

I would like person A to choose a card and perform an action or a sound to match the number shown on the card.

So for example, if Laura chooses this card, it has five spots on it.

So she will either do an action or a sound five times.

So maybe she might tap her nose, five times.

Then the second person, person B is going to count how many sounds or actions are being made.

So Jacob was count how many.

So these are the cards that you're going to have to use for this activity.

And you can see each card has a picture on it that represents a number, and that is the number of times that you should make a sound or action for person B then to count.

Okay, shall we see how you got on? So you might have done something like this, Laura chose a dice with the number four on it or four spots, and she picked this card and she clapped four times and Jacob counted four claps.

They talked to each other and they decided that they agreed.

Okay, so well done for the learning today, we have learned that anything can be counted, objects can be counted, but so can sounds and actions be counted.

When we count sounds and actions, it's a little bit different because we can't point to them or move them, but we can use our fingers when we hear or see something or we can say the number words in order in our heads.